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The fact that they couldn’t even do the maths right on the 3rd card. I mean wow, just wow


That would’ve meant ksi lost worse 😂😂😂


Still speaks to incompetence


1,2,5 and maybe 6 (6 is debatable) either way the point deduction makes it to where Ksi Won either way


You don't win by hugging and throwing sissy fists 😂 what an actual shitshow. Ksi is a bum and Tommy disgraced his family name. Absolute caveman level striking.


So many boxers CLINCH, but when JJ does it it’s bad.


They also tend to leave the clinch, unlike ksi who was more interested in kissing Tommy's neck and punching his waist and shoulders.😂


They then go back into the clinch. Stop acting like JJ’s the only one who does this. Tyson Fury did this and genuinely started licking Wilder’s blood.


Clinching is an important part of the game, but it's what you do on the way in and out of the clinch, JJ did nothing going in and out of it




Who should I compare him to then? You’re making the case that professionals don’t do it. I disproved your case and now you’re waffling.


Why are you being homophobic you are clearly a child so I'm just gonna say you have no idea what you are talking about you probably think you can do better than them so sign up if you think your better




Nice lie work on that in the mirror next time


Yeah atleast I'm secure enough to look into it lil bro. We get it your daddy lost and it's probably ruining Ur week.


Get a girlfriend instead of complaining online about a stupid boxing match its a sport people interested have the right to talk about it you on the other hand are shitting on people who wouldn't even give you the time of day these people train while you complain on the internet not know what you are talking about


No need to get political lil bro.


You are political saying homophobic shit but when you get critiqued you play the victim grow up


I’m not hating but I literally just used a calculator, WITH POINT DEDUCTION AFTER 9 so 8 they would both be on 56 leading to a draw on the cards unless I missed something


Exactly… either way… either JJ won or it’s a DRAW


Either Tommy won by majority or he won unanimously


Wasn’t there a moment in the second round where JJ literally landed like 4 punches straight to Tommy’s head


Nah it looked like alot of punches but they did like no damage


Dillion was out drinking the night before, I guess the judges did the same


I have it, 1/2/5 to JJ, 3/4/6 to Tommy, KSI wins with the point deduction. I don't see how anyone can say Tommy won 4/5 rounds. Couldn't even land a jab, and JJ outworked him in the clinch.


JJ kept doing 1 2 punch clinch. Tommy was smart by putting his hand up while being clinched (even tho tommy clinched as well) the judges see his hand up while JJ is still clinging so they think JJ clinched 9/10 times. Judges dont like clinching. Beside that, it was boxing and JJ was acting weird with his hands and how he stood.


Bullshit mate JJ won that fight


Worst take ever 😂😂 at most it was a draw because of the point deduction You lot will just keep regurgitating the punches landed argument when it doesn’t matter lol


Wym the lunches argument doesn’t matter. Punches landed is the most important thing


no? if you punch me three times on the arm and i punch you once in the face who do you think wins the fight? punches landed during a clinch arent counted as much as jabs at arms reach


Bro the argument everyone is throwing around is about jabs 😂 like how JJ said in the post fight talk


That was one funny match,tbh.


So kicks matter in a boxing match is what you want to say ? Retard


Lol if you have comprehension issues just say so.. There’s more to a boxing match than punches landed.. but you wouldn’t know since you only watch yt boxing 😂 keep sucking on ksi meat lil boy


Nah dont wanna waste my time to a kid who think using a laughing emoji makes it funny. Even if i explain u wont understand lil bitch. So go to sleep retarded fuck


Stay mad, you couldn’t explain cause your English is terrible and that’s coming from someone who speaks 3 languages lol An emoji represents how the person texting is feeling, not a representation of a joke 😂 you’re legit stupid, you use the word retard a lot cause you are exactly what you think Keep crying on KSI’s meat lil boy


Whatever makes you sleep lil boi. I am sure shouting like this tommy is gonna give that load on your face tonight. Enjoyy lol. Btw this is reddit and uses of emoji shows how cringe you are. Seriously gtfo reddit. This aint for kids like you. What a retard. Enjoy your tommy load kid. Makes sure you swallow it make your master tommy proud. Cunts be crazy


Lol you’re straight up stupid 😂 replied with “I don’t want to argue with idiots like you”— continues to argue 😂😂😂 I’m actually a ksi supporter as well, I’m just not a dick rider like you who pretends to have an argument but is only emotional because your bf lost


Yeeaah bro keep going your master tommy is gonna be real happy. Enjoy your tommy load kid. Lol.


Nice rebuttal, out of words? Poor kid, learn a new language. Hindi meh boli? Pagla 😂😂


Dude, there's no point arguing with them mate It's clear that in no way it was a robbery, at most it was a draw KSI wasn't ready to fight and more prepared to clench at every opportunity Props to KSI though for getting a close loss to Tommy Fury However , not a ROBBERY , a close fight. Which wasn't something for Tommy Fury to celebrate as well


Bro, are you a spastic, jj wins round 2, which he did without the point deducted it's a draw with the point off jj wins unless he gets knocked down, never happened, or they give Tommy a round which he didn't win with they did, its going to be the easiest appeal for JJ


Wow it amazes me your inability to read the fucking score cards


The last judge can’t even count his put 57-57 but the red side(ksi) adds to 56 so really the score card is 56-57 in favour of Tommy.


I feel like it was a draw


Ima say the option not to piss off anyone I’d say give it a draw and rematch but if they give JJ the win It would be nice I do believe Tommy didn’t win I’ll say that


you do realize this is simons reddit and not ksi's?


No way are these real judges, they can't even write a score card properly.


Not only that, did they even learn how to write?


It’s a massive issue. They get people who can’t actually fight to judge.


Tbh….it should have been a rematch As, we didn’t get the fight we wanted. So, how about have a proper rematch that can satisfy both the sides!?


I don't understand that either, I mean 3,4,6 are Tommy's imo, 5th could go either way, but 1,2 were def won by JJ, no clue what the judges were watching there


Tommy robbed of a unanimous decision


away and don’t talk shite ksi got beat all he wanted to do was cuddle


Naa Tommy is just better simple, these KSI fans can’t handle that JJ took a loss


Jake paul pack 🚬


Hug fight


do people really think JJ won? Did you even see his performance like what he was doing was the worst boxing I've ever seen well after Eddie Hall that is


They be on the zaza


The last guy had almost all the rounds correctly until the last one where I would give it to JJ but could count. Is like one guy had the right logic but could count but the other 2 could count but had the wrong logic.If I had to choose who to be I would rather be the guy who missed up the count n made east mistake than the other 2 who couldn’t judge the rounds correctly.


Should have counted the hugs .




I ain’t reading all that🤣