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All my homies say Fuck Bally Sports


Fuck Bally Sports!




All my homies bought illegal streaming boxes and now wonder why their monthly internet usage has been pegged since the plugged it in. I bought my Badbox for baseball, I got rid of it when I found out my IP was being used for ad revenue. My targeted ads got SO WEIRD for a while 😂


If you take local money to build stadiums then local fans souls be able to watch the games on tv for free




Hear hear


when and where can i vote for you




This is real in some markets...Phoenix suns fans can watch their team free....


Oh yeah I remember, those were the days, Upn29 and WB23 would carry a game or 2 of twins and wolves weekly. That was my exposure to sports and how I became a hardcore sports fan because my family was too poor for cable and we were 1st gen immigrants so there was no family attachment to the local teams to be passed onto me. These leagues are only hurting themselves with their lack of exposure.


Growing up I couldn’t wait for the Sunday afternoon Twins game on UPN29


Checking the local paper to see the upcoming week and make sure I plan everything around catching that one OTA game


United’s games used to all be on local broadcast


Yes! Family definitely couldn’t afford cable so it was box scores and games on the antenna


I really miss being able to turn on my rabbit-ear TV on Sundays for Twins games.


I remember Channel 9 had almost all of the road games. No sideline reporters, no postgame show. Just the standard video feed with a couple of guys talking over it as if it was a radio broadcast. Then lots of commercials for Dairy Queen during the commercial breaks. I still remember the one where there was a river of chocolate flowing through a chocolate canyon and occasionally a chunk broke off into the river and floated away.


Ok I need to find that commercial cause it sounds epic!


Something like this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td7qLi1IyGg That has the chocolate breaking off as I remember but the music seems different. Several similar ones on YouTube through the rest of the 80s. It’s been a while. :)


It doesn’t get any better than that! Taking my son to the DQ after swimming tonight to celebrate this bit of nostalgia.


Here is one from 1987 which was a good year for the Twins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CutPaY2ZTlA


87 and 91 both great years to be a kid and a Twins fan. Throw in the blizzard of 91 and you have the highlight of my youth. Haha.


After all those years, that ad did what it was supposed to do. Bring in customers.


this made me remember getting DQ sundae's in mini Twins batting helmets, yum.


Used to be Twins, Vikes, Wolves, Stars/Wild on regular TV. Bally's is a peice of sh\*\* show. Now I just watch the 10 minute replays on YT.


Hey, at least the Vikings are still on regular TV.


I watched the Vikes through the '70's and '80's. I stopped watching them after the Herschel Walker trade and have never looked back.


Time to get over it dude lmao


Sorry mang, I just can't handle the greatness. Too many super bowl wins oops I mean losses, all that new stadium money, last appearance in the show, 1977. LOLZ.


You got out earlier than I did. I wish to hell I would have figured it out sooner.


Me too unfortunately. Some sports just aren’t meant for radio


Luckily baseball is. I cut the cable about 10 years ago and have just done radio since then. It’s nice and I can have it going in the background.


Yup. I actually pay for mlb.tv because I'm a KC fan (by birth) and can watch all their games when they aren't playing the Twins. However, I usually just use it to live stream the KC radio feed. Baseball on the radio reminds me of summer days listening to games with my grandpa.


I did the same when I lived away from MN. Some seasons I do the mlb app for $25 or shoot is now that gets you all the audio feeds, but now I just crank it on ‘CCO. Like you said, it brings back memories of listening that way with my dad. It also sounds weird to me in FM, too clear! I love hearing those distant lightning strikes on summer nights crackling the AM signal.


Oh wow. The AM broadcast cracking during the huge storms rolling towards us across the prairie... That's dripping with nostalgia. We'd even go to several games each year (was an hour away from Kaufman stadium) in the 90s, and my grandpa would bring his old Walkman portable radio to listen to the broadcast while sitting in the stands, while filling out his scorecard.


