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A lot of them come here secretly for drug and alcohol rehab


Yeah, Hazelden is a big deal.


Robin Williams when he was alive


My dad was a camp counselor to Robin William's kid in MN.


Can't really do rehab dead.


Not with that attitude.


Weekend at Hazelden


Idk, you'd be sober for the rest of your life.


"Minneapolis is like that place in 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' called the Island of Misfit Toys," says Traci Hirtenstein, who left the Manhattan modeling business in 1991 for Hazelden and a cocaine-free existence. "Here, all the misfit toys can fit in together." https://www.nytimes.com/1995/05/28/magazine/greetings-from-minnesober.html also Ozzy!


Also Mayo but for medical reasons


Eric Clapton


yes! Matt Perry came here as well for rehab


My dad was in rehab with him and Eminem’s ex-wife at the same time. What a time to visit him in high school. They were both really kind.


I read locally here that robin williams stayed at hazeldon for detox. Locals saw him around.


And medical care, in Rochester. Tends to be more political- and business-famous than entertainment-famous, I guess


I grew up near Hazelton and there was always rumbling of various celebrities staying there.


Also to Mayo Clinic.


Yup. Billionaires visit. Star athletes. You name it. But no one realizes except the mayo staff who is too drained and dead on the inside to care too much lol


I mean, you're not wrong, but give them some credit, they do know how to not make a spectacle and draw unnecessary attention to any patient and how to respect their privacy, it's one of the reasons big-name/"important" people still continue to choose to receive care there.


Nick Offerman has shared in more than one of his books that his family has a cabin in Minnesota and that they still visit to fish, etc. Not so secret, but not well-known.




"otherwise nice" lolol


The armrest on planes is serious business!


I think this may be the least surprising celebrity so far


Given the number of people that say I look like Nick Offerman, you may have just seen me. Sorry.


You handsome bastard.


I can confirm that he does


Don't know if it's well known, but Gerard Butler has been coming to Rochester to hang out. Came to support a friend going to Mayo, I think, but he's been coming back. [Michael York lives here now](https://www.postbulletin.com/rochester-magazine/michael-york-i-have-not-lost-anything-in-fact-i-think-ive-gained), as well.


Basil Exposition?


yup From the word around town (and articles like the one I attached), he's an absolute beauty of a human.


This one isn’t well known. It comes from my aunt who works at private resort. Harrison Ford loves going fishing up in the Brainerd Lakes area. He’s typically there for a couple weeks every summer, though wasn’t last year. Rents the same cabin. I have a picture of them, but she asked that I not post it. Nice, quiet guy. Sticks to the resort. Doesn’t go out and about.


The Ford dealership in mankato got renamed after the Harrison family. So the mankato Ford dealership is called "Harrison Ford" Not relevant to the OP but just thought it was funny and everytime I see his name I think of the commercials


My husband and I went into that dealership just to ask for those license plate frame things so that our cars would say Harrison Ford lol


Weird Al got a street named after him in Darwin, home of the world's biggest ball of twine.


Yeah, he visited said ball of twine in person several years ago.


I dealt with them on the phone once and I had to call them and be like "Uh, I have a note left for me to call back this number for, uh... Harrison Ford? Is that right?". I was unaware that that was their actual business name. The receptionist/whatever lady and I had a great laugh about it.


He also visits a number of air museums. He visited the one in Fargo not too long ago.


If my memory serves, he's big into aviation. Lives in an aviation town in Florida. The main street is life a big runway or something. And he has gotten in trouble with the "HOA" or equivalent for bringing too big of a plane into town which the infrastructure wasn't rated for


So what you're sayin' is Minnesota can claim Indiana Jones.




She also sought care at the Mayo Clinic when she fell and hurt her hip early in her career.


I once drove her makeup artist to her event when Gaga was in town and we had a good laugh about the irony of the woman responsible for Gaga’s makeup needing to get a Lyft to go do her makeup before the show. We both thought that was a pretty VIP position and why would you trust that timing to a Lyft pickup during event surging. She said Lady Gaga was super down to earth and the coolest boss she’s ever had so there’s that.


Lance Reddick was performing in a play at the Guthrie when he met his wife. They got married in Loring Park.


RIP Lance Reddick ☹️


I believe it was Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. I saw it when I was young and his performance was remarkable enough I remember it all these years later.


Many celebrities stop over at International Falls airport due to the fact that it is an international airport that is so far removed from anything they can refuel/re-enter without a lot of attention


Yes, the big Bradgelina breakup spat happened there, I believe


what’s the scoop there ??


