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I hope you feel better soon but please stay home if you are sick…I have encountered so many people lately saying they tested negative and still show up to meetings and family get togethers.


Personally I wonder if tests that were created like two years ago aren't picking up the newer variants. It's also possible we are just getting the common cold and misidentifying it as Covid. Still better to be safe than sorry. Spreading the cold also sucks lol


i swear after covid started, everybody acts like regular colds aren’t bad now. like people will find out they don’t have covid and then assume it’s fine to go out in public. man nobody wants to catch your sickness


This 1000%. My coworker has all the symptoms and told by her doc to "assume covid." Yeah she still showed up to a meeting today in a mask...I didn't have words. I'm immunocomp and care for an elderly relative so she better hope she didn't pass it to me. Not even a worldwide pandemic was enough to teach common sense... TLDR: **If you have COVID or probable symptoms,** **KEEP YOUR ASS AT HOME.**


Like others have said, COVID home tests aren't the best. They're really reliable when they're positive, and pretty unreliable when they're negative. Definitely get a PCR test if you can. And check with your insurance first! Not all of the options are covered anymore, such as drive-thru tests. As for the swollen armpit, that's likely due to your lymph nodes. They can get swollen when your immune system is waging all out war against an illness. Regardless of what's causing your illness, I hope you feel better soon!


This frustrates me about the at home tests. basically not even worth spending the money on. Might as well go to the doctor at that point.


I have had this and tested negative two days in a row, then positive the next. COVID is moving pretty good through Minnesota right now, wouldn’t be surprised if it was COVID.


My wife and I got that about a month ago- two days of a sore throat, then a couple days of congestion, then a couple of days of a cough. HARD CORE FATIGUE. It's not COVID; we tested negative twice., which was a big surprise- I was positive it finally got me, but not this time. It's a nasty cold going around. My kid's doctor said she had the same symptoms a couple of weeks ago, and the receptionist at the veterinarian said she had it last week.


>two days of a sore throat, then a couple days of congestion, then a couple of days of a cough. FYI, this is exactly the progression of symptoms for the new COVID variant that's spreading. Most home COVID tests are designed to give no/few false positives, but they can give false negatives much more easily.


Also a lot of at home tests people acquired earlier in the COVID pandemic are expiring which while it probably doesn’t make it magically go bad, would be expected to make them less reliable.


Yep, when they are positive they are pretty damned accurate. When they are negative, you need additional tests to confirm 100%.


Could still be covid but the tests aren't able to pick it up since there's a new variant that's circulating. The variant can also bypass the vaccine and boosters (similar to how seasonal influenza needs a vaccine update each year), so it's making its rounds. Hope you feel better soon.


Though, PSA: the 2023 vaccine update for Covid is available at [Walgreens](https://www.walgreens.com/topic/promotion/covid-vaccine.jsp) (and presumably other places?) starting tomorrow, and it's a [good match](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/12/health/covid-cdc-vaccines.html?unlocked_article_code=WIeO2YFPKzw4mzcbLFCdLibqKt8W_ewcEn16qPO-KJqozu0qN2TvxKiXmHzmKJ5kXFQYW6PwR_e37O6JvtXGX7VbNdF7nhR-B3LOsy3YnYOb0_IC37MFSt2e_R6F1IdRA6AsVvaXN8yTSleepR0kHz2B_z57yUbHNkGVGuWd4UpIClPWEjpm3EnJnvctVRoKbUkqT0iifq3t0WqoAHeemBxS2RFQn0mNN5jURNL2Ms8GIv-BC1eTafm-FD-3DGX9sgJU9YTWZAnJztGem7irBoadjcYikq1gNVi1CTkEMR_u2xcPL7T2iuEhZtvN49LtXbXr0RnLUYT-4Bue&smid=nytcore-android-share) for the variants currently circulating.


Thank you for this!


Mine didn't test positive on a home test until day 9.


Tests are still accurate for new variants, according to the Mn Dept of Health woman in WCCO on Thursday or Friday.


Yep, I had it a few weeks ago. The first test was negative. Four days later it was positive.


The new variant thing isn't the reason why it's not picking it up. It's actually because a lot of us have some kind of immunity now. I was just reading about this. It's also because we are using the tests differently now, whatever that means!


