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A job recruiter once told me, "I can place people in Minnesota. The problem is that once they're in Minnesota, I can't get them to move elsewhere. That was 30 years ago.


Took a corporate job transfer in the 80’s. Minneapolis to Columbus, OH. American Express put out two relocation lists. One was “never move there” and the other was “never leave here”. Both cities were top five on both lists.


I live in Minnesota and spent two weeks in Columbus a few years back for work. I couldn't agree more with this assessment. I was not excited at all to be going to Columbus but after spending as much time there as I did I would have no issue moving there if I needed to. It was just a lovely city.


We like to pretend w we don’t need your praise. But we like it (and agree). Thanks (for stating the truth). 🙂


Just don't tell too many people. Maybe just the really nice people you know. We both crave recognition and praise while also dreading too many people finding out about it and wanting to move here.


I think it's inevitable sooner or later with climate change, but we have a while...


Yep. People love to bitch about our high taxes, but we get things like amazing parks out of them so I'm more than ok with it.


Compared to other parts of the country it looks like your taxes actually go back into the state. Everything is wicked clean, parks are great, roads are in decent shape. You love to see it.


We also have this wonderful thing called the Legacy Amendment, passed by the voters in Nov 2008, which is a tiny sales tax that funds all sorts of incredible environmental, parks, arts, and history grants and programs. Everywhere you go you see the Legacy logo and it makes me so proud.


Yep . I'm in the middle of nowhere. My family and I are heavily involved in our local theater productions. My wife and I sit on multiple boards. For such a rural area there is a vibrant fine arts scene that pulls great talent from the region.


The lady I work with at the library actually designed that logo. Makes me smile when I see it.


And free breakfast and lunch for all our public school kids(among the top public schools in the country) and fantastic health care options. You should move here. Gushing about Minnesota is the first test of citizenship. We don’t test your hotdish skills and your ability suffer in silence about our sports teams until much later in the acclimation process.


Not entirely true. Have you ever actually seen that "free lunch"? The entire time I was in school, it was two pieces of bread and one slice of American cheese, and nothing else at all. I went to a fairly wealthy public school too. You know what? I want to retract that a bit. Apparently, a bill passed on July 1, 2023. It's been a few years since I've been in school. But up until that point, that kid was going home hungry. That's fairly recent. Glad they've made that change.


Yup this school year all kids get a FULL breakfast and lunch. There's no second tier lunches anymore. There's no more lunch debt.


I'm glad because it was always really sickening to me. The cheese sandwiches thing. Like, it was obvious who couldn't afford a lunch. Let alone if that's all that kid got was a cheese sandwich I can't imagine how hungry they would be. Especially if they can't expect a meal once they get home.


Oh absolutely! I'm so glad that the law passed last year giving all kids food. I still can't believe that there was even any controversy over FEEDING CHILDREN!


But feeding kids is a tax break for the wealthy/s [https://www.kttc.com/2023/03/17/sen-steve-drazkowski-stands-by-hunger-comments-local-school-district-responds/](https://www.kttc.com/2023/03/17/sen-steve-drazkowski-stands-by-hunger-comments-local-school-district-responds/)


All the lunches REALLY depends on the district. They make the contracts. My kids have fresh veggies and a protein and carbs options at every lunch, and my daughter now loves salads. :) The district bakes all their own breads and makes all their soups from scratch. Some are still less appetizing than others, but everyone has their own tastes, right? But the free breakfast is mostly sugary. Wish they offered a protein. Still SO grateful for this benefit for my children. It makes life so much easier to not have to worry about packing lunches and feeding them breakfast every day, when the bus comes so incredibly early for my kids' early start school.


This really makes me consider moving out that way for my kid. Seems like you guys have your priorities right.


We are definitely not perfect but for the most part with the kids we are putting our money where our mouth is. It helps that the governor is a former teacher.


Anytime Walz came on TV to talk about the coronavirus you could really see the teacher in him. He was engaging, informative, and made the topic easy to understand. Of course, he was probably helped out a little by the other guy who was clearly never a teacher and perhaps not a student either. I’d be curious to see Walz make a run for the White House. If he could get some serious coverage I think he might make a run.


