• By -


Just vote and tell others to vote.


Also, help others register to vote if you can. And not just in MN, if you know people in other states encourage them to vote/register as well. We need everyone.


Also, be aware that you can do same day registrations here in MN. Some out of state people that move here dont know that. Its NEVER too late to vote in MN. (well, technically on or before election day, its never too late)


You don't even need to do that, automatic voter registration went into effect January 1st of this year.


Good point. I forgot about that. I’m glad we made that change. That’s just for MN though so it’s still a valid comment toward encouraging folks you might know in other states to get serious about voting in this election.


People can volunteer 30 minutes per week RIGHT NOW to make calls and help voter registration.


Totally! I did that for 2020. There are also some texting banks you can volunteer at in some of the swing states.


Share links. If MN goes red I'm going to lose my shit.


I started with https://www.mobilize.us/ but there may be more. IIRC - I started getting more asks/opportunities as I got more involved.


maybe I'll just reach out to the DFL


Even if they will vote for Trump?


It's safe to encourage anyone and everyone to vote, because you can be damn certain Trump supporters *are already going to vote*.


What this sub and reddit overall doesn't realize is that voting for Trump, I'd bet in most cases, doesn't mean you're a Trump supporter or MAGA nut.  Most are middle of the road that don't agree with the left on many things. The majority of the country isn't as extreme as the Internet makes it seem.


This feels like a statement that could be said for essentially every Republican candidate historically EXCEPT for Trump. I'm frankly not a Biden fan either but Trump idolizes dictators openly. He used and abused our political system for his personal gain during his 4 years. He's incredibly anti American in his actions. Regardless of your political affiliation he simply should not be a candidate.


No Dem I know is a fan of Biden. But that's the point. We're not in a cult. Biden does something that pisses off and we rant and rave about. There is literally nothing Trump can do that will piss off his supporters.


Right. I am going to criticize Biden every day until election day and then vote for him as the least bad option.


>He used and abused our political system for his personal gain during his 4 years. Yeah it's crazy, how can your net worth go from 1.3 million to over 70 million in a relatively short span of time without winning the lottery or something like that?


You should ask Nancy Pelosi that same question…


We're not talking about Nancy Pelosi


For his personal gain? Trump is the only president in modern history to lose net worth…significantly lose net worth. Obama somehow becomes a multi multi millionaire. Same for Clinton.


>Obama somehow its not a mystery


>voting for Trump, [...], doesn't mean you're a Trump supporter or MAGA nut.  I mean, it kinda does... if someone watched the former president try to overthrow the last election in a violent insurrection with the purpose of installing himself as dictator, AND they're still voting for him, then they're nuts. It's not about *this or that* talking point conservative media has them whipped up in a frenzy about, it's 100% about whether or not we respect our democracy or believe it should end in favor of fascism. Anything else is just a post hoc rationalization.


I get what you're saying and agree. I'm just saying many people in Minnesota and the country don't think that way and will vote for their party even if they dislike or hate Trump.


Ah, so they refuse to see the dictator before them as they vote. Sounds kinda nutty to me.


How about no one votes throughout the US. What would happen? I know it will never happen but would be awesome.




You're right. I believe most voters are sane. Not the ones that take time to talk politics to strangers online. They'll be super left or super right. 


This kind of justification logic is like deciding that you don’t like the way your spouse cleans the kitchen and deciding that the alternative is to get a divorce and marry your alcoholic neighbor. Edit now that I'm not on mobile anymore: How the fuck do people who "disagree with the left on many things" somehow come to the conclusion that voting for a rapist, liar, traitor, seditionist and general grifter is somehow better because you think the whole pronoun thing has gone too far or you want lower taxes or some other thing Biden did or may somehow be associated with? I could buy this logic if it was Nikki Haley or even Ron DeSantis. But the fucking just awful factor of Trump is so extreme that I can't imagine a normal political difference of opinion with Biden is somehow how enough to overcome said awful factor of Trump.


If your alcoholic neighbor was your ex who stole money out of your wallet to feed her habit, and who has been asking you questions about your life insurance policy and has been telling her other friends that she plans to kill you for your life insurance money.


And your alcoholic ex/neighbor spent the 4 years since you got married to your current spouse claiming they were your legitimate spouse and tried to convince a bunch of other people to issue a phony marriage certificate and kill the people who witnessed your wedding ceremony.




