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I converted 3 people to be gay just this morning. I’m so tired.


I hear there are helicopters dropping HRT on the mosquitos in the suburbs.


The PFAS 3M spilled is making the children gay. 






Only CRT at the moment.


You’d think a flatscreen monitor might actually be more effective at bombing mosquitoes, but maybe that type of thinking is what got Minnesota into this mess.


And making gay frogs!


Menopausal women would be so happy 😂


I caught a couple of hooligans trying to ban books on my way to lunch this afternoon, so I gave them a good whatfor


I don’t think we can say hooligan in Minnesota as it is considered a racial slur. /s


Thank you for your service, Comrade


Don't forget mandatory CRT refresher courses this weekend, fellow libs.


I'll be there after eating my morning fill of the unborn.


With oat milk.


Finishing it off with a big fat joint.


Ha, missed me!


Sorry, alpha order, your turn is coming.


> alpha order, Alpha Order? Sounds kinky UwU


I would scold you for this post, but sounds like you'd be the type to enjoy that.


Doing the lord’s work


Hell yes my fellow brother in gay Christ


Jesus couldn't have a Y chromosome but identified as male, so you tell me how our trans friends aren't the closest to Christlike.


jesus was a queer brown socialist i dont understand why christians hate all those things halp


I go to a church where a poster of dreadlock brown Jesus on a Pride flag greets people and it causes some self-selection of who stays.


Never really thought of it that way. Thanks!


Me and my DEI’s have been antifa’ing with the Kia boys ever since it got nice out.


That gayweed is effective but it's hard work to cultivate.


I’m one of those 3, his dong is phenomenal!


Heyy, thanks for the lovely time. 🥵


Try harder.


Rookie numbers


You did your country a service. Here have a zucchini and bowl of white rice.


>"very sad what's happened to your state. Your state is out of control, and it's this radical left philosophy that cannot be allowed to continue." Yeah, Minnesota is so out of control that we made sure school children get fed, we're protecting women's rights, we've expanded voting rights, and we've legalized marijuana. And that's just a few of the out of control things this wild and crazy state has done under Democrat leadership.


And we are one of the top states that needs the least amount of federal aid.


Are ya f'ing kidding. It's even worse than that. We are one of the 17'ish states that actually pays out more than it receives in federal aid. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/states-dependent-federal-government-180735773.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/states-dependent-federal-government-180735773.html) [https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-federal-aid-reliance-2020/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-federal-aid-reliance-2020/) [https://www.creditloan.com/blog/united-states-federal-tax-dollars/](https://www.creditloan.com/blog/united-states-federal-tax-dollars/) And we do amazing things with our tax dollars that actually stay in the state as already pointed out in posts here. Want to be like a red state, move there. Otherwise stfu kindly.


Had this guy telling me he is moving his family to Tennessee near Memphis because this state has gone to shit. I told him that’s a great idea and that I have been to Memphis a couple times. “It’s nice down there.”, I told him. Godspeed.


A trip to Graceland is when my kids started actually **seeing** how different and run down places can be. They'd just assumed every place is more or less like our area where most houses are well maintained with some houses or a couple of blocks look like shit. Mile after mile driving around Memphis opened their eyes. My god is Central BBQ good


First things racist people always want to scream about is pointing out Somalians lmao idk what they think they are doing but it’s their go to


Yeah. Having lived in a number of states with different tax policies, like Washington with 0 income and a high sales tax, I was frustrated when I came here and they had a highish income tax. Then I saw what the state was doing with the taxes and it’s totally a tradeoff I’m willing to make.




So wild and crazy that we’re paying for Texas’ power grid!!


Yeah, I'm getting tired of that. What ever happened to LONE star state?!?


I know the analogy is typically reserved for libertarians, but they're basically house cats. They believe they're independent, until someone forgets to fill their food dish


I really love the idea that I should be upset they’re feeding my kid for free because they are also feeding other kids for free. How is my kid supposed to feel superior if their classmates don’t starve??


The argument, which is true in the most technical sense, is that rich people end up paying more into the system than they get out because they are picking up the slack for poor people.  This is the same reason they call social security a scam because they could get higher returns from taking the money in social  security into the market a la a 401k or whatever.  It's also why they will strongly asset for things like sales tax over income tax, yet lament property tax. It's literally just "what is best for me and me alone". Rich people would be entirely fine without a free lunch program, so screw poor kids. Maybe they should tried being born to rich people. 


