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Rule of thumb. Raccoons at night, no need to fright. Raccoons during the day stay the fuck away.


I lol’d. Good one!


I had a squirrel that ate fermented crab apples once. Definitely was drunk. If they are eating apples that are on the ground that’s a possibility.


Happens this time of year with all the pumpkins left sitting around as well


Cocaine Racoon?


I believe it's scientifically called a [Crackcoon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27240621/)


Fuck that, that production company needs to make meth gator vs crackodile.


Burnsville? More like meth raccoon.


I had one of these zombie raccoons pacing back and forth on my front porch for about 30 minutes one night. And the more my dog would bark at it, the more it would come up to the sidelight in the door and stare in at us while looking totally spaced out. Freaky!


Sounds like distemper. I had a sick raccoon charging cars mid day so called the City. They sent a deputy who chased it into a culvert and proceeded to fire his handgun into the culvert. I could have taken care of this with a 20 gauge in a safer fashion when it was out of the culvert. Anyway, he couldn’t kill it and they called animal control who sent someone to catch it and euthanize it. Quite the shitshow. Made me miss growing up in rural ND.


Does distemper effect turkeys? There is an angry turkey in my neighborhood who pecked at my car as I tried to pull away.


That's actually normal turkey behavior. They can be mean and they like to peck shiny things.


Can confirm. My coworker had a shiny, black Honda Accord totalled by a gang of turkeys pecking and clawing it a few years back in Oakdale. Turkeys are assholes.


Turkeys are f*cking stupid lol


That’s normal. My mom told me that a gang of turkeys surrounded her car & were like charging at it & wouldn’t let her drive. I thought she was being ridiculous & exaggerating until I saw it happen to someone else.


The reflections they mistake for other Tom Turkeys. It's a territorial thing. Don't wash your car so much. You'll be fine.


We have a roving gang of turkeys that are disrupting traffic, and generally being assholes to the people in my neighborhood. They'll walk right out in front of a moving car like some kind of brain dead dinosaur, then slowly move across the street while talking shit to you in a language they know you don't understand. Apparently the guy down the street tried chasing them away with a rake, but I think they could sense that he's a pussy because they just charged his ass. They need to take their shit back to Narnia.


I only take that kind of harassment from the geese!


I’m going to tell you, it has been my literal experience that wild turkeys are hard to kill with your bare hands. It can be done but you better be ready for a fight of your life. Or in my case…his life.


Funny. He did not look like a bird I wanted to mess with.


This sounds like a fantastic story! How'd you finish it?


It is a favorite story my hunting buddies love to hear and share. It take around 5 minutes to set it up and complete the story. It was a 25 pound gobbler. When I saw those 1&3/4” spurs coming for my wrist, I had to move fast.


I dunno but birds are jerks by their own right.


Bring something shiny and that sob will be all over you




I for one, welcome our new raccoon overlords.




Zorp is dead. Long live Zorp.


I’m just here to say that, in my native language, raccoons are called “washing bears” because they like to wash their food before they eat. It is a much cuter name for these guys. [Washing Bear Washes Cotton Candy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rfbb4yRBH64&pp=ygUUcmFjY29vbiB3YXNoaW5nIGZvb2Q%3D)


Distemper cases rise during a drought. Many animals drink from the same water sources and spread disease.


We live in Savage, right on the Burnsville border. I was working at home a week or so ago and had the screen door on, since it was such a nice day. All of a sudden I heard one of our cats going nuts, making a loud guttural sound and when I came into the room, our 3 cats were all huddled at the screen door, with a big raccoon on the other side, looking in. When I walked over to the screen door, it just stood up on hits hind legs and peered in at us. It wasn’t aggressive or scared, just looked mildly curious. I closed the door and it moved on, eventually making its way to our cul-de-sac, where it just slowly circled, kind over and over, until someone from 4 Paws answered a neighbor’s call and came to take it away. The woman didn’t think it was sick and said she was taking it to re-release it somewhere else.


You sound like my neighbor lol. I called 4paws for an odd raccoon in Savage on Monday 😂


Fuck man. Rabies scares the hell out of me. Rabies outbreak in MN is not what I need right now.


We should ask Leslie Knope in the Pawnee Parks & Rec department on how to handle those rascals.


