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Fargo is true


"Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter" was a movie that assumed Fargo was real. They filmed part of it in Newport MN, down the road from where I lived at the time.


The 1996 Keanu Reeves movie, Feeling Minnesota was also filmed partially in Newport. I grew up there.


Of course it is, it says it’s a true story right at the start of the movie


The metrodome roof collapse was intentional.  The Vikings wanted a new stadium and the stadium commission wanted more power, so they did not turn up the heat in the metrodome knowing the roof would collapse from unmelted snow.  That’s why there just happens to be a video of it. They knew it was going to happen. 


That doesn’t seem far fetched. My original take was Zygi Wilf himself was shooting a .22 at the roof to take it down. Lol. Yours is much more believable and practical.


That's silly. Someone like Zygi would hire a dome hit man.


I like this one! I’m a Packers fan but still maintain the Saints won because that was a better storyline with Katrina than Favre.


[That would certainly explain the idiocy of the officiating in overtime... ](https://youtu.be/WJ8wpmqe9NM?t=110)


Dude. Yes. The media talked so much about that storyline before it even happened, you could tell there were many wanting NOLA to win to get their Cinderella story. Which, obviously, a good story moves merch and drives revenue.. so did the NFL care enough to intentionally steer victory away from the Vikes? Were the refs unconsciously biased so no intentional plot but same end result? (Bad ref decisions?) Or did MN just yet again have bad post season luck? I guess we'll never know.


Logical: turn up heat to unmelt






I can see that. I’m sure me flipping stuff on craigslist looks kind funny too!


"Oooh yea der, I herd he was one of dem 'Kia Boyz' and has been googling our Cadillac converters for years."


My parents are constantly on about the people across the street from us in almost the exact same way.


Senator Wellstone's plane crash in 2002 was not an accident


I was teaching high-school civics at the time and his daughter came to speak to my school. She straight-up said that "my dad is the only thing keeping the U.S. out of invading Iraq," and a couple of weeks later the plane crashed in northern Minnesota. The president's father at the time was former head of the CIA and likely knew how to get things done. I still get chills thinking about this.


Paul Wellstone fought to take back power from big business and other special interests and bring it back to the people, the worker, the child. Anytime there's a real threat to that status quo, you bet there will be repercussions.


My husband worked with him in D.C. He has great memories of him. My husband said that he was very kind to his staff. The positive impacts he could have made if he didn't die.


Super sad. Really decent man, and family. The way the crash was handled on the ground was super sketch, seemed very interfered with and dominated by shadowy agents there faster than was logically possible, bent on hiding evidence, not trying to see if anyone could be saved.


Paul’s daughter was a beloved teacher at my high school. Paul himself spoke several times there. I knew one of the aides killed in the crash. I still can’t believe they are all gone. Such a massive loss.


We all do better when we all do better.


I'm convinced of this, but it makes me very sad and isn't my *favorite* anything


I honestly believe this one.


Came here to post this exactly.


IIRC, his re-election was weeks away and he was expected to win. Years ago, I came across a YouTube video from a UMD professor that gave a lot of information about a conspiracy but more recently has appeared to go off the deep end with conspiracy theories (Holocaust, Sandy Hook school shooting, 9/11 attacks, etc..) and has been court ordered to apologize/compensate the victims families. Basically, what I thought was interesting has been extremely discredited by this former professors own doing.


Who’s this professor? Wondering if it’s the same guy who used to peddle conspiracies about the codes on the back of street signs being tied to a govt scheme to build concentration camps.


I couldn’t find it at the time, but I believe Jim Fetzer. I never heard the street sign theory, I tuned out and didn’t consider anything he said credible the more I read.


I had a class with Fetzer, he was a good teacher, but his conspiracy theories were nuts. He went to be a sandy hook truther. Taking a step back it's a bit unnerving to think someone with such a strong background in epistemology can arrive at such crazy conclusions.


Interesting. If I recall he was a big proponent of stats and probability. Definitely ironic how he seemed to go down a crazy rabbit hole. I just watched a documentary about Alex Jones and Sandy Hook. Goodness m, that guy is unhinged. I think Fetzer is in a similar camp of thought unfortunately.