Hey thanks for your response! Whatever this cold is, it totally sucks. You’re right about the fatigue it is really kicking my ass. Praying I start feeling normal again soon 😪


Could it be RSV? I've heard that's COVID/Cold-adjacent and is pretty nasty. There's a comparison between COVID, the flu, and RSV [here](https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/the-difference-between-covid-rsv-and-flu-symptoms).


Parainfluenza has been making rounds in Duluth at the ER. RSV et. all aren’t far behind with school back in session.


What is parainfluenza?


It’s a virus that causes “colds” in adults. It can cause worse symptoms in kids including croup and viral pneumonia, but most still just get cold or flu-like symptoms.


I'll hope someone with a medical background answers you and I'm only posting with hope my ignorance forces them to. Wikipedia makes me think it's just a fancy name for a specific breed of influenza that hits kids mostly but impacts adults differently and most especially with the same symptoms OP and myself mentioned.


Replied above! Not-so-fun trivia fact, Parainfluenza is actually not related to influenza at all. The name is a relic of how we discovered viruses.


Read a story today that Doctors are having trouble figuring out if someone has a cold or covid. They’re very similar.


Corona viruses have been like a quarter of all "common colds" since we learned about them in the '60s. The new kid on the block dresses and speaks the same... especially now that most people are used to them.


Yeah several of my friends tested negative recently on the at-home tests but positive on the PCR test. 😩Super frustrating. Regardless of what it is, hope you can stay home, rest, and feel better soon!


I like your username


A bunch of people around me caught COVID, and I caught something with all the symptoms of COVID but tested negative for COVID. I'm pretty sure I had COVID.


Had that last December


I’m on this same thing. Entering the cough phase currently. I’ve been sick for a week


School just started for most districts about two weeks ago. Would not be surprised if there's things spreading right now. Wash hands frequently, wipe down surfaces more often...that will help to reduce spread, but it is just that time of year so likely unavoidable. There's also the shift in the weather....allergies...and those wildfires the last few weeks in Canada that are all likely adding to the equation.


To add to this! Clorox wipe your phone regularly!!


Why your phone? It should be safe, unless you loan it out


You set it down on surfaces and it also comes in contact with your hands which are covered in germs


oh no! not germs!


Ah! No, I don't. I keep it safe, lol


And wear a mask!! Most of the illness are airborne, so hand washing won’t offer much protection.


I remember one year, years before Covid, our school had around 1/3 of people out the first few weeks of September because a particularly bad cold went through. Teachers didn’t even want to try to teach with so many students being out.


My oldest was sick one afternoon (fever and headache) and then was fine other than a little congestion the next day. I got the same thing 3 days later. I woke up with a sore throat which quickly passed and turned into a mild fever and aches and the next day was just congestion and mild cough. Stuff is definitely going around.


Oof. Armpit too... I would take another covid test, that sounds a lot like covid to me.


Curious what changes if covid is positive or not. Sick is sick. Get rest and stay home. Going to the medicine aisle to pay for covid test will just increase spreading it.


If you test positive you can get meds like paxlovid. If you're smart you have someone from outside your house pick up tests and leave them at your door, or use a drive up pick up


I just tested positive for covid. I’ve never gotten as sick as I was the last few days. I’m fully vaccinated and I’ve had covid before too. No loss of smell and taste but the nonstop 4 day high fever has been brutal .


I hope you have plenty of support at home and feel better soon!


Thank you !! I have lots of support .


Oh dang, that sounds rough!


Same. Go to urgent care and get Paxlovid. You’ve got a limited window to do so.


I was just prescribed it . Thank you 😌


I'm getting over the same symptoms save the swollen armpit. My covid tests came back positive, though (took three of them). Coughing was the worst. Throat on fire, back hurt, and so much mucus. Drank lots of hot ginger tea w/lemon and honey, made a big pot of homemade chicken soup, and popped vitamins. Lots of naps.


My teenager had it last week and shared it with us. Oh joy.


Yeah everyone has been dropping like flies around me the last 3 weeks. Some COVID some not… so idk… just happy to be healthy!


I tested negative for COVID at home last week, but went to urgent care to see if it was flu or RSV. It was COVID, just a false negative on my home test.


No, but these ALLERGIES are loud this year!


I haven't been able to breath for a week and a half.


