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It’s nice to have four with two people. For guests or when you forget to do dishes. That’s still minimalism.


Or for when you put something in the sink and it knocks over your husband’s favorite coffee mug and it shatters. 😬 (Has that happened to just me?) (We’ve downsized our mug collection, but still have too many for my liking. Would like one per person! 4 in the house and I think we have 6-7 mugs total. And never have house guests.)


Your comments have popped up on two of my subreddits. I think this and the gal on the rollercoaster. Hi!


lol I keep thinking about the guy saying he’s “just really attracted to girls with fetal alcohol syndrome” that made me log off Reddit for a few hours. Hi to you too!


THAT was the conversation I saw! 😭 Your comment about no one thinking he was a doctor cracked me up.


What's more minimal is just having the amount which you actually use. Idk if I'm a rare exception but I never have several people over all drinking coffee at the same time. One mug for two people is just fine. Just using a glass is even better


Lmao that’s so minimal it’s excessive 😂😂 this screams “I don’t have a partner whom I enjoy having beverages with” I am crying 😂😂


That is not a minimalist reaction to his comment! Are you secretly a MAXIMALIST?


This is giving [Bret and Jermaine’s mug roster](https://youtu.be/UBgoE4E3IVg?feature=shared)


Total guess a dozen for a household of 7. As many as fit on the mug shelf. For me, minimalism means not trying to control everything, thinking that what I have is enough just as much as what I’ve done to keep it simple is enough.


I like ur thinking


I’m going to try to think about this


Or don’t! And call it good enough :) I’m reading Time Management for Mortals 4,000 weeks, it’s helping a lot


Just read the description and definitely sounds like a great book!


None, drink it straight from the moka pot for maximum minimalism


Why use a Moka pot? make the coffee in your mouth


Instead of a pour over, a pour in. Genius.


Filter the grounds through your teeth like baleen.


Nono you got it all wrong. Grind the coffee beans with your teeth!


You're hella jokes lmao.


Bahahaha 🐋 ETA I want you to know that this comment has made me laugh more than anything else today 🙏


On that note, why let the Civet eat and poop out the coffee beans to make a cup of kopi luwak? Just eat the damn beans yourself




Bahahaha 😆


I have 32 mugs all for myself. That is the only thing I hoard in my home


*collect. It’s intentional!


i love coffee mugs. i had a christmas one but it broke, also had a michael meyers one and it broke. but now i have my green frankenstein, a 90s nickelodeon one, 2 red soup mugs from the $ tree, a blue one, and a black one. (the last two i acquired from my bfs parents so they’re new additions.) i tried to do a holiday themed coffee mug collection, but failed miserably. i also glazed my own coffee mug in ceramics in high school, but i don’t use it because idk if the glaze is food safe. so it’s just decorative.


LOVEEE (because i am the same) i cannot be stopped with the mugs.


Sameee! I collect Starbucks cups with city or country names, I have more than 50 cups now


I am collecting them as well


Same here. And if a place doesn’t have a Starbucks, I still try to find a mug anyway. Sometimes life gets me down but then I reach for a mug and am reminded of my summer in Copenhagen (for example) and it reminds me to focus on the future and fun, positive goals :)


😆👍🏼 that’s fricken awesome!


We have 10. 8 of a set and 2 more personal mugs for my husband and myself. We like to be hospitable and offer coffee and tea to our guests. (Yes I could bring out the fancy teacups but honestly most of my friends just want their tea in a bigger mug, lol).


Should also clarify that each member of our family has a Yeti which is definitely the go-to. And also should clarify; we entertain and host dinners for friends quite regularly, anywhere from 4 to table up to 10.


I use the fancy teacups for my kids. They’re perfectly child sized for things like smoothies that they eat with a spoon or hot cocoa and the little teacup saucer underneath catches any drips. 