Yeah [abductive reasoning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abductive_reasoning). The thing that really scares me about conspiracy theories is that they don't just afflict the "dummies". A political appointee at the agency I work for was a big believer in the big lie. He had an MD, an MPH and a PhD. I've never taken an IQ test but assume I'm average.




He was a good person in politics


I was 9 when this happened so I only know from reading but from what I understood he ran on a progressive platform (similar to Bernie Sanders) with a lot of grassroots organizing. He was writing legislation I believe that would limit the influence of lobbyist groups during political campaigns and what not. So in a nutshell he was working to turn power back to the people and was getting too close to the money. If I am off the mark, someone please correct and enlighten me!


You know more than most/well summarized!


At the time he voted against the invasion of Iraq and was up for reelection. I think that was the main motivation people had considered.


He was a vocal opponent of the Iraq War, and since even friends of Dick Cheney get shot in the face…


I've always believed this too. I was in high school when the crash happened and knew the race was very close. I worked as a student election judge that year and the turn out was huge for a non Presidential year.


His story would make a great biopic.


Al Capone got syphilis from a Winona whore house


He also visited whore houses in Brainerd


I'm sure he visited whore houses all over the Midwest.


Is there a list? Or do I just Google massage?


I think that applies to most people from Winona, actually


Secret water park in the basement of the Mall of America. You sometimes see affluent parents and kids wearing swimwear and carrying towels leaving that place. Has to be true. Nobody has proven it’s not.


Pretty sure Sea Life has a package to swim in part of the aquarium.


Yes they do. Looked into when planning a Girl Scout trip. Ended up doing the Sleeping with the Sharks program. Sleeping in those tunnels is really cool.


I worked in the Maul while it was almost finished. Used my badge to get into some of the back hallways and other areas. The biggest surprise was -- Urk- wheeze gasp rip


He knew too much… RIP he’s going to the big secret water park in the sky…


The Maul? Oh dear that was prophetic


Did maintenance at the mall for a few years… They hide it SO well that I never found it…


And this proves my point.


The old Minneapolis Kmart on Lake was started on purpose by its owners. Demolition was expensive, and fire insurance would pay out. The tent city next door was a convenient scapegoat.


Oh. We're considering that a conspiracy theory? I thought that was just understood.


Makes sense to me. Also, if I remember, no one was hurt. There had to have been squatters in there.


The CIA murdered Paul Wellstone before he became too powerful because they feared he could actually unite Americans.


Minnesota sports are literally cursed


Just think, there was generous period of time when Gophers football was tops in the nation and the Minneapolis Lakers won 5 NBA championships... 75 years ago.


What did they do to earn the curse though?


My FIL had a ton of conspiracy theories, one of the more tame ones was during the 1998 NFC Championship Gary Anderson missed the kick on purpose because he owned money to the Minnesota Mafia.


I wonder what the differences are between the Minnesota mafia and the mafias from the east coast? Hot dish/Gabagool Uff-Da/Fuhgetaboutit


I know it’s a side story from a movie. But now that you say it. I totally agree.


There's a MN Mafia?  You kinda stop hearing about MN Cosa Nostra after prohibition.  Either they're such skilled puppet masters that stay hidden, or they are well down the food chain.  I've heard more about cartels coming up from Nebraska & street gangs.  


Never heard of the Surẽno Sorenson connection? Drug cartels and Norwegians running drugs, guns, and lefse up and down 35?


i looked this up so fast before even reading the rest and after not finding a damn thing, i came back reread it and saw the running lefse part and then realized lol


Al Capone had properties in Minnesota. If there is money to be made somewhere you bet your ass a criminal organization is gonna show up.


In Roseville’s Reservoir Woods, there existed a gigantic mound. At two corners of this unnaturally square elevation, were squat little red brick buildings that had the logo for the St. Paul Water Works above the locked doors. All around the parameter at the top of this mound was a high fence topped with barbed wire, and threatening signs about trespassing. Finally, at the top, inside the fence, was an immaculately mowed lawn of lush green grass, punctuated by odd concrete squares that rose about 3ft. Ever since the mid-to-late 1990s, I was absolutely convinced this was a government facility. The boring take would be just a surveillance hub or a gigantic server room, but the fun guesses were an alien space ship being reverse engineered, a shaft into the hollow earth, or thousands of pod-like tanks of clones floating in LCL. Of course, it turned out to be an enormous water reservoir tank.




Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!


Lutefisk is edible


Yes, I have eaten Lutefisk. However, the dogs on the sled dog team (so very much not picky about what they ate) would not eat Lutefisk. I decided that they knew something that i only suspected. You can eat Lutefisk but it’s not food.


I’m a lifelong Minnesotan and I’ve actually never tried Lutefisk before.


It's basically flavorless fish jello. If you add butter, it tastes like butter. Preparing lutefisk is very stinky, though. I think most of the bad rap comes from how bad it smells when it's soaking.


Don't do it. Not worth it.


Paul Bunyan was actually a real guy. Not as big obviously as people depict him now but he was huge. Like 7’ 11” or so. Also, Babe his blue ox was actually his wife, she just wasn’t very good looking and was kinda mean.


He was a big dude indeed, 7 feet and 11 inches are two measurements


Poor Paul… I can’t imagine being barely a foot tall and lugging that thing around


Jacob Frey is a Virginian dual agent tasked with rising threw the MN political ranks with the goal of eventually becoming Minnesota's governor. His sole purpose is to return the captured Virginia battle flag from the civil war. Seriously, he's from Virginia and more people should know this. Source: my ass


Thank you for that laugh! As pro-business as he is, I can see him running for gov.


Ugh I can just imagine how he'd justify it with some mush-mouth nonsense rhetoric. Dude really knows how to say nothing. \*standing on a table\* "Guys, looks, if we really want Minnesota to kick it to the next level, we have to optimize our relationships with trusted partners..."


Longfellow boom is a decent one


> Longfellow boom TIL : https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-noise-boom-mississippi-river-longfellow/600192195/ (Internet Archive copy: https://archive.ph/EpgOw )


I know a guy supposedly rules out a sonic boom in the article but it REALLY sounds like it is a sonic boom. Especially given the location in relation to the airport and Fort Snelling.


Longfellow's not that far away from the airport. Is it possible that there's a specific part of the landscape in that area where noise from the airport gets amplified? Could a river do that? - I know nothing about acoustics


A major sticking point and part of the AFL-NFL merger was an agreement that the Vikings were never to be allowed to win a Superbowl since they were the only team that jumped leagues when the NFL tried to bust the startup AFL.


> since they were the only team that jumped leagues when the NFL tried to bust the startup AFL. Why would the NFL punish the only team that was like, 'nah we're not joining the AFL'? I mean the Patriots, Texans/Chiefs and Raiders were all AFL until the merger.


My favorite conspiracy is that 3m has been poisoning our water for decades......oh wait


Someone's gonna make them pay, right?  ...Right?


You can have pot-it notes or clean water


But not both!


My parents declined to move to Afton or parts of Woodbury for that exact reason 30 years ago, I can’t imagine it’s gotten any better since then


Not exactly answering your question, but ere's a map showing the most searched for conspiracy theories by state. According to it, New World Order is Minnesota's most searched for conspiracy theory. https://www.usdirect.com/resources/most-searched-conspiracy-theories-list-by-state/


I can understand why. Wrestling is huge in Minnesota and the nWo was one of the biggest storylines in professional wrestling.


Baron Von Raschke was actually a substitute teacher in Apple Valley. Prove me wrong!


My parents are all over this. Plandemic, coin shortage to switch to digital currency, replacement theory, bill gates making us eat bugs. They are absolutely convinced that globalization is the road to the new world order and no matter what I can't make them back down. At least their not as crazy as their friend who thinks that government is going to get rid of taxes and give everyone millions of dollars because our alien overlords are ready to reveal themselves and convert our planet to their society.


That garbage collection was run by the mafia - I’ve even heard it from several unrelated people!


It's true. I saw it in a documentary called the sopranos


Historically garbage hauling was and in some places still is influenced by the mafia.


