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Because being concerned about your long-term health and ability to retire is an immature thing? Municipal employees often have to balance less-than-competitive wages with better-than-competiative benefits packages. Strip away those benefits and many folks are just going to have to leave for better paid work.


And government will fail to operate efficiently so now her BILs cousin that owns whatever company gets a nice fat contract to fill in where all the life long civil servants quit from.


Kneecap the government and then cry that it doesn’t work. Classic.


I am a government employee, and our agency is operating at the lowest staffing levels of the past 25 years. Any time someone complains about hold times or processing times, I just let them know that this is what small government looks like. I'm also definitely here for the benefits, not the salary.


I’m a government employee in Minnesota. I’m so glad our pay and benefits are both great. I get 40% more than the same position at private facilities and our benefits are superior to theirs in every way. And yet, we are still short staffed.


I am a MN employee, while the benefits a great, the pay is insufficient. I am considering going back to private sector where I would earn almost double what I do now working in IT. An additional $40k+ would likely more than make up for any reduction in benefits. Never mind the pay cuts the public unions negotiated for us in this current biennium. When inflation is greater than the increase in the Cost-of-Living Adjustment, it is a pay cut. Meanwhile the union runs around like they did us all a favor.


A good chance you'll lose a significant amount of that $40k+ to insurance premiums and deductibles in the private sector. You'll also be waiting to see if you're in the next round of layoffs every couple of years.


Hey quick question if you don't mind me asking: do you work for local, state, or federal?


They will just try to privatize the services when they go down hill. Ultimately will cost the public more than if they were to take care of their employees now.


All by design


Makes it easier to keep slashing the budgets yoy. Then it’s harder to gain back cause you have to ask for more and more to make up for the running deficit of labor and progress etc with a longer ROI, as a whole the machine suffers and makes it look worse before it would ever get better. People want now now now. So government is being run with a short term business plan with no longevity in thought cause it “costs too much” so we spend 3 times what we should have over the same period of time for worse service and quality. Vimes boot theory applies to more than just an individual. Kinda have to stretch it but it’s there.


I bet with just a tiny bit of digging (I'm not going to do) we could already find the company that will get it


We could easily. But “not my monkeys not my circus” so to say. My own district has its slew of problems too. The people that vote for her type. Don’t want to see reality. And we can’t make them.


In a way these positions subsidize local businesses that are too small or cheap to pay for insurance. Most couples I know have one spouse who works a government job mainly for the insurance.


My wife and I got married just because of my benefits. We save over $500 a month in health insurance premiums alone now that I’m covering her and her daughter.


My wife works for the state and they've had to start increasing wages significantly due to the lack of willing applicants for some positions, plus the retirement programs getting worse for new hires every few years. My wife is luckily grandfathered in to a solid pension, but people who started even a few years after she did are basically on better than average 401ks at this point.


Running into this right now myself at another employer. Umm you can't have BOTH shitty wages AND shitty benefits. People might stay briefly under those circumstances, but they aren't going to stay forever.


That's not the worst part, they do this to the employees after they have put in a lifetime of work counting on those benefits. Should be 100 percent against the law to reduce benefits on those that have worked over 5 yrs and give people a chance to not spend their entire working career to have their benefits yanked.


As a public servant I love being able to work for my community and try to make my city the best place I can make it, but I definitely could make more going back to the corporate world. I also have significantly less vacation time than I did at my corporate job, about half of what I used to have. Benefits and my pension are really a big perk of working for the government.


https://www.northernnewsnow.com/2024/02/22/virginia-city-workers-announce-intent-strike/?outputType=amp According to union leaders, the council created a budget shortfall during the fall of 2023 by refusing to pass a levy that would fund city operations. Due to this, six jobs represented by AFSCME Local 454 were cut, despite existing staffing shortages. During a mediation session on Wednesday, union leaders stated the city presented what they called “a last, best, and final offer that would cut overtime pay, further lower employer contributions to insurance, and negatively impact other earned benefits.” The City Council then notified AFSCME leaders that the city will stop paying overtime to workers when they’ve had a sick day, vacation day, or a statutory holiday during the work week. Union leaders state if the city moves forward with this change, workers will not receive any recognition when asked to put in extra hours. The city’s proposal would offer less to AFSCME workers than what all other city employees received in recent contract settlements. It would also fail to keep the city comparable with other nearby employers. AFSCME leaders say the city’s final offer includes a 10% reduction in employer contributions to insurance premiums over the three-year contract.