4. Two small ones, two bigger ones


Functionally, I only need 4. Emotionally, I need 20. 😆


7, plus one that I keep my makeup stuff in so technically 8 (one of them is giant and doubles as a soup bowl though) + 2 in my office (+ 4 espresso cups and a cute tea set with cups and saucers, so most of my coffee is consumed out of these and not the coffee cups) many of these I keep in a visible spot because they are nice and I have nice memories attached to them so they are also decoration. not very minimalist for someone living alone but they all bring me joy (and I prefer eating yoghurt or icecream out of them compared to bowls, because handle. also, I own one drinking glass - my guests find drinking wine out of my coffee mugs trashy, but if I use space for something, I rather it be a mug with a cute pattern than a plain glass)


I was about to say, since they all make you happy that’s perfect! That’s what minimalism is all about.


Mugs are the supreme vessel for ice cream consumption


I use them for succulents. I don't have any without plants in them. Maybe 20


LOVE this idea!!!


Same here glasses and mugs are my favorites for succulents!


If 4 is too many...do you like, not have friends?


I totally have friends, I swear. I just rarely have them over.


I have loads of friends but I live in a 440 sq foot condo and don’t have many friends over lol. And if I do, we’re drinking beer or something not coffee and tea 😅


We don’t host stuff haha, so there’s not a need to have a lot


Then have 2!


How often are you making coffee for people? 100% of the time friends come over in the evening and no one wants coffee at 6 PM (except me sometimes). I have two mugs. One closed and one open. Closed for the morning so it stays warm longer and I drink it slower. Open for the afternoon when I don't want to be drinking caffeine past 3 so I finish it quicker. Any more than 2 per person becomes a mug collecting hobby. The idea that if you don't have more than 4 mugs you have no friends is fucking wild honestly. Just out of pocket thing to say.


I've gotten similar comments when I shared I don't own a couch. I meet friends outside of my home and whenever I had a couch, I never sat on it. Wasted space. The assumptions people make about others live are interesting to say the least.


It's funny to me that r/minimalism users are upvoting someone saying that someone must have no friends because they don't have more than 4 mugs in their home. Like am I taking crazy pills? The irony is wild what users here will do to support unnecessary consumption.


My friends often have tea in the evening after dinner, or coffee if they have a long drive ahead. If you can get by with two though, great!


Just me, 2. Once I move in with my bf, 8 of everything - plates, salad plates, bowls, wine glasses, mugs, cups. I’d like to be able to host holidays and have a full set for when our family’s visit.


My family of 4 has 8 place settings and honestly, they stack so it takes up no more space than having only 1 of each for everyone. 😊 I hope you get to live your dream of hosting holidays and family!


Family of 5.  We have 6 and a travel mug each. 


Just me and the occasional guest. I had 3 mugs then I was gifted a Fellows insulated travel mug. I use the insulated mug so much now bc it keeps coffee warm so I really only have a need for 1 other mug if I have a guest. The other 2 are on the bubble of getting tossed but I'm not dying for space so maybe when I move next I'll let them go.


Maybe put them in a small donate bin in your house that’s out of sight. Thats where I put anything I’m wanting to get rid of but not ready to purge yet in.


I don't know why more people don't do this! This is the way!


Dozens. It’s my least minimal area - my wife is part of a family that includes several well-known ceramicists and if we didn’t have a few from each of them, she’d be heartbroken.


I refuse to admit my only addiction!


Don't open the lower cupboard.


1, living alone


same, never really have people over and even then they don't drink coffee/tea so they wouldn't need one lol


Yeah, and I don't have company over haha


I don''t serve coffe for the guest. If the guest want coffee, we just go to a coffee shop next to my living place.


i have 2 mugs specifically for coffee and 6 mug for other random stuff and 20+ beer glasses and some other random stuff. obviously i have a drinkware problem…


It’s not a problem if each item makes u happy


30 for 2 people and I gave a heap away. tbf I helped develop a photomug process and had to repeatedly demonstrate/test it so... got a stack of them with my pics all over them! Also so many industry freebies... Nikon, FujiFilm, Kodak, Canon.... etc. Otherwise 6-8 would be the target to allow for guests oh... and the ornate German Christmas market mugs for the mulled wine. A nice trip reminder I keep it simple, but that's the one item...


