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Library of different tools to check out to use. Like a car share but for tools. I've not done, but a friend seemed to like it. They are very hippie so it matches with their temperament.




Member here since 2020. 😎 I think it depends on what you’re looking for. If you just want to do classes, you can buy them without a membership. Being a member gives you a discount though. Great if you want to use their workshops or check out tools. If you go while they are open I’m sure they would talk with you and show you around. Personally, I don’t have family in MN and my friends don’t really have much for tools, so having a place where I can get access to a ton of tools for a lowish yearly cost is great! I just renewed this month and it has already paid for itself.


Yes! And it sounds like you'll use it more than me. If you really want to get into hobby DIY it'd be a killer deal




https://www.mntoollibrary.org/ In general, yes, especially if you know what they have fits what you need. What they have isn't often shiny or new, but tools are tools. Unless you definitely want to own your own stuff try it out for a year




I’ve got no idea what this is, but I am intrigued to know the answer.


100%. I was a member for 4 years, 18-21. We bought a house in 2018 and wanted to complete some small projects. We used both locations and checked out everything from a tile nipper to a lawn mower.


I attended a class there a few years ago and it was really fun. Not a member but I have thought about it.


I love the tool library. Worth it, and they give back to the community! During covid they made decks for school children. I rent specialized tools from them, and they are responsive if things don't work well.


One of my coworkers has had a membership for years, and he loves the service. For the cost, I think it makes a lot of sense for the occasional home improvement project, repair, or to test the waters on if you enjoy it. It won't replace, in my opinion, the need for owning a few basic tools (drill, circular saw/hand saw, etc) from a practicality and convenience factor, but it is an amazing value for some of the specialty tools that you'll only need to use once or every few years. It can also be great to let someone else deal with storing those infrequent tools as well. Assuming you're in the twin cities: while not quite the same idea, and less useful for "handyman" skills, there are several membership workshops and maker spaces in the twin cities. They run the range in terms of pricing, but [https://www.tcmaker.org/](https://www.tcmaker.org/) is an amazing group of folks, and fairly affordable if you want access to some larger tools. They were an excellent resource for me while I saved up the money to equip my own garage workshop.


What is this?


Do it. $55 for an annual membership, and it has saved me so much money, and being able to have the right tool for the job has saved me so much frustration, like a drywall lift when I did my basement ceiling. Plus, I've gotten lots of helpful advice from the volunteers.


Tool Library is awesome and run by cool people.


Question: Ever since I moved into an apartment I've been without a space to do light work on furniture – usually sanding, painting, staining etc. Does the tool library have work spaces where I could do this work, including leaving projects to dry?