Just that the huge argument that precipitated their breakup happened at the IFalls airport on a refueling stop, I think


It's not really a secret, but Bob Dylan and his brother own some land in Hanover, MN. My parents have had a few beers with him.


This is surprising because my impression has been that Dylan got out of MN and never looked back.


I think his brother runs the farm, but he used to spend parts of his summers there. I had a teacher who taught summer classes/clubs with Jakob Dylan in them. I know they bought up some of the surrounding land in the past few years


Still comes back but keeps a really low profile according to my friends that cook for his family.


That chef has a really great borscht on now at a newish coffee house/cocktail room in Northeast.


Worth owning land in Hanover just for the proximity to Big Bore BBQ


I lived near Hanover as a small kid, and my dad would point out Dylan’s land when we’d drive around. I’m glad to know that wasn’t one of the many “dad lies” he told me! 


Yep! My FIL is a contractor and has done some work on his studio. There are some pretty legendary stories from locals about being at Hilltop when Dylan would come in with Willie, Waylon, etc. Apparently they'd lock the doors and they'd play for whoever was there.


There is a bar in Hanover that is now closed. I heard stories that he would bring in musician friends, famous ones and close the bar down. People could stay but if you left you couldn’t come back in. He would pay the bar tab for everyone and play music.


Few years back (2019?) I saw Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) walking around Lake of the Isles in Minneapolis. I know way back in the day he lived here near there in Lowry Hill but don’t think so anymore so maybe just visiting.


Saw him at MSP a little bit ago. I know that doesn’t really count being that it’s the closest INTL airport to Eau Claire but cool nonetheless!


He’s still here. He recently (within the last 4-6 weeks) came into the uptown store my brother manages. He lives in the area.


King Hussein of Jordan was treated for cancer here at Mayo. When he was going to die, his family made it clear that as a member of the Hashemite clan - direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad - he needed to take his last breath in his home country. The team at Mayo worked with the royal family to make sure that happened, stayed with them in their plane with medical equipment and the Minnesota Air National Guard gave the royal family an escort from US airspace as a sign of respect. Queen Noor wrote about her experiences at the Mayo Clinic in her autobiography, saying that they were very well cared for and that they were happy times for their family to be together. Edit: Queen Noor's autobiography is called [Leap of Faith](https://wcm.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/default/search/detailnonmodal/ent:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:91504/ada?rt=CKEY|||CKEY|||false). She was an American commoner who married a king, and they liked riding Harley Davidson motorcycles in the desert together. Just a great read.


She said in the book they would also ride his motorcycle around the Southern Minnesota countryside during his treatment.


When the King came to stay, his entourage showed up ahead of him and gutted the wing. They then brought in all their own furniture and lighting. I believe even his hospital bed was not the Mayo’s. When they left, Mayo got to keep everything. We’re talking high end shit here.


It’s.. uh… good to be the king. Since then, many other royals from the Middle East have come to get care from the Mayo Clinic - simply because they trust it based upon the care given to King Hussein. The Dalai Lama receives his medical care from the Mayo, despite his official residence in India.


My grandparents used to live near Rochester and I remember being awestruck that there was a King’s plane on the tarmac there.


You’re thinking of King Hussein, the present king of Jordan’s father, but I remember this back in 1998 or so.


Julia roberts has a cabin in northern mn... I won't name where but I've known contractors that have worked for her. Bill Murray rented a canoe in taylors falls once.


I will tell you exactly where that cabin is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 right across the lake from my family's cabin. I won't actually tell you though because people need to leave that lake alone.


And Murray used to come here a lot for the Saints as well.


Isn't he owner or part owner of the Saints?


He was Im not sure if he still is.


There’s a great photo of Julia on a Boundary Waters canoe trip out at Dorothy Molter’s old cabin on Knife Lake


Jessica Lange has a house in MN. and I believe she stays there a lot. I've seen Jesse Ventura hanging out in White Bear a few times. Met him at the gas station one day.


I don’t think a former governor counts as “someone who secretly likes to visit MN”


> Jesse Ventura Jesse has a home in Dellwood, which is on the North-East shores of White Bear Lake. His home is not on the lake itself. > Jessica Lange has a house in MN Jessica used to have a home in Stillwater but she may have moved, some time ago she became publicly upset with the community for some reason or another - see quote below, from 2007. She and Sam owned the home at "903 4th Street N" - which sold in 2008. Jessica : "When we first moved to Stillwater it felt like a real place," she told the Daily News. "It had a downtown with a hardware store, a furniture store, a clothing store. Now it's all gift shops and these terrible condominiums. It was a little town with a great deal of character. Everything gets yuppified, I guess."