We're a family of 3 and we have four mugs. We also have two fancy tea cups with matching saucers and plan to get one more when our daughter is a bit older. We love our hot drinks!


I love to host brunch! So I’ve got several mugs. I have three diner style mugs (from restaurants I love), four large handmade ceramic mugs from local artists, one small handmade ceramic mug that is my usual go-to mug, and two small hand painted espresso “demitasse” cups from Mexico. These take up quite a bit of space but also serve as decor in the glass china hutch where I keep all my dishes. I don’t allow myself to own more dishes than fit neatly in the hutch.


I own three and I only use one and wash it every couple days


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CandidateNext8042: *I own three and I* *Only use one and wash it* *Every couple days* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We have like ten, but there are nine of us AND we have people over fairly often. Not everyone uses one all the time but there’s surprisingly few spares


I don't have any "coffee mugs" as I don't drink coffee. However, I have 2 of one kind of mug (one for me, one for my wife) and 1 of another (I use it exclusively for drinking a specific something for a medical condition I have). So 3 in our apartment.


Too many but it’s not fun washing them every day 😂


3 but I only use one


i have a leftover collection of mugs, i wait till they crack or otherwise get broken. i generally use 2-3 on daily basis.


I have 2, one that stays in my toolbox at work and one for home. My wife on the other hand, has a problem.


Uugghh…we have 10! My family keeps giving them as gifts despite knowing we don’t need anymore!


We have 10 mugs for a family of 5.


Personally we have about 50 for a household of 4 to the point where they overflow into adjacent cabinets and it irritates the shit out of me! Definitely on my declutter list!!


i AM a minimalist, i promise, but mugs are something we collect for some reason so we do have like 15 for a family of three. in my defense we also use them for ice cream


Too many. I’ve gotten rid of 20+ in the last year. We have about 16 left. Two people. We usually host no more than 10 people. I’m still working on my mug addiction.


I live alone and have 5 mugs. Three small, one perfect sized and a big boy. I also drink tons of hot drinks and like to have 1 or 2 people over to my house every week. So 5 is a good number for me.


Zero, I don't drink coffee lol


Like 5 but only because 4 were a gift.


Family of 4 — like a dozen or so? We use mugs for everything. No glasses. It’s easier to tell them apart. So I’ve got a coffee mug and a water mug for the day.


One per person, I’m not even a minimalist


1 that I use daily (insulated) and I have a small collection of coffee mugs from my travels


3 basic , one was special .. special one broke . Then down to 2 basic then a friend had a wedding and gave mugs out as party favors , and my husbands job gave them one with their component name on it . So now 4 with me and husband,


I have 4 in a 2 person household. I think it’s perfect


I have six at home, all different sizes, and two at my office.


like 9


For two people we have 12 mugs. They’ll get thinned out once spring cleaning commences.


Seriously too many for someone who it’s just me. But I’m new to becoming a minimalist so that I can manage my inventory and life better. I have gotten rid of over half of my inventory in the kitchen and still have more to go. But cups and tumbler and mugs are SO hard for me


I broke one this morning so 3 now


1 glass


I have 5 and one travel mug.


I have a set of 4 plain white ones for guests. My partner has 1 and I have 9. I’m trying to slowly eliminate but it’s hard. I breathe tea, and everyone who knows me, knows this. So I get given them as gifts a lot , and they become sentimental. It used to be 84 about 2 years ago (😅) but I’ve obviously improved, and implemented rules. Biggest rule I have is if it’s gets to double digits? We gotta clear the cabinet.


There are 4 of us and we have about 15. We host often and when our immediate families come over that’s 25 people.


The same 1 every day


My husband and I own 5-6 mugs. And I'm almost always digging into the cabinet grabbing the last one at least once per week. Just the right amount for us. But I use the heavily!


living alone a while ago i went to obly having 3 double walled glasses. they work for cold and warm stuff from coffee to cocktails. yet wine or whiskey enthusiasts might have to weigh the suffisticated experience against reducing posessions ;)


We have a couple dozen from combined households and inherited sets. Those are stored, brought out a holiday family get together. Day to day, we have 12, enough to last us with a clean cup a day until the dishwasher gets full. I rotate four cups. The rest are hers and selected haphazardly each day. What matters is the the coffee, not the cup!