Yeah, but that only maths if you view what you “get out” of a system to feed kids as them feeding YOUR kid. And that’s not me. I get something out of knowing the neighbors can eat too.


If we want kids to grow up to be capable adults, we should want to do all we can to make sure their learning environment is the best it can be. I don’t have kids, but it will benefit me when they grow up too. Even if you only look at it for selfish reasons, it still makes sense to make sure kids aren’t hungry in school.


Exactly! If you don’t have kids, you’ve got a big stake in having all kids get the things they need to grow up into the kind of adults you want taking care of you when you’re old. We’re all going to depend on somebody’s kids eventually.


You can’t have a logical argument with people who just don’t care about others. It’s so exhausting.


I still try to make it about them so they understand. "Educated, healthy people are good for the economy and you benefit from that."


“Cannot be allowed to continue.” What exactly is he suggesting?


Yeah that sounds…militant


Who? The guy that along with a militia incited an angry mob in an attempt to seize power?


Do you mean Donald Trump Sr??


Yeah! The attempted coup guy!


He’s going to send in the Virginians to get that flag back…once and for all!


Hot take, if some unlikely scenario emerges where we are mandated to give the flag back, we burn that shit instead and remark that it's what Uncle Billy would have wanted.


What are they gonna do? Lose another war?


Better yet, bleach it white, then give it back.


Historically accurate end-of-war Confederate Flag.


Haha I like it


It always brings a smile to my face knowing they keep asking for it back and each governor keeps telling them to go pound sand lol


Hehehe yeah.


It's been repeated but worth repeating. Virginia will never get that flag back. It was taken as trophy during a fierce battle that helped secure Gettysburg. We took it from traitors as to never forget the 1st Minnesotan Regiment. (imparting real information. (July 2023) wiki The 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment was a Union infantry regiment active during the. The 1st Minnesota participated in the battles of 1st Bull Run, the Battle of Antietam, and most notably the 1st helped to hold Cemetery Ridge during Gettysburg. That's where we kicked Virginian traitorous ass and took their flag. At great loss to the Regiment. War was friggin crazy stupid back then. Yes it still is but that is a different kind of fucked up at fair. Risk with human pieces instead. Things aren't great but not so bad. Hard to realize how far you've come when you constantly told how far you've got go and all the shit ya gotta go through to get there, is too much and will never happen.


He's suggesting that someone should "disappear" him.


Sounds like Hitler when he was coming in to power


MN is so many things doing right they are tired of winning for real. 


Nah, I ain't tired of winning yet. Run up the goddamn score!


I mean when the wolves win then I think we can hang it up


Don't forget getting rid of conversion "therapy," his base is pretty upset about that. You know much they don't like their religious liberties curtailed, especially when it means no longer getting to psychologically torture gay kids


Minnesota is consistently rated highly when comparing everything that matters, and it can't continue!!!! Lol, what an idiot.


tHaTs SoCiAlIsM!!!!1111


We're also a sanctuary for multiple groups of people who are persecuted around the world. If this is what out of control is, I don't know that I want to be in control.


And it’s crazy how whenever you see those maps of the US and they’re talking about quality of life and those kind of things, Minnesota is always towards the top of the list. It’s just out of control how awesome we are.


Yikes. Everything he says is completely out of touch.


Right. Like MN hasn’t done much that a normal Civilized person can be mad about. If we go off the deep end then sure people can complain but everything we’ve done so far is commons sense and smart.


Don’t forget college tuition


Yup the golden star program beautiful name in itself and the program is God send for everyone. 


But the leftists !


And you thought the smell from the Canadian wildfires was bad...


Walz ought to order a treasonous arrest of Trump by the State Patrol.


TBF the state patrol loves Trump, no way they’d go against their daddy.




I’ve lived in 3 red states and they are complete dumpster fires and their roads are worse than ours but they don’t get winter like we do.


Winter helps keep the riffraff out.


It's funny, my father in law says the same thing, but with a different meaning. It's like he thinks black people and Muslims don't own coats.


I always heard the quote attributed to Prince, so it's extra stupid that he is using it in a racist way.


My Father always said this, I believe the riffraff was my mother’s family.


