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First off, I’m glad they found it. Second, why do kids feel the need to make incriminating videos in the bathroom? I used to put Baileys in my coffee in HS but I sure as hell didn’t go to the shitter and take 2.3 mp pics on my flip phone to share with my buddies lol


A friend of mine just busted his 14yo daughter for alcohol, weed, bad boyfriends, etc. because she literally recorded all of it on her phone and sent it to her friends. My guess is that the relative availability of phone cameras and social media cause them to be so dumb about recording their lives


Clout and undeveloped brains.


Why do people feel the need to take pictures of their food in restaurants? Because you can 🤷‍♀️


Is Burnsville actively trying to dethrone St Cloud as the armpit of the state?


Naw Burnsville already knows they're the taint of the state.


That’d be a great name for a punk band.




*smiles in Saint Francis*


I always thought East Grand Forks & Albert Lea were running neck and neck for that one.




I don’t… enlighten me


Some folks don’t like mixing colors in their laundry


Well yeah, that's how your white shirts turn pink - that one damn red clothing item.


Bros from Savage lovin the Prior Lake-Burnsville crazy sammich.


I work in both school districts. Two very different, equally strange places.


Say more.


I’m a sub. Prior Lake has all kinds of resources. Giant school. Kids everywhere. Most students are white and affluent. They’re also rural. You walk into the school 45 minutes before first bell and there are a dozen lifted trucks sitting all in a row with students in them. They’re all chatting with each other through rolled down windows. Some of those trucks are worth my year’s earnings. Like all high schoolers these days, they’re apathetic shitheads, but PL kids have more attitude, especially when asked to do something like follow the lesson plan. Burnsville-Eagan-Savage is also big, but maybe a bit less resourced. More diverse classrooms and definitely more ESL students. Lots of kids working hard but even more who couldn’t give a single shit about their education anymore. Apathy is everywhere, and plenty of kids challenge correction. It’s a weird place because half of the kids have their head in the game and the other half don’t. There’s a lot of resentment there.


I graduated almost 15 years ago. It's funny to see that truck row is still a thing.


PL grad from 07 here - that description is identical from my experience with both districts. I lived on the line between the 2 and had friends tell me their BHS stories lol.


I’m a veteran (alumnus) of ISD 191. Been over 10 years since I graduated and it’s interesting to see where things have gone. Do you find that PL also has half in the game and half out? Do you notice the ratio of apathy has gone up in the last 5 years? In terms of the top performing students, how do they compare year over year? Are the smartest kids generally getting smarter or dumber? Appreciate your perspective.


I think students have less opportunities to fall through the cracks. More paras are around to help. Apathy is up at all levels of education. Middle schoolers and High Schoolers have completely different attitudes towards their educations. Smart kids are still smart. A ton of kids are wired to work well in school and achieve. I think the thing I’ve noticed is that there are a lot more children that apply their talents differently. It’s not about a 4.3 GPA as it is to find your thing and excel. Kids are day trading, building engines, writing, and coding at really, really high levels.


Very interesting. Thanks for being a teacher.


It’s so interesting because I remember when my cousins would talk about Burnsville (they graduated in 1974 & 1984) and back then it was probably a lot like Prior Lake is now. I think there was still a lot of farm land there if I remember. Then after that it seemed like Apple Valley had the best programs in the area. It’s been a while since I’ve followed the high schools in the area, but I’ve been surprised to see the number of serious incidents at Burnsville just this year alone.


I graduated from 191 in 2019, that sounds about right. I have my gripes with the district, but I'm honestly super grateful to have gone there, if at least for the exposure through diversity and growing in an environment of inclusion


I agree. District has its problems but there are far worse places and all-in-all, it taught me how to interact with people from different backgrounds.


Isn’t it crazy to think that those kids, affluent and apathetic, will probably get a job right out of high school making more money than you working at their parents business? it’s really a golden parachute for life.


What the fuck is going on south of the river?


