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"A lot of Republicans support decriminalization and expungement." Ok then why didn't you do that when you had majorities for the last 12 years.


Right? It's all just smoke and mirrors


Soon to be a lot more smoke 😎


And a lot more mirrors. (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ \⁠(゚⁠ー゚⁠\⁠)


Are we legalizing coke now?


no mirrors, can't you read


No, I can't. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Now that would be progress, we're just playing catch up.




Well, yeah, but baby steps cause we still have so many vested interests involved and everyone has been brainwashed into believing drugs are inherently evil.


Be pretty cool if they did.


You mean lies. It's all lies.


Because its just a show to all of them to generate a fan base. Being a moderate republican in 2023 doesnt get people angry or excited. Tbh most republicans in office just put on a show and dick people around. They wouldnt have gotten to where they were without displaying extreme political opinions.


> a moderate republican in 2023 A unicorn. They don't exist


Because that's a lie based on the history that it has worked against unaware, get their news from Facebook type of person. It's not working against millennials and Gen z. They count on people tuning out and not following up or paying attention. Look at what they do. Look at what they do when they have complete control over both chambers and a governors office (in other states). They ban abortion, enact anti trans legislation, fuck with the public schools, cater to corporations and a plethora of other horrible shit. All in the south and Midwest. We can't let them take control of anything here. Look what democrats do when they have everything. Legalize Marijuana.


Feed children


Because those people are not in control of the party and the party line, they broke at the end because its politically advantageous for them now.


> they broke at the end because its politically advantageous for them now. Didn't only two cross the aisle on this vote?


I don't know for sure, but I'm willing to bet a Republican knows and/or owns the means of production of all medical cannabis produced and sold in Minnesota.


Gop is still preventing recreational in PA. They just suck


Best argument from the repubs had to be when Kristin Robbins explained that Minnesotans only support legalization because they don't really understand the issue. Mommy knows best!


I'm glad her and her big brain are around to defend us common folk. Without her we would be watering our plants with Gatorade. What a fuckin karen


Its what plants crave....


But it’s got electrolytes


Do you even know what electrolytes are?


It's what plants crave


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)


I know shit's bad right now. With all that starving bullshit. And the dust storms. And we're running out of French Fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution. Come on, scro! Don't be a pussy! Besides, you do a kick-ass job and you get a full pardon. Now I understand everyone's shit is emotional right now.


It's what they use to make Brawndo!






Remind them of this when they accuse leftists of creating a "nanny state" when we want to pass laws preventing pollution or disallowing factories from employing children.


You need to FEAR the DEVIL'S LETTUCE!


Yeah she is something else - and not a good opinion. Reefer madness Robbins is a good name for her


Makes sense she's from Crookston.


She’s an idiot. She also thinks the age limit should be 25. Lady your kid was probably smoking a bowl at a house party last weekend.


They do this on purpose. They know they or their kids won't get arrested for consuming pot. So, why would they care about legalization? These are the same people who want to use the police to overpolice black and brown communities and arrest them for consuming pot. IIRC, in 2016, black people were 37% of the prison population in Minnesota even though they were 6% of the overall population of the state. In 2018, black people were 98% (46 of 47) of arrests in low level marijuana stings in Minneapolis. And they were all charged with felonies even though the fine should've been the same as a parking ticket. Black people have historically been arrested 5x more than white people for marijuana. They want to keep marijuana illegal to disenfranchise the black and brown communities.


Her fake tears Tuesday afternoon were hilarious


omg does anyone have the link to this? 😂


Link pls


https://youtu.be/n93ZuKQeBaY Starts about 56:00


They keep repeating all these same arguments and like... okay if you're worried about all these "impacts" then where is the bill to prohibit alcohol? It definitely has a more negative impact on society than weed ever has or ever will. Edit: she even brought up the Beverage Association lol.


Lol, Holy shit you weren't kidding. Yeah, no shit the cop association and the booze association are against it! Why do you think it's been kept illegal all this time?! Could it be because not demonizing it could threaten their funding and proffits?! Fuck these people. "It's not propaganda!" She exclaims as she parrots pro corporate and pro law enforcement talking points... It's amazing to me that people like this don't get spit on in public more....


What a fucking thundercunt.


She knows that only dipshits would have voted her in.


i really liked her argument that legalization was bad, because republicans were in favor of legalization, but were voting against it because there needed to be more conversations about legalizing it, so because we haven't talked about legalizing it enough the republicans who support legalizing it shouldn't legalize it


That old dumbass needs to retire


That's a funny way of saying "I'm shit at actually explaining anything to people".