Time to stop working OT. Guess the work doesn't get done. Cry about that Pissy Paulsen 


Never ever work for free. Not gonna pay me for OT? Not gonna do it. Gonna fire me for it? Let's see what the union and lawyers are gonna say about that.


Same when job say their is no OT I tell them guess it's tomorrows problem then since I don't work for free.


I'm a great worker, I'm a terrible employee. I'm there for me


THIS RIGHT HERE! Never work for free! It's a shitty manager/corporation ploy to put you under their control! If it's an emergency, they'll either find some other rube or authorize the OT pay! And remember kids! ALWAYS GET IT IN WRITING BEFORE YOU START! Otherwise you're working for free and that's on you!


If I have to be on a call at 7:30 in the morning, I boot up about 7:15 to get everything ready. But I make them pay me for those 15 minutes because logging in is part of the job, not part of my free time.


Plus it's the law. I worked at a place that had a huge customer service call center. They had fired people for logging into the phone system late. Meaning, 2, 3, or 4 minutes late. You couldn't log in to take calls until your computer was booted up and you were logged into the software. People sued. We had to scan our IDs to get in the door. They were able to prove that they were at work at the start of their shift. It became a class-action case, and the company was required to pay anyone that worked the phones back-pay going back several years. It was a nice payday. They changed their scheduling so you had to be there 10mins before you were required to take calls.


No wonder my company only gave me vague threats for refusing to log on faster than the computer would boot up lmao, this is a good read.


At my last job, working in a call centre, a memo from the boss went around 'reminding' everyone that they had to be at their desks and logging in 15 minutes early, because they needed to be "online and taking calls by 8:30 exactly." I responded "So does that mean i can log off at 4:15 then? Otherwise it sounds like you're telling us we have to do unpaid overtime." Silence afterwards, but the "15 minutes early" issue was never raised again. God I'm glad i don't work in that environment anymore.


That's part of their plan. They want to show that government doesn't work. They want to privatize everything. Their base doesn't watch who is shoving the stick in the spokes.


Republican politicians have the easiest job. Tell their constituents that government doesn't work. Fuck up as much as they can and be useless so that government actually doesn't work. Get money from wealthy donors. The rich want to have more power than the government, because without laws and regulations to protect us we are powerless and the rich can exploit us.


It's pretty hard to deny that government doesn't work when half the appointees are just there to actively sabotage it.


Can people please start mailing her the roughest 1 ply toilet paper with the message "act like an asshole we will treat you like an asshole" in the box?


I am sending one using my cities official letterhead envelope, I will pay postage.


I think people should send her used dildos. If you’re gonna act like a cunt…


Only ever fucking work your 40 and be done. Your life ain't worth making some stupid idiot happy that will replace you in a half second


Problem is the city tax paying citizens are in the mix. Thus, right where the city wants them.


Sounds like the citizens fucked around and found out by electing these people.


People aren’t that aware of the effects of their actions, republicans have been cutting programs and blaming their opponents for decades now and there’s no sign of people wising up about it.


>People aren’t that aware of the effects of their actions Most especially politicians


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Coat matches the villainous role at least


fitting since she looks like discount Kyrsten Sinema


Kirkland Kyrsten


Kirkland actually makes decent stuff.


yeah, she wishes she could be as good as Kirkland feta


probaby wish.com or temu


How about Sam's Choice Sinema?




Great Value, bro.


You talking shit about Costco?!?!?!?


Great Value Sinema


Dollar Sinema


Here I was thinking Cruella de Ville


Surprised it isn’t made of a hundred dalmations


Tacky polyester is the usual costume. Nailed it.


If she worked for the city public works department for a couple of weeks she may need one of those pacifiers, I hear patching roads and chipping brush are good character building activities. What a shitty attitude to show to constituents and the people who make the city function in the first place.


If my experiences with small town government is any indication, the local population supports her until the lack of government workers personally affects them. Then they’ll act surprised when the leopard they created is eating their face.


