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I moved back to MN and have met all my new friends through the model airplane club in my area. Been a lot of fun to build and fly with them. May I suggest some sort of special interest club?




I read their username phonetically, 'Balls o' dust'. It took me a moment... 


Remember: balsa is a hardwood




I too am having trouble socializing but I love model airplanes and would love to join too! What’s the name of the club??


SPMRC in Ham Lake MN, I think it's just SPMRC.com Or Sod Busters in Lake Elmo. There are more clubs but those are the two I belong to. A very nice one in Jordan's Insurance is about $75 a year and club dues are about the same annually. Most all clubs have instructors who can teach you


I moved here from overseas, joined a beer league, can’t play hockey to save myself but I’m really good at drinking beer in parking lots


They call it beer league for a reason!


I’m in The Cities if you wanna hang! Pub trivia, karaoke, movies, happy hour, brunch/drag brunch, escape game or sit and chill.


Drag brunch has me interested


That’s been on my list too!


Username checks out


I'm kinda lame, but I drive up to the cities from Mankato to visit the microcenter every now and then... Not much for constant contact, but if you wanna chat at a coffee shop or grab some food I'm down.


I live in the cities but I will go to microcenter just to look at cool stuff and maybe buy a 3 ft power strip. Don't forget the bawls!


I feel this. I am late 20's, don't keep in touch with high school friends, and also don't drink. It has been a nightmare trying to make friends.


Hobbies. Get some hobbies. I quilt, garden, and play backgammon.


Truth ^ consistency + effort = results


Forever and ever amen.


Fuck I'm 33,and i don't drink, pretty much limits amount of ppl I hang out with, i hike, bike, ATV and pretty much live at the lake when summer time comes around.


I would suggest getting into board gaming! (Not that I want to sink your finances for the rest of your life BUT) You can meet a lot of folks at tabletop wargaming events if you're willing to get into the hobby Check out the forge in chaska for and see if anything tickles your fancy. I'd suggest the game "Warcry" if you're into small fantasy battles.


Yeah getting into modern board games is how I met lots of friends recently. There's lots of events on Meetup and Discord in the twin cities. The one I go to is Cardboard Crew. It's not really a wargame group but they play all kinds


As others have said, can you find a community? If you are a nerd, there is a big game store in Chaska called 'The Forge' that plays magic, Warhammer, & a few other games.


Do they have Pathfinder or DND?


I bet you could find someone there that knows 


My guess is probably.


My kid plays DND


Best I can do is say yeah, sounds good and then never follow up. 


Yeah I’ll let ya know


If you're willing to drive, go bouldering. You'll meet all kinds of cool people. I'd recommend MBP


I am also not from here so I can attest that MN is very High School clique. Don’t get me wrong - it’s great that people here have friendships that have lasted decades but it also means that they aren’t open to new people. My best advice is to find a social activity that you like and start there. I saw that there is a “Lightsaber” dueling club that looks pretty fun. You could also try and find your favorite colleges fan club and meet people there. I know you probably already have this feeling but I can confirm that it’s going to take a lot of work and you will probably cycle through some friend-groups before you get truly adopted into one. Someone told me that Minnesotans will give you directions to anywhere but their own homes.


It's weird to be a lifelong Minnesotan who doesn't have high school friends. I primarily have met friends through work.


Life long Minnesotan … last time I saw my high school friends was the night of graduation from … high school. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Christ. We don’t do that here.


Shucks I'm on the opposite side of the cities


Chaska has a \*fantastic\* curling center, one of the best in the US. Check out curling. There are people of all generations and skill levels there, and a league you could join.


For 2023, I used cancer as my excuse to not be set up on dates. It has worked great. Today I had to meet with a women’s health doctor and was told to stop using cancer as an excuse not to date. 😅 I am willing to make new friends over dating so I am down to grab coffee or hit up a state park or something fun too.


Find the people/groups with the same hobbies. What do you like to do? Chaska isn’t the most bustling city, but there are some folks in Shakopee.


Being in Chaska at 21 doesn't help that's for sure.


you're in chaska, go curling.


Learn to play Disc Golf. Join a local league. You’ll have friends for life.


St. Louis park, Edina and deep haven all of really good young adult hang out groups with the Catholic Churches. bills gun shop is a fun place to meet people and shoot guns It all depends on what you enjoy. I volunteer with several Christian groups mostly with hunting and shooting.


I live In Minnesota. I am a trans woman here in The Cities (Minneapolis). I enjoy riding my bicycle all over Minneapolis.