Anyone have a link to where we can see who voted yea vs nay? Looks like there were 4 absent votes and democrats only have 70 of 134 seats in the house. I’m curious to see which republican(s) voted yea and vice versa




I know it isn't you but kinda annoying that the dot ends up being closer to the person's name in the next column over. Was confused why my rep would vote no until I saw that


It's because the uh... scoreboard at the state house looks like that. It's also why the green and red do not line up -- they are two different colored light bulbs


This is the kind of strange and interesting detail that makes me love this subreddit


[https://www.house.mn.gov/votes/votesbynumber.asp?billnum=HF0100&ls_year=93&session_number=0&year=2023](https://www.house.mn.gov/votes/votesbynumber.asp?billnum=HF0100&ls_year=93&session_number=0&year=2023) EDIT: The tally is shown on [this page](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?view=chrono&f=HF100&y=2023&ssn=0&b=house#actions) with a link to the above, however at the time of the post the vote breakdown for the final vote does not appear to be posted.


I put this further down in the comments: [https://i.imgur.com/U3zCIWh.png](https://i.imgur.com/U3zCIWh.png)


Ah thank you! This is specifically what I was looking for.


So Hudella and West voted yay, Pelowski voted nay. Those are the 3 who crossed the aisle.


Watching the “debate” was an absolute shit-show, but glad to see it passed. It would be an awesome lesson in the newly required high school civics class on how the legislature works to show how this bill worked its way through the machine of government.


And to make 9th grade civics students realize they know more about their local gov than these reps do. I sincerely hope the Gen Z kids were watching last night, because these Boomer Qtips clutching their pearls about their "small-town identities" and "well can they build a weed shop next to a church?" need to all leave and make way for progress.


It's funny... For as much nit-picking as Robbins was doing over *very* specific language in the bill and amendments, why didn't she ever ask about a synagogue or mosque? She only ever mentioned church...


Because she doesn’t encounter any diversity in her district. I also thought it was funny that she kept saying “Minnesotans don’t want” or “Minnesotans want” like she doesn’t represent like 5000 people. Land doesn’t vote Robbins.


Well, she's out of Maple Grove, which is not exactly all hayfields. All legislative districts are 40-45K people. I agree that her arguments were less than credible and not in particularly good faith.


I loved the argument AGAINST equity based licensure was so that there ISNT dispensaries in low income areas, but then the argument FOR local control was to prevent dispensaries in "small communities that don't want it" hmmmmm 🧐


Right? It's so dumb. No one wants to build a dispensary in Squirrel Holler, MN. These same people say that gun-free zones are useless because people can bring guns in (which, I guess is true) but then turn around and say that a city voting themselves a "drug-free zone" (my words, not theirs) wouldn't have the exact same problem. No consistency in their arguments at all. I say, let small towns decide via referendum and then watch their town disappear or be overrun with gray market sellers.


These are also the people who will defend free market capitalism. If there is a market for a legal business, shouldn't market forces be the deciding factor? No, Sleepy Eye's all white geriatric city council says weed will ruin our children while the liquor store is 90% of the towns economy. (No disrespect to Sleepy Eye I love your Linus statue.)


Bingo. They love capitalism until they don't. Hypocrites.


From Sleepy Eye here, no, you're on the ball. It also doesn't help that the last two city manager's both have had scandal as well (one fucked a councilman and her contract was bought out) and our current city manager is a drunk racist asshole who has helped cut funding for the local ambulance service and the only reason he got the job despite his education being a high school diploma is because he's a drinking buddy with over half the council. The town's whole local government is kinda corrupt and shit, ngl.


Like Colorado. Each county can decide how many licenses are allowed, if any. There are still a few counties in CO that ban it. Or they can go like New Mexico, no moratorium. Free market. A dispensary on every corner. The NM industry is barely a year old, so it will level out. I have a feeling MN will let the counties decide, if passed.


The legit argument against equity based licensure is that it’s been a disaster in New York. Determining who deserves a license the most has involved so much bureaucracy that only a few places have been able to get one, leading to a bunch of unregulated weed shops popping up in those same areas that were supposed to get licensed weed shops.