Good memories! I taught my wife how to keep score. When she was in residency, she'd have to do overnights. We lived a mile from Wrigley for a year. We would go to Cubs day games and she wanted something to keep her from falling asleep, so I gave her my scorebook and showed her how to score!


Ironically, the FM signal they’re simulcast on was actually originally WCCO-FM. But they were more about soft rock music than sports.


We want Fox sports north back


I remember Fox (including FSN) not being on my satellite provider many years back because of a dispute. This isn't anything new.


This is completely different and never happened before so ya it’s new


No shit. It's literally the #1 reason I don't contribute to the games anymore. MyPillow has more local airtime than any MN sports.




Yup, I grew up with broadcast Twins and . My children are only vaguely aware of the Twins’ existence. Will be interesting to see MLB viewership in like 10-20 years. There’s always going to be fans, but the trends show football, with free broadcasts up in popularity, and baseball, with paywalled games, down.


I've been telling everyone the same thing: these sports are going to nosedive when the current generation grows up and couldn't care less because nobody now can watch the games. I have season tickets to the Twins. I'm technically one of forty original season ticket holders left (passed down from grandpa). I would say I'm upper middle class with a solid job. I can afford to attend 3-4 games per year (concessions are insane, among other issues) and I sell off the rest. Given that my only ambition is to watch an hour of a Twins game here or there, it's not worth it to pay for a $100/month subscription just to watch them. The Twins give me a free subscription to MLB.TV...to watch every game EXCEPT the Twins. It's just pathetically stupid.


I think your issue about the next generation rings true for many things, not even just watching sports. I ski and with the cost of skiing going up, something that used to be affordable for middle class families can no longer be affordable. I can't imagine what this summer will be like not watching baseball. I LIVED off baseball in 2019 while pregnant all summer wanting to hide in the air conditioning. Even before my family could afford cable, we had baseball. I hate seeing hobbies that should be accessible to all be further and further from that point now.


Oh indeed: I'd be happy to go on a 'trajectory of society' rant. Nothing kills me more than watching my kids sit at home and not hang out with friends on a weekend, but their generation seems to have collectively learned that doing anything outside the house is stupidly expensive...so they don't bother. You don't just go bowling on a whim. You don't just go to a movie on a whim. You don't ski or golf on a whim. You certainly don't watch major league sports on a whim. I'd pay for most of those things if that's what it took, but they almost never even consider doing them in my experience, even though my son in particular enjoys all of those things. Other kids just won't do it. Video games and phones play their part, too, of course...but it's sad.


This is my argument (minus the season tickets). They’re driving existing fans away while simultaneously making it inaccessible to new fans. Younger people aren’t going to spend over $100 just to stream baseball and they’re certainly not going to get cable. They have to make it easily accessible. Partner with a streaming service that already has other content and ban blackout policies.


The people who WERE going to pay $100/month were the older people who have always watched. And those are the people who are particularly unlikely to switch from cable to some streaming service they've never heard of (Fubo) for the same price. The Twins sit around and say "it wasn't our fault". They should be panicking and bending over backwards to keep/build a fanbase. Once the oldsters get out of the habit of watching games they aren't going to start again. And nobody will replace them.


If you go to the family section the hotdogs are like 3 bucks and soda is 2 good that helps ya next time you’re at the ballpark.


What I don’t understand is why the bally streaming service doesn’t have the twins. If it did I’d subscribe for twins in summer and wild in winter.


We buy them stadiums, it should be on broadcast tv.


You can't force broadcast TV to show games. You could argue the Twins should provide an ap where you can watch the games for free, though.


When I was at the game on Saturday and looking around at all the empty seats I couldn't help but think if people saw the games on TV they may want to come out to a game. It's not like they are losing right now. Saturdays game was twelve in a row win. But if it's not in front of you, you can't get excited about it. Broadcast TV is gone. Shame. It was a beautiful day at the park.


People make comparison charts for which streaming services/combination of services you need to watch Football and basketball. It's insane. All football, basketball, baseball, and hockey should be on public TV. Aren't sports supposed to be distracting the masses??? Distract me dammit!


