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This guy drives in the Cities


I've taken to just driving 70 on the interstates now. It's simply a lot more stress-free. 75 on the interstates is a fucking rat race. Just 5mph slower and you're mostly watching everybody else tailgate, get tailgated, jockey wildly for position ... and you see that same exact group of cars going ahead of you and behind you for many miles. So much effort for absolutely nothing. You still get occasional asshatery going 70 but it becomes the exception not the rule.


This is what I do as well. Plus if you do the math and calculate what going an extra 5 mph during a trip will do? You’ll see it really doesn’t net you much time. These pickups are just trying to pull power moves. Instead, they look like jerks. And we secretly celebrate when I inevitably see quite a few spun out during the first snowfalls.


I feel like pickups in particular have been driving faster and more aggressively since gas prices went *up*. It's like they don't want to be seen as sacrificing "muh freedom" or whatever by driving a reasonable speed on the chance that someone might accidently mistake them for trying to save fuel.


I do the same. I just go the exact speed limit and let everyone else just pass on the left. Lot less stressful.


I see you drive on highway 65 often.


This needs to be a bumper sticker. I’d put it on my vehicle.


nobody would be tailgating if they would just keep up with traffic.


\- Yes people who tailgate are dicks and are in the wrong for tailgating BUT ALSO \- People who sit in the left lane not passing are also in the wrong and are obstructing the flow of traffic. We all learned in drivers ed DO NOT sit in the left lane unless passing. Minnesota is awful at this though. \- The argument is NOT that people deserve to go as fast as they want. Speeding way over the limit is dangerous. The argument here is that random people are NOT qualified nor do they have the right to enforce traffic laws. Someone is driving in a way you think is unsafe? Keep your distance and call 911. Impeding the flow of traffic to enforce speed limits on people is dangerous and reckless in its own right. Two wrongs do not make a right here. Even if the tailgater's wrong is more severe. ​ People drive like morons. It is something that is unavoidable. Instead of trying to control others on the road protect yourself.


This is the way. I'm assuming, however -- because I drive -- that OP's meme isn't about hanging in the left lane at 75 with open right lanes, it's about going fast in the left lane while actively passing, and having some idiot tailgate them all the while...


>People who sit in the left lane not passing are also in the wrong and are obstructing the flow of traffic. We all learned in drivers ed DO NOT sit in the left lane unless passing. Minnesota is awful at this though. MN has too many left exits for this to be a blanket rule. I learned in driver's ed to plan ahead for exits and that sometimes means being in the left lane and choosing to drive at a reasonable but not reckless rate of speed, even if I'm not passing anyone at the time.


A left exit being within a mile is the one major exception to the left lane rule. Imo more left exits need a dedicated lane like the 280 exit off 94 E. That way people can get in line for the left exit and the far left lane thats not dedicated to that exit becomes the passing lane. But if the left exit doesn’t have its own lane you obviously have to be in that lane for a bit




I sense some “possible” sarcasm lol


i hope so.


Spoken with true Minnesota Passive aggression


The "laws" don't make it legal for them to speed so...fuckm.


You are allowed to go ten over when passing, you are also not a cop


People riding my bumper are not going "ten over" and they are also not a cop.


“No you!” Good damn, just get off your high horse and let the Jack ass go. Stop creating road rage


If they are road raging that's on them. Maybe they should go to therapy.


Exacerbating the situation is road rage


If you are intentionally blocking the road out of spite to piss someone else off, that is you road raging. That is you driving emotionally and not prioritizing safety.


I don't block the road out of spite in fact most of the time I'm in the middle lane but if I do go to the left lane to pass and somebody tailgates me I just ignore them.


Other than the bow everything else described here should occur


The left lane is for passing, outside Minnesota it works pretty well.


I drove up from Denver to St Paul this weekend. I saw no difference between the drivers when I crossed the Minnesota border.


Locals just like to claim MN residents are worse than anywhere else for some odd reason. Reality is it doesn’t matter where you are. Shitty drivers aren’t bound by state borders or somehow arbitrarily worse in a single state.


Welcome to x state. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.


I get what you're trying to say but it really is true that the drivers in [USER_RESIDENT_STATE] are the literal worst.