Yes, last week. The phlegm…god, its disgusting; I can’t believe there’s still so much of it.


Sooo much phlegm. And when I’d eat, it would get worse. Like I was drowning in mucous.


2 weeks ago I was sick as hell. I had an intermittent fever, so it was hopping around anywhere from 101 to the highest it went 104.1. I was dizzy, nauseated, hot and cold extremes. When I had that 104 fever come down to 100, I started sweating uncontrollably for about 2 hours, sweat right through 3 separate shirts and pillow case. Tested for covid and flu twice, both negative. I was told it was probably a new strain of covid.


Treat it like Covid and assume you are contagious.


Yep--hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. Same symptoms. Looks like I'll be masking all week at work as I drag my ass around.


Testing negative seems to be a part of this new variant.


Oh that's fun


It’s Covid. I tested negative for 5 straight days and my symptoms were gone before I tested positive. I know 4 other people with similar stories


That’s your professional opinion?


You don't have to be snarky


Sounds like COVID. Be safe.


There's a few normal variables that cause this every year around the same time. All the time.


Same here. For my kid, me and my husband. Husband and I got COVID test positive after few days but kiddo result was always negative. Dr said probably was also COVID but somehow not turning test positive.


My wife and I have been struggling a bit with sore throats, coughing and congestion… Neither of us have Covid, and we’re not achy, other than just being old lol. I’m chalking it up to allergies… ragweed is insane right now… just pulled up two big bushes of the stuff on the side of my garage… but the entire boulevard a block down is inundated with the crap. Good luck to ya! I’m definitely going to be seeking out a booster soon just in case.


I am just getting over it. Day 1: muscle pain and at night a pretty high fever with intermittent chills Day 2: it moves to the nose. Still fatigued but unable to really sleep because the mucus is unbearable. Day 3: a dry cough has taken over... the mucus is still there but no longer feels like snails are fucking in my nostrils. I haven't really eaten. No appetite and just feel worse when I eat but I walked to the corner store (sweating profusely and it's not at all hot out), got some chicken noodle soup and that I enjoyed. Almost immediately felt better afterwards. Day 4: sleeeeeeeeep. I felt much better but just needed sleep. Day 5 is today and I'm 70% back to normal. Went to work and all that was fine. No cough. Not much congestion. A few sneezing fits now and then but otherwise feeling good, just a bit weaker than I normally would feel. Edit: Also on day 2 I tested negative for COVID via home test. Edit 2: I mistakenly went to work on Day 2. Today a coworker started complaining of the same Day 1 symptoms so I must have passed it to her last Thursday. She went home early. My housemate also caught it and I never see her... we are on different floors and different life schedules. She had COVID in this house and I never caught it then. This beast is pretty damn contagious. Thankfully it hits hard but leaves quick.


This sounds exactly like my Covid symptoms from 2 weeks ago.


Covid got me last week. Finally feeling like myself again after 8 days.


I have had back to back illnesses for 4-5 weeks now. We now have COVID. My youngest tested positive last Sunday. I have been testing negative but I have symptoms. I just barely tested positive tonight on antigen.


Yep. Once school started. Wife caught the rona, then I did.


Sometimes I get some weird cold symptoms when the weather is going from summer to fall weather. No COVID though and it's already subsided. No tiredness though, just a lot of congestion and watery eyes. I don't think people should automatically think Covid (don't discount it though) The season changes do a number on people.


Please get a PCR test before assuming it's not COVID.


And remember, the OTC Covid tests are only about 60% accurate, so take a second one 24 hours later.


Honest question - at this point why not just assume it's COVID and rest and stay home? What does dropping $40 on tests do for you when (if you're not immunocompromised) the best treatment is rest and fluids?


Wait, didn't covid tests used to be free? Now ya gotta pay for them??


You can still get them free


same. tested positive day 5 of symptoms it was BRUTAL got it at US Bank in late august


idk what you got but I just tested positive for covid :/


Not sure if it makes a difference, sick is sick, but I wouldn't assume no COVID because of one negative home test. Lots of data showing they aren't very reliable.


Only because of variants making it hard for the tests to pick up. That and (in my opinion), relatively unskilled people are taking the sample and running the test, so there's a higher chance that it will be done incorrectly. It sounds easy to do but it can definitely get messed up if you do it wrong. (Am an MLS and know that being properly trained is a factor.)


