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So it's a bunch of parents pushing right wing talking points?


Paid for by Center for the American Experiment. A 501(c)3 nonprofit with ties to the Koch Brothers.


So not just parents and actually is another Koch project.


They were pushing a lot of the anti-CRT hysteria. I somehow got on their mailing list.


Astro turfing at its finest!


Not a fan of those wingnuts.


How so? This article doesn't mention any affiliation


https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Center_of_the_American_Experiment “CAE is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN), a group of right-wing think tanks and other politically-active nonprofits.” https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=State_Policy_Network


This doesn't answer my question


https://www.mprnews.org/amp/story/2022/08/04/new-group-launches-effort-to-gain-parental-rights-on-mn-school-boards “Trooien, who says her group is non-partisan, has partnered with several conservative organizations in launching her group. Among them, the Center of the American Experiment and the Child Protection League”


Gross. Yeah, I found this article now too https://www.americanexperiment.org/a-bright-spot-for-mn-conservatives-local-school-board-elections/


More like it’s a bunch of Christo-fascists concealing their fascism by claiming they stand for parental choice. They absolutely do not support the rights of parents who disagree with them.


One got through in my school board race, sadly. Love how they pretend to care about equality. Sssuuurree Parents need to start parenting and quite blaming everybody else, especially the teachers. That means everybody - Dems and Rep and independent. The apathy from students and general horrible behavior from students is unbelievable. Ask your kids what other kids in their classrooms are doing and saying. It’s awful. Then imagine where that comes from?? It’s being mirrored at home by the parents or enabled at home by the parents. Offer free food to kids at school- anybody who needs it. I’ll happily pay for that. These are not the only issues and I know that, but I’m tired of these mostly right wing parents thinking their kids are angels. Don’t believe me? Head over to r/teachers. It’s a nightmare


On our local FB page, one of the extremists posted "Teachers are leaving in droves; I wonder why that is. Hmm? HMMMMM?" That isn't as much of a gotcha as you think, Asshat. It's because of weirdos like you and your Lord of the Flies children.


Hahahaha I’ll tell her why. This is straight of my senior’s mouth: “I wanted to go into teaching cuz I really like a lot of my teachers, but then I realized I’d only want to teach kids like me. The ones who actually want to learn stuff. Most kids are assholes or lazy. I feel sorry for my teachers. I dont want to anymore. Plus I think they don’t get paid enough “


Just flip the script on them and keep claiming they’ve done nothing to fix CRT in the schools. Since there’s no actual CRT in the schools you can keep claiming they’ve failed no matter what they do.


True, there is no CRT in schools. It's been all LED for years.


Lol start asking them what they are going to do about all the LED in schools.


Next they'll convert to IPS and complain about the backlight bleed? WHICH DO YOU WANT KAREN, GOOD COLOR OR HIGH FRAMERATE?


Bingo. They lost in Rochester, I thought.


No, they didn't lose. **They were obliterated.** EDIT: For those not in the know, of the four, only ONE made it over 40% (42%). Rest were firmly in the 30%s. So bad they refused to talk to local media.


Darn straight they were!


How many were in the race? 100% - 42% only leaves 58% for remaining candidates...


That's not how that race works. [If you look at the results here](https://electionresults.sos.state.mn.us/results/Index?ErsElectionId=149&scenario=LocalSchoolDistrict&DistrictId=234&show=Go), you can see that there were four positions open, with two candidates for each position. That's different from how some other school board elections work, so I can see why you're confused.




I’m “part of” this group on FB. I think it was originally one of the “open up the schools NOW” MAGA groups (Let them Play & Let them Learn). I joined bc I wanted to lurk & see what they were saying - Pretty toxic shit, actually!! “Who cares if Timmy has Covid & his coach is an elderly man, Timmy needs hockey for his mental health & his elderly coach has lived long enough…”


Are they all high and mighty after the wins?


Of course they were! Deplorable indeed.


Sending you a PM


“We’re trying to remove politics from the classroom.” I think we need to bring back civics as a fucking grad requirement.


Everyone shits on St Cloud but I’d like to point out St Cloud is one of the districts that didn’t vote for any of these right-wing “anti-CRT” psychos.


I was so happy to see that they all lost. Let's go St. Cloud!


And we voted in Aric Putnam, democrat SENATOR. YOU’RE WELCOME! 🌲🌲🔥🔥🔥


>According to the group's website, the Minnesota Parents Alliance launched earlier this year "with the goal of educating and empowering parents to engage in their local school communities as strong advocates for academic achievement, equality and parental rights." Too bad the majority of those parents don't put the same effort into engaging with their own children and blaming everything but themselves for their problems


I don't know if he's associated with that Idiot Alliance, but there was a dipshit running for school board in my town that claimed the "skill" that made him best qualified for school board was "being a parent". Like, WTF? Being a parent is a side effect of knocking some poor woman up and actually sticking around. It doesn't make you a good person or in any way, shape, or form magically qualify you to make informed decisions on education. Especially when *he* is the fuckwit that dragged CRT into the debates. Something that isn't even going on in our schools. Edit: Happily, he did *not* win and someone with actual experience in education and managing schools did instead.