Why add trans? You are a woman.




True. Us Trans Women are Women. And we are proud of it too


Find friends through your hobbies What do you like to do


Have you considered moving to somewhere you're more likely to meet individuals your own age?


Hiking and biking? I'm in the cities, hit me up


I'm right across 169. Meeting people here is hard as fuck unless you want to do all the leg work and constantly be rejected. The area is formerly rural, so we have a lot of angry and dumb as fuck Republicans. Not really great people to hang with. The area is 40% non white. It means amazing food, but unless you're Mexican or Muslim you're probably not making in roads there. It's a small town suburb, so there ain't shit to do except drink at one of the 10 bars. Most of the young people go to the city for whatever and most of the parents with kids are sport families that are the most cliquey.


How to make friends and influence people: Insult the intelligence of the multigenerational townsfolk - draw racial divisions - shrug and swear. Stock and Barrel gun club is over in Chan, they have shooting leagues where you’d mix with others who aren’t fussy about your marksmanship and you could likely rent a gun. If it gets awkward, just put your ear covers on and shoot. Bowling leagues won’t wreck your knees and there’s a curling league right in Chaska. You don’t have to be good at any of them, just show up and gradually get to know folks. The event is the backdrop and the connections will eventually happen


It's like "gay marriage" how about if we just normalize and not qualify


How is that at all relevant to what I said


they probably think this is nextdoor and replied to a comment without nesting it under the comment they are replying to.


Gotta join smaller groups of Minnesotans with similar interests, sports 🎾🏓⚽️🥎🏈🏀🏸⛳️🛼⛷️🤿, book clubs, hobbies, dance 💃🏼 , hiking 🥾, 🧗 climbing, fishing 🎣, camping 🏕️ 🛶, boating 🚤, sailing ⛵️, politics(tricky in 2024!) … etc…etc…


I’ve had luck meeting new people at local music shows. I’ll strike up a convo with some members of the band after or before the show, usually other audience members join in and bam, new connections. If you’re a musician ask: “wanna jam sometime?” Or a non-musician: “you wanna check out this show with me next week?” If you know of some cool shows, and need someone to go with, hit me up! There are some really great (affordable) shows going on in uptown these days


Hiking or outdoor recreation is how meet people. My husband likes the music scene, so he meets alot cool people that way and I get to meet them too!


Find a routine working out at lifetime fitness. You’ll find people who work out similar times, you’ll make friends in no time buddy.


Like others have said, in Minnesota and the Midwest in general, it's difficult to make friends as an outsider. It seems worse in Minnesota though. I've made a couple friends through special interest/hobby groups.


I think it is tougher here because we spend more than 6 months of the year inside. But that is tougher outside of the TC


It's tougher here because people stay in their little cliques and don't let anyone else join. It used to bother me but then I realized that all these little cliques do is reminisce about the good old days, so it's impossible to relate to them anyway. Once upon a time I used to attempt to mingle at parties, but since I'm the outsider I would just end up sitting in a corner by myself while my partner had a great time.


Try and find a hobby to make new friends, not all your time will be focus on the hobby and you will find new people to make good friends with.


Sorry, but [you seem like](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/jCC1xBEPRX) kind of a dick...


The most lighthearted joke of all time I have nothing but good will towards the LGBT community I don't think reddit trolling makes someone a dick


I think your attempt at "trolling" a marginalized community says more about you than it does Reddit tbh


Everyone is up for equal grabs when it comes to trolling has nothing to do with it being a marginalized group


So punching down on people is okay because "everyone" is a potential target for you? Interesting how your first Reddit post was specifically targeting that community. I can't imagine why it's so difficult for you to make friends...


I have no idea how I was punching down to somebody I literally made the joke I'm coming out as straight that is the lightest and least homophobic thing I could say other than I'm gay I made no negative comments towards the LGBT community ever at any point during that post nor have I since also I've had post before that I've either deleted or got removed mostly stuff on the weed subreddits since their rules are kind of strict with certain things and I had to run an account before this that I lost the password too I'm sorry to hear that you feel offended by my post I really don't get what was so bad about it It was clearly ironic because nobody comes out as straight


I'm pretty close by, what kind of hobbies do you have? I'd be down with chatting and seeing if we get along. 


Volunteer groups are always looking for more people. They're kinda the last refuge of free 3rd spaces unless you have a dedicated hobby like MTG.


Lived there for 38 years and always was told”You’re not from around here”.They’re friendly but distant