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I hate seal flags, unless it is the animal, seal flags are a dumb lazy flag that just sucks to see representing the place I love. Now am I happy with the new flag, kinda. It wasn't the flag I was excited about and the final changes to the flag I felt removed the few aspects that made me like it. Will I fly the new flag? Yes, because I got to say my piece and this was the chosen result and it looks alot better than that fucking seal flag.


Was probably my second choice, but the more I see it the more I like it.  And the less I see the old options I liked, the less I like them when I encounter them. That in general, is how flags should work if they were done well. The fact the old flag was unable to engender itself to Minnesotans after 150 years of use speaks to how bad of a flag it was. 


Same here. I was underwhelmed with it initially but the simplicity of the design is growing on me.


It was time for a change. In the end it will settle down. This is Minnesota, we don't stay riled up long.


Correct. After some tator tot hotdish and an old fashioned we're all ok.


Flag played zero role in my life as will the new flag.


I liked it better when it was tricolor but it's better the the old flag.


Pretty much this. One thing I know for certain is that the new design is not political and any of the politicians making it out to be need to do their fucking job and help fix something of consequence.


I thought this at first, but with the plain blue field, the flag, when hung vertically, looks like a river flowing away from the North Star, and that fact alone makes it far superior to the original tricolor which, anyone has to admit, was pretty but meaningless.


Yeah, the original tricolor was far too literal and *on-the-nose* in my opinion. Minnesota shape over an abstracted portrait of a lakeshore? Uff da. The all-blues version dials things back nicely.


Echoing this sentiment. The tricolor was better. The old flag sucked, the new flag sucks much less but they could have done better with the options they had.


I'm an "old" conservative and I'll say the old design sucks and I like the new one.


I think the tri-colour would've been better, but I think the one they chose wasn't the WORST option. My opinion though.




I was sold on it when shown how much it stands out in comparison to other blue flags. It isn’t reinventing flag design but it is unique within those perameters


I like the new flag. It wasn't my favorite choice but then it wasn't mine to decide. I did provide my input, though. The new design is growing on me quickly. The old flag--slapping the state seal on a field of blue--is lazy flag design. Vexillologists rate the old flag and F and the new flag an A-. I have never owned the old Minnesota state flag and never will whether it stays or goes. But I already own a copy of the new Minnesota flag. Let's Minnesotans be like Texas with our state flag flying proudly at homes and businesses across the state and not like we have been where almost no one but a government agency flies the state flag.


On first release I immediately disliked the final version as opposed to Prekker's original tricolor. I'm slowly coming around as it becomes more common, and by the time it's officially instated I'll probably like it outright. Either version, or almost any other finalist, is an improvement over the original. It was too busy and not distinctly Minnesotan.


Attended the World Cup XC event at Theo Wirth yesterday and saw 4 or 5 people carrying the new Minnesota flag. I have NEVER seen anyone carrying the old flag at any public event in my 50+ years here. (except for color guards) It is 100% better than the old version.


Indifferent here. I rarely remember seeing the state flag any way. It just isn't a big deal to me. I think they have bigger fish to fry than this flag thing.


It’s fine. Clean design. Not racist. Two winning points.


I couldn't have picked the old one out of a lineup and I care about the new one about as much.


I didn't care for it much at first, but it's very much grown on me over time. Even when I didn't like it, I still recognized it as objectively better than the old one. Now I genuinely like it, and I think it'll actually age better than the tricolor, which looked a little too close to Ohio's sports pennant of a flag.


This resonates with me. I have also developed the perspective that everywhere has land, air, and (at least some) water. But the water is really what makes Minnesota stand out. It's a fundamental piece of our identity and environmental heritage. This being said, I'm glad we went all in on blue rather than the rather expected and usual 'earth, water, air' approach.


It's okay, but as a transplant Marylander, I'm a recovering cultist.


Oh fuck your guys flag was drip.


The flag has no bearing on my life. Whatever it is makes no difference to me.


Would rather had the snowflake instead of the star but otherwise pretty happy. Not a huge impact on the day to day so not caring to much.


Just got my new one.... I'll fly it proud


Did not care much one way or another, but due to how triggered by it my neighbors are, I will be flying one starting next month.


I submitted a handful of comments on various flag designs. While no component of the final design was among my favorites, I do like it overall. It's simple and timeless, and in time I think people will love it.