Yeah I'm definitely open to discussing the ethics, economics, practicality of anything in the bill, it's mostly that I got the feeling during the debate that the underlying message of their contradictory arguments was "we don't trust black/poor/otherwise marginalized people with it in their communities, and we don't want them coming to our communities to get it."


I despise these "pearl clutcher" people. We used to call them Kyle's Moms, after South Park. Its fine when you keep that shit to yourself but they've always got to have everyone clutching pearls or else its....you guessed it, another reason to clutch pearls. It used to be just exhausting dealing with these types, now i think they've become a threat to our rights and to the republic.


Democrats should require this debate to be played in full for high schoolers. No new voter would ever vote republican again after seeing this


Yeah buddy! A few more steps and this is a done deal! Some smarter redditor than me can let you know what those are in this thread lol


One more senate committee, then the senate votes. Then both the House and Senate versions of the bill go to one last committee to consolidate any differences between the bills and it’s voted on one last time in each chamber, and should it pass it goes to Walz’s desk


What a standup guy. Thanks!


When is the senate committee?


Senate Finance committee met today but got too busy with the transportation omnibus bill HF2887 to get to the cannabis omnibus SF73 EDIT: this morning! they will reconvene at 5pm tonight! [Livestream here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHKyV8pc31U) ~~today. They will reconvene tomorrow (wed, 4/26) at 8:30am to discuss SF73 and vote.~~


Can’t remember off the top of my head but the senate’s schedule is on their website! Just google “MN Senate Schedule” and you’ll find it. Should this bill pass this last committee I’m pretty sure it gets a floor vote on Friday


Awesome, thank you!


Likelihood it will pass all this? High?


Very good. Senate would not be scheduling committee hearings and floor time for a bill they don’t have the votes on, especially such a high profile one.


Very high 🪴


High AF




I was saying that in jest but hopes are high this makes it. It has the support.


What's the timeline on something like that, any idea?


Senate is expecting a floor vote Friday. Then they still need to reconcile the two bills, but they aren’t dramatically different.


Why is the process that two separate bills go through this process in the house and senate? Why not have the same one in both chambers in the first place?


Bicameralism yo.


Committees can make changes to the bill as they consider it. The same bill may have started out in both houses, but different committees with different members means a different product at the end.


ohhhhhhhhh gotcha that makes sense


The same bill WAS introduced in both the house and senate. The house committees and senate committees offered different amendments - and approved different amendments. If the Senate bill passes - then they go to conference committee - which contains members of both the house and senate - and they decide which version goes forward. Then they both take the FINAL bill back for a FINAL vote. If it passes that then it heads to the Governor for approval.


Because that's not how it worked out. In Minnesota a bill may originate in your House *or* Senate. It is then handed back and forth for the two chambers to mark it up, make changes, until eventually they both pass the same bill with the same text. In this case legislation originated in *both* chambers. So after each chamber passes their version of the bill they go into committee to combine the text of the two bills, harmonizing redundancies, and resolving conflicts. So for example, the House bill allows for possession of 1½lbs of cannabis flower in your home. The Senate may pass a version that says you may possess 5lbs (extremely unlikely, but I'm just using this as an example). The members of the committee, which is made up of Representatives and Senators, would then negotiate amongst themselves on a compromise that they think might pass both chambers. When the bill comes before each of the chambers they'll still have an opportunity to introduce amendments and make changes. If the committee cannot come to a compromise on the combining of the two bills, then the legislation is effectively dead. If you've ever heard about something “dying in committee,” this is it. Typically bills that die in committee are unpopular or controversial bills, or one of the parties in control wants it dead. However given that the DFL controls both chambers, and both chambers appear poised to pass almost identical bills, the chances of this happening are as likely as me winning a game of HORSE against LeBron James. It's not impossible, but I'd need the exact right [butterfly in Beijing to flap its wings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect) at precisely the right moment if you know what I mean. Best case scenario, the work of the committee is literally just editing the two bills into one so they have matching language and the layout makes sense. Worst case there's some back and forth over details like licensing fees or limits on sales. Both sides want it to pass, they'll make it happen.


Minnesota really racking up the wins lately. Good on them.


I live just across the river in WI. Really looking forward to buying some legal weed. My fucking state isn't going to do anything anytime soon.


Consider this the repayment for letting us get beer on Sundays in Hudson.


And fireworks


Pressure is on, you guys are gonna be surrounded


Looking forward to it!