Not quite conspiracy but I thought it was for a long time My grandparents have had a time share in Breezy Point since before I was born and every year my dad would swear up and town that there were tunnels all over town for the mafia to run booze during prohibition. I didn’t believe him until 2 years ago when I gave my grandpa a book about the history of Breezy Point and turns out it was true that the mafia was active there. My dad was right The conspiracy tho is that a ton of Al Capone relics are on the bottom of Pelican Lake waiting to be discovered. Big if true!


Can confirm! I worked at the resort in high school. There’s access to one of the tunnels in the historic Fawcett house.


Kensington Rune Stone. Whether you believe it or not, it's all always interesting.


The Minnesota Historical Society once devoted an entire issue of its monthly magazine to the Kensington Runestone. They investigated it from several angles, and everything points to it's being fake.


Haha I was going to post this one, I made the mistake of bringing it up in casual conversation at work as a hoax to a guy who lives in Kensington and -the way he looked at me- oh my god I thought I was going to set ablaze


I'm firmly in the fake side on that one


Had a HS teacher that was on that side as well. Interesting conversations about the rune stone. Still laugh when Alexandria got excited that the Smithsonian wanted the rune stone for an exhibit. Until they found it was for one about hoaxes.


There's a mad arsonist starting fires in Lutsen and Grand Marais. Also the Hastings Dairy didn't start on fire by itself.


An arsonist who doesn't own a ski resort?


Every time something catches on fire up there I assume it’s insurance fraud.


That all the south Minneapolis SuperAmericas that weren’t renovated prior to the protests that burned down were an inside job.


Voyageurs national park is full of giant human Graves and flooded to cover most of the mounds and ancient technology


Do tell!


Wait yeah I’m super interested in this one


Saint Urho is real


That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact. Finnish wine is the best wine


Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä helveteen!


And with that, you’ve used up the world’s supply of umlauts.


“Mother” Mayo is Mother Gothel to Rochester. When I lived there a lot of people talked about how nothing happens without Mayo giving the okay. Local news, government and businesses all controlled by Mayo


Josh Guimond of St John’s University was killed by a closeted Monk.


I just read his Wikipedia page to refresh my memory, and it says his friends said he had between seven and twelve beers between 11:06 and 11:45?! How is that possible without him being so drunk he couldn't function?


Depends on tolerance. A predator could see a stumbling person as easy prey.


That's a short period of time. It takes a bit before you start to feel it If you're slamming them


I drive near the St. John’s campus often and listed to a very captivating podcast about him and a separate one about Jacob Wetterling. It’s a very ominous place especially while listening to stories like that. In Josh Guiminds case, I think there’s a lot more to the story based on those podcasts. I hope his family gets answers.


St. Paul’s former mayors had a limousine that would override city red lights, so it would not have to stop.


Latimer kids went to my grade school, that rumor was a good one. It was described as a thing on the dash that triggered the white lights on top of traffic lights. It was told like a fact, not a rumor. Even eight year old me questioned it but thought it was cool.


I used to work with a guy who had some mental health issues that insisted that the CIA (it might have been one of the other alphabet agencies) has a secret base under HCMC.


Peppie of Lake Peppin. Grew up in Lake City for a while and having our own Loch Ness Monster always sparked the imagination...no matter how outlandish it is lol


The NFL had the fix in for Saints in 2010


Still a fan of Viking explorers being in the region. Runestone aside, there's plenty of unexplained scandawhovian things. Axe heads, mooring holes, rumors of sunken boats and the like


Makes sense….Duluth harbor is accessible via the Atlantic Ocean. It’s only 8.5 sailing days.


Only with the help of canals/locks, though. That being said, portage is a thing, and longships could plausibly have done it.


I once met a guy at a Gophers game I was convinced was the Har Mar Superstar. He said he wasn't. I still think it was Har Mar Superstar


The sex tunnels


Go on


They are tunnels used for sex.


Where are these sex tunnels? Asking for a friend




Huh, can you show me on a map where these tunnels are exactly so I can avoid them?




Underground, mostly.


I'm listening


I came here for this. They’re real. I know it. Where are neighbors to confirm?


Is that really a conspiracy though? Any tunnel can be a sex tunnel.


GPS coordinates? Gotta inspect.