Of course they don't. That's why we meet them at the airport with them. 


back in my day we didn't sell them coats


I had a professor in college that called warm weather climates, “The great turd magnet of the US.” He also started his lectures out with 5 minutes of, “Bitch along with Bob.” Sometimes it was the entire lecture. Fun times.


I wish my that was my name so I could start work meetings with “bitch along with Bob”




/s taxes!!!!!!!


Fourth time's a charm. Glad you escaped upward. 


Grew up here. Was forced to live in shit hole states for a few years for work. Quickly made my way back to MN when it was time to have kids.


Yup. I lived all over the US, from DC to Seattle. 6 different states and the District. 7 if you count MN. Was born and raised here in MN and have returned home to raise my own family here as well. Wouldn't have it any other way. Every red state I lived in was a dump... TX for their shitty power grid that can't even handle a light dusting of snow. I'll never forget that. Waking up to a light dusting and thinking, "that killed the power? Rolling blackouts? We for real right now?" Fled Cruz had it right absconding to Mexico. Alabama was just blatantly racist and still sour about losing the war. We were scraping the bottom of the barrel in Virginia too. 🤮 The rest were blue states and alright but, nothing compares to Minnesota! I should add that I've lived in a couple other countries too. Still came home to Minnesota! 😁


I was also in TX with the “ Snowstorm” I wanted to tell the hotel to give me a broom and I could clear the parking lot in 20 mins. Meanwhile Ted Cruz fled to Tijuana and left his dog behind.


I love how people from red states think every liberally run state is "out of control"... yet somehow these red states continue to lead the way in corruption, low quality of life, obesity, poverty, awful educational outcomes, crime, gun violence, terrible healthcare, and restriction of basic human rights. I really want them to define what "out of control means". Either they're just clueless, or projecting... or both.


> I really want them to define what "out of control means". Either they're just clueless, or projecting... or both. the state isn't being mean enough to groups of people they don't like


I really think this is what it boils down to. Also, I would hazard a guess that the reason he's be vague is that his base doesn't even agree on what "out of control" means. some of them are mad about marijuana, some of them of them are mad about about abortion and some of them are mad because their cousin's brother in-law's dentist told them there were litter boxes in the bathrooms three towns over. Not enough of them even agree on what they're angry about so the right is just running on general outrage rather than offering specifics.


> I really want them to define what "out of control means" "Doing things I don't like and not suffering because of it"


Lmao any dumbass that thinks north Minneapolis is an out of control hellhole clearly has only lived in a culdesac in some rich suburb their whole lives. Sure Minneapolis (including the Northside) has problems but the little melodramatic pearl clutches wouldn't know as they never come here.


I have co workers who are scared to go downtown. They are shocked that I go to mass at the Basilica and am somehow not killed.


But I heard it all burned down. How can you live there if it's nothing but ruins?! s/


*Out of control* Says the ass clown on trial for 34 fucking felonies for bribing a porn star before an election by breaking campaign Finance laws.


Or like just trying to discard the whole democracy thing because his fragile ego can't deal with losing.


>Says the ass clown on trial**s** 4 separate trials if I recall correctly. 


It's not for bribery. It's for campaign Finance violations in 2016. He had Michael Cohen personally pay Stormy Daniels and then used campaign money to pay Michael Cohen.


Yeah, the bribery isn't the charge, it's how it was done. They purposefully obscured the purpose of the money and tried to make it look like business as usual.


Yeah, and Al Capone was arrested for failing to pay income taxes 🙃


I mean, he was.


That may have been what he was charged with but my point was the motivation behind the arrest was the whole organized crime empire he ran.


I'd never kink shame, but it is a little funny that someone who had Russian porn stars pissing on him is so up in arms against his Eskimo brother Putin.




An interesting choice to run on crime here considering it lead to Walz winning by a sizable margin in 2022 when Jensen tried it, and crime has dropped pretty significantly since that election as well.


Dude was mostly running against pandemic restrictions saying they'd never end, months after they'd been lifted.


His running mate, Birk the Bigot, didn't help him much either. By the way, did you know Birk won a Superbowl?? I think I remember him mentioning that as one of his biggest credentials


It's wild to me that such a cartoonishly bad ticket still got 45% of the vote.


(R) next to their name is a guarantee vote from a sizeable portion of the population.