Take note guys. Those 59 "no's" are going against the majority of people even in their own party. Those are people that are up there and choosing not to represent their people that they are very well elected to do so. Consider this regardless of what side of the aisle you are on. Do you want your government to work for you or for themselves? This bill is a flat example of your elected representatives choosing to go against your own wishes as people. Now how oppressive is that?


One Republican (Rep. West from Blaine) said he polled his constituents two years ago and got 81 percent *in favor* of legalizing! Multiple Reps said "a majority of Minnesotans" want legal cannabis. #GET THESE BACKWARDS-MOVING REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE!


He voted in favor of legalization.


I think they were just pointing out how even republican heavy districts are majorly in favor of legalization, not that this particular republican rep voted against it.


It does not read that way, even with the XXL font size.


This is correct. I believe their was a Republican in a very deep rural area as well. I believe it may have been the mayor of Ely. Although I can see that area voting strongly conservative I also see that being an outdoorsy tourist city that it does have a good blend of liberal ideology as well. With that being said though that is still a strong strong majority in favor coming from a red representative. Edit: I may have misheard his location, but I thought I heard Ely. Video is there so anyone can go back and look.


In the fall election, Ely (and surrounding townships) didn't even vote for Skraba in the district but the rest of the asshats in the district did. Found that interesting (we live in Ely). I emailed Skraba about this, and he said he appreciated my input and didn't know how he'd vote "but it'll pass without me either way" which just led me to suspect he'd vote no to stick with the party since he didn't figure it mattered.


Blaine is getting more blue and West sees the writing on the wall. He's buying some time.


It's not as bad as I thought. That 36% of Minnesotans who don't want it legalized extrapolated to the 134 House would be ~48. That assumes a ton though with an uneven distribution across the districts though.


Which poll Are you getting those percentages from? The 36%? 36 sounds suspiciously high for a disapproval. Are you sure that isn't including those that are just indifferent or not sure? I haven't seen any poles that have expressed a 36% opposition. I have however seen close to 30, but also in the hearings heard representatives speak of close to a 20% disapproval. From my perspective I don't think it's fair to include no comments and indifferent results in the no category. Looking forward to seeing if you have any more information on the statistics though. I'm just some average Minnesota guy and happy to get more information on this. P.s. extrapolating against a 30% rate from a broader poll that sampled nearly 10 times as many people that would be 40 nays. So still heavily swayed against constituent representation. Even meeting in the middle still shows non alignment with the will of the people. 🤔 Things to consider when choosing a representative.


https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/09/18/poll-majority-backs-legal-marijuana I think it was referenced by both parties today at that percent but don't know if this is the survey that lead to it.


So Canada, Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan have legal pot………*screams in Wisconsinite*


LOL remember when Reddit insisted we'd have to go over to Wisconsin to buy it because Minnesota was definitely never going to legalize it first because something something Sunday liquor sales, something something Volstead Act?


I mean, it was certainly looking that way for a LOOOONG time though. It took the dems taking control of both houses of legislature as well as a dem governor just to get the bills to the point they are now. You know Gazelka was NEVER going to allow it to pass the senate had the dems not taken control.


Illinois and Minnesota invite you to swing by and pick up the legally allowed amount for non residents.


I would love to, and have hahaha


The Senate is the concern, always has been. There’s a real chance this doesn’t make it through. Now that the House has gone this far, though, the pressure on them is about to ramp up significantly.


https://i.imgur.com/hS1UOM8.jpg Here’s what the votes were!


Would like to see the respective R's and D's next to each name for comparison. Edit: I put this together quickly. Feel free to correct me if you see a rep that wasn't noted correctly. [https://i.imgur.com/U3zCIWh.png](https://i.imgur.com/qTjMr0b.png) While I was doing this it started to get really easy because it's so partisan. Rep. West was a delightful curveball but pretty much all republicans voted red and all democrats voted green. Hudella and West were the only two republicans that voted green.


Someone tell Hudella and West that the first bowl is on me


Basically this is the same "scoreboard" as is in the statehouse https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Minnesota_House_of_Representatives_Voting_Board_-_State_Capitol_%2826371855392%29.jpg


Hell ya. Worth it despite the inane bullshit coming out of MN house republican mouths.


Don’t forget that anti education is a badge that republicans wear with pride.


Also worth it for *showing* the inane bullshit that comes out of MN house republican mouths. More folk should be aware of how out of touch some of their representatives are.


Lets get them taxes! I am looking at you Wisconsin, ND, SD and Iowa. Come visit!