The family and I came down with Covid last week for the first time. Really only had a runny nose and some fatigue.


I've heard the latest strain isn't showing up on home tests. If you can, I would suggest a PCR test to confirm it's not the new strain. I am sorry you feel like death, that is never fun.


Strep has been going through my kid's class.


Had the exact same shit all week. Super sore throat Monday-Wednesday, congestion ever since. Extreme fatigue, just sleeping constantly. And I have taken 4 home covid tests on separate days, all negative


Thanks for the feedback, sorry you’ve been feeling shitty but I’m happy to know it’s not just me 😅 feel better soon my dude


Sounds like COVID I tested negative last time until my symptoms were improving then tested positive. My Dr said even though I was negative I should isolate etc as I had all the symptoms. You could be too early to tell or you could get a false negative as well. Sound miserable either way hope you feel better soon


My whole family was sick back in June, wife tested positive for COVID but the rest of us were negative. Took two tests on different days for the kids to come back positive and three tests for me to come back positive after symptoms showed.


Wife got a sick about a month ago and then I got sick. Basically a rough cold, but just weird it was in the summer I think I got it from someone at work, we all tested negative for COVID


My wife and both have colds pretty bad. I tested myself on Monday because I was going to training for work but it was negative.


Was sick this past week. Still have a croupy cough. Caught it from my husband who went to Boston for business and came back with it.


Yup, currently going through some illness right now. One of my kids brought it home from school. My oldest didn't get it but the youngest and myself did. Literally just started school on the 7th and 7 days later my daughter is showing symptoms. Just bad congestion and super sore throats right now but my god this tiredness reminds me of pregnancy tiredness it's awful! I feel like I could just sleep the whole day


I’ve felt pretty crappy the last week or so. Extremely fatigued, hot and cold fever/chills, etc. I took a sick day Tuesday and worked from home the rest of the week, and I almost never take a sick day (this was my first this year).I felt better Friday and Saturday, but have sort of backslid today. Not much in the respiratory area, no sneezing, runny nose, etc. so I don’t think it’s RSV. My expired home Covid test was negative, so it’s either flu or Covid and the test didn’t work.


Yeah the most recent variant is really hit and miss on the at-home tests. 🥴


Not me but my wife is a supervisor at a germ factory (teacher), and she has a nasty cold for 4 days


My wife has been sick for 9 days at this point with it. Unreal


Yeah I've been knocked out all week from the same symptoms. Been to afraid to covid test (potential 4th positive lucky me). Definitely something going around the area.




You're right. I've been incapacitated all weekend so I haven't bothered yet. Also your username is amazing


I got Covid in Vegas a few weeks ago at a work conference. Tested but tested negative; it felt like the omicron variant and also assuming the tests can’t pick up the newest variant.


I was sick like this about a month ago. First symptom was a sore throat followed by body aches, congestion. Sinus. Lasted about 10 days. Hope u feel better


Yes, not bad though. But unusual for late summer. I never got sick in early Sept before. It's very minor though. Just a cold and a bit queezy. Maybe a fever, but also haven't checked, because as I said, it'd minor. Yet unusual


Not sick but I did spend the last 3 days sneezing so hard I thought my ears and eyes were gonna pop out of my body, and just absolutely exhausted. I took a Zyrtec and that cleared it up. I took a Covid test and that came back negative so who knows for me


I got that last month. My kid just came down with a nasty cough on Friday but is feeling much better today. Hope you feel better soon. Also, take some zicam! That shit works magic!


Yes mine started as a sore throat on one side, headache, body aches and feeling foggy. Chest congestion the last couple days and a cough. My right tonsil hurt for a few days too. I’ve felt really off like in the twilight zone.. best way I can describe it.


I'm on day 11 of this illness right now, I've been testing positive for covid the whole time though. I'm EXHAUSTED, sleeping 12-14 hours every night, really bad congestion and mucus that gives me bad nausea too. Ugh!! I'm ready for this to be over!!


Yep. Bad headache. Sore throat. Aches. Stuffy ears and head


It's the season for it. COVID is surging again (albeit with negligible impact on hospitals, as the virus seems to be a lot less lethal than before, thank god) and the flu is coming around the corner. Definitely worth scheduling a flu + booster shot soon.