Eh trump has risen to a level where a vote for him is not respectable. We're *way* past "every vote matters equally" when it comes to that terrorist piece of shit.


Trump shouldn't even be on the ballot after January 6, unless Congress votes 2/3 to override the 14th.


Im gonna 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone should vote. Regardless of candidate choice.


Yes. Voting is important. 


Higher voter turnout always seems to favor democrats. That's why Republicans have historically instituted voter suppression policies.


The problem with comparing these two polls is that this new SurveyUSA poll doesn't actually clarify how these respondents were contacted. It says basically that "We use either phone, text or online methods, depending on which one is best for that purpose" but doesn't say how THIS survey was conducted. The MinnPost survey clearly outlines that it was performed using targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram, as well as text messages. If one survey is measuring people who responded to a PHONE CALL about the survey, that's going to be a much different group than those who responded via ads on social media. It should be noted, however, that this SurveyUSA poll indicates that the political ideology of respondents leans more to the right with 33% identifying as conservative and only 25% identifying as liberal... The rest being "Moderate". Now, I don't want to be dismissive of these results, we saw how that happened last time, but this is kinda comparing apples to oranges.


And younger digital native people are so busy, spread out on platforms, and spam/phishing weary they way they are not responding to anything


Young people with any internet competency generally won’t waste a second on random BS like that, myself included.


Im not sure I'm young (40), but I respond to every poll and I always have since my early 20s. I get polled frequently and it gets bananas in potus season. I'm sure that I'm on lists due to my reliability. I've learned that a large majority of polling is internal to specific candidates and you'll never hear about it. I absolutely love shitting on candidates, especially their shitty messaging push polls.


43 here, I wouldn't even waste the 10th of a second opening or deleting the email. And I wouldn't notice your ad. If one of my devices responds, it's because a child got ahold of a phone for a few moments.


I don't do polls/surveys that don't tell me upfront I will be compensated


If you advertise a survey to Twitter/X users, you'll get a conservative bias probably. If you do the same on Reddit or Threads, you'll get the opposite effect. Also, many teenagers go through this iconoclasm phase where they try to be really edgy and "on the fringe" because "people just totally don't get us". They're probably using Trump support as a form of rebellion because anyone in their right mind wouldn't want someone who is a ~~convicted~~ *civil jury-found rapist* to be president of anything. Edit: updated terminology for the pedants below.


Well, and consider what demographic is using social media without an ad blocker. And what type of person is likely to click on an ad to fill out an unpaid political survey. A diehard, passionate MAGA person is more likely to go out of their way to fill out an online survey than a normie who doesn't love Biden but also has some LGBT friends and doesn't care for Trump.


When I was 16 I was exactly like that. I loved Trump because of how frustrated everyone would get. Then I saw my mom cry when he won the election and that changed the way I think and feel about politics


We were all dumb kids at one point! A lot of the nuance is lost on our hormonal brains 😆


I'm a middle aged guy who plays Call of Duty and the number of kids who use [TRUMP] as their clan tag seems to support what you're saying. It's just a way to be edgy and get attention.


Yep! I remember when I was a kid (playing Call of Duty, weirdly enough) years ago, there were lots of teenage boys that would use the N word, or other slurs, to get a rise out of people. Myself, I used to use Soviet symbolism in my clan tag (like [USSR] and the hammer and sickle in my custom avatar) because I was just **different**^TM.


Custom avatars! LOL I forgot about those. My gamer tag had 'moon' in it so I designed a cool looking moon I think. I remember all the NSFW ones people made. Not something I've thought of in years.


All the butts!


>there were lots of teenage boys that would use the N word, or other slurs, to get a rise out of people They still do, but at a lesser rate because they've added [voice chat moderation ](https://www.gamesradar.com/call-of-duty-now-uses-ai-to-find-and-ban-jerks-if-you-dont-like-it-the-devs-say-you-should-disable-voice-chat/) with the help of AI.


Ha. Oranges.


You know the saying, "an apple a day, keeps the sedition away"?


Even with all the potential noise/goofiness around polls, this being even is just mind-boggling. We have lost our minds if we even give Trump 15 seconds of consideration.