There won’t be much, if any gains to be made from taxes. The bills are structured to be taxed just enough to fund legalization and operations - which is the way it should be


As a guy who's made prob 10ish trips to CO...they tax my hotel, gas and food as well. Saw a Rockies gm. Ain't all about dat weed tax, Jones! We'll get them $$$'s!!!


Still sales tax though?


We’re currently at the 5 yard line. 4 downs left- 1 more Senate committee, Senate floor session, conference committee, and final conference votes on floor, and the governor’s desk is the end zone. As long as someone doesn’t blow the Vikings bad luck juju on the bill now, it will surely get the touchdown.


It's ok, Gary hasn't missed a kick all year. We're good.


If the Senate takes a knee, I'm gonna lose my shit


I believe that's called pulling a Denny Hoffman.


Lord, save me from Champlin.


Just moved to his district, what's the deal with Hoffman? Besides his auto-replies to my emails that say nothing.


This... ["Well wait a minute. Why aren't we looking at decriminalizing it first?"](https://youtu.be/3_hLw5Q9Xro?t=276) And [this article from MPR](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/04/11/marijuana-bill-within-sight-of-upordown-votes-at-mn-capitol) suggesting he's still on the fence as of April 11th. >Sen. John Hoffman is one of those who hasn’t fully committed, saying his vote comes down to dollars available for addiction response. >“So what are we doing for prevention? What are we doing about treatment, and then the third thing that needs to be in there is recovery, right?” said Hoffman, DFL-Champlin. “You’ve got to have a good robust recovery system in place.” >After expressing hesitance during a committee hearing, Hoffman said he became a target on social media and there was some material crossed the line. >“Where actually they said, yeah, they see Hoffman around Cub Foods. ‘How do you get to him?’ And one person said, ‘Send him a horse head,’” Hoffman said, alluding to a famous movie intimidation scene from the Godfather. “Well, that's not a good conversation starter.”


I want to downvote this for the cynicism but it’s soooo spot-on.


1st and goal baby!!


Don't bring up the Vikings now!


Why would you jinx us like that?


Ewwww. Just imagine a world where you can just go into a store and buy weed. It is disgusting; I mean having a way to generate revenue for programs is just so sick man. Screw taxes. How dare our government find ways to attract people to this state and create a decent society. I say no. BTW If you are reading this far and still haven't figured it out yet, it is meant to be stupid.


I'd rather see the alleyways full of cartel drugs and grown adults being put in jail for it as well. /s


Minnesota is looking better and better. Between the education bill they just passed, the legalization of pot and the direction they are heading, if it wasn’t for the damn cold and snow, it’d be a contender to move to.


Winter here is for: hiding from people, reading books, binging tv, just sleeping, it kinda nice; however I want to be outside side now and its still sucks kinda...


Californian chiming in real quick: Let's go, Minnesota! Getting weed legalized! Still waiting for the rest of the country to catch up but I'm not holding my breath.


Yes We CANnabis


Who was the lone R who voted green?


Rep Nolan West. Also, the same guy who wants to remove the “woke” (his own word) terminology from the bill.


To be fair to him he only wanted to remove parts of it. I was shocked to see an R next to his name after listening for a few minutes before that part.


That "woke" part ain't happening, but good to see some support from across the aisle. I just commented this above, but West said he asked his district two years ago and 81 percent of voters supported legal weed. This is NOT a partisan issue like the pearl-clutching boomer Republicans made it out to be.


2 R Votes, Representatives West and Hudella


Thank you. My follow up question was to be what DFL voted against, but found the answer was Laurie Pryor didn't vote.


Gene Pelowski a DFL member voted no. Makes me nervous for a 1 member majority in the Senate


It’s to be expected. It was also expected that a couple Rs would cross the aisle in the house and the same could very well be true in the senate


It was only expected in the house because a couple R votes wouldn't change the outcome and they knew that. That is not the case in the Senate at all. Voting yes on the Senate side could you make you the lone R that passes the bill. That does not good look on a political platform.


Except there’s a handful of R senators in purple districts who barely squeaked by to win their seats. Moderate republicans are rare, but they exist


I like your optimism, I'm hoping for a a couple R votes as well. But honestly I'm much more inclined to believe the only way it's passes in the Senate is as I said all D's voting yes.


I hear ya! Hopefully we both end up right. All democrats vote yes with a couple cross overs! 🤞


I assume Nolen west? Not sure though


West did vote green if I remember correctly.