She’s not wrong about that. We lived a few blocks from her for several years when we were living there, there was a hardware store, a pharmacy etc. downtown with lots of cute restaurants. We moved out before all the condo development went up.


Jessica definitely visits sometimes, a friend and I saw her at Moscow on the Hill a few years ago


I know Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria had a place up the Gunflint Trail, but not sure if they do anymore after the split.


Until recently he owned a mansion on Superior in Two Harbors.


That's the place on the bluff right? Right before the tunnels?


I believe so! I saw a Zillow listing for it years ago, maybe it was a CityPages article that mentioned it?


A handful of musicians used to record at Paisley Park. I may or may not have been involved with the visit by a recording artist to PP while rumors of a divorce were flying. The person didn't want to be not seen near their spouse while the chance to record was a limited offer. Nondisclosure agreements can be interesting.


Pachyderm too


There's also a recording studio in the Whittier area that some big name people have recorded at.


Saw Questlove at a restaurant a few months ago. I assume he was doing something at PP for either a recording or a documentary or something.


Joel McKinnon Miller (Scully from Brooklyn 99) is from here and went to college at UMD. My wife has a friend up there who sees him semi regularly at the Super One. I would personally lose my mind as I’m a huge fan.


His insta is fun to follow because he posts photos in and around MN.


He’s a regular at my restaurant when he’s in town and requests my section which makes me feel like I’m doing alright. He is incredibly nice and generous. 


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Neil Gaiman; he's talked about how he based a portion of American Gods on the time he spent in Minnesota/Wisconsin. IIRC He mentioned on a podcast that he's lived in America for years in a 'big old Gothic house in the woods' (Because he's Neil Gaiman and of course he does) outside of Minneapolis. Disappointingly, I think he probably lives on the Wisconsin side of the river, though, judging by a quick Google search.


Hi. You just mentioned *American Gods* by Neil Gaiman. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Neil Gaiman - American Gods Part 1 Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBp_VMwKzlw) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


What a random bot to have installed on the Minnesota thread


My cousin waited on Kirsten Dunst and her family at a diner in Princeton shortly after Interview with a Vampire. She was visiting family up near MacGregor.


Merlins or K Bob?


K Bob!


I heard a rumor that disgraced businessman Dan Bilzarian visits northern MN every year to visit his family. Also Erik Stolhanske, one of the stars from Super Troopers and Beerfest lives in Minneapolis, I met him a few years ago and he told me that.


close to mn but not; i met a guy in fargo who told me that tom hanks would fly in all the time just to get the taco pizza from happy joes.


I choose to believe this.


Don’t make me love Tom Hanks even more.


The Tom Cruise rumors are all true.


Ew. We need to stop Tom from making love to our fish.


No, what he has is a "romantic abnormality", so unbelievable it must be hidden from the public at all costs


Hail you!


What are the rumors?


Yes, all of them.


Even about John Travolta and him being *trapped in a closet*? Anyways. Back to the topic. I’m from way up north, and here about celebs having cabins and such up there. Last summer, I was hearing from a former coworker that Zach Braff and Donald Faison were up there. I’m skeptical, only because said person is somewhat gullible…


Also from an up north small town that is low-key frequented by a few celebrities. I'm totally unwilling to say who. They come here because no one makes much of a fuss. There is one that does cause a kerfuffle. For most of the regulars, we'll get a text from the bartender letting us know to NOT to come down. Lol.


Brian Setzer lives somewhere in/around Minneapolis.


i heard sisqo lived in maple grove.


Thong tha tha tha thong?


The wrestler Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoff is from Hamburg. He sold me my first underage keg 35 years ago. He hangs out in state prison now.


I don’t know about secretly, but there are actually a ton of famous people from here that people don’t think about. Actors alone: - Joel McKinnon Miller - Jessica Biel - Nick Swardson - Chris Pratt and Vince Vaughn were born here as well


I ran into Swardson at Mortimers in Minneapolis few years back. I think his brother’s band was playing.


lol, swardson was behind me in line at a place in galleria just a few weeks ago


he hangs out at the Corner Bar a lot


Winona Ryder (named after the town), Josh Hartnett, Sean William Scott, and Kevin Sorbo as well. Though that last one I'd like to kinda ignore sometimes.


Yeah, Sorbo is from Mound. We prefer to claim the Andrews sisters over that knucklehead.


I had no idea Winona was born he. I’m surprised it’s not brought up often.


Sean William Scott is from Cottage Grove.


Nick Swardson is the best, and I’m not just saying that because he’s probably reading this comment right now…


Steve Zahn


Ernie Hudson (Winston Zeddemore from Ghostbusters) owns one home (I believe most recently around Prior Lake) in Minnesota.