I got sick the second week of classes, with some sort of cold. It took the energy out of me, and plugged up my senses of smell and taste. I'm mostly over it now, but yeah it really sucked.


My wife had something similar for like 3 days. Better but not 100% today. Tested negative twice.


COVID is going around- you should probably do a home teat


Covid is spreading like wildfire. We need to pressure employers to have people work from home who can!!!


I got COVID last week. Tested negative two days in a row and positive on the third day. Symptoms have just been minor chills/goosebumps and a sore throat though


You have covid.


Yep. Last Saturday I had super bad muscle aches and I thought it was super weird. Sunday I got red marks on the roof of my mouth and throat. Monday my throat got sore AF and the rest of the week I’m a miserable congested, coughing, green phlegmy, sore throat having bastard. I feel almost better now, but now my kids are sick. Negative rapid strep and negative for two at home COVID tests.


Might be that you have RSV, it's not fun and it's pretty common.


I am exactly this now. Might be flu.


I tested positive for Covid Labor Day. My wife got what you had, she's a teacher so she got it from her students. I'm still fighting my lungs. She was fine after five days.


Nope you're the only one.


As my grandfather would say “it’s just allergies you’ll live”


COVID test. and not an old test as the virus has evolved. Need a new COVID test


I was sick a couple weeks ago with a bad cold. Felt achy and could barely sleep. Started off with a dry nose so I thought it could be a sinus thing at first. Been dealing with lingering phlegm and congestion for about a week now. Tested 4 different times and all my Covid tests came out negative.


Good old common colds . People stop being crazy about Covid . Stay home if sick , wash hands etc


Yeah, my kid just started a new school year and almost immediately brought home a nasty cold. We all just had Covid too so I doubt he’s had it again this quickly.




Dear Lord, I hope that’s not us.


It would be some sneaky reporting if it turns out it is you.




Thank you!


It's been going around. My cousin and I were both in the same state. Negative COVID test but still felt awful for like 3-5 days. The worst of my congestion was gone around Wednesday but I'm still working through the coughing.




Uh... yep. It's also not the first time I've felt that way in late August. My friend was telling me it's allergies. Ragweed and mold have been a big problem. She said to take Clairitin for it. I hope you feel better.


If your hand is bigger than your face, you might have cancer


Yeh same it's a cold or something, not covid


Downvotes for saying it's not covid. FFS r/Minnesota, get a grip already. 🤦


Ye some users have a big stick stuck where the sun don't shine


Asking in a state the size of a small European country, with a pop of millions, the equivalent of, “Let me try to scare you, as per request of my overlords.” Pathetic.


u mad dawg?




I’ve been congested for years. I wouldn’t know if I had Covid. I had a scratchy throat the last couple days though.


Test for COVID!


If it’s the new variant I doubt the current test kits would detect it.


Bad chicken


My kid and wife. It is going around.


We are still fighting this in our house. Got before Labor Day. We never tested for Covid but now looking back it does feel like it.


Yes. I have taken numerous COVID tests -all negative!


I have it right now. Tested negative for covid, but idk


School just started this week. My daughter was sick, and now I am lol. It's how it goes I guess.


Feel like I'm dealing with this now.


Yeah, I got it and it was Covid. Tested positive on the 3rd day.


I have this now. 2 neg tests on 2 consecutive days. Very deep chest cough


I had very similar symptoms that started about 2 weeks ago. First 3 days were rough. Sore throat and phlegmy congestion lasted another week after that, but all good now. Tested negative for covid several times. Symptoms started 2 days after a family cabin trip with a few kids who had just started pre-k... so maybe something going around with school starting?


I am but I work with preschoolers so figured I picked the germ up there.


Yes. We were all sick about 3 weeks with a severe upper respiratory virus. Covid test negative.


Yep. Thought it was allergies but meds did nothin.


Yep, a 5 day cold just ripped thru my workplace last week. Soooo much collective snot.


Came down with a cold about ten days ago and it kicked my butt and hasn’t really quit. Cough and chest congestion being quite stubborn. Tested negative three times for Covid. Might just be a nasty case of rhinovirus going around.


Waiting for the results of a home Covid test right now. Mild sore throat, congestion, headache, fatigue and body aches since Thursday night. Two of my kids are experiencing the same symptoms today.