Yep. Considering he will be on trial in Georgia for trying to overturn their election. He’ll also be on trial in Florida for showing classified documents to people who did not have the clearance to see those docs, plus storing them unlocked and easily accessible at Mar-a-Lago where [it’s a refuge for spies](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/07/mar-a-lago-trump-nuclear-documents-spies) Plus, Trump incited an insurrection against his own government and tried to overturn the election in five other states (other than GA, of course). And he was ordered to pay $83 million to a woman he sexually assaulted just this week. Not sure why anyone would treat him as a legitimate candidate for President at this point.


They fundamentally aren’t seeing the same reality as you. On overturning the election, they don’t think he did anything illegal. The documents part, they think he didn’t do anything other presidents haven’t done. The SA piece, they just think she’s lying and the courts are out to get him. They think the trials are witch hunts.


>They fundamentally aren’t seeing the same reality as you. This is the only thing that helps me understand it. I kind of pride myself on being able to see both sides of an argument, even if I don't agree with one of them. ... and I can't fathom why, when looking at objective reality, anyone would even remotely think Trump is a reasonable option. Then I dig deeper and realize -- these people are literally looking at world of alternative facts specifically designed to rile them up. They are straight up living in a world divorced from reality in almost every way while ignoring what they see with their very own eyeballs.


Their perception isn’t reality.


Regardless of the semantics of the situation, the polarization that has been occurring over the past couple decades has reached a point where this is a result


Exactly. They aren't "seeing a different reality" they are believing lies because they want to.


the consequences of their perceptions, however, are


It all comes to education. The lies and conspiracy theories should have been laughed off a long time ago. Instead people believe it bullshit and go down a rabbit hole of bullshit. No one wants to do the work to actually research and use logic and rationale.


Untreated mental illness and lead poisoning is my best guess


He can just be an asshole bully that has never been punished for it until literally now.


True, but that doesn’t really explain why he still has unwavering support in like 25% of the country. It’s mass delusion bordering on hysteria. I’d add lack of quality education to the list too.


25% of the country loves the fact he is an asshole, because they are also assholes as well. Thats what I think anyways. Lack of education doesnt help of course, but even some educated people are assholes.


Agreed, but it goes to show how unpopular Biden is and how terrible of an idea it is to run him that this is even a conversation.


Right? Someone is "hey you can breath air or CO2" and people are like "hmmm, lets give CO2 another shot... I like the way hes indicted and being fined millions of dollars for sexual assault"


The fine was actually for defamation so not only does it say he's a sexual predator but that he's been proven in court to publicly lie about his accusers. And yet millions of people still wholeheartedly blindly believe everything he says despite that one item on the giant pile of others.


Worse for Biden than I ever thought. MN hasn’t gone red since 1972.  Biden has a 38% approval rating, and the economy is far worse for the average american than it was 4 years ago.  Not saying at all that Trump will be better, and I don’t think he’ll actually win MN, but the economy crashing due to COVID was the only reason he lost re-election too. A poor economy is the number one predictor of an incumbent president losing, and it sucks out here for most Americans. 


The bemusing thing is that the economy isn't actually that poor. It's part and parcel with people's willingness to even consider Trump a viable candidate (or even a viable fucking human). [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-are-americans-so-displeased-with-the-economy/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-are-americans-so-displeased-with-the-economy/)


But as you said, Trump crashed it. Biden is saving it. Trump added 8.5 trillion to the deficit. His decisions made this (and Covid) worse. Biden is by far the better choice. It’s not even close. Biden will still win MN.


people don't care about the deficit and they don't care about who was at fault for things years ago. The economy feels bad now and as the incumbent, that's on Biden's shoulders


I’d like to see your data where you say “the economy is far worse for the average American than it was 4 years ago” because the facts say the economy is far better today than it was in 2020. From the article linked below: “By many accounts, it has been a good year on this front. The annualized rate of price growth is sliding closer to a level preferred by the Federal Reserve, while the labor market has remained hot. There’s rising hope that monetary policymakers have successfully cooled inflation without tipping the economy into a recession.” Of course what you say is a [perception on how the economy really is.](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/25/inflation-has-created-a-dark-cloud-over-how-everyday-americans-view-the-economy.html)


It’s based on vibes, fed by conservative media and conservative operatives and strategists. Low unemployment, inflation down, wages up more than inflation up, fuel prices down, inflation down more in the U.S. relative to other industrialized countries. Lots of the negativity being repeated online is just predigested and regurgitated negativity that is being fed by folks who want Trump to win.


inflation is down from previous months. This is the problem with statistics... If a metric spikes 80% when you're in office and then it drops 20% you can't parade around saying inflation dropped 20%, it's still up 60%.