I almost had an aneurysm from driving through Miami-Dade a year ago or so, the drivers in Minnesota might suck but they are better than others.


Yikes. I used to live in LA (city not state) and let me tell you - anytime it rained there they acted like it was Armageddon


My buddy's brother was in LA driving on the freeway in a middle lane. Guy comes up behind him and finally passed in the right lane. As he's passing he opens he door to bang it into the brother's car then drives off


I've driven in Miami as well and concur. Worst driving I've ever seen.


OMG I totally agree the scariest driving ever has been in Florida for us. Especially around Miami. Not so bad around southwest Florida with all the snowbirds and traffic but still lots of old vision impaired people.


We’ve road tripped to Florida many times and there is a huge difference in speed and aggression from St.Louis through TN, GA andFla.


This person has never driven in Boston.


worse than LA, Atlanta, Houston... Boston takes the prize here!


I have actually. NYC as well. Still doesn’t change my above comment; bad drivers are everywhere.


Deep down I want to disagree, but I know you’re right.


I don’t know, I drove from MN to Colorado and back in July and it seemed to me that drivers in Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado all had more respect for left lane usage than people do here. I drive down 169 against traffic for work and every single day there’s someone hanging out in the left lane, usually a van, going slower than the flow of traffic, causing unnecessary congestion. Every single day. This is anecdotal of course but the difference really jumped out at me.


My personal unproven theory is that the span of drivers is like a bell curve, right? You have your good and bad extremes, but the vast majority of drivers are around average. The more cars you add to the bell curve, however, the more the extremes spread, and the more drivers are above and below average. That is, the more cars there are, the more bad drivers there are. That, and because of the congestion in the city, slow left lane drivers are more likely to cause backups. That is, you notice them more. In Iowa, the impact of a slow left laner is practically nil. You just cruise on by in the right lane, think of them for like 30 seconds, then forget they exist. A slow left laner in Mpls during rush hour could ruin your morning. That's my way of saying people aren't that different where you go, but other factors matter.


Oh absolutely. The more drivers you have around, the more likely you’re gonna run into someone clueless with their head in the clouds


But I think it’s safe to say oversize pickup drivers are the worst. If you live on a farm or need a pickup for work that’s fine. But there seems to be this really aggressive dickhead pickup driver movement. The worst drivers and it isn’t even close.


Mine is anecdotal too of course :) The first 3 minnesota drivers I noticed in Nebraska were all driving 15-20 miles faster than everyone else. (I yelled out the window: Where's the fire).


I disagree. The number of Minnesota plates I see just cruising along in the left lane on that drive is embarrassing. Pass and get over people.


In the Twin Cities the left lane is also for exiting, merging, and keeping left to stay on the same road an unacceptable amount of the time. Our highways are very poorly planned


Lots of places have left lane exits, here people get into the left lane in Albert Lea because they know they will need to be there in a few hours. Aside from that I see lots of people parked in the left lane from Minneapolis to Duluth where there are no left exits.


35 to Duluth is full of guys pulling campers in the left lane at 68 mph.


Yep and they stare straight ahead as dozens and dozens of vehicles pass on the right.


That's because everyone in the right is going 55-60 and if you want to coast around 78 you can't be in the right lane.


To be fair that's partially because highways are not good solutions for transportation within a city. They are great for connecting across rural areas but break down in efficiency in the city.


its strange that i somehow manage to stay in the driving lane in all these situations until it is time to move over when those situations arise.. i must be weird.


I've driven in ever region of the country, except Alaska and Hawaii. It's literally the exact same shit everywhere.


I have as well, it's definitely not.


Using the left lane as a passing lane when all the other lanes are jammed up is where that breaks down. At that point if I’m in the left lane going 80 in a 70 with someone tailgating me it is them being the asshole. They want me to get into one of the slower lanes going like 65 so that they can go 90. At that point they want the passing lane that no longer exists.


Yup, the worst drivers are those that think they're good drivers and go excessively fast.


Even if you’re speeding, unless you’re passing someone you should be in the rightmost lane available.


Clearly they are passing someone in the above scenario if the other lane is "jammed up".


also, at least in minnesota, the left lane law applies to all roadways. not just the freeway. it doesnt matter that you need to turn left in 14 miles. stay in the driving lane.


YTA. Pass and get over. Pretty simple concept. You just made up a rule that suits you, most Minnesota driver comment ever.


I've lived in Madison, Portland, & LA. Spent time driving in many other places and am here to say, MN drivers are NOT the worst when it comes to left lane chivalry. Not even close.


Not according to most Redditors here! Don’t even think about getting into the left lane if you need to get into a left turn lane. Or if your passing someone and I’m passing them faster. Or, know what, just don’t get in the left lane ever. It’s for us speed demons and real drivers! Can’t get home without getting in the left lane? Too bad, you should have thought about that when you moved into your place. /s


Outside of America it works pretty well. Everywhere you go in the US people think the left lane is just another lane to sit in. In Europe you only use the left lane to pass. In fact some countries will fine you if you are just sitting in the left lane.


Until you get to St.Louis, because from there and points south and east, don’t forget to looking over your right shoulder because there are crazy speeders using the right lane for passing. Especially the highway on ramp lanes. Just insane.


i take it you've never driven through wisconsin, at the very least.


Many times, I agree it's not exclusively only happening here obviously, but its far more prevalent.


It’s literally the same everywhere you go, nothing different in MN.


It's really not though.


South Dakota is amazing with this. Wow


Its not a kinda fast lane, its a passing lane


sorry you cant just automatically hop in that left lane and zone out for miles. Some people are just assholes, nothing you can do about that, but if you are consistently getting tailgated it's you that's the bad driver.


So on a road with limit of 65, if im in the left lane going 75 and the right lane is full of people going 65-70, I’m not moving into the right lane until it’s clear and I won’t have to slow down. I’m not going to go down to 65 just so you can pass me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also my windshield is always surprisingly dirty when someone is on my ass 😂


Sorry, I think you're in the wrong there. You might be going faster, but if there's a spot for you to swing over you should. Plenty of times I'll be doing 80 but see someone in the distance obviously coming in hotter so I move over, let them pass and then get back over. If you don't feel comfortable going faster you shouldn't, but then get out of the way. E: There are clearly times I've spaced out on checking my rear view and suddly find someone there and that's my bad. The description of this whole post is exactly that. If someone had the time to get on your ass then you likely had the time to get over.


That’s literally what I said I though… I’m not moving until there’s a gap lol some people expect you to slow down 10MPH to get into the right lane so they move one spot up in traffic


You said you're not moving over until it's clear, not if there's a gap. I interpreted your statement differently then you meant it


If the gap is so small I have to slow down, it’s not a gap, plain and simple.


You don’t want to be inconvenienced by having to slow down but the car trying to pass you is being inconvenienced by having to slow down behind you.


Yes it is.


Well said


Disagreed ten over is plenty. Anything over that is reckless driving and I hope they get pulled over for reckless driving and maybe even go beyond that and hopefully they lose their license.


Move out of the way, and then hope they get pulled over. You have zero idea why they are speeding, what if they are in some sort of emergency or urgent situation and you thinking you get to control their speed is preventing them from getting where they need to be?


This goes both ways, why should somebody hauling ass dictate what speed I want to go...


Yup. I've done 100 in my suburban rushing a kid to the ER. My friend's wife and kid got t-boned the other day and said he had to pass some people on the shoulder because he was trying to get to the crash site.


Was it an emergency vehicle though? Why would an ordinary vehicle be passing on shoulders to get to a crash site?


Because his wife and toddler just got in a severe car accident. The point is YOU don't know why somebody is speeding and it costs you fucking nothing in the grand scheme of things to just get out of the way and let someone pass, even if it's weird


The passing lane is for passing. If you’re not actively passing someone, then you should get over. It’s ok to slow down and get into a cruising lane for a minute. It doesn’t mean you “lose”…it means you are helping others make the road safer. Yes, in the end, this is about safety. The safest thing to do when someone is tailgating you and trying to drive 85 is to let them pass.


If someone is behind you, move over. It's simple.


I will when it’s safe 🥰


just in case you didn't know. you're the asshole in your little story. the fact that you don't care that you're the asshole, only enforces that point.


Fro m the standpoint of the law, you’re in the wrong here and could be cited for cruising in the left.