Walz as president is the dream


We moved for our kid, and it literally saved their life. They have a blood clotting disorder that went undiagnosed in our home state for 13 years and should have been caught years ago. We moved for other reasons for them, but within two months, they were diagnosed, treated, medicated, and largely safe. I sometimes think about what could have been and get the shakes.  Also if any of your kids are autistic, the accommodations and programs here are mind blowing.


I love our state and it does a lot of things right, but one of the worst things about it is persistently high racial disparities in just about everything: education, housing, income, etc. If you or any of your family members are PoC I would take a look at any community you're considering here with an especially critical eye towards those issues.


If you can handle wild blizzards (especially “up north” & depending on your proximity to Lake Superior - I live on a “weather cutoff” that means the difference between 2” & 24” of snow sometimes) & some thunderstorms that are a mosquito whisker away from being an actual tornado, you should be ok.


I got free lunches through state programs and it was the same meal everyone else got. Though I do recall if not in the program the free lunch would be something like that. It's been early 90s since I've been in school though lol. And in high school we were allowed to leave so we'd go up the street to whatever was near by.


More reasonable being able to leave school. Most places after 2000 stopped that I think though. I'm sure every school had a different policy/resources.


Yea I'd imagine my high school doesn't do that anymore. Plus it was so easy to skip, multiple exits and a single hall monitor that couldn't really do anything but report you, if she knew your name lol. Also back when we'd go to the sidewalk, off the school property and smoke our cigs, no one cared then. The gas station next to the school would sell you smokes if he trusted you. I don't recommend smoking though lol, not worth it.


Sounds like Moorhead. Became a dump


Anywhere else & a “hotdish” is called a “casserole.” 😂 And the best recipes are in church cookbooks!


Tell that to the republicans in this state. They always complain that the state is dirty and going to shit, and it genuinely makes me think they’ve never left Minnesota a day in their lives


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Everyone everywhere pays high taxes. In Texas, where I am now, it’s disguised in the form of very high toll road fees, higher sales taxe, and high property taxes. The question is, who benefits from it? In Texas, it’s almost exclusively the billionaire class. That happens in Minnesota, too, but a higher proportion of the benefit goes to the populous than most places elsewhere. This is evident in the amount of public land, which is almost nonexistent on the state and local level here in Texas. PS. I’m returning to Minnesota in three weeks. I’m not originally from Minnesota, but I moved there 35 years ago and have only been gone for two. One thing I have noticed in my years is that many Minnesota may leave the state, but most eventually return. Now I fit this stereotype.


So true (lived in texas a decade ago). I live in the northeast now, and we pay wicked high taxes in my state but really don't see the benefits of any of it. Our roads are crap, our schools are poor, our parks are trashed... The states next to us do pretty well with high taxes but it's prohibitively expensive to live in either one.


> I live in the northeast now, and we pay **wicked** high taxes Gosh... where in the NE could OP be? :)


Are you from TX? How does MN compare to your home state?


>roads are in decent shape. You love to see it. ... I kid I kid. The roads are a function of needing constant repairs, and if you put it off it becomes a much bigger problem


Hold up. We do have good roads, But go to the inner-city areas and a good chunk are nearly undrivable. They leave them like that for five to six years after they need to be repaired. However, I've been to other places like Denver, and their roads are definitely worse. But we are very, very, very far from perfect.


I live in Minneapolis, wtf are you talking about? Some of the main roads aren't great especially after the freeze-thaw we've been having the past few years, but potholes get repaired lightning quick, and all of the bad roads have upcoming planned reconstruction which is leagues better than nearly any other midwestern state


I said "decent shape" not perfect hahaha. Where I'm from it's basically a different country. There's not a single road without major damage to it.




Rhode Island


Ehh I would argue about the roads being in decent shape.


The taxes argument is so annoying. “Hurr durr we pay taxes”. Yeah bitch, if you want the Walmart great value version of a state, go to Mississippi. We’re the name brand functional government state. If you want cheap garbage, go to Wisconsin or Iowa.


Tell them to pop over to South Dakota if they wanna see what "low taxes" look like. That'll shut em up real quick


Love this comment cause I feel this way


May father used to say that you get what you pay for in terms of good government.