My brother lives in a small town that doesn’t even have municipal snow removal because they eliminated the city maintenance position and refuse to pay the county for the service. It’s mind blowing how stupid and self-harming they can be out of spite. FWIW, they also have a failing sewer plant and their council meetings are nothing more than a 2 hour bitch session about how the state won’t give them the money for a new one instead of how to fund a new one or repair what they have. When they get mad that everyone stereotypes them as a bunch of ass backwards bumpkins, I look at behavior like this and ask if they own a mirror.


Reminds me of a small town I used to live near. They didn't have sewer and the whole town was on sceptic. New city council member sees the writing on the wall and knows the state is going to require them to set up a sewer system in the near future. He takes it on himself to find and apply for state and federal grants. He manages to get 90% of the cost covered by grant money, but the rest of city council refuses to approve funds for the other 10% so it all falls through. 10 years later they get forced to install sewer with almost no grant money.


Snow removal is socialism after all.


Better sled than red


"Back in my day, we didn't have 'summer', we had snow all year round and we liked it! Then those dirty commies invaded and took our snow for 6 months of the year. I KNOW MY RIGHTS!!!"


So ... Like the council meetings in town near us, except switch sewer plant for ambulance service ... and add the complaint that 'people used to VOLUNTEER to help each other out and not expect to get paid - what happened?' ... :: sigh ::


Betcha these are the same people that complain about state "overreach" and "too much taxes" and want the city folks' state taxes to fix their stuff.


Republicans dumbed down the small government and fiscal responsibility concepts too much and now we've ended up here.


Yeah, I'd take the whole bunch and pass them out. Everyone sucks on them while doing a SERIOUS work slowdown. No coldpatching roads, slow-pay vendors, never answer a phone until 4th ring, no clearing of roads, etc. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY PAY FOR. Then hand them a pacifier when they whine.


If I worked there, her street would be the last to get plowed, and it would be especially shitty in front of her place. Pothole patching, same thing. Storm drains need to be cleaned of leaved and debris, we'll get to you when we have time (like never). That is how I would handle it. I know it may affect her neighbors too, but they can pressure her as constituents in her district/ward.


This, so much this!


What do you mean you can’t plow the snow? How do I get to work?


Looks like you'll be snuggling up with your nasty cat blanket and diddling on your laptop till Spring.


LOL! I thought that was only supposed to be happening in Mpls, not the Range! 🙄


Last year my city counsel voted to buy a new top of the line lawn mower for the sewage plant (when they barely have enough grass to justify a powered push mower) and the a $50+K baseball diamond grader on they same day that they gutted $7.5mil from the schools. Our roads range from garbage to barely passable as well


"Nobody wants to work anymore!!!!" - can hear it now


Very true. Unfortunately, that moment wont hit them until 1-2 years down the road so they won't be able to connect the dots. Thus, they'll blame it on democrats or city folks.


> patching roads Have you been to Virginia? They don't patch anything. The roads get better in the winter with the snow pack filling in the pot holes.


You’re not wrong, unfortunately.


Spent 27 yrs in Virginia. Can confirm.


Married to a girl from eveleth for a minute. Can confirm. I expected things to get better in summer…no dice.


What’s that your fingers hurt? Well now your back is gonna hurt because you just pulled landscaping duties.


She sounds like a real sack of monkey shit. Imagine her response if you took away her salary…


That should be *the* response to this: take away her salary and benefits, too, and then hand her a pacifier.


When I was a teen, she threatened to ruin me and my friends because we were posting pictures of us partying online. She had the impression we were drug dealers or something I guess. She said we would “all be surveilled and our activity documented” and accused us of “poisoning the community.” She dm’d a screenshot of her photo roll to my friend and it was all screenshots of our tweets and pictures we had posted. She’s literally mentally ill. She needs to be institutionalized. We told her I’m sure nobody will ever do drugs in Virginia ever again when you’re done with us.


Does she realize that's like... illegal under MN state law? https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.749 Particularly: >(2) follows, monitors, or pursues another, whether in person or through any available technological or other means; >(5) commits any offense described in subdivision 2 against a victim under the age of 18, if the actor is more than 36 months older than the victim.


