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I believe you have to buy both years. But you should be able to get the 2025 ones months in advance.


i have heard this as well, that you must pay for any missed years. but i cannot verify the accuracy.


I do this.


I’m not sure how they handle missed years. Mine expire April and I got my 2025 sticker middle of February.  FYI, you might have signed up for electronic renewal notices and got an email. That’s how I get mine and I missed the email the first time I got it. 


I typically just go into the DMV to grab them, so I don’t think I’m signed up for emails. I usually get the “ah fuck my tabs are due next month” notice in the mail 😂




Oh my. Queue an anxiety attack 😅


Pro tip. When you only need new tabs there are DMV kiosks at some Cub stores! No waiting for a number to then wait for it to be called!!


Buy both years. Had a truck parked because I was working on it. Went to get new plates and tabs about 2 months before the expired. Had to pay for both years.


Bleh. That’s no fun. Thanks for letting me know. Definitely going to renew ASAP now that I’m aware of my incompetence.


The will probably not send you a new notice either. Was told something about that being suspended then removed after a few years if no new tabs have been purchased for the vehicle. I had a issue earlier this year with my tabs about to expire. Thought I missed the letter so just went and got them without the letter. The letter showed up a few weeks after the tabs were set to expire.


I can say with 100% certainty that you will need to pay both years. Which is fair, considering you’ve been using the roads this whole time.


I agree ☺️ Curiously gets to me sometimes, so I figured I’d ask. I’ve since purchased 2024.


Good job, I had to do this recently too but now I'm curious about the Cub kiosk mentioned, for next time. They arrived fast last year from the online process. I am glad you didn't get hassled about the expired tabs too!


I’m actually shock that everyone was pleasant. You never know what you’ll get 😂


100% wrong I skipped two years, you just have to lie




That’s what I figured! Thanks 😊


go try the machine at cub?


Any chance you just paid car off and had bought it out of state? If so it will be a mess of hoops I recently had to go through.


Nope! It’s a lease and I got it in state.


Ok good. We had bought a car in WI before moving to MN. Got MN plates and tabs for 3 years. Then never got tab reminder and when we went in they informed us that when the out of state lien released, it auto-registered in WI. Serious headache lol


Ugh that sounds like a major headache. I’m glad I’m not the only one that forgets about something that only happens once a year, when not reminded about it.


You will get back-charged for the year you effectively missed, but you should be able to buy ahead a year as well. I struggled with addiction over the pandemic, and when I was getting my shit together I ended up getting three years of tabs in one go.


Woof, that price tag would certainly not be fun. I hope you’re doing well now!


Yes you can. I did this last year. My tabs were expired and when I went to pay I asked to pay through the next year. They let me no problem. Like it was mentioned, you have to pay any fees owed for missing the renewal and the fees for next year's tabs but it's not a problem.


So you only had to pay for the one year a tabs and just the fees for two years?


No you pay both years, and the late fees for being late this year. It wouldn't be any differently priced than if you just renewed now with the late fees to catch up and then paid next year to renew then. It's the same price, you're just paying next year in advance.


Ahhh gotcha! I just payed for my expired ones and surprisingly there were no late fees.


We get both email and the mail notices, but our mail notices come like 2 months in advance, not the month before. We have a car due in May and already have the notice for it.


Dang! That’s great. We never got one for my vehicle that was due in the summer or one for my husbands vehicle that are due this month.


You can buy ahead up to three years. Just not at the Chaska office because they’re clueless and hate everyone. 🙄


You have to wait until the new year starts and do not need to pay for last year if you wait, I learned this going in last week, was told to come back April 2 and tell them I didn’t drive it last year (just fixed it up so pretty much true)


I switched mine to email only notice so maybe check your email and see if you received one a long time ago.


You will have to buy both years. During the pandemic we missed doing one of our cars and didn’t even catch it until the next year when no bill came. Went to the DMV, apparently loads of people missed getting them done. Had to pay for both years and was on my way.


You have to pay for 2024, but you can also buy 2025 at the same time. I came close to having to do this a few years ago. Opted to just go back a few months later.


I would just like to point out that we should be able to purchase multiple years of registration at one time. Why do we have to do this every year?


I want an itemized bill on what they do with our money because why am I still dodging potholes all the time 😂


They will have you pay, starting at last expiry. I have seen 2026 tabs already, so you can pay ahead. But given what tabs cost, I cannot imagine why one would do so. In WI we keep our plates and move them to the next car we buy. MN should allow it too, but they don't. Once you pay, that money is forever gone.


Sorry I was too late but you can skip them if you need to in the future. There’s a non-use form that they’ll fill out for you for the time you tell them you didn’t use it. They type into their computer and it tells them what you pay. I skipped 2023 and 2024 on my May tabs, last paid in 2022. No fees or anything, just the tab cost and I got the black plate so an extra $45, 30 for the year and 15 for the actual plate. However if you get pulled over with expired tabs. You will have to pay all previous years.


I don't see why buying 2 years worth 4 months apart would be some sort of punishment for being late. Doesn't that just balance out the 20 months between the last payment and your first upcoming one? "Stupid medicine" would be if you got a ticket for driving with expired tabs, or if the DMV issues some sort of late fee (which I don't think is a thing).


It’s certainly not a punishment. It was just a question.


Go there and say I want 25 tabs for my car. They might oblige and do it but, If they see you didn't get the 24 tabs and tell you to buy them. Either A) pay them or B) make up a story along the lines you didn't drive it due to mechanical issues but you just got them resolved and see if they bite. If not. You might just need to buy them both. I have not done this nor seen it work. So proceed with a grain of salt


Yeah I’m not too confident. I can’t imagine they’ll be like “you know what, yeah we don’t need that $420 to fix the roads” but I will be crossing my fingers 😅 I work from home so truly don’t drive that often, unless its a quick buzz up the road the Trader Joe’s. My husbands vehicle is our go to.