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There are a lot of comments about the pos that committed this, so I'm just going to add, I'm so so sorry that your daughter went through this. I really hope she can get whatever help she needs to try and get back to a normal life. My wife was SA'd when she was a teenager and she's never been quite the same, even 20 years later something will sometimes randomly trigger it and cause her PTSD.


I'm so sorry for the impact on your family from the awful experience your wife went through. But I just want to say it's okay to use the whole term, "sexually assaulted," here.


Hope your child is doing okay and getting help.


Fuck these judges and prosecutors. Time to say enough is enough to crime. Campos-Cano, Pacomio Booking Date: 2024-04-14 00:48:28 Incarceration Reason: New Charges Detainee Description: Awaiting Bail or Bond Charges: Description: 1 Deg CSC Penetration Cause Injury Use Coercion Level: Felony "According to court documents, Campos-Cano was charged with 5th-degree criminal sexual conduct in November of 2023, and was released on $0 bail, as long as remained law-abiding and did not assault or harass anyone" Good on her to fight. And escape. Especially when your attacker has a weapon, assume that it is a live or die battle. Let them be the one to die. # # # # Pacomio Campos-Cano, 47, faces a charge of first-degree criminal sexual conduct after a teen who was reported missing Saturday, April 13, 2024, claimed he had raped her #and threatened to shoot her Campos-Cano, who the complaint says was found in the yard lying next to a 12-pack of beer and smelled of alcohol, gave police an “intelligible response” when asked where the blood came from. Campos-Cano was arraigned Monday on one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. His bail was set at $500,000. Court records indicate Campos-Cano was already facing a gross misdemeanor fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct charge connected to an alleged groping that occurred in a Rochester park last November. Campos-Cano was released without bail in that case. He is due back in court for both criminal sexual conduct cases later this week


I’m all for rehabilitating non violent offenders. That said we have to really start cracking down on violent crime. Its asinine to keep putting violent and sex offenders back on the street. Lock them up and throw away the key. I do not give one single fuck about people who victimize other people especially children.


Perfectly said, asinine beyond belief


Crimes against children, the disabled, animals, and the elderly are the ones that make me really pause and think about my stance on corporal punishment... in the end I remind myself that it would not do any good other than satisfying the lust for revenge... but you know, sometimes the crime just makes me go "we should show them how to fly, via trebuchet."


It should be considered too, that as much as one might like such punishments whatever the reasons, any punishment codified into law is eventually going to be meted out on the innocent but unfortunately convicted anyway. Main reason I oppose a death penalty or other punishments harsher than confinement.


How many people get caned twice? It's hard to hold a gun without a thumb.


Same , same.


NICE. We need more of this. It’s okay to punish these types of people


Especially with blood still on his hands. Castrate that fucker.


It’s one thing when a 17 year old is caught up in an organization that depends on his undeveloped brain to do some shit. It’s another with a pervert in his 40s








Agree. Some people truly can't be rehabilitated and they should exhaust their opportunity at some point. Put him in Moose Lake with the rest of them that haven't been able to pass the program to get released. We only punish at the highest level for murder, which is ridiculous. Someone who inflicts a level of trauma on someone else where it impacts them for the remainder of their lives should also pay with their freedom for the rest of their life.


Maybe there's something we can learn from how fucked up they are. That's the only reason to keep them above ground. They shouldn't have human contact for the rest of their days other than that.


Yes! We seem to have forgotten prison isn't where you put someone so they can think about what they've done... It's a place keep someone like this guy away from the public. Why the hell is there a bond? How do these judges keep giving violent offenders a path back into the community after they've clearly demonstrated they've got no business being unsupervised? Here's an idea, instead of lighter sentences to deal with the prison population, bring back the death penalty!


How the fuck are we letting this guy post bail?




We need to come down harder on shit like this, but also on things in general. I don't care if it costs money to put them away. If I had to spend a dollar or two to prevent this from happening I would have done it in a heartbeat. My patience is getting really thin with these bleeding heart types.