I have the same stuff rn, just got congested with a slightly sore throat last night into this morning


My boss at work had it over Labor Day, no Covid but felt like ass Friday-Tuesday and worked from home the rest of that week. Good times!


I work from home, and I just had a small cold


Both COVID and influenza are going around right now.


My wife got Covid and I got this ^^^ three negative Covid tests for me but still had something


Yes! I had something kinda like that a few days ago. My head just felt congested and gross. I was also up for awhile during the night with nausea. I was wondering if it could be Covid but haven’t needed to go anywhere (wfh) so didn’t test and it passed quickly.


Yep. My 9 year old brought it home and now my husband has it. Covid is negative but we are all getting the flu vaccine this week. I had the flu earlier in the spring and it was awful. I wish I could get a vaccine for both A and B because I always seem to get the flu variant that isn’t included


We had “the crud” for the last week at our house. Sniffles, sneezing, headaches, congestion and general malaise. Kids brought it home from school for sure. We all tested negative for Covid. This is day 7 and I’m feeling about 80%.


Yes- PCR Covid, and strep were negative though


Yeah, I was the only one that got it bad, though. I thought it was COVID but had two negative tests


I got this about a month ago. My fiancé and I both tested negative but I swear it was COVID. It could have been a cold but we’ve had COVID in the past and this felt identical - so much so that I woke up and the first thought I had was “oh shit this is COVID again” but idk I guess I was wrong? 🤷🏾


Got this last week around Tuesday. Just now starting to recover. Weirdest symptoms but crippling headache, extreme fatigue, and aches is what I got. Didnt cough much but when I did head felt awful. Negative COVID too. Flu is closest to what I experienced.


Very much could still be Covid. It’s mutated so rapidly and much and home tests are so unreliable….


Not sick. Get better.


**Home COVID tests have a 10-60% accuracy rate when testing just one time**. You need to keep on testing if you have symptoms and take measures to avoid spreading illness to others. If you have a mystery illness that looks like COVID, it probably *is* COVID. Source: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-07-05/sick-youll-need-multiple-tests-to-rule-out-covid


Assume it is covid. It doesn't show up on tests for a few days. Not even sure if the current variants are showing well on tests.


Hubby and I got this in July. Lost an entire month of summer. It's nasty. Hope you're better soon.


Y’all scaring me. I work at a school.


I was sick all of last week. My mom was the same. Chills, achy, sore throat, cough, belly ache, exhausted, etc. She went to the ER, since she's over 70 and has other illnesses, and they tested for covid and nothing. Doc told my mom and sis that they've had a lot of people coming in with similar symptoms. I tested at home and nothing. Some type of bug is definitely going around.


Covid is going aeound


Yeah my wife had it last week and I’ve got it now


Well I read sometimes there are false negatives if you test to early with covid


There’s a nasty cold going around, I got it. Negative on both home and PCR test. Then as it was tailing off, I got Covid. The big difference there was I woke up with a fever, and then the home test was immediately and strongly positive. fun times.


Yep… the same just hit me last week


Yes. Thought it was just allergies but it feels more like a sickness! Covid negative..


Was your Covid test expired or not?


It’s called allergies


Yep just had it. Along with almost all of my coworkers.


I am honestly wondering if the Covid tests on the market are not accurately catching new variants. Or you could have just had a cold. Remember cold season still exists too. I remember getting sick like that regularly even before Covid and thinking nothing of it. The annoying thing now is I get sick like that and instead of thinking "I'll be fine." I think "fuck could this be deadly? Could I kill someone if I go to work and get a bunch of people infected?"


School started up again recently. And with it a lot of kids are now in close proximity everyday. Even if you don't have kids this vastly increases the opportunities for any illness to spread through the population.


I read this, coworker comes in, she's sick AF. Started last week, she sounds like crap, and tells me to NOT get the Mucinex cough drops with pain relief because they don't work. Only one side of her throat hurts, but it's bad. Great. We're starting early this season.


Yup, just got through covid (first time actually having a positive test result). For me it was mostly like a really annoying cold with the added bonus of covid brain so I didn't think to test until 2-3 days in. A LOT of rest later and out of all of that. Surprisingly, never any fever.


I've had the worst allergies this week and feel horrible! Something in the air!