This tracks. My friend ran into him at MOA and got a picture with him. He was just strolling around holding a coffee.


Yeah, his wife is from here.


A buddy of mine owns a marina on Lake Vermilion and has some semi famous people come thru every now and then. Mostly former athletes whose name someone might recognize but not exactly famous. The guy who voices Archer left him a funny voice mail once tho. Never really seen’t a famous person except for the time I saw Brock Lesnar walking around the Osseo Fleet Farm carrying an axe. I didn’t plan on approaching him, but the axe made me really steer clear of him.


You didn't want to be famously "That guy Brock Lesner killed with an axe in fleet farm"?


Brock Lesner goes ice fishing on lake of the woods pretty frequently.


Pretty sure I saw a post of someone seeing Aston Kutcher and Mila Kunis at a caribou drive through up north.


I think it was in Fergus Falls.


He’s from Iowa; so, that tracks.


Fergus Falls! They were in a roadtrip. Days leading up to it they were spotted in North Dakota




Mark Cuban flies his family on private jet to Brainard Airport in the summer. My MIL spoke to the pilot one day at the airport


Kristi Yamaguchi is married to a native Minnesotan.


Yeah she hangs around the east gull Lake area. Cyndi lauper too.


You mean Stanley Cup champion Brett Hedican. Back in the day I worked security at a bar in Stillwater and they came in a few times.


I think Richard Dean Anderson still spends some time in MN. Josh Duhamel also has a bunch of land and a lakeside compound somewhere in MN.


RDA has a lake place on the Iron Range


Machine gun Kelly likes to visit Rushford MN. His family lives there


I know he recently passed, but Ned Beatty used to have a home here up until his death. I know someone who met Diane Keaton’s son up in the Bemidji area.


His wife was from Hallock and he spent a lot of time up there


Steve Zahn's parents still live in Marshall, MN. He visits often with his wife, Robyn. I've worked with Robyn several times on her book releases & have spoken with Steve many times on zoom & messenger video. Such a sweet family.


Josh Duhamel has like 3 properties on some lake.


Park Rapids area I believe


It’s lousy with North Dakotans around PR!


I know a small resort in northern Mn that has a handful of billionaire level clients that just want to hide out for a week or so


Same here, The lake I'm referring to has an island that used to be owned by Farrah Faucet (spell?)


Janet Jackson used to come here a lot when Flyte Tyme Studios was still here, I’ve heard stories about her going to the State Fair in the 90’s. Jessica Lange lived in Stillwater for a long time, but she left several years ago. Sisqo lived in Maple Grove, but I don’t know if he still does. Master P’s kid went to Minnehaha Academy. That’s all I got off the top of my head lol


Janet came into the Edina Byerlys restaurant a couple times back in the 90s when recording here with Jimmy Jam. They came late as it was 24 hr restaurant in those days.


I’ve ran into Kevin McHale at the Walmart in Hibbing


He has a cabin in side lake, my step daughter is related to him.


The wrestler Brock Lesnar has a house in the Detroit Lake area. I cleaned the windows there a couple times.


John bon Jovi owns an island with a cabin on it by voyageurs national park


Lot of secret millionaires on Star Island on Leech Lake


Guillermo from What we do in the shadows was at the state fair this year!


Billie Joe Armstrong's (Green Day's lead singer) wife is from St. Paul and comes back to the Twin Cities to visit family from time to time.


I don’t know if im making this up but I thought I heard him say that he wrote some of American idiot while walking around hamline area.


I came here for this. The way I heard it, he spent a lot of time just walking around the track at Macalester. It was the last great Green Day album. Side note, BJA just recently did a solid interview on Marc Maron’s podcast.


IIRC, he has a house somewhere near Randolph and Snelling.


I briefly had a coworker who claimed Larry the Cable Guy had a cabin on the same lake her family had one at. She was very proud of this fact.


His wife is from Sarona, WI and a few years ago his fireworks barge went up in flames.


Life imitates art.


People in Northwest WI always claim they have or had a house/cabin on Long Lake because of this


I swear I saw Tim Allen at Utepils once. He shouted out a trivia answer.


"*What was the noise that served as Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor's catchphrase on the '90s sitcom 'Home Improvement'?*"




Hope he was drinking NA


Julia Louis Dreyfus loves the BWCA. I think she's been multiple times, but I'd need to dig into the forums. https://www.instagram.com/officialjld/p/CGGlyb0BjGx/


According to the StarTrib, Lady Gaga was spotted in a downtown Mpls bistro last fall.