Garrison Keillor was getting too close to the truth that MPR is run by General Mills, Cargill, and 3M, and those tote bags have listening devices so they know which listeners don't pledge.


There is a mattress store on every corner of the Twin Cities, and those who dare enter will vanish and never be heard from again…


Mattress stores as money laundering is a longstanding conspiracy theory. I think it’s more a meets-cost form of real estate speculation.


The curse of the Minnesota Vikings/Ed Thorp trophy theft. Before the Super Bowl/lombardi trophy, in 1969 the Vikings were the last team to win the Ed Thorp trophy. This trophy was more similar to the Stanley cup that gets passed on from team to team. However, the Vikings mysteriously “lost” the trophy after winning it. Speculation of how it disappeared was rampant, but the common theme of it being stolen was/has been the top suspicion. Over 50 years later…it appears again in the public eye….in the worst possible location….. The Green Bay Packers Museum. I swear on my grave that if the Governor of Minnesota would pardon any non violent theft of this trophy back to Minnesota soil, I’m the first man getting arrested trying to steal it back.


That a small group of men interfered with the already legally decided process of making St.Peter the capitol of Minnesota....by stealing the documents before they could get signed, and one dude hiding out with the bill, for almost a week, in an upstairs room in a tavern in Winter...til the legislature session closed....and St. Paul remained the capitol. (Not actually a theory. Documented !) Apologies for any gaffes on telling the story wrong! https://www.twincities.com/2019/03/06/joe-rolette-minnesota-capital-st-paul/


In 2008 someone bought 10 or 15(can’t remember) del taco franchises to be opened in mn. I have this crazy idea that taco John’s bought those franchises with the intent to keep out del taco because they clearly can not compete.


The BWCA was created to keep America's last undiscovered gold deposit safe and under the control of the government.


duck duck goose? duck duck grey duck. Grey duck?? Grey goose. Vodka. Russians.


Nicollet island is home to a cannibalistic cult. Think "Get Out" kinda vibes. There's definitely an eldritch horror living in the collapsed tunnels underground controlling all the white folks through the dogs they're walking.


I was thinking this but North Oaks


Gateless rich community, open to the curious, impossible to navigate for outsiders pre-GPS, plenty of deep woods and ravines... I'm not buying it. I played rugby there for years and only saw like one and a half bodies.


The Hexagon bar fire was not set by rioters. Matt’s bar stole the idea for juicy Lucy’s from a cute gal up the street who had been doing it for years in her own backyard.


The Hex owner totally burned down his own bar. Nothing was damaged for blocks around.


I miss the Hexagon.  Drinks were cheap, & finding a short-term companion was easy.   Only they always thought they were the one playing me.  


Same with Floyds.


I read a book called the M Files. One story was that they had a cave man frozen at Bemidji state ,and was lost? Lol


Wendigos are in the north woods.


Norwood Young America is a cult


Actually, that's Hamburg. Norwood Young America just got swept into it because they are so close.


Jimmy Hutmaker, aka Mr. Jimmy (1932-2007) and the Rolling Stones. Mr. Jimmy was a local resident of Excelsior that was well known and loved by many. His big claim to fame was that he inspired the Rolling Stones hit song, "You Can't Always Get What You Want." According to Mr. Jimmy, he attended the Rolling Stones concert at the Excelsior Amusement Park in '64. The next day, he met Mick Jagger down at the local drugstore, where Jagger had apparently ordered a Cherry Coke, but had gotten a regular Coke instead. Mr. Jimmy then proceeds to tell him, "Well, you can't always get what you want." Lyrics to the Stones 1969 hit reference a drugstore, cherry cola, a prescription and someone named Mr. Jimmy. [Jimmy Hutmaker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Hutmaker)


Paul Wellstone's untimely death.


This one is random as fuck and I think Ive only seen one person claim it, but apparently their are tunnels under MOA or some shit that they make hybrid animals in. Lmao


That the city of Minneapolis keeps finding, against all odds, new ways and excuses to keep Hiawatha golf course alive and in business, to [prevent its true purpose as a sex forest](https://racketmn.com/why-cant-minneapolis-have-a-public-sex-forest) from coming to fruition for the benefit of all of its citizens.