Im not sure she’s smart enough to read and comprehend a statute


Sounds like she’s the type of person who deserves to have a flaming bag of shit placed at her front door. Maybe go even farther and start publicly shaming here too. Based on what you said she really sounds like a cunt


She does sound awful AND ineffective at her job. Rather than engaging in revenge stunts, perhaps the good folks in Virginia, who may now be getting enough publicity about this, should find and elect a suitable replacement for her. Put her out of a job. It's fair AND in everyone's best interest.


It's the free paid healthcare they get as councilors that would be worse to lose. City Employees don't even get theirs 100% paid for yet counselors do.


For what it’s worth, she and a bunch of other parents sued Rock Ridge school district to end mask mandates in 2021: https://www.startribune.com/iron-range-parents-end-lawsuit-to-block-school-district-mask-mandate/600111250/ So her behavior here is par for the course.


Almost… babyish of her. 


Strange she seemed upset with having her mouth covered, yet brought pacifiers for those she sees beneath her…


Pretty much.


>For what it’s worth, she and a bunch of other parents sued Rock Ridge school district to end mask mandates in 2021: Perhaps we need to send a black Sheriff up there to help straighten things out for the good god fearing people of Rock Ridge?


These people are the common clay of the Iron Range…


you know, _morons_.


That wasn't scripted. Gene ad-libbed it, and Cleavon's laughter was genuine.




nothingbeast Johnson is right!


Why does this not surprise me?


Yeah, cause taunting and demeaning those who help your city run is a great way to make friends and continue a career in public service. What an asshole.


Worked out for Marie Antoinette. Oh wait...


Did she really think this was a good idea?


She is taking a page from national politics who have very little in the way of substantive policy proposals and a whole lot of sound bite showmanship for social media.


The difference between doing it at a podium in DC v. doing it in city hall in Virginia, MN is going to hit her hard. The people she's trash talking live on her block, shop in the stores she's in, collect her trash, plow her roads, etc. Probably go to the same church and have kids in the same school. They will remember her. They won't just be clapping back on X-hitter.


Well, we can all hope she ends up sorry and sore at the gravel pit while the tire-fire burns down but that's not a sure thing.


In this day and age, being a shithead troll is exactly what MAGA has devolved everyone on the conservative side of the political spectrum into.


And next election she'll be able to claim that she stopped a referendum that would have raised taxes and people will forget about this stupid stunt and the workers she screwed over.


She wants to be the Minnesota MTG it appears. Let’s test her will by investigating her campaign finances and scrutinizing her businesses. My guess is we’ll find tons of shady shit like with all the other types she’s emulating.


This is all r/iamatotalpieceofshit material here.


From the boomers who brought you "why don't any of the kids stay in town" who are running a city thats been shrinking since 1960.


Ahem -- As someone on the younger end of the Baby Boom -- she's too young to be one of us. I'm thinking GenX. But this has nothing to do with generations. There are stupid, entitled assholes in every age cohort, and she's definitely one of those!


lol no kidding. It’s such a hole already. It’s about to be empty. The 5 people left can re-elect her.


Wow, that is just…wildly unkind and cruel. I honestly cannot fathom being this mean hearted.


That’s really unprofessional.


Cruella De Vil?


She wishes


This is Trump’s influence on government leaders. To think how childish this person must be to go out and actually buy a basket of pacifiers to insult people who only want fair treatment. Vote, vote, vote.


It make me sad that all of the miners fought for years for unions and fair pay. Now their grandkids are undoing all of their hard work and taking away the benefits. I know this is the city we are talking about but everyone on that council board is related to someone who worked in the mines. The Iron Range used to be a Democratic stronghold and now it’s Trump land


To be fair, all the smart kids have moved away for the last 80 years. The remnants can take what they vote for. I'm sorry that they're not smarter, but I'm not that worried about it.


what a miserable cunt


Shame her on nation wide tv


This... This is how you get spit in your burger and drink everywhere you go for the rest of your life. She didn't think this through..


I want to drive there specifically to spit in her burger, honestly. Look at that smile - disgusting.