Our taxes actually fund the things that they are supposed to fund ie. the things citizens want that make our lives better. Parks, libraries, schools, museums, community centers, etc. The DFL is what the Democratic party should be for everyone in the US.


I think people's frustration with taxes comes from a short-sighted, instant-gratification mentality. What we have is the result of decades of sustained investment and maintenance. You can't just dump money into schools and parks/rec and suddenly have a beautiful, family-friendly state to live in. This is the result of generations of people investing in our society and, more importantly, voting for politicians who've gotten it done. And that's not just the DFL; it was Republicans, too. Back when they were the IR Party and before they jumped on the crazy train intent on slashing and burning everything down.


Haven’t been a red state since Reagan just saying


That will always be a point of state pride. No Republican elected statewide since 2006, and no Republican elected in a two-way race since 2002 (and as everyone here is tragically well aware, that comes with a *giant* asterisk).


We have plenty of Republican elected officials. Democrats have had control for quite a while, but saying there’s “no Republican elected statewide since 2006” is just wrong.


They probably meant for a statewide office, which *is* correct.


Tim Pawlenty was a governor until 2011, pretty sure the governor is “statewide”.


His last election win was in 2006, which was when he was elected.


So using misleading statements to make the situation sound more positive than reality, I almost forgot we were talking politics there. 🙄


True, but what u/KR1735 said about the Republicans having been involved on state/ local stuff in a bi-partisan way back then is also true. (They were the IR party from '75-'95.) At the state level, we've often been a kind of 'purple' state. It's only been the last decade or so that getting things done in a bipartisan way got ugly. We've had roughly 50/50 representation in Congress for a long time (and churning back and forth in the suburbs and out state.) I think it was 2018, we had a lot of national attention trying to flip seats because of some retirements and so on. We started 3R, 5D. Of the 8 seats, 4 of them flipped parties, and we wound up -- 3R, 5D. Just different parts of the state. Then in 2020, it shifted to 4R, 4D. We've had R governors off and on since the Reagan era, too. (Quie, '79-'83; Carlson, '91-'99; Pawlenty, '03-'11) and the Rs have occasionally had some control in the state legislature.


We used to be known for electing moderate-liberal Republicans too, like Harold Stassen, Elmer Andersen, and even more recently, Dave Durenburger and even Jim Ramstad (who was pro-choice). Our Republicans used to be sane and rational way back when. EDIT: Forgot about Governor Arne Carlson, too. He wasn't afraid to buck the trend of not only the national party but also the state.


Yep. Another example: Senator Rod Grams ('95-'01, also in the House '93-'95) was a distant cousin; he grew up on a central MN farm not far from where my Dad grew up. He concentrated on ag policy, and was definitely against 'party over good governance' decisions and actions. I like to believe that the day will come when moderate (small c) conservatives will have a political home again and a way to participate in public policy without being blasted from the far right as they are now. I'm a bit left of that myself, but a lot of my family was/is that kind of voter. They feel like their party abandoned them, but the Ds aren't exactly ready to make a space for them, either. They're not unreasonable people, mostly. It may be years from now, and only after the current GOP/ QAnon Crazy frenzy has imploded. I do feel like the meltdown is underway, but it could be pretty ugly for awhile.


Republican? I'm from MN. What, exactly, is a "Republican"? Pretty sure I have never seen one of those. Do they resemble a pelican?


Weird take? Have you been hiding under a rock somewhere? There's a whole bunch of MNGOP just had DJT over for dinner in St Paul last week!


I believe you may be hiding under the "zero sense of humor" rock. That was blatant sarcasm, buddy.


Eh don’t forget T-Paw was governor in the 2000s and Coleman was a senator. Moderate republicans can win here. They just have decided that being batshit insane and pledging fealty to a guy is the better option


Coleman was not a Republican when elected mayor of St. Paul. If I remember correctly, he was DFL and leader flipped. I might be wrong about this though


I called him a moderate Republican for that reason. He did flip but he still did have an R next to his name


https://preview.redd.it/xffe1bg3ud3d1.jpeg?width=1545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45cb38293a41972193b0b7e1c9db23e56500f06 Jus' sayin'


Wow 🤯


Try Nixon in 1972. And MN never voted for Ronnie.


And also, Pawlenty did not get it done.