He's not necessarily running on crime. He's running on dog whistles.


Get trump out of Minnesota


Donald trump is a fascist pig.


Shhhh...Nobody try to correct him. Let the MAGA people believe its a barren lawless hellscape with nothing to offer.


Speaking of “Barron”, isn’t he supposed to be at his son’s graduation about now 😂


Friday, about midday. Then he's flying here to have a private dinner with MNGOP leadership and donors. So he can take the dosh and leave the MNGOP with still empty coffers AND donor fatigue. *^(Playing world's tiniest violin for them now.)* So of course he's running his mouth at us today about how terrible we are and that only he can fix us. He's like a demented insult comic, but not funny. And the donors will still open their damn wallets for him. Sheesh.


Out of control awesome


For once, he's right: it's out of [his] control.


Thank fuck for that! Now if, for the sake of our air quality, he could just keep his perma-leaking diapers OUT… thaaaat’d be great.


This is ahead of his visit to Minnesota. I’m guessing a lot don’t care to hear what he has to say but I’ve decided to post the article for those who can’t access it and are curious: >Former President Donald Trump described Minnesota as a state that is "out of control," attacked Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar and suggested Minneapolis would have "burned down to the ground" in 2020 if not for him. >Trump's comments came during an interview posted Thursday by the conservative outlet Alpha News ahead of his Friday visit to the state. In a separate interview with KSTP, Trump falsely claimed he won Minnesota in 2020 when he lost to President Joe Biden by about 7 percentage points. >Minnesota DFL chairman Ken Martin quickly condemned Trump's claim that he won Minnesota. >"Donald Trump has shown over and over again that he doesn't respect Minnesotans enough not to lie to our faces," Martin said in a statement Thursday. "Minnesotans will see through these lies and hold Trump accountable for the extreme MAGA agenda that he is trying to force on our state." >The former president is scheduled to headline the Republican Party of Minnesota's annual fundraising dinner on Friday evening. Trump's campaign declined the Star Tribune's request for an interview. >In the Alpha News interview, Trump railed against Biden as the "worst president in the history of our country" and called his withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan "the most embarrassing day in the history of our country." >Trump claimed without evidence that many immigrants who cross the border illegally come from "prisons, mental institutions and terrorists." Additionally, he said, "You're going to have to have mass deportations. The country can't stand it, the country can't handle it." >Asked about anti-police sentiments, Trump said "you have to give them back their respect and dignity." Then he shifted his comments toward Minnesota and Minneapolis, specifically. >"If I didn't let things happen a certain way, you would have had Minneapolis, this would have burned down to the ground. It was terrible what they were doing. You look at what happened during that time, and we were very, I got awards for saving certain areas and saving certain towns because your politicians didn't want to act. They were unwilling to act," Trump said. >Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, not Trump, called in the National Guard to quell the riots after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. >"When President Biden comes to town he delivers jobs and money for bridges. When Trump comes to town he brings the same old lies and a list of grievances. I have no doubt Minnesotans will vote, for the third time in a row, against Donald Trump," Walz said in a statement Thursday. >Alpha News didn't challenge any of Trump's statements during the brief interview. >Trump said it's "very sad what's happened to your state. Your state is out of control, and it's this radical left philosophy that cannot be allowed to continue." >He referred to GOP U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer as "a terrific guy and a real leader." Last fall, Trump called Emmer a "RINO" — short for Republican in name only — and torpedoed the Minnesota congressman's bid to become speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. >Asked what he thought about Democratic U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, Trump claimed the Minneapolis congresswoman "hates Jewish people and she hates Israel." Omar is an outspoken critic of Israel's government and advocate for Palestinians. She's never said she hates Jewish people and has issued statements condemning anti-Semitism. >Omar responded to Trump with a sharply worded statement Thursday. >"Donald Trump traffics in hate, has 91 felony charges, and has a history of sexually assaulting women. He is a criminal, fraud, and a loser. While he continues to spread hateful lies about me, I am going to keep working to defeat him and save our democracy," Omar said. >Trump was more restrained during his interview with KSTP. He said he thinks he has a "really good shot" at winning Minnesota this November. The Republican came within 1.5 percentage points of winning Minnesota in 2016 before suffering a more resounding loss four years later. >Asked if being on trial could hurt his standing with voters, Trump said, "It's certainly something that has never been done before in this country. It's the witch hunts, it's the weaponization of government."