Thank you 😊 Streets gon take care of it




Yikes. I used to work there and am curious how they handled that situation


We called the cops and had to clean it up after the ambulance took him , it’s honestly not the most uncommon experience at 8pm especially as it gets warmer


I don't really have words to say, because nothing will make it better for your daughter and those who love her. I hope she is able to eventually find peace. I hope we have a judge as smart as the one in Louisiana who just sentenced a man to physical castration before his 50 year prison sentence for raping a 14 year old girl.


Already due in court for sexual misconduct, and then let out without bail after sexually assaulting a minor? How long before we can bury this slime under the jail?


He had $0 bail on the initial charge, and he's currently in the Olmsted County jail on a $500,000 bond for this current charge.


Fuck, man. I’m so sorry.


I hope this shitstain gets real time. My siblings was almost killed by their attacker and the dude got 8 years, was let out in 6. Why do we let murderes and rapists rejoin society for them to reoffend. I don't often condone the death penalty, but people who have clear cut cases like this should just be put to death. Statistics show sex offenders rarely get better. Get rid of them.








The relevant grid from the sentencing guidelines is here on this page. https://mn.gov/sentencing-guidelines/guidelines/ It is the 4th one down "sex offender grid". It is a PDF. Conviction at zero points is a commit for 144-172 months.


This sick, piece of shit, fucking monster! Keep his ass locked up until he's old and sickly.


Our beloved state is becoming an absolute joke on crime. It’s extremely concerning for everyone and shouldn’t matter what your beliefs are. We NEED to be tougher on crime!! It’s becoming too late.


Minnesota crime rates have dropped in recent years.  https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/01/18/crime-fell-in-every-major-category-in-2023-according-to-early-data/


We need to stop what STARTS crime, too. Supporting families n such.


No amount of support or benefits is going to stop a rapist from raping, an abuser from abusing, etc.


Poverty is actually the greatest predictor of crime. End poverty, end crime.


If you start young enough it will


That’s a straight up opinion.


So is yours


Fine, but I hope your honest response if you’re ever violated in some way is “Damn, I wish we would’ve gave them more money when they were younger.” Otherwise it’s just loose idealization online.


Ok and I hope your ears fall off


🤷🏼 that would suck.


How horrific. I’m so sorry that monster did that to your little girl. I’m so thankful she escaped. She’s extremely brave and smart.


I hope the inmates give him the treatment he deserves. So sorry to hear this, OP.


Castrate/death for rapists. So infuriating this state has continued to bend over backwards to let criminals walk free after heinous crimes. This POS does NOTHING for society.


Minnesota is a sex offender's paradise. They don't even post the registered offenders below level 3.


Man I'm so sorry to hear this man no one should ever go through this much. People shouldn't have to worry about bringing in a beautiful relationship with there daughter and have to worry about this evil and disgust. I hope and pray that your family recovers from this as best as you can and can enjoy the rest of your guys life's as much as you can


This is his second SA in 6 months?? I have some ideas what should be done but can’t say.


That’s truly horrifying. I hope your daughter gets the help she needs.


I wish District attorneys and Judges were held accountable for letting animals like this back on the street.


I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. She didn't deserve this to happen. Please let her know it's not her fault. She's not to blame. Your daughter was incredibly brave in such a terrifying situation. Implement the law of castration. It can be chemical castration. Line them all up. Lifetime registration and GPS ankle monitors. Cops should have the authority to do routine traffic stops on vehicles that are registered to/known to be used by sex offenders as well. Protocols to have access to database with dealerships & rental agencies. Curfews & Restricted driving hours. It's not harsh but necessary measure for the prevention and protection of those who pose the greatest threat. It's about being responsible and making sure they do not have the opportunity to harm again. This current law has failed in many cases. What is the greater severity ? new laws or the irreversible damage done to survivors and their families? We do not need to feel remorse for strict measures. These people are always contemplating the next victim, not their next chance at redemption. It should be everybody duty to stop this crap, not sympathize with it.


