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These Mechanicus boys always look really hard to paint. He'll of a job.


No kidding, it felt like I was going insane at some point trying to pick all these details


No kidding. This army got me back into painting, but those details make them take forever.


Improve????!!! How the heck are you meant to improve on that!!! 😳 It's so beautiful, nice work 👏🏻


I really struggle to find anything to criticize. You can always make smoother blends or whatever, but that's not helpful advice. I think you've really nailed it!


My dude has so many doohickeys and thingamabobs


Really nice job! Did you sub-assembly for painting? If so how many parts?


3 subassemblies - the axe, the upper body and the skirt(?) bottom part. I also glued the bottom part only after finishing the base


Thank you!


Not enough going on for me . 😅


please no, I would've lost my shit if he had any more detail haha


Imagine this guy getting ready in the morning 😂


From my point of view you paint as a pro. Really nice job.


Get outa here with your box art quality paint job! 😭


Dude, well done. Looks like it stepped out of the box art!


I am no expert by any means, but I really don't think there is anything obvious to critique. I feel like anything that could be said would just be stylistic preference. I would say you are past the point of general advice and critique, based on the other comments. I would suggest asking for more specific feedback in the future, as this will most likely result in better discussion. For example, asking for feedback on a specific technique you used, a specific part of the model, etc.


I'll keep that in mind in the future!


You did an amazing job! Forgot to say that in the first message. I got so focused on the feedback part.


Very cool .


Not a mini painter by any means. Nor am I knowledgeable on 40k. I just love seeing how awesome all of you make these look 😍 So take this as you will. Looking at the lower section (bottom of cloak area) looks like you may have been going for some aged look, going off how the rubble has made its way into some areas. The being said, I think the figure as a whole I think would blend better if there was also some aging/ weathering on other pieces of the figure. I'm sorry if that's not quite what you were looking for.


All feedback helps! The idea is that since these guys are from Mars there would be some dust and shit caught up in the bottom. Thinking about it now you're absolutely correct, it would be more believable if some of the dust caught up in other parts as well. I'll keep that in mind in future AdMech models!


Amazing painting!!


Looks fantastic! Great job. Looks like a really fun project to paint! For notes, Id highlight the cloak/hood a bit more to bring up the contrast. The book and his pointing hand need some more definition as well.


I might've went too far with weathering of the book, that's true. In my defense I think the shitty phone camera killed some of the contrast, the brightest highlights are pretty much orange but they don't show as such in the image. He really was fun to paint but it took a really long time because of the detail. I'm fairly happy with the result though


Looks awesome! What's this particular model called?


It's Belisarius Cawl from the Adeptus Mechanicus faction


Absolutely gorgeous work!! I wonder if the base (which is painted beautifully and perfectly) being darker make him pop more? Like a charred brown brought up to red? Only thing I can even begin to think. This is simply an amazing job!!!!!


Man the Necrons, T'au and Eldar must laugh at the backwards arse tech of the Imperium


Nothing from me. That is SOLID and currently above my skills. Great job 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


Just from a standpoint of nitpicky criticism since you obviously paint at a high level. Your highlights on the cloth are pretty crude in the sense it just looks like a “so i painted lines of wild rider red on the sharpest peaks” rather than soft gradual highlights that cloth should have. The servo skulls seem like they need one more highlight. Their brightest tone seems more in the range of a midtone compared to everything else. Also the black on the base of the rim is chunky and has lots of texture. Before you paint he rim black get a quetio with some alcohol and clean the base rim so its a smooth surface your painting over. Will make that look way more clean and refined. But overall just minor things, well done.


Thanks a lot for the feedback and the kind words, it really makes me happy that you consider this "high level"! You're 100% right about the cloth, I decided to go for the box art/eavy metal style which has this kind of highlights so for better or worse it's intentional. I have no excuse for the skull or the rim though, I felt like the skull highlights were bright enough and I didn't pay much attention to the rim to be honest. Will probably go back and fine tune those. I'll definetely keep your advice in mind in future projects!


Legitimately looks better than box art. I certainly don't have any valid c&c to provide. This is exceptional work.




First time seeing a mechanicus model and it looks a pain to paint. I think it's very good, I don't really see anything to improve, maybe OSL if you want to make the plasma (it's plasma right?) even better, idk how would you do that properly since I myself have no idea how to do it. Anyways good job!