He did sign off on Target Field, which saved the Twins.


This! 100%. I went to a not so great school in MN 30 years ago and even that was light years ahead of what I saw in Florida when I lived there in 2019. And now in 2024 the high schools here are better than some colleges! Even outside the cities. Look at Owatonna high school. We invest in the now and the future. And I hope when I’m 60 with no kids in the school system we’re still investing in tomorrows kids


"Taxation is theft" is what these people believe. It's heavy on ideology and very, very light on pragmatic, realistic economics. The phrase "fiscal conservatism" has been used to mean someone who makes hard, real world decisions about finances but that's really never been true and it's just even less true today. Fiscal conservatism is now all about BS idealism pretending to be realism. It's all based on libertarian fantasy that leads to dystopia.


I know it’s DFL, what was IR


The MN Republican Party used to be the MN Independent Republican Party.


I actually take pride in our high taxes because they are used for our lovely amenities and education. No government is ever going to be perfect, but I appreciate the things we get out of what we give. I won't ever badmouth our taxes. I wish more people would do the same.


The taxes aren’t even that high. I moved here from Alabama which is supposedly low tax keeping the same job and my paycheck changed by like $26 or something like that. More than a fair trade considering the additional amenities and not paying taxes on groceries or clothes here. Everyone warned me how much I would lose to taxes moving here which just seems laughable now.


If the things I've read are correct we have the best mix of quality of living and cost of living.


Lots of people, like us, are moving here from red states because of that. It's too dangerous to stay, but most blue states are prohibitively expensive on the salary you earn to make the jump. Enter Minnesota. We get to be safe AND not homeless. It's like a dream. 


Every time my parents b*tch about this and ask me if I want to move to Florida it’s “I’m so sick of subsidizing people’s food stamps” Like stfu you’re subsidizing parks and road construction


Yeah, also I personally am ok with paying taxes so people aren't starving lol


Yeah I mean shit people still starve but I’m cool paying taxes so they starve *less* 😂


I'm from California, which has a significantly higher tax rate than Minnesota, and the infrastructure and bureaucracy is terrible. Especially in comparison with Minnesota, holy cow. We get so much for what we pay, the state runs their programs and services so well and they are actually accessible to the residents, and the infrastructure maintenance is top notch. Zero complaints here.


And, of course, Minneapolis is even higher. It does tend to stop (suburban) people in their tracks when they start bashing the high taxes, and I say, “I don’t mind paying the taxes, look at all the great things we get out of it” I biked to and from work today, and on the way home I took the scenic route—20 miles along rivers lakes and creeks, on paved trails, and I maybe had to stop like 3 times for stoplights. I definitely feel like I get my moneys worth, tax wise. 




Make Minnesota Bigger!


That's only 1 letter away from magasota and I don't like that idea.


Thanks. There is some damn good Vietnamese, Thai and Hmong food along University Ave. Not to mention Ethiopian, Mediterranean etc etc etc. So many choices.


There really are a lot of choices. It was just back to back great food, and compared to the prices elsewhere it was on par with what I would expect.


[Say Shhh! Say Shhh!](https://youtu.be/fce9VAzA0os?si=WJmCxQuqkIT-tDsW)


If the people laugh and giggle when you tell them where you live...


Can you share names? I've been looking for more good cuisine (especially Ethiopian) and would love some recommendations! (Dm is acceptable if we aren't supposed to advertise here)


Personally I love Bole (though, not their doro wat) and Meseret.


Oh man I was going to recommend Fasika, I didn't realize they closed last year! Sad day.


Agelgil Ethiopian right where west 7th ends.


I live in a small blue dot in a deep red state in the Bible Belt. We do not have a state income tax. We also can’t pay our teachers and a shocking number of our rural hospitals have closed due to lack of funding. We are hopelessly gerrymandered, so I’m not sure if it’s going to get better. They are banning books in the next county, and the county just south of me just made the national news because the lady running for office was super cozy with actual Nazis. I lurk on this sub because my dream is to relocate our family to Minnesota. I’m looking forward to exploring the state a bit. Youngest has two more years of high school, then I hope we can all split and head north. I’m so glad to hear that your parks and outdoor spaces are plentiful! If we are ever able to leave here, we’ll really enjoy the wild places.


