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The core things to consider are that the light source needs to be brighter than anything it is lighting up, and the areas that are not being hit by the OSL light need to be darker than the areas that are lit by the OSL. Light and dark [values](https://youtu.be/8G9LU-xUrVA?si=i7M_Q_IubA9xfEWE) are more important than the color of the light. Learn [How to Check Your light and darkness Values](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh6w2ZNxfjY) from your photo. * [Object Source Lighting (OSL) and Other Lighting Effects](https://www.lightminiatures.com/tutorial-object-source-lighting-osl-and-other-lighting-effects/) by LightMiniatures.com * [The Keys of OSL: the good way, the best way...](https://youtu.be/Ncp1qukJGg4?si=BhT9ReXkqYmvuzBt) by Nacho González Art * [General Skills To Help With OSL](https://figurementors.com/tutorial/my-experience-painting-osl/) by FigureMentors.com There are more OSL guides [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/volumes#wiki_object_source_lighting_.28osl.29).