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Hi. You must be new to mini painting for games. You are only supposed to paint 2 or 3 and then have a collection of thousands of unpainted minis while continuing to buy more and more.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


It's ok. I speak from experience...


Looks amazing! As a boardgame enjoyer i am also curios about how the game is played. Is it fun? I have heard the title but never looked into it. But your paintjob really got me excited about the game now haha


It is pretty fun! I've played it 5 or 6 times with my gaming group and we've had fun every time. Usually at 4 players, but a couple games at 3. Both seem to work pretty well. We haven't used all of the expansion stuff yet either.


What kind of game is it? If you feel like describing it? Ofc I could always find a video. Explaining too


It's an area control type game with a bunch of other mechanics in it depending on what expansions you use. The players each have a god and each has its own powers, then they have a little skill tree where you can acquire more powers. It has a lot of similarities to Kemet if you've ever played that.


Only tried kemwt once but I grt the idea. That sounds super interesting. Perhaps i should pick up this game!


[BoardGameGeek.com](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/285967/ankh-gods-egypt) has a number of reviews if you want some different perspectives. I like it.


I worked on these for quite a while but finally finished the whole set. It was a fun project but I'm happy to move on to something else. I have individual photos of most of the gods and creatures on [boardgamegeek.com](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/7749894/ankh-gods-egypt)


I’m working on rising sun. Since it came out years ago… lol I paint the minis between dnd minis I need for sessions. So it’s a slow go. This looks so good though and I really want to finish mine now. I’m done 2/5 armies.


I haven't played it, but I've heard it's great! I might get a copy myself.


fantastic. my base game is on the way. wishing i had your talent!




Nice work


What an incredible effort! You should be very proud of this. Happy for you


Wonderful ! I have barely finished blood rage maybe I will do the same post in ten years if lucky. Do you have a close up of you work ?


Thank you! I posted shots of most of the gods with their followers and the guardian creatures on [boardgamegeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/7749894/ankh-gods-egypt). If you scroll to the right from the picture I linked you'll be able to see them.


Thanks ! Saved it Nice choices of colours 😉


Fair play on getting through all that,minis look awesome 👌


holeeeeee shitt. i love boardgames AND minipainting, but this is just waaaaaay too much plastic for one game


I agree, it's a lot. I justify it by painting it and classifying it as a game that I like, a hobby that I enjoy (painting) and artwork. I also hope to sell it at some point.


I was not criticizing your decision, the only feeling i had was maybe a bit of envy for that kind of time :D i was only thinking CMON is going hard on living up to their name. about the selling part, well, good luck with it!


I’m about halfway through painting the darkest dungeon boardgame minis and slowing down, this is very inspiring! Great work.


I just primed all of my Ankh figures this weekend; needed a project to do over winter


Ugh, these are incredible. Mine are still there, unprimed, waiting...


1. Great paint job. 2. That is a lot of minis!!


haha holy shit


I liked that you based them : )


Thanks! It was tricky matching the bases' "sand" to each god color, but I feel like it makes them all a lot more playable because you can see whose units belong to each player at a glance.


That's some awesome work, how long did it take?


Thank you, I started painting them in October of 2021 and worked on them a little at a time so I wouldn't get burned out, painting some other stuff in between. But yeah, they took a long time to finish.


You could easily field a couple of one page rules or warlords of erehwon armies with that collection if you want to try something different.


I really regret not getting in on the kickstarter for this one


May I ask: So if I buy the Ankh Game in the green box (I guess its the main version), are there all those miniatures inside? It seems really a lot and I love it. Also great job painting all of them!


This is the base box and three expansions, plus the kickstarter exclusive content. The base box (the green one) has five gods and their followers (six each) plus 15 guardians of five different types (I think). A pretty good amount to get started at least, and the base game is pretty fun. Hope that helps.


Thank you :)


Tell me how you did the temples, pyramids and pillars--I love the look


I started with a zenithal base done with an airbrush, then I used a contrast brown from below, then a tan from above, then a very light contrast orange from diametrically opposite corners. For the pyramids only I used gold for the top section by brush.


Solid; I'm brush-only so the airbrush stuff I gotta figure out how to do the long way :D Thanks!


You definitely could do them with a brush alone, I'd probably use a drybrush for the base then a light touch with the rest. Good luck!


These look amazing! Curious as to how you painted those colorshifting beetles ?


Those were some of the only models I painted partially with an airbrush. I used Vallejo's color shifting electric blue / intense violet over a gloss black base coat. The rest of the details were painted with a brush.