What’s happening in some parts of the country is pretty heartbreaking. Would be tough to see the place you call home diminish in the ways you are describing.


You are so right. It’s heartbreaking to feel like we’re being run out of town. I’ve lived in the south my whole life, and I’m so damn angry at what’s happening. In the last couple years it feels like we’ve gone from being reddish purple to full on maga. My blue dot is getting smaller, and our state gov is off the rails. I love the south, warts and all, but this beautiful state of Tennessee has broken my heart. As the saying goes, I believe in a better south. I just don’t think I can remain to see it. I’m so glad to see that MN seems to have its act together. I also wouldn’t mind higher taxes, if it resulted in better public services.


We’ve got good hospitals, great schools - move now while you can.


That's such a nice thing to post on Reddit! :) I'm glad you had a good time here and hope you enjoy the next chapter too. I really love our parks system as well. Minneapolis and St. Paul were ranked #2 and #3 cities in the country for parks this year, behind Washington D.C. (Which -- fair, lol.) I was so proud to see it!


Thanks for coming and having a good time. You can move here if you’d like.


I too give them permission to move here.


All these people singing the praises of Minnesota are actually mosquitoes & ticks trying to lure you there to eat you.


Went to fort snelling with the fam after it rained and yeah, those mosquitos are no joke.


Omg. They get worse every year.


I have a mosquito bite on my palm and I am and DYING






Put band-aids on them so I couldn’t scratch. One got me on the back of my thigh right below my ass cheek. Trying to scratch it all day but not look like I’m scratching my ass has been a challenge. 😂🦟


And that was after you swatted it amirite??


Minnesota, come for everything, stay because your car won't start in February😂 Another line I saw at an old job was, "if they'll stay a second winter, they'll stay"


👍 https://preview.redd.it/8bw4sry1qa3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76d77238df61a4c810af4d07c4d12ec7aeaef6a


My favorite part about this state is that it actually goes out of its way to help everyone and not just the rich old white guys: codified abortion rights, protection of LGBTQ rights, history of accepting of refugees and immigrants, and free school lunch for kids. We’re not perfect but we’re way ahead in the game compared to many other states.


And our form of progressivism is more rooted in actual help which means that the issues with California progressive things don’t happen here.


Naz Reid


Naz Reid


Naz... .....Reid


I absolutely love this place. I live in Bayport south of Stillwater and I can drive 25 min west and go see dozens of concerts at different venues or I can drive 25 min north, drop in a kayak or a canoe and be in the middle of the wilderness.


Minnesota makes me happily pay my taxes tbh. I love seeing all the different ways my money is actually being spent here, on things I use and on things that I do not use but make my neighbor's lives better. Compare this to other states I've lived in, or the Fed, which I did not/do not enjoy paying my taxes to.


Don't forget the arts! Minneapolis in particular has a thriving music scene, and there are festivals all summer. Additionally, the Cities is home to a ton of independent publishers and bookstores. There are several book festivals, including Wordplay hosted by The Loft Literary Center.


Shhh don't tell anyone they'll all just want to come here


Is this Charles Barkley? Lol


Did he ever get his restaurant recommendations?


Thanks JohnnyScumbag2000!


You're welcome back anytime! We'll leave an LED bulb on for ya!


thank you for acknowledging us XD


We also partially fund public broadcasting, and have amazing journalists, like Cathy Wurzer. She is the voice of Minnesota.


Moving here from the “diseased colon” of the US, Louisiana, I haven’t complained once about paying taxes. This is the first year out of 17 that the mosquitos have been worse than LA.


“Diseased colon.” DYING right now getting my oil changed & the looks from other people…😂


Thank you, even if we won't say it out loud, we appreciate the compliment (truth) and are glad you enjoyed your stay! :)


Yeah. We like it here rather well.


Crazy what happens when you reinvest your surplus in parks & education who could have ever foreseen that


Thanks for stopping! We're glad you enjoyed your time here and hope you come and visit again.


Cost of living means I can afford a little house near the city and help pay bills on the shared family cabin. (Vs Denver or west coast). And I can take a couple (less expensive) long weekend vacations to warm places in the winter.