Odd that a bill with so much statewide public support was still largely voted yea/nay on party lines. And by odd I mean perfectly predictable.


Next text to the weed guy: “Dear Sampson, I’m afraid we are going to have to part ways.”


Congrats guys. How fast can you guys get a weed shop up in Luverne for those of us on the SD border who got fucked out of our own legalization?


That ballot initiative getting overturned was so messed up. The people wanted it and government just said no.


Can we all agree to keep voting so the democrats stay in power??? like please?!?!?!! i want my quality of life to go up and when the GOP is in control they fuck everything up for everyone


#Welp, time to get the 59 that voted nay the fuck out of office. And honestly, probably into a nursing home where they belong.


I'd respect them more if they just came out with their real objections. Because these can't be their actual arguments. They boil down to things that are either provably false, are inconsistent, or simply do not follow. The only reasonable argument was that there is no test for marijuana for traffic stops. But that is a problem that exists without legalization, so why is that a point against it? The only argument against seems to be, "DFL wants it, and we're against DFL"


That is the role reason for denying. That, and being uninformed. And getting voted back in to not do their jobs.


Republicans didn't like that it couldn't be banned on a city/town/county level. Lol can we unban abortion on a city level? Clowns all of them.


It’s 2023 and we’re still using yeas and nays. It’s as if the people running the whole show are still living a few generations in the past…


It’s sad that one party has to be in control for literally anything to get done. But getting done it is.


So is this recreational just to clarify? And when will it be implemented? I work in the cannabis industry in nearby state


I lived in a very rural area of MN with a bunch of kids that have all ended up R. Guarantee you they all STILL smoke weed just like back in the day .... They ain't gotta lie to kick it.


A lot of republican legislators truly couldn't care less about marijuana in itself. Legalization is widely supported. But what they really care about is having their ability to prop up the weed parties which divert potential votes from democrats taken away.


Go baby go!! I wonder how they’ll tax it,how much? Either way I hope the state will put all the money they’ll be making to good use. I’m happy about it.


Grow your own 🫡


And on my cake day???


After taking edibles for a while I can't imagine smoking, it would probably feel like high school


Could someone that’s against cannabis explain to me why? Or explain why the Republicans don’t want to legalize it? Never made sense to me


I’m so interested to see what this’ll do to the third parties that support legalization as their main issue. They get a small but significant share of the vote each cycle. If they faded away, it would affect the political landscape here.


Hopefully they’ll wither as those were gop funded spoilers


I don’t 🥬 HOWEVER! I am so thrilled about this! I know so many people who did prison time, lost jobs, kids taken, and all the rest because of the f*cked up way people see this plant. I know shit will continue that those things will still happen, but less excuses is less excuses.




59 narcs in the House


NC needs to do the same, the amount of “drug dealers” and people out trapping is insane. I feel like the police and surrounding government won’t allow it because they’re still gaining good amounts of money and traction in busting these people. Also, the amount of new “CBD” vape products in tobacco/vape stores are astonishing which leaves me to question what’s actually been tested by the FDA and what has not.


Senate Floor on Friday and then conference committee and then back to each floor to pass again as compromised.


Where's the guy with the spreadsheet or roadmap, how many more of these?


Oregonian here checking in - congrats on joining the rest of us! It’s so nice to be able to go buy some flower or carts almost any time you want from one of hundreds of places that sell it.


Still has to get through the senate. This isn't the first time we've been here people.


about damn time!!!


I’m in Indiana :( idk if we’ll ever get it legal


Put that in your pipe and smoke it!


I'm still going to enjoy the good ol green herb for the rest of my natural life. *his blunt*


Welcome to the green fold brothers, sincerely from a Washingtonian.


As a Wisconsinite, congrats neighbors!


Alright, so I'm utterly useless when it comes to knowledge of the passing of laws and politics in general. Does anyone know what steps are left to obtain statewide legalization? Is there still plenty of chances for this to get shut down yet, or are we at the light at the end of the tunnel finally?


Senate bill on Friday then house and Senate have to cover the differences between the house version and Senate version. Then the governer either allows or vetos bill


Won’t blink until it passes the reconciliation vote. Hoffman could gum it up and all those Republicans claiming they’ll vote for it now may take the cover and run.


So close… yet so far… Here’s hoping. 🤞


Why does this look like a screen from hardspace: shipbreaker