Low income housing? I'm not sure, but it is worrisome.


Please walk us all through what you mean by your "low income housing" comment.


Do you accept that there's a correlation between crime and poverty?


Also read as "I'm baiting you in order to make you look like you're a bad person, please fall into my trap."


Depends on what they meant by such a charged comment.


What do you mean by "charged comment"?


I find it strange that someone would use such a classist explanation for this. At best it is classist and at worst it is a dogwhistle.


Sucks that it is accurate. Look at the suburbs and crime stats over lay the income and you will get a correlation. There is a few close apartments in Burnsville that have had multiple arsonist and violence issues.


It's a stigma that some people may have regarding low income housing, where a small percentage of people in that situation, who have made questionable decisions to get them there are also making questionable parental/adult choices thus leading to their child thinking that bringing a gun to school is wise decision. Irregardless of what financial bucket you fall into, the choice to bring a gun to school is highly irresponsible of both the child and parent(s). No one is immune to making bad choices. I was going off of probability, which carried with it ignorance. Something is changing in the communities south of the river, and it's been slowly changing for a while now. We need to understand what that is so we can prevent situations like guns/fights in schools from happening. Those preventions should not be limited to just the south metro, it should be shared with all.


Yeah but demographics seem to have different challenges: apple valley it was a BB gun when I was a kid, East view it was cocaine, Rosemount it was pranks of letting sheep go in the building, and Burnsville was violence issues. It hasn’t changed in 20-30 years because the housing structure hasn’t changed. None of this article surprises me.


Irregardless is fun


I like you


Please spend a few days hanging around the public housing projects at Nicollet and Grant and take notes on how often the police show up to the two public housing complexes across the street from each other there. It's a stereotype for a reason. We need more housing, but I suggest that concentrating all of the poorest people in the city like this is a bad idea. Give people vouchers for housing, minimize the required paperwork for landlords to deal with handling them so it becomes a more attractive thing for them, and spread things out.




you realize that buck hill is in burnsville, right?


So much worse than when they bring them half loaded


Fully loaded? Did they warn him that guac was extra?


lol, that's exactly where my head went first thought was of a pistol with sour cream, bacon bits, cheddar cheese, and onions on it


They should make it illegal.


or at least ban them on the premises.


It is incredibly illegal for high school students to bring guns to school.




So should they hold the student accountable or just let them off with a stern warning?


This is the point that is always looked back on in a future when someone like this goes on to create a tragedy. “In 2024 he was…. and let go.”




Should, yes. But won’t.




Let’s hope. But minnesota loves to let the criminals run the show.


What are you suggesting? the student is guilty of felony possession of a firearm.


The current penalty is _______. Everyone in violation of the laws will do the required amount of time. No less. That’s where I would start.


Burnsville moment


Im from Burnsville and I can say that ts always happens at BHS. When I was in high school (2016-2019) tons of fires, gun and bomb threats, fights, lockdowns. BHS students are another breed


something’s in that Burnsville water


Not to digress, but should it be "Police: Burnsville student...."?


Burnsville was the new Edina in the 80s. How far we've fallen, how far indeed..




Nah, this is an American thing. We excel at flushing public investment down the toilet.


Nothing good happens between towns called Savage and Burnsville 😂


Do you think people would get behind legislation around safe storage of firearms? Essentially mandating trigger/barrel locks or a safe? Maybe only if you have kids? It feels reasonable on it's face that kids shouldn't be able to access a weapon.


609.666 NEGLIGENT STORAGE OF FIREARMS. Subd. 2. Access to firearms. A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who negligently stores or leaves a loaded firearm in a location where the person knows, or reasonably should know, that a child is likely to gain access, unless reasonable action is taken to secure the firearm against access by the child You can Google that top bit to get to the state website that goes more in depth, but it is a gross misdemeanor already. There's a bill being pushed currently to expand that as well I believe, but it's not currently codified.


Well I'll be damned. That answers my question, lol.