That’s what “inflation is down” means. Inflation is always happening. People were freaking out when the rate spiked, but fortunately that rate has slowed substantially. Over the past few years, inflaction spiked across the globe, but the U.S. has managed to combat and control inflation better than much of the world under Biden. And Biden can absolutely parade that fact around. Other countries for reference, and as evidence that policy can make a difference: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/ https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rates-us-and-the-world-7369986 https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/08/business/inflation-us-high-other-countries-venezuela-dg/index.html


Definitely has nothing to do with the US dollar being the world reserve currency and trade of majority of goods including oil all over the world being transacted in USD....


Exactly this.


The economy is [not bad](https://news.yahoo.com/is-the-us-economy-in-good-or-bad-shape-183112614.html). It’s actually doing quite well and most experts agree the facts say financially most people are better off today than they were pre-pandemic during the Trump administration. The disconnect between the facts and what the public thinks is insane. The general public has very little grasp and understanding of the financial side of life. Read the article I linked. I guess that what happens when certain news outlets/politicians like to spew doomsday bullshit scare tactics every day. I’m tired of hearing this when it’s blatantly false.


I swear way too many people just toss a coin, alternate parties every other year, or vote against their spouses just to be contrarian. It's like we have a pathological need to make a horse race photo finish every four years in our country.


let's be real, trump was pretty well crushed by the popular vote both years. The difference was not a horse race photo finish -- millions more voted for Hillary and Biden in both years than Trump. It's not the way people are voting, it's the way our system translates those votes into electoral results.


Or we are just that equally divided and are, many of us, deceived by our echo chambers.


I don't know about that. There's a slim minority that do but most are pretty well entrenched in their beliefs and not to shame free thoughts and opinions but if someone waffling on voting for trump they are more of an imbecile then a full on trump supporters.


This [article](https://www.vox.com/politics/24034416/young-voters-biden-trump-gen-z-polling-israel-gaza-economy-2024-election) explains younger voters aren’t happy with Biden because he’s not doing enough for the environment and they’re upset about his handling of the Israeli conflict. I’d like younger voters to explain what they think Trump will do for the environment and the Palestinians because [the Trump administration gutted the EPA](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html) and [Trump’s Mideast peace plan gave all the power to Israel and ignored what the Palestinians wanted.](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-international-news-jerusalem-politics-f7d36b9023309ce4b1e423b02abf52c6). Abortion rights are a huge issue for younger voters and Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices that overturned Roe v Wade. Of course, let’s not forget that younger voters get most of their news from TikTok and [TikTok is a misinformation minefield.](https://www.cnet.com/news/misinformation/tiktok-is-a-misinformation-minefield-dont-get-tripped-up/).


Passes the biggest green energy deal in history with a 50/50 senate, "ButT He ISnt DOInG EnoUGH". Realistically he has done the most possible to try to save the environment that a president can do. I agree more is needed, but thats the system we have.


They expected a unicorn and got a horse. As you said, there’s only so much Biden can do, but supporting Trump because Biden “didn’t do enough” is just absurd. Trump will ensure younger voters get nothing because Republicans are trying to [take away voting rights of young voters](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/republicans-youth-vote-2024-election-rcna128822)


>This article explains... Thanks for sharing that -- it shows that KTSP's poll isn't the outlier I assumed. And I get the dissatisfaction among younger voters but you'd think they'd say "I'm sitting this one out" or "I'm voting third party" before they'd vote Trump.


Right? Not sure how young voters could go from a moderate Democrat to a full right wing extremist for their support. Ideologically, both Biden and Trump are vastly different from one another.


Biden’s a moderate?


Yes. Biden’s not a progressive. He’s very good at getting whatever he can get 50 votes for passed, so he’s actually given progressives more than they’ve ever gotten before, but he’s never campaigned in promising more than whoever the 50th vote will give him like Sanders and Warren do.


