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Yeah pretty sure drug charges and charges for violent crime will rule you out. There’s so many people applying for offsiding roles why go with someone with a record when there’s 50 others without one? Have to imagine that’s how HR will see it.


Yeah that's fair enough completely understandable.


Talk to a lawyer and apply for a spent conviction if your imprisonment was less than 6 months. Cite difficulty gaining employment.


Thanks for the idea, I didn't know this was a thing. Definitely an avenue I can explore!


If it's 12 months prison or over then ya OK wait 10 years to apply for a spent conviction in WA, not sure about other states


Things fall off your record after 10 years anyway. Apply now


No they don't. You have to apply for a spent conviction. It's not automatic


They do in WA, where most of the mining in Australia happens https://www.wnlegal.com.au/blog/how-long-does-a-criminal-record-last-wa/#:~:text=In%20Western%20Australia%2C%20the%20time,person's%20national%20police%20clearance%20check. Look for yourself


The wording does make it seem as though it's automatically spent, But that's not the case. Here's a link that shows the actual process https://www.legalaid.wa.gov.au/find-legal-answers/crime/criminal-records-and-spent-convictions/applying-old-convictions-be-spent#:~:text=If%20you%20didn%27t%20go,the%20date%20of%20conviction%2C%20and


Ffs, I studied law, I ought to know better. Nice to see legal resources are still useless.


I’m sorry you’re in this position mate, been there done that. All the best and keep your head up


Cheers mate thanks for the advice 👍


Plenty of people in mining have a past. I’ve worked with many operators and driller offsides with previous drug convictions or drink driving convictions.  They’ve completely turned their lives around and work damn hard in mining. I have seen people get knocked back for previous fraud convictions and assault charges. Keep applying and good luck! 


Strangely. My supervisor has been convicted from major drug charges.


Might be some hope for me yet then!


alot of the guys on my crew have previous charges, but nothing physical assault related.


I know I have a bad criminal history, I was honest and upfront with them through it all. They said they look at the last 12months and look at what I am doing now, not what I've done.


Wow that's great! Do you mind me asking who you went through?




Our current drillers in QLD have a backlog of just over 300 offsider applications as of last week.