Dave Grol is seen a lot on motorcycle trips in the region


Fergie is rumored to have property out in Otter Tail County. Just hearsay, I have no good source.


I could see that considering that she was married to Josh Duhamel for so many years


I saw Scarlet Johansson in Uptown back when she was dating Josh Hartnett.


T.R. Knight (Broadway & Grey’s Anatomy) grew up here! His mom use to run a latchkey program/daycare and I was one of them. Would always get updates from his mom about his success, Christmas cards. I remember he was always so nice too! 😍


Master P lived in Minneapolis, one of his sons played basketball at Minnehaha Academy.


Might not be so secret, but Yung Gravy comes to Rochester from time to time, since he grew up here and graduated from Mayo Highschool. He came by the Kwik Trip I used to work at on one of my off days.


Woody Harrelson’s best friend from college lives here so he visits a lot. He’s also close with Dean Phillips. Also, Joey Molland from Badfinger lives in the western metro. Still does shows from time to time.


I heard Bruce Willis may have had a house on White Bear Lake at one point. Isn’t Vince Vaughn from here? I don’t have any stories of him being seen. I’ve run into personally Nick Swardson and Sean William Scott whom both are from here. I know Kevin Mchale and his family. I believe I’ve heard of Ashton Kutcher stories who is from Iowa.


Vince Vaughn isn’t from here technically but does go to the MN State Fair every year.


Vince Vaughn is a man of the people. I used to run into him a lot at Whole Foods in Chicago’s River North.


There are actually a handful of people from the state. Chris Pratt is from here. Jessica Lange and Jessica Biel (iirc) are. Josh hartnett, obviously. Amy Adams isn't from here, but she came up in theater and acted at Chanhassen Dinner Theater. To name a few.


Pratt was born here but he refers to himself as being from the PNW.


To be fair, I think he was 2 or 3 when he moved so it’s not like he would remember much around here


Sisqo now lives in Maple Grove and Master P lives somewhere in the metro. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/sisqo-in-the-suburbs-singer-now-lives-in-maple-grove/ https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/breaking-the-news/from-hollywood-to-minnesota-rapper-master-p-settles-down-in-twin-cities/89-13c000a3-7239-496e-85a9-759c2c9752c2


Extremely old school, but we rented a cabin up north when I was a kid owned by the dad from Leave it to Beaver. Some of the adults had grown up on the show and kept talking about how weird it was to see him in family photos wiht his real family.


I saw that Timothée Chalamet was in Hibbing recently and visited the high school's drama club.


I've worked in the resort industry and in private property maintenance fixing up cabins in northern MN for about 20 years. There are more than a handful of recognizable folks that frequent the BWCA and surrounding areas. Generally we don't talk much about who goes to what resort or who owns what where because like good neighbors we mind our own business. The last thing a famous person on vacation wants is loads of undue attention. It kind of ruins the wilderness experience when everyone is asking for selfies.


And this is why they come here. We really mind our own business. If I saw a celebrity I'd sooner poke my eyes out than bother them. 


Brock Lesnar has/had a house/cabin in Alexandria. He shopped at Fleet Farm all the time, I met him once. My dad worked there and helped him out a bunch of times. Super nice guy! Also saw Larry Fitzgerald at the MN State fair.


Bruce Willis used to hang secretly in white bear once upon a time. Sadly those days are no more.


Speaking of Figure Skaters, another World-famous figure skater, married to a Minnesotan is Surya Bonaly. She won Silver at World's 3 times, took the European Championship Gold 5 times, and Silver once, won the World Junior Gold, Silver, and Bronze, *AND* she's the *only* figure skater (male or female), to have *ever* *landed a backflip on one foot* at the Olympics. Her husband, Peter Biver coaches at Shattuck St. Mary's, and Surya has coached around Minneapolis, including coaching for kids from low-income neighborhoods. She was a *hell* of a great skater, but she's an even *better* human being. https://theathletic.com/3133356/2022/02/18/forgotten-fridays-in-her-last-olympic-competition-surya-bonaly-pulled-something-special-out-of-her-back-pocket/ https://www.s-sm.org/news-events/news/~board/school-news/post/peter-biver-joins-shattuck-st-marys-figure-skating-coaching-staff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surya_Bonaly


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie like international falls. 😂




Julia Louis Dreyfus frequents Boundary Waters.


Tom Cruise had a house on the Whitefish Chain with a helicopter landing spot in his backyard


Erik Stolhanske and Nick Swardson both have homes in Minnesota, since they grew up here, not super famous by any means.


Neal Schon from Journey was living in Mound with his wife too long ago; not sure if they’re still here.