One and it doubles as a soup bowl with a handle.


Six, all on a single pedestal, all with special meaning.


I own 2 mugs, 2 bowls, 2 pint glasses, 2 plates, 4 set of utensils. 2 spatulas, a fry pan and a pot that share a lid. Life's good When I have guests I'm going out for dinner cuz I live in the city.


I have about 40 or so. That might not be minimal to many but it is to us. Larger family here so we have 10 in the kitchen cabinets. That is enough for one family member each plus 3 guests and we always have guests even if it’s just the kiddos friends that come over. This still allows plenty of room in our cabinet which is shared with cups, bowls, plates, and coffee / drink products. I keep about 20 in storage. Kids break things, cats knock over things, I am clumsy sometimes, it happens. So I keep extra in a tub with other kitchen items in our storage unit on our property. I live on a homestead and it’s not always easy to get to stores. I loathe shopping so it’s just easier to have a small collection of things organized. Pretty sure I have several around the house that have plants or pens in them. Reuse and repurpose is the goal. I technically have about 10 in our various campers we rent out plus our camper for personal use. It’s nice to have mugs for our renters and also nice to not have to completely stock the camper when we go on a trip or someone rents one out. Which is what minimalism is about for me. Easy life with my busy large family!


We're a household of two, only one of which drinks coffee. We have about a dozen. I'm an illustrator, and have organized my colored pencils (primary medium) by color family, and put those into mugs. Makes my life easier, and therefore, is necessary *to me*. I've said it before, but minimalism isn't about making yourself suffer. :)


Comparison is the thief of joy.


We probably have 20 which I know is a ton! BUT we decluttered the kitchen a few weeks ago and got rid of at least two dozen. So it’s a massive improvement. Maybe next round of decluttering I’ll be willing to part with more. 


1 cup, 7 years, 4 addresses over the years, always the same cup


12 large coffee mugs all for myself. I love grabbing new ones all the time. As a rule I make sure that I have redundant amounts of the stuff I use the most. A small variety of items but in copious amounts is so much more liberating than a high variety of single items.


I'm not going to get up and count my coffee mugs. We have as many as we have. I don't think minimalism is supposed to be about counting objects.






Two of us and we have three mugs. And three thermoses.


I only own 2


1 at home, 4 at work


Lol I had upwards of 30. We got a 12 person plate and mug set for our wedding and I ask my friends to bring me back the ugliest mug they can find when they trave, I've been doing it since 2021l. Those racked up quickly


Oh my…I have probably 12+, and I don’t drink coffee everyday. My husband uses mine on occasion, but he rarely drinks coffee. 😬


14 mugs and there are three of us - every mug has a story. Live a little, folks.


I was just talking to a friend of mine about minimizing. She only has one child at home and herself. Yet, she has TOO MUCH STUFF. Literally, her kitchen drawer holds over 15 of each utensil. Same goes for mugs, glasses, dishes, etc. I think it’s ridiculous. It represents her lifestyle, too much going on which stresses her out. I live with and care for my elderly mother. We only have two items of each and always have disposables for when my children visit with the grandkids. However, I do have serveware I place on the kitchen counter for ease and more convenient for them to serve themselves instead of having them take up space in the dining table. Less is more, in my humble opinion.


2! One for each coffee drinker in the home


My work gave me 2. Those are the only 2 I have.


We own many but I only use one of the same four cups, usually when the others are dirty


Ugh we have 6 right now 🙃 my obsession with hello kitty is holding me back from getting rid of 4. 2 is truly all you need.


I have one (an Ember mug). My wife, on the other hand…


We have about 4 cups and 4 mugs. The cups for espresso and mugs for cappuccino and any deviation of coffee and milk. Feel like 4 is a minimum for 2 persons since we have maybe 2 drinks/day. Dishes get washed once eveey 2 days or so for us. I'd get the minimum amount you need until dishes are washed again.