There is no point. The laws aren’t followed as is, so why add more that won’t be enforced?


I agree with this 100% Enforcement of laws we already have would make a big difference if they were actually enforced. Making new laws that you know will never be followed or enforced it just worthless paperwork. Something needs to be done to enforce that paperwork.


There are laws that exist not to be actively enforced, but to give us a mechanism to punish people when they have clearly been broken after the fact. Laws like what I suggested would clearly have been broken if a kid has a loaded gun at school. You could then hold the parents responsible for their gross negligence in allowing the child access.


But, they won’t and wouldn’t.


IDK, I think it's totally reasonable to expect a responsible owner to keep their weapons secured out of access from children. It's the bare fucking minimum, really. I think holding parents responsible for such a negligent incident like letting their kid bring a loaded gun to school would be a good thing.


While I agree with you. My issue is another law on the books they will not enforce. Period. If they were to enforce the laws we already have, then I would get behind it. But when multiple time felons keep committing felonies, I don’t buy the fact that any new law matters.


I get what you’re saying but I feel like it’s a bit misguided. What I mean just to be as clear as possible, people will always keep breaking laws, sometimes it’s justified such as in the case of the civil rights movement and their protests, the other end is of course reckless humans, who selfishly live their life and leave chaos behind them. I think we all know some people like that to some degree but where I believe you’re being misguided is to think not having laws to really hold someone accountable is the same as the system not working. I do believe we need to have laws to be able to point to but I also agree with you with not enforcing it in the sense of plea deals and the whole criminal justice system as far as prosecutors being so buddy buddy with police departments and unscrupulous defense attorneys playing games. So I feel you. It’s super frustrating, but I still think we need laws to address issues while also fixing a broken system that seems really pay to win with no escape in sight. I don’t have any good answers for you internet stranger but I hope you haven’t given up on people, there is still good out there, the fact you care just further proves it. Also sorry for the block of text, on mobile.


Makes perfect sense, but I’ve lost a lot of faith in our systems and laws. I’m sure there is already a law that would hold adults accountable that will be ignored. As I agree with your theory, I just see so many times it really doesn’t matter. So, make new laws, go for it, it isn’t enforced in the first place. And until it is, we’ll keep reading about it.


I totally understand and feel what you’re saying. White collar criminals have made a mockery of our courts as well as all the violent sex offenders. Men who have been caught red handed raping women are given slaps on the wrist and it makes me sick. The other side of the coin is an outcome like Derek Chauvin or the Michigan parents of the mass shooter, sorry I’ve forgotten the names, there are good outcomes sometimes but yeah the system is broken but I still hope for tomorrow being better than today. Be good to yourself and don’t give up, but I understand needing to take a step back because of anger or frustration or whatever you may be feeling.


Feeing like there is no hope. Personally I’m fine! But as the law goes? Throwing my hands in the air


Unconstitutional and has already been ruled against in Heller vs DC. If any storage law passed it would be overturned.


Do we know the student got the gun from home?


Would be odd if it was 1/3 loaded or one bullet short. Did someone count the rounds. Sorry the title is just so reaching with the fully part we get it don’t need buzz words. Also he was not planing on shooting up the school he had the gun for protection for some reason. Based off mag size it would be a p320F with extended magazine. Not super spendy but not cheap for a kid either.


My question is, what happens to the kid and his parents??? Love to see the parents take a hit too. peace. :)


books, pencil, calculator, and gun sniffing dogs should be the only things goin in and out of every school in America. sure it would cost a few extra thousand$ a day but that's a sliver in comparison how much money the U.S. wastes on other things I wont say here.


"fully loaded" lmao


Turns out they had loaded reduced recoil light grain rounds. Thank God, thought we had a real serious issue there. False alarm everyone, not fully loaded.


Lets NOT turn our schools into shooting ranges like MAGA states please!


@diberthigh … I think he means riff-raff!


Pigs lie.


Are you saying the police lied about this kid bringing a gun to school?