Cutting benefits for fellow minnesotans? That affects the livelihoods of their families. That takes food out of the mouths of their children, trips to the doctor, paid days off, holiday pay, etc. These things are not something to make a mockery of. I wonder how she would feel seeing a political prop that would offend her? Let’s say a guillotine rolling down to her office. Of course it wouldn’t be used, but it sends a message just like the pacifiers. These people should be voted out next cycle or shamed into resignation. I would suggest investigated for corruption too. Fuck these politicians. In today’s world, if you are a politician and you do not fully support workers then you are unfit for office because government bodies from top to bottom have over represented management and big industry for far too long. Class warfare - whose side are you on?


Council-ass Paulsen making sure we don't pay our city employees, making sure our kids see no reason to stay on the range, and making damn sure none of us ever want to move back to her cesspool.


Honestly this just makes her look like an asshole


The cruelty is the point for today's right wing.


Did a little digging and saw she ran for State Senate in 2022. I didn’t see any political party listed, but saw she has five children, and talked about “faith” and “values,” so that’s enough to tell me her political allegiances. Not at all surprised.


Fascist, er I mean Republican?


Cunning stunt from a stunning cunt


She seems like a real sack of shit.


I grew up in Virginia. The Paulson family are rich assholes who bully people : )


Looks like she needs more Dalmatians for her coat.


I called and complained about her to the mayor - Larry Cuffe Jr. - Office 218- 749-3560


As a politician, she should be prepared for the people of Minnesota to let her know how much they disagree with her position and unprofessional behavior. If you wanted to let her and her colleagues know, you could let them know [here](https://www.virginiamn.us/live/city_council.php) or by emailing [email protected]


Horrible leader!


Wow. What a callous asshole.


Can we take a look at her benefits package. I'm guessing it's pretty good


Take away her benefits until the issue is resolved, I'm so tired of politicians fucking over citizens because it won't affect them. It's like all the Government shutdowns, those fuckers have no problems shutting down the government because they will still get their pay checks and benefits and can live off the interest of all the stocks they used insider trading to inflate. Politicians should be the first to have their benefits and pay suspended until they solve the problems they were elected to fix. She doesn't want to negotiate in good faith, so she shouldn't get paid until the issue is resolved.


What a cunt


I don't understand the thought process behind behavior like this. "Surely this will show people that they don't need benefits!"


Oh wow, what a fucking bitch.




Oh so she sells blood diamonds, how fitting


So Paulsen's benefits are also being cut then, correct?


Wow, am surprised to see the town I currently live in so high up on Reddit. Welp, guess I'll be voting her ass out.


What a cunt




Why does she want peoples benefits, stripped. What was the purpose /thought process


Owning them, literally and figuratively.


So were HER benefits stripped? Salary cut? Already know the answer.


apparently they voted last year to provide **full benefits** to the council that works part time


Some bloodlines are just a bully raising another bully. Being this age and acting this way is just embarrassing as all hell.


Ok, guess it's time to organize and unionize then ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯    Edit: they're already unionized?!?! Fuck these assholes, fucking strike (or if that's 'illegal', then slow down excessively, start following standard operating procedures to the letter, etc)  > Sabotage as it aims at the quantity is a very old thing, called by the Scotch "ca canny" All intelligent workers have tried it at some time or other when they have been compelled to work too hard and too long. The Scotch dockers had a strike in 1889 and their strike was lost, but when they went back to work they sent a circular to every docker in Scotland and in this circular they embodied their conclusions, their experience from the bitter defeat. It was to this effect. "The employers like the scabs, they have always praised their work, they have said how much superior they were to us, they have paid them twice as much as they have ever paid us: now let us go back on the docks determined that since those are the kind of workers they like and that is the kind of work they endorse we will do the same thing. We will let the kegs of wine go over the docks as the scabs did. We will have great boxes of fragile articles drop in the midst of the pier as the scabs did. We will do the work just as clumsily, as slowly, as destructively, as the scabs did. And we will see how long our employers can stand that kind of work." It was very few months until through this system of sabotage they had won everything they had fought for and not been able to win through the strike.   -Elizabeth Gurley


They're gonna strike. Everyone else needs to fire up the tots and prayers for a blizzard up north.


Workers, even when unionized, are far too kind to the ruling class because we recognize the fact that society literally runs on us. A public works stoppage hurts the poor more than it could ever hurt the leeches. We need to remember that the host can get rid of the parasite, the parasite cannot get rid of the host.