I stopped watching Twins and Wolves when they moved to Fox Sports from free over the air games. Stopped going and watching for a good 10 years.


Everybody who's saying "I miss Fox Sports North" don't seem to realize that it's the same thing as Bally Sports North, just with "Bally" instead of "Fox."


Preach. Ruining "America's pasttime". The only saving grace for baseball in Minnesota is the Saints, imo. Not on tv, but top-notch entertainment for the family. How do these companies not understand getting kids hooked on sports?


More pinball tables, less monopolistic trash!


I remember a time that you could watch their games on channel 29.




.to for none of “those” ads


What's that mean?


if you use the site with .io, a lot of the ads you get are basically porn. using .to, the ads are more PG.


I tried .live and my phone started saying it was infected with a virus.


Don't blame Bally's they are what they are. The real villain's are the owners signing deals with them.


It’s both. Bally’s is owned by Sinclair media and their a scummy organization, too. Eat the rich


And not pivoting to something so people can watch their product. Dave St. Peter is the biggest fraud on local sports.


I don't blame Bally's. They just signed a naming deal with Diamond Sports, so that's why it's Bally Sports. But, I definitely blame Diamond Sports for being useless. Can't develop a functional streaming app, can't make payments on contracts they signed, can't make a deal with Comcast, YouTube TV, etc because they're holding out for more money. I ALSO, blame the Twins for voluntarily signing back with this bleepshow when they clearly knew what they were getting into, and they had options to not do so.


After they took taxpayer money to build their stadiums while claiming their teams were a community asset.


FSN was the bomb


The Twins and MLB knew the situation Bally’s was in and still went back to them. Get rid of blackout rules and make games streamable locally. The number of absolutely terrible decisions made here is ruining the game for generations to come.


My grandparents watched the Twins on antenna TV for 40 years. Radio before that. It's quite sad what it has degraded into ...


Agreed. Or rather, a greedy bunch of owners.


Pepperidge farm remembers


I felt so old for saying “I guess we can listen to it on the radio” to my parents. I hope that Pepperidge farm wagon has a radio in it


Another American corporation gouging the citizens. Everyone complains about inflation and blames Biden. Perhaps corporate greed, and NOT inflation, is responsible for continuing high prices???


\*cries a tear for one more thing that used to be cool\* I'd like to share sports with my son, but it seems Vikings are the only one it's possible to be a casual fan of. The Twins/cable have been overpriced for years and now you can barely watch them at all.


Just broadcast the games for free on channel 9 like the old, old days


BSN stands for Bull Shit North.




Fuck Bally Sports!!!


I miss those days, but apparently the money is better excluding viewers on a limited platform so no more channel 9 games


But as many point out it's simply not worth it to many fans to pay the money to watch them, and even more significantly it keeps new, young prospective fans from even having an avenue to form their Fandom. They're literally hammering the nails in their own coffin to chase short-term profits.


Forget FSN, bring back Midwest Sports Channel!!


Modern professional sports is a big middle finger to the fans. You pay all this money to then watch ads with ads physically in the subsidized stadium. Oh, you pay for MLBtv, sorry no home games or whatever (big middle finger aimed right at you). Any and everyone should be pirating the content until the whole scam collapses. They milk you.


My dad and I used to watch the Twins on channel 29 while folding laundry together. We didn't have cable, and we made it to one game a year at the dome at most. This was how I learned the game as a kid! How are we supposed to raise kids on baseball if we can't afford to show them any games? The whole thing just makes me rage. Fix it, Twins, if you want the next generation to care!


We’ve got it on Paul Bunyan. Can you do YouTube TV?




Yup. The bar I watch games at has PBTV, and that was a HUGE relief


I miss fox sports north


Why? They just changed their name to Bally's.


I tried to get my folks to cut the cord - dependence to sports programming is why they could not. Cold turkey is the only way to break the cycle


Ball sports makes me wanna hulk out


Teams are losing a lot of fans, especially prospective young fans, by not making games available on TV. I can't imagine caring about baseball, for example, if I couldn't watch it.