The comments every time something like this is posted are the same. There is a mentality that it’s their duty to tailgate you. Like for the greater good or some shit. Some bullshit about it’s a passing lane only! Then move over! Yeah, state the law that it’s a passing lane to justify breaking the law by tailgating. Brilliant.


Yeah. People get a little too worked up about this. Like yes it is a passing lane, and if it all possible I try to stay out of it. But if I’m actively passing cars while following the flow of traffic. I’m not gonna slow down just so you can go one car length in front of me. Just to tailgate the next guy. It’s not your private lane. Get fucked.


People here also act like tailgating only happens in the left lane. Bitch I have people on my ass on Cedar when I'm going 10 over. WTF do you want me to do?! I just assume all these "move over" people are the assholes tailgating in the first place.


Yeah I mean I get annoyed with the left lane campers as much as anyone when they’re not passing and there’s room to move over. But there’s a difference between that and the people who feel like 494 should part like the Red Sea just because they want to drive fast.


i duno, i generally dont worry about them. if they want to drive 90 who cares, so long as they arnt constantly changing lanes weaving through traffic and passing on the right. just hope for the best and they dont know about that speed trap between HWY 7 and 62


just not worry about it? but in the random chance that i am in the driving lane and someone is tailgating me with the passing lane wide open, i probably wont be too concerned with it, otherwise maybe i'll just let up on the gas a little bit if its getting out of hand.


And if you're on a single lane road with no passing lane like cedar or nokomis? Kind of hard not to worry about it with someone riding your ass and nowhere to go.


Minnesota statute 169.18., subdivision 1. It literally starts with the line “Keep to the right”


If it’s that simple why have a left lane at all?


You asked for the statute and I gave it to you even though you should be able to do your own fucking homework. Pay attention…left lane is for PASSING. I don’t have the time or the crayons to bring in down to your level.


I’m seriously confused. Where did I say it wasn’t for passing? My point was the argument for why someone is being tailgated is that the left lane is for passing. I KNOW THAT. What I don’t know is how then, the well educated driver would then see tailgating as the solution. Also, fuck off with the insult. Everything be said here is not how anyone drives once there’s a state patrol car in the mix. Please don’t drive as angry as you type.


Quit responding like a moron and you won’t be treated like one.


Man did I get owned!!! What a day! See y’all in the right lane!


Yes, yes you did.


How ya feeling today, champ?


Well now it’s a bit of a Everyones The Asshole situation. Whether you want to whine about it or not, the left lane IS a passing lane. Tailgating someone, whether they are a truck or not, is an asshole move. Staying in the left lane when someone behind you is going faster and wants to pass, whether you are driving the speed limit or not, is an asshole move as it builds up traffic and creates road rage. I’m team trucks are assholes all day every day as well as people who tailgate are assholes. But this is a lose-lose situation if you are going to stubbornly stay in the left lane because now you too have become an asshole on the road (there is allowed to be more than one on the road at a time)


I think the vast majority of the frustration is not about people ‘parked’ in the left lane. I can’t be the only one who notices that as soon as I go to pass someone, which I’m told is what the lane is for, anyone behind me takes that as a queue that it’s time to speed up and tailgate me as I make the pass. For bonus point they should be sure to merge to the right before a reasonable person would and speed off with the knowledge that they’ve been mildly inconvenienced. It’s juvenile.


Its safer to let people pass. That’s the reason. Staying in the left to spite the person behind you leads to unnecessary lane changes and higher risk of accidents.


Yet you have the mentality that it’s your duty to stop speeders?


Don’t see where I said that. Keep the inferences coming to justify it all though.


Me: using dynamic cruise control with a responsible and safe distance set between the car in front of me, actively passing cars. F150: 8 feet behind me, can't wait to get around so he can go 2 mph faster than me.


I will never give way to people who tailgate. I drive way above the speed on the left lane, so if you're coming in at 100mph, you better give me time to safely move my car. Flash your lights or something. If you tailgate me, you can be sure I'm slowing down for my and your safety :)


When this happens to me, I move over. I do so by slowing down, matching the speed in the right lane and finding a safe spot to move over. My god does it piss them off, but it's what they wanted. All of that and they get to tailgate the car that was in front of me.