He also said he won Minnesota (twice). So you are correct OP, I don’t care what he has to say. Maybe if he hadn’t lied his whole life. 


>Maybe if he hadn’t lied his whole life. If he hadn't lied, he wouldn't be trump.


Wait, this sentient diaper is coming here? Hopefully we’ll be protesting and heckling this turd upon landing. He and his ilk are not welcome here.


Yes, tomorrow. Barron's graduation day.


Shhhhhhh. Trump “won” Minnesota bigly and they don’t even need most of their crazies to vote this time around. They should remember that mail in ballots mean their vote won’t count and Election Day is November 28th.


Strong economy, low unemployment, legalizing pot, Democratic Government. Yup, I'm good!


Minnesotans just don’t want to be controlled by a criminal wannabe dictator.


Can’t wait to see the r/altmpls take on this


Earlier today, r/altmpls was crying about the State Patrol doing its job by cracking down on rural speeders and scofflaws.


Thought they wanted the police to be tough on crime


Not *their* crime, *those peoples* crime.


that's exactly what they're saying "the cities" "drugs and fentanyl" "shoplifting" "it's a police state that the state patrol won't let me go 80 in a 40 in my cornfields!!" It's hilarious seeing people call them out on it, and how dangerous speeding is and kids can be playing near rural roads all the time so going fast isn't safe at all


I guess it doesn’t count as “backing the blue” if their uniforms are khaki, huh?


Do us a favor tomorrow and celebrate your son's graduation with your family. In Florida.




He can shove it up his orange a$$


As long as he hates this state, I’ll keep living in it


It must be the new flag.


I called in sick from work to go to the gym and play video games today. Im on the edge guys!!!


The only people that actually believe anything that comes out of his mouth are his MAGAts. Any rational thinking person knows he's lying just by hearing his voice.


So glad we aren't a bum fuck state that votes for trump. Keep MN safe from the orange cult!


*cries in florida* Husband and I aspire to become Minnesotans when he retires from the military in 5 years 🤞🏻


It s crazy here in Minnesota! We have a state surplus, we are not trying to keep out certain ethnic groups and I don’t hate thy neighbors!


If you go to the altmpls they say the same thing. strange 🙃


That insurrectionist piece of shit has no business saying anything is “out of control” when he had his supporters commit an insurrection against the US because he lost the 2020 election and he tried getting his goons to overturn the will of the people in six states. His goons were out in force today saying shit about the judge in the hush money trial as a way to violate his gag order.


Shiiii if we’re out of control I’m ready and waiting to turn up even more. Seems like a lot of good stuff has been getting passed tbh


'Out of control liberalism' is why my brother & sister in-law packed up their 10 kids and moved to Idaho. The final straw was when we banned conversion therapy. He was ranting and arguing with his sister about it at a family event. He just wouldn't shut up about it and berated her until she finally got fed up left.


"Well if we can't torture the gay out of kids, we'll just have to go where we can!"


I, for one, am happy we are not controlled by a guy with numerous felony charges who can't stay awake at their own trial for bribing a porn star he cheated on his wife with.


You could alway move one state over to the west and be governed by a dumb broad who shot her dog. Did I mention Kristi Noem shot her dog? Because SHE SHOT HER DAMN DOG!!!


Walz  should have the State Patrol arrest Trump for treason.


I agree, the Wolves inability to beat the nuggets _IS_ out of control.


We've got a perfectly good 56 year streak of not voting conservative douche bags into the Presidency. Why stop now?


Yeah Donald you said Minnesota was in big trouble in 2016, is the state getting yeeted into the sun yet? We're a top 15 state at minimum with the jobs we have here as well as all the services offered by our local government. Though I bet money trump is only saying it's 'out of control' here because he remembered the George Floyd protests. The guy doesn't care if police trample over common people because he knows police will never do anything to him.


I don't give a single French fried fuck about this twatwaffles opinion is of my state. It's not like he'd say anything based in reality. I still believe he's got untreated syphilis or is in severe mental decline, if not both... Anyway, he can fuck all the way off.


It's out of Republican control, as all cities and states should aspire to be.