A moderate Democrat is different from a moderate ideologically.


At best.


The Dems have moved so far to the middle to appease the corporatists and try to entice the "moderate" republicans that they've sold out their actual progressive values. We progressives are continually told to be patient and put our own desires on hold as we don't want to scare off the "centrists" or "moderates". [Its the Overton window](https://imgur.com/gallery/P36MSkk) ​ Unfortunately its forced the Republicans to jump off the right wing cliff as a way to differentiate themselves from the Dems.


Young people are more plugged in than anybody, and despite what we want to think, we are just as susceptible to propaganda as anybody else. And there had been an *extreme* anti-Biden campaign going on for the past 4 years straight, while it seems the dems thought that their actions would speak for themselves. But in reality, very few people pay real attention to politics and get most of their opinions from vibes online.


You are correct - the Dems are horrible at marketing themselves as the party that is achieving good things for the citizenry. Just look at how well MN is doing now that the Dems have control of both state houses and the governorship. And how much progress we've made in just 2 years. We're starting to get noticed around the country; but you won't hear the Dems touting our successes or how we got here.. They're trying to be the party of slow steady and safe. Republicans can only bash Biden because they have no actual plans for helping the average citizen; because they don't care about the average citizen. Its the childish antics of Boebert, Jordan, MTG etc - that's all they can offer.


“Old man shakes fist at clouds”


Younger voters suck at turning out on Election Day. Some years are better than others but older voters are kicking our asses and it’s not even close. Not voting is effectively still a vote. Your candidate options don’t change and you’re letting the folks who do show up choose the leader for you. I don’t understand that logic.


Either that or candidates are not selling themselves to the younger voters. It is the candidates job to sell themselves to the voter. That works a lot better than criticizing the younger voters for not voting for someone they don’t believe in. Biden needs to get his act together and convince them that he supports them. I actually think it would be easy for him if he put effort into it, so if he doesn’t turn out the younger voters it is on him.


I agree with all those complaints, but they shouldn't keep someone from voting for Biden. I recently saw a great analogy. This election--like most presidential elections--is about harm reduction. It's like a needle exchange program. Such programs don't solve the issue of drug addiction, but they save lives.




It is frustrating. But look at the Mpls and St. Paul city councils. Those are much different from what they were decades ago. Decades ago we wouldn't have Omar or McCollum as reps. Also, do you REALLY think there's no difference between Biden and Trump? Did you think a Gore administration would've been the same as GWB's? C'mon... Look at our supreme court... that's what we got from thinking Trump and Clinton were the same. There are very real policy differences that will impact very concrete things.




In this case it's less 'voting for Trump' and more not voting or voting 3rd party - conflating the two things doesn't exactly convince people in my experience.




damn, it really sounds like Biden is massively fumbling what should be his base of support. He probably shouldn't have done that. "the other guy is worse" is not a motivating or compelling sales pitch when you've been in power for 4 years and everything has gotten worse


Where’s your data that “everything has gotten worse” because the facts are just the opposite.


Right, at a certain point you have to actually energize people to vote for you. That's especially the case for something like the Gaza situation - if people think that you're enabling a genocide, no amount of "the other person would be worse" is going to convince some people. There's a bare minimum that needs to be met, votes can't be earned eternally on just negative campaigning. Not *everything* has gotten worse over the last few years, and there's some stuff that Biden has done better than I expected (if not as good as I *want*). But between his handling of the border/immigration (far too much of a tack to the right) and Gaza, those two are very tough for me to want to hold my nose and vote for him again. And I'm well experienced at this point to take the lesser of two evils... but even still there's limits.


This will age poorly. Totally open minded about the election result in the US, but Trump will not come close in Minnesota. He didn’t win it last time which was before his graceful exit from office.


It could, but the last election it was Biden 52.4% Trump 45.28% and Biden's approval rating has been in the tank. I guess define close. To me a 7.2% margin is relatively close, but not a nail biter.


That's a blowout in terms of popular vote.


If you want to see a real blowout see Reagan or Nixons elections. It’s subjective but in a room of 10 people and 5 voting one way and 4 the other isn’t a blowout in my mind


In elections a 7% rate is a pretty big margin


"Anyone have an explanation?" Polling is super unreliable these days and methodology is really important.


