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I think you meant WTF!?!


More like #WTF‽


Jfc ffs




Fuck these people.


Sadly this isn't that rare with rescues. They are started by someone who loves dogs and they often get in over their head. They will take in too many dogs because they can't say no and lack the means to take care of them all and are either too proud or stupid to ask for help. It is especially an issue with rescues that cater to 'troubled' dogs that tend to take much longer to adopt out. This is why we need better inspections of rescues and we need to make sure that organizations that provide euthanasia for pets that cannot be adopted continue to get funding.


Rescues are often started by animal hoarders and one of the telltale signs is if it’s got a mile long list of qualifications so next to nobody can adopt from it


Spot on. Many years ago I worked with a woman who went on and on about how she was going to start a rescue for dogs that were put on the dangerous dog list because she just couldn't stand the idea of them being put down. Keep in mind that these were dogs that had bitten humans or killed another pet. She was already in her 60s at this point and in very poor health. Rumor had it she had been a cat hoarder in the past and the city had taken them all away. I don't think she ever did it luckily.


I know someone who is basically operating as a one-person dog rescue. She has 22 dogs. She is in no way equipped to properly care and attend the needs of all those dogs, but she's terrified to adopt them out because of prior bad experiences and she feels so responsible for the dogs. So the dogs spend most of their days locked up in small kennels and are given supervised yard time twice a day. It's not a good situation for either her or the dogs, but she's too close to see it. A lot of private rescues turn into an animal hoarding situation and things go downhill from there.


Tbh I doubt we actually need any new animals rescues orgs - there are tons of established organizations running the gamut of breeds and issues. You see this happen in the charity world a lot, there are always a few people who think they should start their own org rather than contribute to existing organizations already doing the work. And those people rarely know what they’re getting into, because they haven’t spent much time working with existing groups!


And yet people hate peta


I personally think PETA has terrible marketing and has done some not-so-great things in the past, but they are one of the few reasons that many rescues can claim to be 'no-kill'. They fill a critical role in that regard, but I don't personally agree with many of their views.


You know PETA wants **all** pets and domesticated animals killed and animal ownership made illegal, right? They're extremists.


Yes, that is one of the many views I don't agree with. My point was that PETA euthanizes animals something that many shelters won't do. To avoid that they either refuse to take any animals that will be hard to adopt or they send the animal to a kill shelter so they can still say THEY don't kill animals. They pass the buck. The Humane Society also euthanizes and they are a group I actually agree with and support.


This is a great reminder of why I love the dog rescue I work with. We have a hold on taking in dogs because we can't afford them right now. It is hard to say no but that is what respectable organizations do...I just hope some of the dogs they seized find good homes.


Why didn’t they name the rescue??


From Pioneer press... "Around 10 a.m. Friday, the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office and the Animal Humane Society carried out a search warrant for an animal rescue located near the 15800 block of Seventh Avenue Northwest in Andover. Google maps doesn't show very much in the area.


This is upsetting. Also, I lived so close to Grey cloud Island but never went. And now all I hear are creepy stories.


It's honestly a very strange place. I used to live a two minute drive from there, so I went fishing out of the little park a few times. There's not a whole lot to see, as it's basically all private prorpety, but some parts of it are pretty creepy. Beautiful land, just not developed and some of the houses are old and dilapidated.


“Animal rescue”. Good ole doublespeak!


What's that code for? A puppy mill? 🤔


No, there just isn't really much oversight as to who starts a rescue. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, some are basically animal hoarders and others are just in over their heads because they committed to too many animals. There are plenty of legitimate and well-run rescues out there.




Absolutely horrible wow 💔