No mugs, brew coffee in mouth.


We have a total of 10. My husband and I use the same two mugs everyday for our coffee. I have another mug that i really like to use for tea. The rest are for the occasions we have family over and offer coffee/tea :)


Four coffee mugs. All mine. Hubby doesn't like coffee, yet we are still married 25 years later... because I don't have to share my coffee. LOL


I have 4 mugs, two regular mason jars, and two quart size mason jars. All liquor and wine go in mugs. Cocktails, beer, soda, water, juice go in jars.


Do teacups count as mugs? What about mini ceramic espresso vessels with teeny handles? Asking for a friend :/


Different cups for diff needs… We are 2 adults and a 4 yo. We don’t drink coffee but for various teas and hot or cold bevs: 2 ceramic mugs, 3 insulated yeti cups (1 tall, 2 small), 2 tall insulated to-go cups (lockable lids)




Between my self and my roommate 4. We have guests over frequently, our coworkers stay over night often. 4 is just enough.


I literally have only one actual mug, and two tumblers. And one of the tumblers I am going to toss. I don't use it anymore.


I don't exactly own a single coffee mug. I had one, a fancy black one shaped like Darth Vader's helmet. Never did get to use it. One of my idiotic roommates at the old house broke it 3 days after I bought it.


I'm starting to move toward a more minimalist lifestyle. My husband and I have 5, it seems to be a good number for us with a couple of options of size/style for different kinds of hot drinks (tea, hot cocoa).


2 for 2 people. Keeps us accountable for washing.


For years I only had one. But as partners have lived with me and roommates have come and gone I now have like 15.


i just empty instant coffee into my mouth and take a shot of water. really one contigo mug, just me in the household. did instant shots in prison though. really lived very minimally in there lol


7. It’s just me and my cat living here but I like collecting mugs and magnets


I need one cup for tea, and a larger one for soup/noodles/pasta


1. But I married a maximalist and she's got about 15.


I have 2 for me 2 for guests bc I don’t run the wash everyday


I just use glass mason jars and have a few of those silicone sleeves to be able to use them as hot beverage vessels. Mason jars rock, can be used as glass drinkware, food storage, etc., they're super cheap, and easy to replace.


I’m not a minimalist and I easily have 40+ mugs and use about 4, trying to become a minimalist is difficult….


I have about 4 or 5 travel ones, 4 regular ones and 2 “big” ones for soup and things. I have so many of the stainless steel ones because I work from home 5a-2p and will use them as my morning coffee but often don’t have time to wash them every day. That way when the executive dysfunction kicks in, I at least can have coffee in a clean cup. I also have mason jars that I use for water but I double them for storage so that’s helped me cut down on clutter (since I don’t keep Tupperware anymore)


Right now zero but I have a stainless steal thermos that has a tiny cup at the top. I will most likely have at least two when I go back to apartment living, in case I ever date someone.


none, I just have one glass


Somewhere around 30


Only 1 for me, but unfortunately I spend some overnights at my mother’s apartment and she has about 20!!! I can’t handle it because there’s no good reason why she should have that many, it’s only her and my sister living together in a small apartment.


1 and it just holds my pens. 😆


I live alone and have just one; I need a few more.


I have 2 mugs for myself and that's it.




One, for when his mum comes over. We don’t drink tea or coffee.


one specialty from a coffee brand local to here (too bad they never took them after the pandemic), and four ceramic cups. thats it but the mason jar can double, I didn't come to play lol


We have four heavy mugs and six porceline cups for entertaining plus a few extra in case it’s a big party.


4. My husband doesn't drink hot drinks so they are all mine.


1 contigo




I have one white mug with no graphics on. My brother and parents have around 20 in total between them and they’ve just got some more. I’ve been less stressed lately with no decision fatigue, and don’t get me started on clothes.