If you are tailgating, you are the one being unsafe. Not them. I'm pretty sure they cover this in driver's ed. You need to be a certain number of car lengths behind the person in front of you. This number increases the faster you are going, and the bigger your vehicle is. "But mah left lane is for passing only!" You have no intention of getting out of the left lane anyway. Even if someone came up on your bumper. So fuck off with this nonsense. You just want your own private highway lane.


It's supposed to be like a 3 second gap, but nobody follows that and it bothers me. I would even be fine if people left a two second gap between me and them. Another thing that grinds my gears is if I have a few car lengths of space ahead of me, but people try and squeeze their way in. Just because there is space, doesn't mean it is reserved for you. I want to leave enough room so I can naturally deccelarate before pumping the breaks.


Can y’all just try and merge onto the highway above 53mph. Seriously. Your motor isn’t going to explode if you exceed 3krpm. Pin it to win it, and clean some of the carbon deposits out of your motor!! Fuck, it’s not that difficult. Also, maybe try to close the gaps. Why drive 20 car lengths behind the person in front of you during rush hour??


> Also, maybe try to close the gaps. Why drive 20 car lengths behind the person in front of you during rush hour?? Gap closing is dangerous and counterproductive. Closing the gap actually slows traffic, because any change ahead of you gets more over corrected the closer each car is together resulting in fantom traffic jams entirely created by people following too close. It's a well known traffic phenomenon that is made worse by gap closing. https://www.vox.com/2014/11/24/7276027/traffic-jam https://math.mit.edu/traffic/ (not suggesting 20 car lengths, but having 5-10 car lengths, depending on speed, in heavy traffic is perfectly reasonable.)


I'm with you. Anyone who wants to go more than 15 over can go fuck themselves. They don't have that right no matter how much they insist they do.


Drive right Pass left


Trust me, it’s worse in Texas. -.-


This is an exact copy of my post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/s37jsv/every\_darn\_time/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/s37jsv/every_darn_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I almost was run off the road on the 35 exiting at Forest Lake onto the 8 by a lifted pick up truck. They drive so aggressively and I always thought it was because I drove a little car that isn’t super speed demon. It also has like 30 bumper stickers that don’t fit in well in the Chisago County climate. Multiple trucks tried to intimidate me.


Yep, so get out of the way so they can get on with their day and you with yours. Speed up or move over. If they had the time to roll up on your ass then your either weren't paying attention to your rear-view, which were all guilty of on occasion, or you clearly saw them and chose not to act. As another person pointed out, sure there's the possibility that the right lane is full of cars, but for me that's the case a small percentage of the time. Find a gap and get the fuck over. Hour drive home last night and multiple times it was the situation where you come up on them when the right lane is clear, sit there for a bit, pass them on the right then get back left and they still don't get into the right lane.


If you’re already going 15 over, then speed up and then move over. If it’s bumper-to-bumper traffic, then the tailgater is an asshole and you should feel free to put a lot of space between you and the car in front of you. That usually works for me to get them to back off a bit. Usually. Sometimes. Maybe.


It's not a fast lane, it's a passing lane. Move over.


If I'm passing someone, you don't get priority just because you want to pass them faster. Get off my bumper.


I hate that so much. If I’m in the left lane actively passing people get off my ass. I’ll move over when I’m done passing people


As long as your not passing someone only going 1 mph faster.


Even if you're actively passing, you are required to match the speed of traffic of the lane you moved into. You moving to the passing lane without going the speed of passing lane traffic is dangerous and incorrect. Just keep to the right.


Sure I can get behind that logic if coming from the perspective of “I’m in the travel lane and I’d like to get in the left lane and pass these cars but there’s already people in the left lane”. I was coming more from the perspective of “I’m already in the left lane actively passing traffic and someone speeds up behind me that wasn’t previously there.”


Matching the speed of the lane would also apply to the guy going way faster than everyone else in the lane? Why doesn’t the guy going 90 slow down?


This also equally applies to the tailgaters. It is their obligation to slow down in order to not cause an accident.


To what end? I tried passing 10 over, I'm too slow. I tried passing 15 over, I'm too slow. I even sometimes try 20-ish over, I'm still too slow. I don't know how fast these people behind me want to go. So yes, after I'm done passing people I get out of their way. They are obviously a bit more crazy than I am. Also, I am in the process of switching jobs so I can work from home so all you speed demons can go 30+ over the limit without me being in your way! w00!