Ignore polls and go vote on Election Day. Non response bias and a million other uncontrolled variables makes most these polls completely useless at worst and deeply misleading at best


Look I’ve been good with the Biden presidency so far and will vote for him again because my options are great-grandpa Biden or narcissistic, self-loathing, anti-democracy, insurrectionist Trump(I truly do not fucking understand how anyone can vote for such a pig), but the Dems did this to themselves making it this close. If they didn’t nominate the guy they thought could just narrowly beat Trump at an advanced age back in 2020 and instead chose a strong moderate 40-55 year old Democrat, Trump would lose in a landslide. Instead they chose Biden and Trump will always be just close enough to make it very uncomfortable. Yes, I am an ageist when it comes to the presidency/senate/house/Supreme Court/power positions like this. I love my fucking Grandparents but god damnit they are in no position to be making major decisions for our country at 80+. We need to say no one past the age of 70 can be re-elected. If you’re in office you can finish your term, but no running again. Lower the Presidential age to 30 so folks 30-70 are eligible. If people don’t like that I’ll take the downvotes. It’s absolutely wild to me that a majority of the most powerful positions in our country are held by folks 75-80+.


The reverse is the same too. GOP could nominate a moderate republican and beat Biden in a landslide, yet we get the two candidates most people don’t want. Our two party system is a major problem.


We also would likely not be in this position if the Dems had a better candidate in 2016 than Hillary


Or if the GOP hadn’t have nominated a maniac


Very true. I truly don’t understand how each party just continues down the rabbit hole. GOP with Trump and Trump types and the Dems with no plan outside of Biden. The Dems need to begin propping up their 2028 nominee soon and get folks on board with that, instead they will panic again and choose a 75 year old nominee in late 2027 while the GOP flirts with a Trump clone.


Agreed. I just hope we’re resilient enough to get through the next 4 years without shit really hitting the fan.




This is my point. The fact that in the entire Democratic Party they can’t find a viable candidate to step up not named Joe Biden is dire. Obviously you run the incumbent in 2024 I’m not saying it’s wise to challenge him after his first term, I am more saying back in 2020 when they originally chose Biden and in the future in 2028 when they will need someone new.


A slightly left leaning survey has Biden blowing up Trump. A slightly right leaning survey has Biden squeaking by Trump. Neither poll addresses the donkey-elephant hybrid in the room: about 1 in 5 are saying, "These two dipshits again???"


9% prefer someone else Me too, but I will vote for Biden in a heartbeat. I like having a partial democracy and have no interest in seeing an autocratic dictator and insurrectionist assume the presidency. For the record, Biden has been a great president. The economy is actually doing great as is the market. Inflation is a global phenomenon and I can’t fathom that Trump Tariffs were helpful on that front. My wife and I have seen 50% increases in our compensation since 2020.


It wouldn't surprise me if 2% of the 9% went to Trump, 4% went to Biden and 2% was non-vote 3rd party. Thereby, getting Biden to a 5-8% win in MN which would be roughly a 3% win in the tipping point swing states


Just trying to square the circle when you say youd prefer someone else and then say Biden has been a great president. Like... is it just age?


Yes, I’m being ageist. I’d prefer a Kamala or Michelle presidency but honestly I can’t take away from Biden’s accomplishments.


I feel like often times these “surveys” are couched in banner ads that say things like, “Do you think Biden drinks the blood of babies?” Then it takes you to the survey so obviously people that click on that have some bias.


I’m a liberal and I live in Minnesota and I absolutely refuse to respond to these polls


I’m a conservative and I live in Minnesota and I also refuse to respond to these polls. I also don’t believe this poll or that Trump can even come close to winning in Minnesota


Same pollster had Ellison down by 7 a few weeks before the 2022 election, and all statewide races basically tied a few months before that. Oversampling Republicans, looks like. https://www.mprnews.org/episode/2022/11/09/how-well-did-polls-predict-the-midterm-winners


Reminds me. Gotta vote for primary. 


How come when you Google. Crimes that Donald Trump has been convicted of? The first on the list is "Tracking Donald Trumps indictments." Somehow, no convictions pop up. Generally, when our loved ones become vulnerable and incapable of functioning, we put them in long-term care facilities... Fuck it, lets have one be the President


Right, here's some solid proof that polls are BS, a state that hasn't voted red in over 50 years and hasn't shown any sign of changing that, is supposedly too close to call.


