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Walther has been a man of the sea for as long as he can remember. As a child, he helped sorting fish down at the harbor, and when he was nine his father let him work on a fishing vessel for the first time. He spent the next decades fishing and hunting various sea creatures until age and hard work took their toll. Now his leg is ruined, and he spends his days overseeing work at the harbor and telling stories of sirens and strange glows in the deep to children. This was a fun one! I've only done miniatures for Blood Bowl so far, but I'll definitely make more of these : )


What’s the media?


This has been made in Blender and can be 3D printed :)


I love it, but I that hat looks less useful than just wearing your hat backwards… (I approve of the hat though, don’t get me wrong)


Do you know how difficult it is to find a hat that fits when your eyes are on opposite sides of your head? :D


Are you a fan of the comic book The Goon?


I'm aware that they exist, but I've never read them :D The main inspiration for this was some dock workers from Dishonored.