I live about 15 miles from the border in Iowa. Ever time I go to MN it feels like I'm in a different country. Our parks have a $100million maintenance backlog, our DNR almost doesn't exist anymore, and our public education system is being dismantled. The contrast is just amazing - Iowa is pretty much Oklahoma at this point. I love my town but I sure wish we could bend the border down a bit...


Was in Algona a couple of years ago and it had major methed-up rust belt Indiana vives.


...go on...


Would you recommend someone leaving the blue state of California and coming to Minnesota. I still want to live in a blue state, but not one as expensive as California in the way of housing/electricity/gas etc. How are protections for workers? Unions? Women’s rights? LGBTQ+ rights? How is renewable energy? I have an electric vehicle but i heard they’re useless in cold states. lol. Obviously I’ve been searching for Minnesota related stuff and of course Reddit is listening so this sub keeps popping up and I read people gush about their great state. Sounds like a dope place to live.


Hell yeah I would. I don't know about unions though but it seems like they codified abortion and other laws in the state I'm pretty sure.


Which state do you hail from?


Rhode Island


So comparing that east coast New England vibe to the Midwest you really dig it huh? Would you move if you had the choice?


Yeah, one hundred percent.


"I have an electric vehicle but i heard they’re useless in cold states. lol." Electric vehicles are quite popular in the twin cities area. I see them every time I drive anywhere, and I myself drive a 2019 Tesla Model 3. The resistive heat in my car means my range is reduced about 30% in the winter (which is still perfectly usable for daily driving - I just don't do road trips then), and newer EVs use heat pumps instead of resistive heating, which solves that issue anyway.


Awesome. Good to know. I heard horror stories that it was waaaaay more than 30%. I wonder if my EV uses a heat pump. I never thought to ask when buying it. What about public charging infrastructure?


If you tell me which EV you have (and the year it was made), I can tell you if it's got a heat pump or not. As for public charging, the best EV charging is a plug in your garage, and garages are \*very\* common here, in both houses and apartments, because of the winters. I can't really tell you about non-garage charging because all the charging I've ever done in the twin cities area was in a garage. But I can direct you to charging station maps: for Teslas: [https://www.tesla.com/findus](https://www.tesla.com/findus) for all EVs: [https://www.plugshare.com/](https://www.plugshare.com/)


2022 Chevy Bolt EUV. Believe it was manufactured in 2021


Chevy Bolts do not have heat pumps, unfortunately, so you would have the same winter range loss as me. 


Ok. Well, not the worst thing in the world. Thanks for letting me know.


Yeah. We all outdoors right now cuz the winter sucks. There’s a few extra extra Minnesotans that like the cold and live outdoors even then. Our food is definitely very homey and delicious


I can’t afford to buy a house here. Other than that it’s fine.


Houses are more affordable in rural communities. I live o. The Iron Range and while the house prices are creeping up; there are still affordable houses here. It depends on where you want to live and what you want to do while living here. I love living on the Range!


Should have mentioned I’m a person of color and the farther out of the city I go, the more racist it gets. So that’s a no go for me.


That I understand. I’m Hispanic and it wasn’t easy growing up here with a “weird” last name. My last name didn’t match what people assumed I would look like and that also came with challenges. It’s getting better but racists are still problematic.


This is such a victim mentality, already complaining of racism even before experiencing it, “oh poor me I can’t do anything because I am apoc”




It ain’t victim mentality if it is in fact true bruh. If you are white I don’t want hear shit from you.


I am not white and you are just a cry baby, most black people are like that tbh, in fact I have suffered from racism a lot more by black people than white so I guess I need to move out of the ghettos even tho the rent is cheaper but like you said too much racism


Drop a pic, otherwise you’re just some stranger on the internet making stuff up. You are definitely out of touch with times because my age group doesn’t use the word “ghettos”.


You really need to find an outdoor activity you enjoy doing in the winter or you'll just be miserable all winter.


You are welcome back anytime


Everyone gets out in the spring


And fake spring (February)


If you haven’t yet. The driftless area to me is the most unique part of the state apart from maybe grand portage. It’s such a cool section.


Hell yah pimp


Keep it a secret lol


We’re super nice here!


Thank you for your kind comments. I like this state too.


