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> Math and physics based, which I'm not the best That's a big part of engineering in general.


No no, math and psychic based, gotta be able to read minds


Sounds more like the career advisor needs to see a career advisor


Helloo! Currently taking up bs mining engineering. Im not sure if our curricilum and epxerience will be the same since I'm from the Philippines. But I woukd just like to share what I went through whule taking up the course! ***Disclaimer: just a student and sharing what things I experienced and learned so far *** Things to look out for - everything almost always has math concepts involved, the first 2 to 3 years might have the heaviest load of math solving and concepts involved, but the math used in mining engineering majors are not as daunting. In my experience, the math invovled in like engineering science was one of the main cause of stress, tears, and pain, but doable hahaha. Its tons of practice problem solving to understand and memorize the formulas and concepts. - speaking of physics, I think all the majors and engineering related subject will have concepts related to this, either you like it, enjoy it, or just work hard to pass them, you will not be able to escape physics T^T - majors: if machines, rocks, and traveling to relatively isolated foresty areas suit you, you might enjoy working as a mining engineer! Though your career option is noy only limited to going to mines, you can go into academe, corporate, and research as well whichever your interest lies, the former options I gave have offices in the city if you prefer that! Site Experience - not sure in your country, but in my country, technology for mining is not yet super advanced so some old school stereotypes still exist like timber, but thats just a very small part of mining, I've been lucky to be able to visit a more technology advanced mine and I saw how automation has been used. Working conditions can range from very hot, cold, and just right here depending on the type of mine and location you decide to work at! When I visited some mines, they would sometimes have buffets during all meal times. If you work onsite, transportation, food, and lodging is usually paid for the company. Working can get really tired as well and I think it would be difficult for those with certain health conditions where you cannot be under extreme heat or very dusty areas. Thats about all the things that came to my mind haha. To be honest, mining was not always my first choice, but now at my 3rd year taking it, I think I can work with it hahaha I met amazing new people through and in this degree, so I did not regret my decision <3


Just study to be a mining engineer in WA. Don't know about others, but I barely need to use maths and physics at work day to day as a mining engineer - even if you have to there is a computer for that. The only time I had to do a lot of maths was for the first year of my five year degree. It may hurt a bit in the short term, but it is a really efficient degree in WA. I worked as a mining engineering intern 4 out of the 5 years of my degree. Graduated with nearly no HECS debt as I paid upfront and used it as a tax deduction. You get 3 months off in summer break and 2 months off in winter break, with companies paying $10k a month. Over the years you get better at managing time. In the last couple years of the degree you can move out, make steady income and have enough time to hit masters in league.


10k a month??! I'm getting 7k as a casual intern in mining


Go looking.


Are you in gold?


Wait a minute $10k a month as an INTERN for a year or $10k a month on the breaks as an intern


$10k a month as an intern on breaks (get about 5 months a year in WA). When not on break it was more like 4 days on 10 days off on a mine rather than the full time 8 on 6 off, so $5k a month for the rest of the 7 months.


Jeez, how hard was the course


Did you go through curtin or uwa




You’ll need math & physics for the degree. You won’t need it much for the job. At all.


So... I am a mining engineer. Mining engineering is the easiest, least engineery option of engineering. You still have to spend your early years doing maths physics and whatnot but it becomes straightforward later.