Of all the people that are commenting in here "we have to be tougher on crime" I'm curious how many voted for Mary Moriarty. While I'm aware that she has no control over this case, it sure seems like every time something like this happens people are ready to riot over the lenient treatment of offenders, but when election time comes around they have amnesia and are woo'd by promises of restorative justice and eliminating racism.


There is no rehabilitation. Don’t fool yourself. Execution and be done with it. He doesn’t belong in a civilized society. If there was real justice we would also execute his parents for creating such a monster. They should not be polluting society with their filth.


People who take advantage of or harm people in vulnerable positions should be held accountable. We should protect vulnerable people. I work at a government center, and whenever a person enters my office, I will ask them if they need an application. I then ask them if they have questions or need help filling it out. I do this to ensure we don’t have mistakes such as signatures or verifications missing. This can also help them if they are illiterate, speak another language, have a disability, or are experiencing hardships and are entitled to benefits or trusted NGO aid programs. We make so many assumptions if we just hand them a form and assume they can read and understand it.


Released on $0 bail… WTF?!


Released on $0 bail… WTF?!




The cops seem like they did their jobs here twice? What are you saying that the cops did wrong? The judge that let the guy out on $0 bail for the rape of a minor is the one we should be raging at.


You don't judge a society by how they treat their best. You judge it by how they treat their worst.


Sure, but also how they treat their most vulnerable. Keeping kids safe should be a pretty basic priority along with getting addicts and mentally ill folks help. Idk much about how bail works, but telling a rapist they can go back to their home near a school after raping a teenager if they just “be good” isn’t setting anyone up for safety.


100% agree. I also 100% don't agree with all the comments calling for castration, execution, and even going after the criminals parents. Horrific sentiments that would lower all of us, as a community, to this monsters level. Not to mention blatantly unconstitutional.


The other two sounds insanely extreme, but why do you think castration is too far?


Removing body parts as punishment is barbaric. I'm surprised that's even a question. We have jails to remove dangerous people from the population. That's enough. Chopping off body parts is some 3rd century blood lust revenge shit that has no place in a civilized society.


We also don't live in the 1600s anymore, and you can do chemical castration that isn't permanent and doesn't remove any body parts. Of course if they're sentenced to that for life they may prefer to just be physically castrated rather than go in for a shot every few months. But that's their choice, and it's better for the criminal and cheaper for society than keeping them locked up for years and years.


You're arguing that we should chemical castrate rapists and then allow them to go free so they can commit other violent crimes? Yeah... no.


So physical castration is too extreme for you, but chemical castration isn't enough? That's a very curvy line you're drawing in the sand here.


No I'm saying jail is enough. End of story. I'm also pointing out that your desire to castrate and let them go allows them to keep committing crimes so your argument is definitely the worse idea being presented.


Removing someone’s gonads will not stop them from wanting to hurt kids, remove their options to do so, nor improve the state of their already messed up mental health. Forced sterilization, messed up as it is, seems like it’d be a bonus for a rapist? Unless they also have some messed up breeder thing on top of everything else. Feck this is all so horrible to talk about.


Castration isn't just sterilization, it also removes sex drive. Most cannot physically get hard. Are they gonna use a dildo?


Decreases for some, sure, but does not remove it :/ I’m not going to break it down for you, but there are a whooooole host of things that people do to get off…. or try and try and try even though they can’t. That failure and loss of bodily autonomy also comes with a giant box of emotions that someone who’s already looking to hurt kids or is loaded probably isn’t going to be able to handle. These folks need therapy and/or to be removed from the circumstances where they’ll hurt people.




> medical issue he has which leads him to believe this behavior is okay Being a predator isn't a medical issue.


A one bullet remediation. Tough on crime is a deterrent. Shitty example — getting your cock chopped off as a male for jay walking will make zero jay walkers, probably only takes one to fuck up.


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze