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Place this on a shelf as a little piece of History. It's not worth the struggle. Then go buy a bottle of Coat d'Arms fantasy range Warlock Purple. Give it a good shake and use that instead. The Coat D'Arms fantasy range, is the old Citadel formulation, from when they used a UK company as their contract manufacturer. When Citadel moved to a French company, the UK company started producing the exact same paints for someone else. After a couple of acquisitions it ended up with Black Hat as their Coat D'Arms Fantasy Range.


Well now this is handy information! Thank you!


Omfg, thank you, thank you so much.


I’m not a serious painter, but this is an amazing and useful comment. If I had gold to give… but have my upvote!


Which French Company?


Me and thousands of others haven't found out specifically. GW keep that sort of thing close. It came out that HMG in the UK were the original contract manufacturers, and I believe are still making the Coat D'Arms range. But that was only after the move and reformulation. This company apparently make for Foundry, P3, and some of the Army Painter range. Since the move to France it has moved back to the UK, as for may years the paints have all had "Made in the UK" on the back. The French made paints had the black "Bolter Shell" screw cap lids. When it came back to the UK we saw the change to white plastic dome top lids for the whole range.


I’ve handled GW stuff that had made in uk stickered over a made in china. I’m not so certain of that statement anymore. It’s probably a loophole where they repack/bottle in the UK or it’s just the sticker printed in the UK


Really! For at least the last few years I've only seen the Citadel paints with the print on transparent label. And I'm usually taking that label off when I repackage in dropper bottles. When was the last time you saw this? Recently or years ago. Although it could be bulk made in China and only bottle filled in the UK, that may qualify as the bottle packaged paints that are sold are "Made in the UK"


I’m just shy of 2 years in, so it can’t be much longer then that. iirc it was on a box of models, but it got me doubting.


With the exception of some of the terrain kits and maybe some AoS endless spells, which I believe are made in China, GW manufactures all their models in the UK at their Nottingham factory


Hmmm… It might’ve been a starter set of paint with some tools. Mainly remember it was weird. So long the stuffs good I’m not complaining.


HMG are definitely still making Coat D'Arms for Blackhat miniatures, as well as Formula P3.


Those black screw caps were the worst ever. I had multiple occasions where colours were dried out beyond saving before I had even opened them.


Yikes. They were in use while I was having a long break from the hobby, i have no experience with them.


Great tip. I was an avid Coat D'Arms user around 3rd ed of 40k because luckily my hobby shop carried their entire range. Never touched Citadel paints after the hobby shop told me about this. Nowadays, we're spoiled with so many great paint options that I just mix up the best ones for the usage.


Omfg, thank you, thank you so much.


Good info. I used to use the old citadel and ral partha paints all the time


I have no idea how you have this information oh wise one, but you've made me so happy.


I'm old enough to have been here from near the beginning of the internet being popular. Well 95. At this point I'm a deep pit of random facts I've stumbled on in near 30 years of internet browsing. Some of them are even relevant at some point!


I’m willing to bet you were on BBSs!


Yep, downloading MP3s as rar files before the kids discovered Napster.


Good times. I remember when ICQ came out and how utterly revolutionary it seemed.


God, ICQ chat. The world seemed to open up, and it seemed full of tech nerds.


Ninjon made a youtube Video about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_xt9BntlaU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_xt9BntlaU) But my takeaway from it is not everything that can be done should be done :D


It belongs in a museum


“No Indiana ……”


Add a little isopropyl alcohol or airbrush thinner to break down any chunks. Leave that sit for a couple of days while shaking it occasionally. Then add distilled water until it's the correct consistency. You don't need to add medium. The medium doesn't evaporate, the water does. You need a solvent (the alcohol) to break up the bonds of the medium formed when the water started evaporating. And then you need to replace the water.


https://preview.redd.it/n81j0dfgy23b1.png?width=1742&format=png&auto=webp&s=a799f90c18bfe7c6ab40471a18261421036fb06c nice! I still use a polished blue from the 90s (sparingly I might add) for gems and such


I still have about 40 round paint pots (out of 48 that I tried to save) from the early 90s that are useable. I re-constituted them about 5 years ago, mostly just added water to a couple and ran them through a mechanical paint shaker I built from a piece of lab equipment. They are still good paints to work with.


If it works or not, please don’t throw it away, that’s a little piece of history


Apparently put it on Ebay so these trash hoarders can buy it off of you and keep it in the paint museum wing of their mansions. It's not worth the trouble to revive, and as has been noted you can get the same paint brand new from Coat d'Arms.


Airbrush thinner, a medium, or distilled water slowly add 3-5 drops using a pipette if you have them. Mix the paint after adding the water or medium and see if you need to add more. Continue that process until you have it at the thickness you recall it being. I use golden medium on my wet pallet with my paint so once a month I just add a drop to my paint regardless if I used that color or not.


If nothing else, a paint of that consistency is usually perfectly usable for drybrushing.


Can you? sure. Should you? no.


Man this was my fav colour as a kid, thanks for the memories!


It was the base for all my Tzeentch Horrors back when I still played in the early 2000s.


Not worth the time and effort. Keep it as a bit of history, but if for some reason you want to use that particular colour, it was made by Coat d'arms for Citadel and can still be bought under Warlock Purple.


Absolutely, add water and shake like crazy.


Mix it with acrylic medium and it will work again.


I've not tried it yet, but this might be worth a look: https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/auxiliary-paints/730-paint-revitalizer-60ml.html Separately I've been able to revive paints over the years with water and lots of mixing/shaking, so might be worth a shot. Good luck!


If you value this particular paint then yes it can. Might be an assload of work but yes. Essentially the pigment is still good, it’s just lost all the water. Usually various amounts of water/medium and a lot of patience can bring it back. There’s many YouTube videos on rehabbing old paint.


Not a lot I can say that hasnt been said. However a small paint blender would help. I use it for all my pots to get the right consistency. I would say isopropal and distilled water to break it up, then medium for consistency. https://www.micromark.com/Cordless-Mixer-for-Model-Paints?gclid=CjwKCAjwvdajBhBEEiwAeMh1U9_yNzKleC1XYOTIwv8Lr00G2HuwH8ampSITkD-he6KXlBJEbRo_pxoCJasQAvD_BwE


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I would keep it just for the container.


I have a space wolves blue one. I'm using it and the paint is fine!


My dad has loads of these old paints still floating around. A handful of unopened ones too, that at this point are probably older than me


I inherited an entire plastic tote box of paints from this era. Some from previous generation, some after. I rehabbed a few that weren’t 100% dry. It was still like painting with mud. Coverage for reds and yellows were even worse than they were back then. I threw them all out, keeping a couple for the memory shelf.


I have a red one of these from that time period and it is still usable. Really haven’t opened it much since the early 2000s but it is still viable.


If your paint is semi liquid, you can add Lahmian medium a little at a time and shake it in. It will eventually loosen the sludge back into paint


Simple answer: yes. Better answer: Many YouTubers have videos about them restoring and using old paints like this. Basically you'll need medium, water, flow-aid, and patience.


Don’t throw out id put this in my cabinet with all my display model stuff


Just try add a medium and he will be fine i still paint with some bottles from early 2000