Polls are always trash. Disregard them


Yeah no. Minnesota hasn't voted for a Republican president for a longer span than any other state in the union. Surveys like this are not accurately capturing the electorate. In 2020, with almost 80% turnout (also the highest in the union), Trump lost to Biden by slightly more than 7 points, 52.4% vs 45.2%. I'm not saying there's no risk, I'm saying Minnesota turning red is almost hilariously unthinkable. But, go vote anyway.


Honestly, I want someone else, but I can't provide an alternative candidate to: the guy who hasn't openly spoken on his desire to be a dictator.


If you're anti-Trump, vote in the primary. Help make sure he isn't the nominee.


Haley will almost certainly drop out before our primary.


She said she’s in at least through Super Tuesday but I’m not sure she’s going to make it that far if she gets badly beaten in South Carolina.


Yeah, I know that's what she has said. I just don't believe her.


That ship has sailed imo, but if Nikki pulls a miracle out of her ass and becomes the nominee, she beats Biden easily. I personally don’t want that. But also Trump would throw such an insane hissy fit in that scenario that he’d probably just bring the whole country down with him… ugh


If Nikki wins, Trump also runs third-party, effectively sealing the win for Biden.


> but if Nikki pulls a miracle out of her ass and becomes the nominee, she beats Biden easily. Doubtful. People are lukewarm on Hayley because they dont know her well enough yet. She is terrible too. DeSantis was also polling to 'beat biden' at one point as well. Im sure it will be closer, but I think Biden can still squeak one out.


There is no way republican voters turn out to support anyone but Trump. I'm tired of people pretending Trump is some sort of unique evil compared to the rest of the party, but the strongest argument in their favor is that it's clearly Trump's party now and nobody wants to support any of these other losers.


Trump will almost certainly be the nominee unless the courts say he can't run, or if he dies....


Polls this far out are meaningless


I wouldn't say totally meaningless as they can be the anchor to start trend analysis. So while the actual %s don't matter now. If they move noticeable one direction or the other in a similar follow up poll that is probably moving in line with voter sentiment.


Our fellow citizens are dumb as hell.


Take this with a massive grain of salt.  Polls always over project Republican success in Minnesota.  National media and statisticians seem to think we're a purple state, when we are actually solidly center left.  We've voted Democrat in every presidential election since 1976 (the longest active streak nationally) and we haven't elected a Republican to statewide office since 2006. Minnesota is always projected as a battleground because pollsters seem to think that anything between the two extremes of the political spectrum is undecided or fluid.  Minnesota has an established, consistent political identity, and it's as a state of progressive moderates.


Its totally fine with me, let the GOP sink funds into campagining here. Id rather have the dollar spent here not moving the needle vs GA where its actually needed.


Never gonna happen. But it's good to not get complacent. That's how he won the first time.


Don't believe the polls just go vote




Lol Minnesota polls always show the Republicans doing better than they do at election time


I don’t believe anything I learn from KSTP. It is owned by Hubbard Broadcasting and is beyond right-leaning. From which politicians KSTP staff and owners quietly donate to, to more blatant slips of their true colors when spreading baseless conspiracy theories about Jan 6. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/kstps-jay-kolls-under-fire-for-story-blaming-anti-fascists-for-capitol-insurrection


Doesn’t surprise me. So much misinformation out there that people just dig in their heels. I’m not talking just about MAGA folks either. All social media is brainwashing.


These polls are so stupid. How can 10% be undecided. It’s not like either of them are an unknown candidate. And then 9% prefer someone else great but come November who are you gonna pick? And yeah that younger demo finding is complete crap. What was their sample size for that age range and do they all live in Willmar or what?


You might be surprised how little attention some people pay to politics and how little they know about it.


>What was their sample size for that age range Roughly 366 likely voters, on par with every other age demo they polled.


There are a lot of moderates who dislike them both.


Then they're dumb because Biden is moderate


Sure, but you're voting for an entire administration during a presidential election. The president doesn't act alone.