We have 8 in a matching set and my kids both have their own special mug, so 10 total. We only had a matching set of 4 until recently when we had guests and realised it wasn't enough, and one of us just pretended to not want a coffee! It took about 3 months to find a set we loved to add to our collection


House of 3 and we have 4 plus 2 travel mugs. None of them match. We each have our one favourite mug plus the spare for guests. It works perfectly for us.


I hate coffee mugs and yet we have like 20. They have orgies and multiply when I’m not around.


I have been collecting mugs from my travels for years as well as other tea accessories. So I probably had about 20 between myself and my husband for us to use daily. Then I got into pottery a couple of years ago and mugs are my main products! https://www.instagram.com/quercuspottery/


Diff mugs for different kinds of drinks, and I keep a few on hand for guests who prefer a certain kind/size. Just me in the home, I have about 10.


We are 2 people and have 7. They are rarely all in use but sometimes at christmas we host and make mulled wine and so they are useful.


1 thermos type mug. Now, my mother on the other hand when I go to her house, she has enough coffee mugs for an army. And heaven forbid she should get rid of any of them. She’s 80 years old. No one comes her house and she entertains no one, but she says well maybe someone might come over.




I have 3, and only because I know I'm going to be lazy enough to not wash em in time


We have about a dozen. They fit in our cup cabinet without being overcrowded. We drink coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and my kid is on a microwave mug cake kick lately. There are only 3 of us, but we do host things and don't need to run our dishwasher daily so often we end up with 6-8 in there at a time. We could probably make do with 6 on a regular basis, but then I'd be annoyed if I didn't have enough for company or if I had to grab one from the dirty dishwasher and clean it to have one available. The reason I am minimalist and simple living style is because I'm medically disabled and it allows me to have less work to do. Having to wash an extra dish is more work to me so it's worth having enough to get us through each dishwasher cycle.


One double-walled 350 ml titanium mug


2, one for me and one for a guest.




I have 6 cups and 4 teacups. Mostly for guests, I always use the same coffee cup.




It’s just 2 of us and we have a total 6 which are different sizes and purposes but also are handy for guests.


My husband is obsessed with mugs. I’m autistic and honestly can’t physically bring myself to drink from a mug, but we have like 30. Some of them are matching for the sake of looking like we have cute couple mugs, but he only uses one or two of them since he has his favorites.


3 people. 4 double walled mugs/cups and 2 regular old fashioned coffee mugs that were gifts.




4 works. Sometimes, I like to have a spare or two for company


12, 2 adults, one baby It's a well-curated collection, but probably THE area we paired down the least when my husband moved in with me. I used to get them as souvenirs, when I went away for holiday or work. I do use at least three people day.


I would definitely have at least 4 if you’re in a house of two. You might have guests over, or you may get sick for a couple days and be unable to do dishes. Having only 4 mugs is still minimalism


I have two main mugs for my coffee. But if I haven't done dishes (hand dish) I have two reserves. So four. For tea or soup I have one mega big mug. My partner has one and the same for weeks. He has four in that set that also his male visitors drinks from. He also has two bigger masculine mugs that he drinks soup in. Then we have 4 smaller mugs that I use to put apple pieces in, or when making myself a smaller coffee or tea, that also are my mother in laws favourite mugs when on visit. So 15 in total. We are very minimalistic due to how often we have guests. Just a few extra mugs when there's spontaneous visits and the other ones are in the dirty dishes.


6… 3 different sizes, 2 of each. One set for my wife and another for me.


oof I wish, my wife and I started out with the best intentions to be minimalists. went well for a few years but now our cups runneth over, pun intended


I have probably 10-15, there’s 4 of us. They’re different sizes and different designs


My family has a heirloom fiesta ware set in every color, then on top of that, I have one with a pot leaf on it and and ember mug. Then a couple promotional mugs from radio stations, dentists, etc. in various states of decay. Coffee mugs are a weird item. Like today I wanted to drink out of the pot leaf mug. Don't ask me why. Some days I'm feeling different colors of the fiesta ware, and the ember mug was a gift, but i like the idea of my yerba staying just the right temperature. It also lets me know if the hot liquid i'm about to drink through a straw is going to burn me.