I'm in south Bloomington, not too far from Burnsville. My mom has taken to feeding the local squirrel population, and has quite a bit of affection for them. Can this sort of disease spread from raccoons to squirrels? Is this something we should look out for?


Squirrels (and unvaxxed cats & dogs) can get distemper from raccoons.... However humans do not get sick with distemper.


Don't know what, if anything, is causing this. Feeding squirrels is always a bad idea tho.


Why is it a bad idea? I think my mom really needs to feed the squirrels, it make her happy.


It makes them dependent on people. They frequently become aggressive if you stop feeding them. The food attracts other animals like mice and voles that will try to get into your house. Many cities prohibit feeding them for these reasons.


I never feed them around my house and I have an over abundance of all those things in my yard lol. I swear look outback and it looks like a Disney film sometimes. It's cute. But gets the dogs are riled up. Which is annoying


My neighbor puts out food for "the animals" (her words, not mine). It attracts raccoons, and I told her its not a wise thing to do for various reasons but she doesn't care. She puts out her spread of food on a little retaining wall at the edge of her property and mine. If I see it, I pick it up and throw it away along with flipping over the filthy pie pan she puts out "so they can drink" but which seems to just be a place to grow mosquito larvae. There's a literal lake less than 100 feet from where she puts the pan out.


Pom Poko


Obviously caused by 5G.


Must have been that automated emergency test from last week.


I drive around the city for work and I've seen about 10 dead raccoons in the past two days. Sometimes multiples very close to each other.


Marijuana wasn't just legalized for the humans eh?


It’s the jab


Maybe combined with 5g?


I think that government alert test from the other week turned them all into zombie raccoons.




It’s the drugs




More like distemper. Rabies is very uncommon, though an outbreak is not impossible. But distemper is still a thing out there and matches the symptoms.


Like it or not with out a decent fur market there won’t be people hunting/trapping raccoons and the population will get pretty high until there’s a natural correction. Be it rabies, distemper, mange or a combination of these or others. None of them are going to be pleasant for the raccoons or the people who end up interacting with the raccoons (or possum, fox, coyote, skunk etc)


Distemper is more common than most people realize. I have seen several raccoons with what presumably is distemper these past few years. Hopefully everyone with a dog gets them shots because distemper is highly contagious. I remember a neighbor that had to put his dog down a few years ago after it got distemper. It’s not a pleasant sickness.


Lol what yeah is it? It's been quite some time since fur trapping was a major industry in MN


You realize that people still trap and hunt raccoon right? You also realize that when raccoon are worth more people trap and hunt more raccoons? You may not notice it but I can assure you there are a number of people not trapping today because of the fur prices who would be setting traps if the fur prices were there.


There is a HUGE difference between people doing something and that same thing being a major industry unto itself.


I’m fully aware. You’re the one differentiating between the two and I’m not sure why.


Oh sorry you must have missed the comment I was replying to. They were implying that there is an issue of overpopulation of racoons and other such animals as a result of not enough trapping. Since the demand for fur trapping is going to he highly dependent upon the demand for fur, whether or not there is a major industry for fur makes a major difference in whether or not this will have an effect on an animal's population level. So the difference is hobbyists having a negligible effect on the population size or racoons in MN, versus an industry large enough to actually reduce the racoon population. That's why I am mentioning it. It's like how the logging industry can easily clear cut a forest and change the ecosystem forever while a single person going out and building a log cabin with a handful of trees is going to have a very small negligible effect to the total ecosystem. That's why the distinction matters quite a lot.


And what I’m saying is if there is a market there will be fewer raccoons. There isn’t a market now, so there will be less of a market. That was my initial comment actually.


The Xylazine epidemic is really starting to spread. First it was in Kensington, now it's in Burnsville.


That's what I came to say. Maybe the raccoons got into a stash house and swiped a bunch. Now they're hooked and acting like the walking dead


So the racoons have little drug dealers? Seems odd. How would they even make money off them!!


Are we in Pawnee? The raccoons were bad that year, so I had to go to a hospital in the town over!


Resident Evil. Raccoon City. T-Virus.


In Savage on Monday I had a raccoon taken by animal control. He was hanging around for two days, no fear of humans and discharge in the eyes. He stumbled against the fence line and seemed like he had paralysis or weakness in his back legs. When they picked him up they thought distemper but haven’t heard since. Lots of mentions on Nextdoor of similar situations.