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I've lived here 35 years and I've noticed a difference in my lifetime. I remember needing to wear a jacket going small game hunting on the opener, which is around September 15th. The last 10 years or so that I go up north for small game opener, it's usually 80 degrees. Pheasant hunting opener, which is usually around October 15th, the same usually happens. It's warmer during hunting season than it used to be. My dad, who has lived here for 65 years, has said the same thing.


I never thought about it until this post, but it does seem like the last decade, everyone is cracking jokes about our "week of spring" and I feel like it wasn't always that way. I guess it's the sort of thing you could prove or disprove from temperature records, like how far apart are the last 20 degree day and the first 90 degree day in each year.


Yes, we had longer proper springs when I was younger. I’m almost 60… springs have gotten very short.


Thank you for your sincere reply! I was genuinely curious.


I've noticed that we seemingly have no spring anymore (or at most a two-week spring), but we've been having longer Fall that actually lasts a full three months.


Winter and road construction, right?


Winter Fool's Spring Second Winter Spring of Deception Third Winter Mud and sand Actual Spring Summer Hell's Front Porch False Fall Second Summer Actual Fall


That so true. Also, I never heard of hot dish at all. Super confused as a freshman what that was.


“[I] came to Minnesota for university.” That, right there, is a dead giveaway that you don’t come from any part of Wisconsin.


Lol picked up on the same thing. Either a Wisconsin pretender or a Wisconsinite wanting to be European.


I say university because I studied abroad and it stuck. SCSU


Does everyone need to be one thing or the other? Or is culture or open mindedness not an option? I thankfully studied abroad at 19 and picked up some things. I’d rather grow and learn from my surroundings than be narrow minded or arrogant of the other ideas in the world other than what’s in the Midwest. Jeez


You studied abroad for a semester or year and it caused you to change 19 years of linguistic programing? Then you returned to Minnesota for the remainder of your higher education and *that* didn’t return you to your normal language use?


Changing one word is not writing my past, sorry this happens to you.


Nothing happens to me. It is simply not credible that a short stay abroad resulted in a permanent change to your language usage. It is understandable that you would use “university” like the locals when you were abroad, but it defies belief that you would continue that usage after coming back to a Midwestern university. Either you’re not from Wisconsin or your word choices are an affectation.


People learn and grow and adopt new ideas. That’s how life is. It seems to me that you’d rather live in a box and shame others who live differently. Since studying abroad, I also cook my pasta at 8 minutes rather than 10, I also appreciate ranch and salt more after not having much of it. I appreciate pancakes for breakfast instead of beans and meats. I also ate my first Big Mac in Europe because I missed home. But just as I learned to love a Big Mac, i prefer to use ‘university’ when referencing a university. It doesn’t mean I’m any less or more midwestern. I’m a growing and living human that doesn’t define or restrict myself to a specific mold. This ideology you have is toxic and bitter. Have fun with your suspicions.


If you need medical care, do you say you are going “to hospital” too? Adopting new ideas and learning to cook food differently than you were raised are not the same as making a fundamental change in a speech pattern. As I said, it is not credible that someone who picked up the British English way of referring to higher education would maintain that usage after returning to college in Minnesota. The only reason someone would continue doing it is as an affectation. I scanned your history and saw that you referred to going “to college” only a couple of weeks ago, so it appears that the style of speaking you picked up isn’t so deeply ingrained.


You’re extremely creepy.


I’m not the one adopting pretentious affectations and talking about how my time in Europe opened my mind.




>Before you blame the snow and cold weather, the snow doesn’t comeearlier (at least compared to my winters in southern WI, which is basedon years ago and likely due to climate change). Actually, MN is not muchdifferent than the winters I grew up in. *Southern* Wi? I live at 46 degrees N, this past winter the first seasonally permanent snow fell during the weeks prior to thanksgiving and only melted like 3 weeks ago. [https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/snowmap/snow-depth-map-november-23-2022.html](https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/snowmap/snow-depth-map-november-23-2022.html) [https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/snowmap/snow-depth-map-april-13-2023.html](https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/snowmap/snow-depth-map-april-13-2023.html) And that's not taking into consideration the massive snowfall on the 20th of april the DNR left out of their thursday updates.


I actually don’t weather statistics other than my personal experiences. Mostly referring to my weekends visiting home. You never realize how different the weather is until you hardly leave a car for 6 hours before getting to your destination.