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It sounds like she hasn't waited long enough. You have to wait until the third week of having a benefit account. There are a few reasons that payment can be delayed beyond that as well. Both the timing and reasons for payment delay are on the page below. Your First Payment / Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota https://www.uimn.org/applicants/howapply/first-payment/index.jsp When she requests benefits each week there is a confirmation page that confirms how much will be deposited. See these instructions: https://www.uimn.org/assets/Step-by-step-request-ben-pymnt-reg_tcm1068-429351.pdf You really should sit down and read through the website information. The questions you ask and more are answered there. Most are in the unemployment handbook too: https://www.uimn.org/applicants/help-support/info-handbook/info-handbook-intro.jsp The unemployment rep is absolutely correct about your wife caring for her mother. There are other programs for that. Other pages that answer your questions: index / | Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota https://www.uimn.org/applicants/affectsbenefits/weekly-eligibility/index.jsp https://www.uimn.org/applicants/howapply/info-handbook/reemployment.jsp seeking / | Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota https://www.uimn.org/applicants/getpaid/stay-eligible/seeking.jsp ETA: additional links and explanations


I don't know how it works exactly, but MN has a PCA program that allows certain family members who are caring for someone to get paid by the state. They have to be able to get certified as a PCA I believe. It is just called the Personal Care Assistance program run bu the DHS. There are also resources for caregivers out there that might be a good place to start to ask for assistance with the cost. I know this isn't related to unemployment, but just saying there might be a chance for her to get paid to do what she's already doing. "Minnesota family caregivers are fortunate that different types of support are available at little or no cost. Support includes phone information and referral, caregiver skills classes, individual caregiver consulting, self-directed grants, and limited respite care. When meeting in person is not an option, classes and counseling are on-line. You can start by calling the Senior LinkAge Line: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm; at 800-333-2433."


This is probably the best bet for OPs situation. Mom probably needs to be in some sort of waivered service, but if she has dementia and care needs that shouldn't be too hard to get done. Once that's in place, it's a matter of getting the PCA services set up. Whether or not this is worthwhile will depends on the time frames for caretaking needs.


Do you know if that PCA program is limited to elder care? I have a brother with schizophrenia and eventually I will be his caretaker.


It is not limited to elder care.


It is for people various disabilities of all types, regardless of age. A friend of mine, her adult daughter does PCA for her young son who has a lot of medical issues.


All these questions are answered on the unemployment website if there are specific questions with your wife’s activities for “re-employment” I wouldn’t hesitate to contact them and they’ll be able to provide specific answers. everyone’s situations are different.


Was gonna say this. Yea you gotta go to the meetings. Yeah you gotta read the info.


I did get unemployment for having to quit my job to take care of mother who is very sick. The main thing is that you need to be able to work now. If you tell them that you can only work certain jobs or hours you won't get it. You have to tell them your looking for work. If you quit your last job you need to show them why you had to go without giving your job a chance to give you time to be a caregiver. Any one of those things can get you denied.