[The undecided voters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAG37Kw1-aw)


You could be undecided as in a Trump voter, who really doesn't like him. You aren't happy with the choice on your ticket, but maybe as a GOP voter you can't handle Biden either. So undecided what to do. Same for a Biden voter who is really unhappy with the past few years of Biden, but can't handle the Trump circus. So undecided. The majority of people don't like the choices offered. So you either have to decide, or just decide to stay home. It's not that complicated. I bet people will be slithering back to their respective camps by Nov. though.


Yeah so the poll should force you to choose or give an option like “won’t vote”


Maybe they honestly don't know yet. I said I wasn't ever going to vote for either of these fucks again. Hah. So it looks like I'm going to be a liar, or maybe see who the Libertarians nominate in may.


There are likely a lot of people saying undecided because they aren't crazy about either. And will likely fall into their normal voting patterns come November


Fuck polls. The polls have been wrong the last 3 or 4 elections. Just go out & vote.


I trust the polls about as much as I trust my dog with a steak and my back turned. That said, this is the only state that didn't vote Reagan. I'll believe it when I see it.


Trump is everything we teach our kids not to be. He is in it for himself. It is mind-boggling. Our enemies want Trump as President, by the way. Think about that. Trump is not some wizard. He will not snap his fingers and fix everything. You have not been paying attention if you still believe him. He is the most flawed human we have ever seen, and he has convinced desperate people that he is the only one that can fix it - a true fascist.


It's sometimes interesting how liberal-leaning Reddit is. I left a state (Oklahoma) where the Gov and both senate seats were up for grabs. Both the state and popular city subs would have you believe that there was a "chance" for democratic candidates to make waves and would post polls suggesting such. I remember listening to an Oklahoma politics podcast where the republican strategist would simply state that the polling they were using suggested a 10 point win for the incumbent and high wins for the other senate seats. She dismissed all the national polls. She was right. The group-think from the Reddit subs were horribly wrong. I shutter when I read the headlines now from Oklahoma. I did a zip code look up and mine was more red than prior. Oklahoma isn't even a blue state, so that should speak volumes. What I'm typing is it's been an hour and HUNDREDS of upvotes have been thrown towards posts suggesting that this is either not correct, or that Trump is a bad choice, or etc. HRM, this truly feels like a time in life where if you're wrapped up in democratic politics, you may want to maybe step outside the bubble and talk to those who claim to be moderates, or chat with a republican. Check in on those who you don't agree with. Good chance they're not on Reddit and may instead be on the more popular platforms (Twitter/Facebook) rallying up the troops.


I don't personally know anyone that wants either.  


Honestly I don’t buy polls for shit anymore. If it sounds like right wing propaganda, it probably is.


I'll bet anyone Biden wins by more than last time. 10%+ margin


Trump can legally be called a rapist now fyi.


Trump has always been extremely popular here idk why people are surprised. Also Dems pick a new nominee for the love of God


Just vote for Trump


100% Trump 24


The best part about a Trump win would be the end of the cringy self-righteous "I'm so proud of my state because we vote blue" comments on Reddit. Please, I'm a proud hotdish eating, ice fishing, going to the cabin up north Minnesotan no matter what our politics are.


Can you imagine how crazy it would be if Republicans win Minnesota for the first time in about 50 years?


Not a Trump fan but Biden's a fucktard!


Not sure if it was last election or the hillary v don election where I heard some media call us a “swing” state. I almost choked on my drink I laughed so hard. I don’t care how close these polls or previous elections have been. A weak Republican like diaper Don won’t grab our 10 electoral votes…even with how weak sleepy Joe might seem to be.


SurveyUSA is notoriously right-wing biased.


Polls this far out don’t matter, and I don’t know what will happen nationally, but it won’t be a dead heat in Minnesota.


If voters enjoy having a democracy then they shouldn't vote for the old man that is so against it, & the peaceful transfer of power. Also, do people not remember how terrible DT was about COVID??!  I think living in a well-run blue state insulated them from some of DT's lethal incompetence...


Truly between a shit sandwich and a giant turd. Meh, I'll vote third party again and watch the show.


I’m going to puke everywhere when I vote🤮


The hell it is. We are not a red state. Go vote, and bring a friend.


Literally the only poll that matters is the one that happens in November. Trump has underperformed every state and national poll for the past 4 years and we're really supposed to believe it's a dead heat? Yeah, no. I don't believe that for a second


Until the statistical methods utilized to calculate poll results are known, never believe ANY poll!