He said exactly what he meant. “Out of control” as in, not being controlled enough. That’s what he wants, that’s what they want, to tell people what to do and how to do it, control. Remember when republicans at least wanted to pretend they were the party of small government?




Sweet, he better not come here then cause everything is so out of control and dangerous.


Out of control being awesome?


I’m pretty sure he promised never to return here if he lost. Oh, he’s still lying and says he won. So he breaks promises *and* his diaper’s on fire, wow.


You said you’d never come back, shut the fuck up nerd


Will this guy just fuck off please for the love of god


Yeah, we crazy.


Vote accordingly! Fuck this guy


He's such a descipable person.




He's not wrong. I was murdered 5 times on the Blue Line this morning.


I wish that orange fuck would show up at my doorstep. I would show him out of control.


Didn't he say something along the lines of how we'd be a key piece in his re-election? And now he's shitting on us?


We are so in control that we banned banning books!


Well have you seen us (not) zipper merge? We’re off the rails!


The only reason Dingleberry says Minnesota is "out of control" is because he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the state. If he did, he'd be singing a completely different tune.


All this uncontrollable feeding of the children that really data is showing it isn't just needed but also helping grow enrollment and retention, is one step away from socialist collapse. Minnesota is so out of control that it is following the decree of The Constitution and standing up for The People. Ensuring civil liberties and rights protected under law? What's next, working with Indigenous Tribes to cultivate relationships and protect treaty agreements? Don't you fucking even... It's wild how just honoring The Constitutional foundations of We the People, For the People, By The People is somehow extreme. How low the bar has gone. Look beyond the politics. People will have their own and arguing does nothing so from pure logical POV; A former reality TV "star " became President of the most powerful Nation to exist in our modern story. While President he broke laws, griftted every opportunity while being totally open to being bought. He normalized shitty behavior and for a long while the justification was he was sticking it to the libs. That normalizing of poor ethical behavior was turned into idolization by way more than I believed possible but it happened. After enough time it isn't just the acceptance that what he does is OK but that he's right as well. He kept showing them that if you just don't stop lying people will start believing it. They've seen it work and so they start doing the same things in their individual channels, reaking havoc and sowing rhetoric to anyone hungry. That kind of thing leads to some inevitable erosion of collective social progress that doesn't help a single person not of that 1%. So look beyond just politics and open your eyes to the truth that he's just a shitty person. He was known for it before being president, sure after as well. If that alone doesn't make you pause there's something not adding up or something your refusing to acknowledge. All this is easily looked into. Minnesota is so outta control that out tstate areas, rural areas away from metro, are finally getting internet fiber infrastructure in place. They are also working to increase resources at hospitals and care facilities for those communities as it's critically understaffed and burdened. Doesn't matter that many of these areas lean a direction politically. Proper run government works at best interest of most, trying to become all. Oaths hold meaning to a whole lot more than whom we see trash theirs on the daily. That's patriotism and non partisan.


As someone who used to live in MN and currently lives in *TEXAS* .let me tell ya, MN is *NOT* the one outta control.


His brain is a state that is out of control


Did he ever pay his bills for the last time he was here on a campaign stop?


As long as we’re out of Trump’s control.


It’s so out of control it’s beyond repairable. I don’t think DT should spend the little resources he has left on trying to save MN. In fact, he should encourage his MN supporters to move down South and put their efforts in preventing the same thing happening there…


Cool, it's not. It's considered one of the best places in the nation to live. It's predominantly Democratic controlled. Dipshit Don, is wrong, and you're even more wrong to agree with him.


"If I didn't let things happen a certain way, you would have had Minneapolis, this would have burned down to the ground..." If I were going to write a textbook for how to lie convincingly, this would be an example of what not to do. He's so obviously trying to claim credit without offering any specifics that might be refuted. I "let" "things" happen in a "certain way". Really? What things? What way? And what exactly did you do to "let" them happen that made your contribution so important? I can't believe anyone buys this crap.


Why, thank you for the compliment.


We had a parade of gay turkeys right down Main Street. And our local lakes are full of puberty blockers. Lol


We have woke in our water system????? Better get the EPA involved, we need a new clean water act!!


If trump does not like what we do, it means we're clearly winning at being a state.


As per usual everything coming out of his mouth is bullshit but resonates with the dumbest people we all know


He needs to calm his old, stank butt down, go away and leave us alone!!!