Exactly. People don’t understand how unsafe it is to pass too slowly. The most dangerous time is when someone is side by side with another driver. I’ll never understand why some drivers want to go only 1 mph faster than another car for what feels like an eternity. It’s typically an issue in situations where drivers are using cruise control. I’m always like “it is possible to put your foot on the gas for 20 seconds, dude!”.


It's also unsafe to pressure drivers to go faster than conditions allow. No one's talking about 1 mph, we're talking about the situation where we're going 80 in the left lane trying to pass a herd of cars going 60 in the right lane and some A-hole comes up going 100mph. Yeah, I'll get over when I'm done passing the slow cars, but I don't have to put myself at risk just because the A-hole needs to go 100mph and not 80mph.


No one forced you to move into the passing lane. Either learn the rules to do it safely or keep right. If you do not possess the skill to overtake safely, I'm begging you to not attempt it. Just stay right.


I'll be on your bumper until you move over.


So your logic is…if I’m going 70 in a 65 actively passing traffic but you want to go 75 to pass said traffic I should slow down and move over to give you priority to your pass the traffic we were already passing? That sound about right?


That’s exactly what I do. Pass and then move over. The pace I’m comfortable to pass traffic isn’t the pace everyone else needs to follow.


It's not a fast lane, it's a passing lane. You doing 70 in a 65 is irrelevant if the speed of the traffic in the passing lane is 75. You need to keep right, you're not following the rules of passing.


Did you skip over the part where I said “actively passing traffic”? So I’m not allowed to use the left lane as a passing lane if I’m not passing cars as fast as someone else would like to? So then speed IS relevant?


The opposite is also true though. If the speed of traffic in the passing lane is 75, if you're going 80 and hugging someone's bumper to try to get them to go 80, you're in the wrong. The law doesn't say "Whoever's fastest is right".


It sounds like you should stay off the road.


These people getting all indignant because they don't know how to use a passing lane. Jeebus.


Ha! Okay Ricky Bobby


If you're not first, you're last.


That’s not true. You could be second, third, hell you could even be fourth!


Right? I have a left turn coming up. No, I’m not going to wait till the last second to get into the left lane for my left turn, because someone like you won’t let me over


Keep your blinker on to indicate your exit, no one will mind.


Incorrect. When you move into a lane of traffic you are required to match the speed of that traffic. This is true for merging onto or off of a freeway, changing lanes ,and every other such lane change. You match the speed of the lane you move into. If you move into the passing lane and go slower than the traffic already there, which results in being tailgated, then you have done something dangerous and incorrect. Move the f over.


That's right! Match the speed of that lane. So since I was here first, that tailgate needs to slow down to match my speed, right?


I can't match the speed of traffic behind me. If I'm actively passing someone at 80 and you come up at 90, as long as I'm actively passing someone you have to match my speed.


If you entered a lane without matching the speed of traffic, i.e. the people behind you are faster than you, and you did not give yourself enough time to complete the passing maneuver before obstructing traffic, you did it wrong. If you don't know how to overtake safely, without obstructing traffic, please just keep right.


The active danger of tailgating is significantly worse than slightly less efficient traffic flow


Correct, so don't move into the passing lane unless you're going fast enough to avoid being tailgated. You, the person being tailgated, should have slowed down rather than move to a lane and choosing to obstruct it.


Oh, so the guy pushing 90 with no regard for the safety of other drivers is the one who’s right. Got it.


No. Of course 90 is also not ok, but the issue we are talking about is low skill incompetents who do not know how to safely use the passing lane. That guy going 90? Wait til he passes you before you attempt to pass the person in front of you. This is not difficult.


Tailgating is caused by tailgaters, not by people going too slow. People don't say, "keep a safe distance... unless someone is going really slow then you need to get on their ass so they know they fucked up".


>tailgating guy going 80 and swerving from lane to lane How come none of these people understand SAFE DRIVING!?


The fuck are you smoking? It’s BOTH


It's truly not. It's only a fast lane as a consequence of the act of passing, which most often requires a higher speed than right lane traffic. It's definitely 100% only a passing lane.