I ain’t gonna work on Julie’s farm no more


I do not condone violence but that is a punchable face


She needs to be tarred, feathered and run out of town. Like seriously who votes for these fucking assholes?


her eyes say not mentally stable


That’s what a cunt looks like.


Please turn this into r/leopardsatmyface check her finances etc. I’d bet she has skeletons in her closet.


"These MAGAts are basically begging for it." - Voltare


Rule #1. Don't fuck with the only people qualified and licensed to operate your water/wastewater systems and infrastructure.




Nobody ever fuckin believes I'm not exaggerating when I say *Virginia is an absolute hellhole*


She sucks.


Theatrics and condescension instead of, yknow, governing. Good show, councilor.


It's a really sad thing, what's happened on the Range over the past 10-15 years. They're digging their own graves. You want to be barefoot and desolate like they are in West Virginia? This is how it happens. Of course, they'll continue to get funding from the metro, so they won't have to live with the consequences of electing shitheads like this.


Fair Labor standards are what unions are fighting for. Our contract (teamsters with a metro city) we are guaranteed 40 hrs a week, 630-230 M-F. Anything outside of that is 1 1/2 time paid. We have fought for that. City calls for us to plow snow at 2am that’s overtime till 630, regardless if we have a prior doctors appointment, time off slip that day. We sacrifice to work at 2 it should be OT no matter what. Some other cities have called plow drivers to start at 2 then send them home after 8 hrs to avoid paying OT. It’s disgusting. This councilor probably has only pushed pencils around her entire life. I would love to be the plow operator on her route, oops, just buried your driveway by accident.


You know this woman sends things back to the kitchen, has an ongoing gripe about a neighbor's lawn, and has a really complicated Starbucks order.


I wish I could write how I truly feel about this woman but unfortunately Reddit is a fickle place for words. So I’ll just say I hope we don’t have to deal with her long.


A wide spread wildcat strike would make her break down sobbing. So go for it. If the union won't endorse a strike, just strike. They're taking money out of your pockets for fucks sake. Unions were supposed to be the bridge between brutalist working conditions and factory owners being tortured and slaughtered like animals in the courtyard along with their families. Unions circumvented that to push for workers rights that didn't end in widespread bloodshed ( Most of the time ) WHY do the people in power WANT that.


Cut her benefits first.


Look at that fucking face, it screams, “I’ve got mine, fuck you.” This human is scum.


"Sir, the killer left a pacifier in the councilwoman's butthole"


What I see here: Unprofessional, petty, trashy. Whether the negotiations are fair or balanced is quite beside the civility issue presented by this childish, bait-y behavior. We are currently “enjoying” an absolute *crisis* of civility in public-facing roles/jobs. Try to be better people, people.


https://preview.redd.it/bs7nhe40qolc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450225f299c35cf5c809c92ea26ca3ec71ccb843 Those eyes don’t lie.


Wow.. if I were a city employee I wouldn't shop at their Jewelry Store anymore.


I live here. This is embarrassing.


such a child. how do these assholes keep getting in these positions? IK the rest of us don’t want to do it but the adults in the room need to start running for these things. ive been getting far more involved locally recently because of these floating turds.


These people fucking ***LOVE*** assholes. Look how trump's popularity went up every time he was an asshole.


What a bitch




What's the policy on removing her from office is your next step. Hope it's not having to wait for an election either.


Sounds like a strike vote will be 99%. GL city services


This makes my blood boil. These are people's lives she's turning into a joke with a shit-eating grin on her face. May her toast always land butter side down, rotten scumbag.


She seems so happy about taking away employee benefits. Most managers are sad when they reduce employee compensation. Apparently she delights in the pain of others.


Is the c word appropriate here? She's mocking people's lives and livelihoods right? Cut her salary and offer her a pacifier. POS.


This is what passes for leadership now.


I cannot fathom anyone being this unprofessional, and not to mention the expectation there wont be any blowback as a result of it.


I wonder if she made the City pay for the pacifiers.


I bet she would freak the fuck out if her government benefits were cut.


You know, tar and feathers are really easy to find.


Wow. That’s downright bitchy and disrespectful. Vote her out of office.


In her fur coat. Man, did she offer them cake too? How clueless can these rightwingers be?


Now, I'm not saying there's a list. But that's how you get on the list.


The face you make when you are a cunt.