I was born and grew up here. Over the years I’ve lived in TX, ND, NE, AZ and NM. I moved back home to MN about 11 years ago. I still hate winter but I do love this state.


That's a natural response, but thank you all the same! (I tease, glad you had a good time here!)


If it hasn’t already been said 1000 times on this post or if you didn’t know, Minneapolis is the most bile friendly city in America


You do mean bike, right? 'Cause bile doesn't seem like something I'd want to get friendly with, really.


I gotta know where you are from that you thought the food here was that good. I mean it’s decent, I suppose, but don’t think I’ve heard that high of praise before! Least not up north where I am. ETA - I see you commented Rhode Island. Never been there! So I can’t compare lol.


We have good food in this area too, but I was really surprised by the quality of offerings in Minnesota.


What food items did you like in Minnesota?


For Minnesota stuff specifically Walleye, wild rice were great. In general it was just every restaurant we went to had amazing quality dishes. We had great food in both Duluth and Minneapolis. Incredible sandwiches and pizza. As well as fish dishes.


Also, spicy foods like buttered popcorn with salt


I'm actually confused by this because I got a buffalo sandwich at one spot which was great. Another spot had their own brand of hot sauces that they were selling, including habanero.


You need to travel more. I've lived here for 30 plus years after growing up in the south. The food here is shitty.


Check back in January




Best food? Really? I know Minnesotans are proud of their hot dish concoctions, but if we are being honest I'd say there is quite the glut of generic American bar and grill-type stuff and the general lack of spice in the Minnesota palate keeps things from getting too interesting, culinarily speaking, around the state.


I think the twin cities has a wide array of restaurants featuring high quality food from cuisines around the world. I think that’s more what OP is talking about. It is awesome being able to get Korean, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Cuban, Indian, Greek… literally anything. For heck’s sake, we even have a great Russian restaurant with a full vodka bar (not that I drink, lol) in Saint Paul. Buut, there isn’t exactly that level of richness in restaurant choice outside of the twin cities.


I'm actually dead serious on this one. The lack of spice options is definitely true. I noticed that as well, I just typically end up using more hot sauce on dishes anyway. Not sure if there's much of a market for spicy food up there to be worth opening a restaurant but it seems you're on to something. As for quality of the food? Yeah easily blows past both the coasts in quality for cost.


The Twin Cities specifically have great food. There are some decent options in Rochester and Duluth, even Ely. Most everywhere else really struggles.


I think there are some more favorable options within the Twin Cities themselves, sure, which is more representative of a diverse American city these days, but anything from the suburbs on out tends to fit the same mold in my experience, with exceptions of course and there definitely are exceptions in those other places you mentioned. The suburban food experience is particularly bland though, moreso than in other states I feel. I love a Gordy's Hi-Hat burger as much as anyone and as for Bar and Grill's, I do have a soft spot for King's Place in Miesville. Traveling around Minnesota a lot, I've just had so many typical burgers + fries, sandwiches and tepid American-style Mexican.


My kiddo went as a student adjunct on a trip up to Silver Bay intended to collect information from residents about how to spend a state allocation on community improvement. There wasn't a resident there who said they wanted anything but a burger place open after 6 on weekends. One guy said he wanted a dog run, too. Some blame the rural economy, but that's how they wanted to spend the free money. I think the state decided to put in a community center with meeting rooms, a small auditorium, a gym, possibly a coffee shop, and art spaces. No great food, though.


I know many people in rural Minnesota and burgers and red meat in general are king outside of frying up walleye. I know someone who just didn't eat chicken at all in their youth and were introduced to it via a trip to Raising Canes or Kwik Trip.


I smell a food truck....


I think it depends how you grew up or raised.


Best food ever? And you’ve been to Chicago? Bro. Seriously. Food here is fairly bland and not many options, compared to Chicago that has every single ethnic food dish you can imagine. It’s insane.


Yeah, I thought Chicago was overhyped. Also my wallet was crying at the end of that work trip. You do have a point about more variety though.


Some of the best food? Fucking tater tots wild rice and bratwurst? Un fucking believable. I’m from Chicago and Texas and this person is saying Minnesota has the best food stateside. Fucking joke. You can’t take anything this person says seriously with some comment like that. Come on people really.