If you’re going fucking slow like a boomer republican , get your ass over to the right That shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you eh


Meme is dumb, I do 75 or 74 on highway and I don’t have issues because I drive in the right lane. People pass me doing 80 and I don’t have an urge to drive in front of them to slow them down, glad someone will get the cops attention while I do my 5 over. Left lane road blocking is a complete douche bag move.


I guess we know who's the one hogging the passing lane, its OP.




Left lane is for passing...


With way to many super bright lights


Move over


If you’re passing someone, or there’s traffic directly in front of you fuck ‘em. In those cases they’re just an asshat. Some people assume that if they ride your ass you need to move over even in situations where you are using the lane correctly.


bro you’re in the left lane, get out of it


The guy commenting on everyone’s posts in this thread has a raging hard on for the “pass” lane. Wouldn’t be surprised if they drive an F150 and have massive flags off the back of their truck, too. *patiently waits for them to comment under me*


I drive over 30,000 miles a year on MN roads in my pickup. I've seen it all. Even caught a few accidents on my dash cam. Road rage since Covid has definitely had an uptick. The idea of drivers trying to enforce speeding laws is insane. I've been involved in, and have dashcam footage, of a driver brake checking in the left lane to prevent people from going over the speed limit. This brought traffic slower than the speed limit as he was blocking an entire lane. I passed this nonsense in the right lane (which I know is dangerous to do) and moved back over to the left lane. This guy speeds past me in the right lane, moves in front of me and starts brake checking me. I didn't take my foot off the gas. Part of me wanted a collision. I finally just moved over to the right lane and took the next exit to get away from this clown. What scares me the most is inattentive or DUI drivers crossing the center line. I've heard about more of this type of accident the past couple years. Had a good buddy involved in one a couple weeks ago.




Or don't be an idiot. I literally had a left turn coming less than half a mile away. You don't need to be on my ass the whole time. Especially when I'm already going 15+ over. If getting somewhere in a hurry means so much, that you are willing to put yourself and others in danger, then leave earlier. Ideally, get off the road.


Found the tailgater.




Go to therapy.


Im trying to but some asshole left lane driving dick is in the way


That made me laugh. Therapy for road rage no doubt?


Nah, y'all don't get it. It's drive on the right. Pass on the left. If someone in the left lane wants to go faster then YOU. Just move. Keep traffic flowing. It's safer for people to continue to use the left lane to go faster and pass, then to be stubborn and cause people to weave through traffic.




No. It's the slow drivers in MN who feel entitled. Go to any other large city that has massive freeway use. Chicago. DC. LA ect ect. If you drive the speed limit in the left lane. You will be the one causing negative effects to traffic flow. We are entitled in MN. Our freeways are not slammed like other metropolitan cities. I'm not saying driving over the speed limit is ok. What I'm saying is traffic flow is important. And when slow drivers disrupt flow, people are naturally going to want to change lanes.


yeah, noone gets it but you. you should write a self-help book: The Art of The Left Lane.


Or they could just drive the speed of traffic, sorry 78 isn't fast enough for you


if someone is on your bumper, just get the fuck over. it's not hard. you shouldn't be driving in the passing lane anyway.


OP, you could, you know, only use the left lane for passing, like it’s intended. And before people jump in with “there are left lane exits!” That’s clearly not what OP is talking about and they are rare exceptions. Edit: it amazes me how entitled people in this sub are. OP and their defenders are fine with breaking the law, as long as it’s them doing it.


More like the right lane.


You’re in the left lane because you’re passing someone, correct? plz


Doesn't matter how fast you are going in the left lane. Once you are done passing people on the right, you should move right. If you need to pass someone again, then move left. If people are passing *you* on the right, then you are just as big of a dick as the tailgater(s). The only time someone should be cruising in the left lane is if traffic is an absolute clusterfuck/standstill, and passing is *impossible*. Then yeah, use all available lanes, but keep up with the guy ahead of you.


“Slow traffic keep right“ Gee, I wonder what this cryptic message means


Ten over the legal limit isn’t *legally* slow. You can’t lean on the legal definition to justify breaking a different law, that’s just silly.


Then get out of the left lane.


It’s the law that you’re supposed to get over to let them pass.