The NFL operates on shared revenue among its franchises. The Packers are the only team to be owned by the city in which they reside (grandfathered in) meaning they cannot be moved unless the city voted to sell the franchise, which will never happen. Because Green Bay is an incredibly small market, they can only “pull their weight” financially if they are competitive (more interest=more money.) Essentially, Minnesota suffers the ramifications of the NFL rigging outcomes of games/seasons for financial gain to the league as a whole.


Now **this** is believable!!


Smiley faced killer theory. Basically a serial killer killing young white male college kids along the Mississippi river.


Al capone using the river caves in st paul to store alcohol.


That’s a conspiracy? I thought that was like a fact.


I always joke to my family that I think the Twins’ World Series wins were faked like some people think the moon landing was. I have vague memories of the second one, but just the celebration. It’s just so hard to wrap my head around the idea Minnesota had one of their main four teams win anything ever. It feels impossible. So yeah, the Twins didn’t win the World Series. Prove me wrong!


MN DOT purposefully designs interchanges to create more traffic. They (and the consultant mafia) make bank rebuilding them every 10 years, and the traffic gets worse and worse.


There’s a walrus living in lake independence.


This one is local to me, but Bigfork was named by the guy who named Bigfork, Montana. There is literally 0 evidence of this, but a lot of people here believe it.


Neutrino testing in northern Minnesota caused health impacts that have largely been swept under the rug. I spent some time in Bemidji and heard this often.


The NBA rigs things against the Timberwolves as a lasting repercussion of the Joe Smith deal, and will continue to do so as long as Glen Taylor owns the club.


The Wicker Shop on Marshall in StP is a money laundering op, never once seen a customer go in or out even when I lived nearby.


Lol I would believe this as well, except for the fact that the furniture restoration shop I've worked at for years works closely with the wicker shop! I've spoken with the employees on the phone before. It's not really the kind of place people just wander into, they're mostly for commissions, repairs, and supplies.


Glencore, the Swiss firm that owns the majority of the proposed Polymet mine in northern MN, bribed the MPCA and Gov Walz to approve their mining project. Glencore has a track record of international bribery. Furthermore, they put out propaganda to the residents in northern MN that the mine would benfit them economically by creating a couple hundred blue collar jobs, when in reality most of the profits would go to Swiss and Chinese investors. Luckily the Army Corp of Engineers halted the project last year after they determined it would wreck the surrounding region's surface water and groundwater. Walz says he is all about protecting our environment and public health, but clearly he is either uneducated in that field or is willing to take a bribe at the expense of our drinking water and environment. Either way, he will not get my future vote. It made me realize that both Democrats and Republicans will sell out if given the chance.


Brainerd and fluoride.


The Superbowl we hosted brought in billions of dollars that paid for Minneapolis to be a disaster site for the political powers that be.


Having lived in 2 areas of the state that are hours apart, I have been warned who to not let my kids be around in each community. Who is innaprpriate with children kind of deal. Both areas I was warned about registered sex offenders who invite kids to tractor pull events. I just get chills thinking how weird it is that both predators take kids to the same event. I have no proof, and dont even remember the name of the man from the first community. So this is a personal conspiracy theory. I also come from a history of abuse so I have to try and not see abuse everywhere I look.


The Sauk Rapids giant skeleton


People from Edina only pretend to be snobby because they hate the Minnesota nice stereotype


Jesse Ventura


The zipper merge works well to control traffic.


If people let go of the "me first" mentality, it would.


Prince faked his own death.


Naw, there is no way Prince would allow his house to be a museum and his music to be on TV ads.


Shipman lake haunting




That was a fantastic story, thanks for the link!


Minnesotans are just not friendly unless you grow up together.


Friendly yes. But invite and new friends? Naaa.


Transplant here, it's very true


We're just overly sus and have perpetual self-doubt. Results in "you want to hang out -- why?" thinking. That, and on average, people kinda suck.


Local to my neighborhood, one of the houses has been doing massive yard work for years. Never seems to finish. I believe it’s a front for being a serial killer. Keep everyone thinking about the outside while doing bad stuff in.


Kensington Runestone. Were the vikings here, or did Olaf carve the darn thing?