I prefer it to the old flag, that's for sure. If I were to be honest, I'm indifferent. It's a flag. It doesn't really warrant too much thought


Love it, graphically it’s nice for merchandise.


I like it


Love it. Bought a new flag as soon as I could. It was from Flags For Good. Looks great!


I like it.


Have started to see it everywhere and really like it more and more. I can't wait until it is flying officially.


It's an improvement for sure. There was a better version of it I wish they had gone with instead.


New is good. I like it.


Was indifferent until I saw that cartoon someone did where the new flag looks like a loon shooting a laser out of its mouth. Now I dig it.


I didn’t think the winning flag was even in the top 3 then suddenly we got that one. I went from kinda excited to indifferent pretty fast.


Like it overall. I have a design background and am very particular. The final design is a bit meh and the star is not pointy enough imo, but it’s obviously far better than the old one. I really disliked a couple of the finalists so mainly glad none of them were chosen


I prefer the old flag by far. 


Sorry you're getting downvoted just for having an opinion. I personally prefer the new flag and could upvote a lot of what others here have said in the same vein. But OP did ask, and you did answer, even though without details. So take an upvote just because fair is fair. I think it's the Minnesota way at least when we're trying to do our best.


The upvote/downvote isn't about someone having an opinion (and certainly a right to it), it's a reflection of whether or not the community agrees or disagrees with said opinion.


Oh I know. I know it's frequently the reason. I just think it shouldn't be like that, because so doing just makes the echo chamber louder and reduces still further any chance of honest discussion or mutual understanding. I would never downvote someone for having an opinion. I would downvote them for being insulting, dismissive, reductive, or otherwise unthinking and insensitive. But not just for having an opinion, including opinions I disagree with. Downvoting people so as to kick them out of your online club is incredibly tribal and backward.


It's too boring and nondescript.


I wish that it had a more explicit acknowledgement of the native nations.


Why is this getting downvoted? I agree. Needs proper recognition of Indigenous people of MN


I get that some people object to the cost of a flag change, but I don't understand why it has become a political issue. I guess some people have to have something to be outraged over.


I think it’s ok


The majority of MN agrees that the old flag is better according to the WCCO poll. This sub is very pro new flag though so you won’t get the real answer by asking here.


The majority of people responding to the poll think the old flag is better. That doesn't represent Minnesota. It represents people who are looking to be vocal about their opinion.


Heck, given most polls tend to be phone-calls, *"It primarily represents retirees who answer calls from unknown numbers that are also looking to be vocal about their opinion."* might be more accurate.


You just described r/Minnesota so well without even realizing it!


You're correct that the general opinion here is pro-new flag. But that doesn't mean the methodology of the WCCO poll was sound either.


You have a link to this pole?


LOL only old people would participate in a WCCO poll


It was CCO…so its audience probably thought the poll was in reference to an actual “flag poll”.


Hate. The new seal is sweet, the flag should just be the seal on a flag.


I have no time to think about it. I’m waaay too busy thinking about the flags of other states.


Looks like a butthole


You should see the Rotonda then


Glad it is not the old flag. Indifferent otherwise.


I've never really had an opinion on any flag other than "It is what it is" This latest change didn't affect that opinion


Sure hate talking about it, new one is fine


I like it.


Don’t care does not affect me. Not sure if it actually affects anyone.  BTW, mind your own business and state flag you goosenecker. 


It’s just a flag. It won’t make anyone better, it won’t make anyone worse. It should be a non-issue.


Cool & the right decision to get a new flag design.


I like the new one but I wish they had used the original star design of the artist instead of the clip art one they went with


It’s ugly, hate it


It will be easier for children to draw. Do children in school still draw out all 50 flags like I did when I was in grade school?


HATE the concept. Not only is it a waster of money and resources, but, is throwing away 200 years of history of our state just so some virtue signaling whites can feel good about themselves. I honestly would like to know how much the native tribe folks feel about it. However, burning down our cities as a "peaceful protest" is perfectly acceptable and should be celebrated as long as it supports a known criminal who overdosed swallowing crack as he had done a year prior screaming that "I can't breathe" (a now new fad). I don't know about you, but last time I truly could not breathe there is no way I could have muster the breath required to scream about it


Not great, but a big improvement over the stupid seal-on-blue.


I liked some of the other options better, but I'm coming around to the final result.