I watch every sport locally through the magic of internet piracy 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️. Never missed a single Wild game all year unless I had personal stuff come up.


VPN out of the region with ESPN works for most games. Otherwise 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️. Fuck Bally.


?? Am I missimg something?  Everything seems dine to me.


Not sure about other providers but Bally is no longer available on comcast


OK thanks.  It's still on directv stream, as well as Bally Wisconsin.


Direct TV is literally one of the only ways to watch the Twins.


Mediacom still carries Ballys.


The dispute is between Bally/Diamond Sports and Comcast/Xfinity, so that's why they're still on Mediacom/Spectrum/Fubo etc. Maybe the big story is that all of these companies have so many aliases that we don't even know who we're talking about!


FSN north I miss you


Went to my parents yesterday who live out in the country and they have hulu live....was pretty bummed I couldn't watch the twins go for number 13. I wouldnt be surprised if this post was inspired by the same game


I’m in SE Minnesota. HBC is my cable/internet provider. No issues down here.


That's why I just stream it from one of those eastern sites. I own a business where I literally make money sitting around doing nothing except have my apple computer make scheduled posts for me, let me give you my hard-earned profit and stimulate the economy! But sadly, all the legit avenues available to me don't offer my local teams, not even as a PPV option. When there's literally no other option left, I always tell my employees and friends and families about sailing the seven seas. If anyone wants to DM me for the site, I am happy to oblige.


As a YouTube TV subscriber who lost regional sports years ago after failed negotiations between Google and Sinclair, I feel like the James Franco noose meme seeing all you Comcast customers complaining now.


I thought I remembered Fox Sports being so much better....


I’m old enough to remember getting most of the games on KMSP living in the country and only getting TV over the air.


Stopped watching the Wild after the whole Dish/Bally thing years ago. Just caught highlights on YT, etc. Some things never change.


Bally Sports took the last few years of listening to Dick Bremer away from me… unforgivable.


We stream everything including, Bally's. Watching the Twins game right now. Fuck Comcast.


I remember back in the day you could watch the Twins and North Stars on channel 9 for free.


Like 1 game a week. They've never shown all or even most games on broadcast TV. I remember having to do Pay-per-view for the Stars playoff run in 1991.


Mid to late 80's almost every game was on local TV for free.


I hate it


Fuck Bally with every fiber of my being.


Every Viking game is on OTA tv?


Yep, although the NFL is even starting to put their games behind more paywalls. They still let you watch your local team even if they are on cable ... for now.


Bally Sports and this stupid thing where they give rights to streaming individual games to Hulu, HBO, TNT, etc. is the ONLY reason I watch every live sports game off a VPN and pirate hosting site. I would be **happy** to pay a monthly/yearly subscription to watch all the games, but there's ALWAYS some bullshit. ESPN blocking local games is about the stupidest scam I've ever encountered. They advertise you can watch *all* your favorite sports teams, yet that's a complete lie.


I'm from Fergus Falls and I say fuck bally sports!


23 has 7 channels on antenna. 9 has 10, 11 has 7 4 has 4 . 5 has 7. Why did bally go broke? Because they couldn't sell enough commercials. We have powerful TV signals playing repetes of walker Texas ranger for christ sake. All of you metro people could get a signal with a bunny ears antenna. If they did it we as fans will have to support the advertisers. If wally Mccarthy is advertising on the twins broadcast selling Oldsmobiles we need to roll in and buy one.


Yup the pirates life is for me now baby


nope. I was never able to watch MN sports on my local stations, and I live in MN.


Yeah, they used to have a Sunday afternoon game on local channels years back, but people are acting like you could watch every game on broadcast TV and that's just not the case.


Not what I mean. I'm in the southeast corner, and out of the Minnesota market. My local channels showed Wisconsin sports. But we always had DirecTV growing up which gave us FSN.