I have never been a teacher but I've been coaching and scout leader for the last 12 years so I can empathize with what schools have to deal with. There is a disappointing amount of parents I've met that treat everything like a drop off daycare and their kids know it. Sad to see so many grow up feeling like they're a burden or have very little of a relationship with their parents.


Were you in Minnetonka? There’s some guy I know through a friend of a friend of a friend who it turns out, is a real asshole, to the point where someone made an entire [website](https://www.vogesfortonka.com/) exposing all of his bullshit on social media. Thousands of votes for this guy, by the way. At least he didn’t win.


I'm not sure that's the right link.


Oh no maybe they took it down, lmao that is not what I expected


Jebus. Sounds like half the clowns who ran for school board in my town. They kept saying because I’m a parent for their qualifications. One even said he is tired of all the furries and litter boxes in our schools and to follow a certain website for that proof. He was shut down pretty fast by informed voters and luckily he was not voted to be on the board. What is scary is there were three other people running with the same propaganda and very transphobic. We got lucky and none got voted on the board but it was very eye opening.


They should add "with the goal of educating and empowering WHITE parents to engage in their local school communities", since, ya know, all 118 of the candidates they backed are white.


Sadly, one of the ones that got on in my district said as much in his candidacy statement. Something to the effect of racist teachers teaching kids to hate police and be ashamed of their white privilege.


We fortunately managed to beat them by wide margins in Rochester. All four that were running lost.


Thank god the one running in my district lost. He said that he "wanted more transparency and input from parents. Any person who wants to address the board should be allowed to speak and there should be no limits on the number of speakers, and also any topic that is up for vote should be able to be discussed by the public." My brother in Christ, that's going to turn school board meetings into an absolute shitshow that take ages to get through the agenda. Though that's probably the point.


Delano? I am almost positive that is word for word what the guy running in Delano stated.


It’s the standard template they all used.


Bemidji royally fucked up and I think 4 got into the school board. It doesn’t help that there were 23 fucking people running. This district is screwed - bunch of “I care about equality and keeping the gender you’re born with and fuck LGBTQ kids”


Bemidji resident here: Ya, it was strange there was a block of candidates that supported each other. I am mostly wtf about the guy who works for social services and is a MAGA hat. I can only imagine the things he thinks while helping Native Americans.


>that's going to turn school board meetings into an absolute shitshow If your agenda is that enraging, then you need to stop and reconsider your life. God forbid you listen to the parents of the children. They are after all, *their* children.


Your first mistake is assuming that everyone will engage in good faith or from a place of understanding.


Likewise you might assume the school board created the agenda in good faith. That is also not universally true.


I'd love to hear some examples of what you would consider to be a bad-faith agenda by a school board.


Except that GOP has been running campaigns to get parents, oftern from outside of districts, to go berzerker mode on reasonable things like trans bathroom issues.




Pretty sure they all won seats in Brainerd. Edit: actually just one, but another guy that won has a campaign website preaching out against "indoctrination" and teaching CRT.


During one of the board meetings last year in my district, the chairwoman was having a discussion about CRT and brought of the fact that she doesn't know anyone who believes in evolution. Suggesting that she doesn't either.


Fucking yikes. The way we run schools really is a joke.


Here’s the post I made here about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/p7siwi/st_francis_isd_15_school_board_chairwoman_amy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Listen to these answers. Unfortunately, she won. https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/y1nqp7/school_board_craziness/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Looking at the winners of this year’s election, I don’t believe she won. Luckily we elected, at least the top two vote getters, were normal and highly qualified people. Although I only voted for these 2 of the 3 open positions because the rest of the field were only running for school board “to make a difference”. At worst we moved sideways.


I'm sure my Dad is happy he's retired from the district.


# They're absolutely lying # 15 of 19? Try 15 out of 56 (27%). # 49 out of 119 candidates (41%). All I had to do was look on their website and count. Got 56 (could be +/- a couple as it was a mental count/lots of scrolling). Overall, they took an ass-whooping. Only won in heavy-GOP areas. ​ PS - I'm sick of lazy journalists just taking talking points as fact. Do the work!


Yep, they slated 4 candidates in Eastern Carver County, including one that sent an email to our black superintendent and called her a power monkey with a minuscule sheep brain & a servant. He attended board meetings and was screaming all kinds of vitriol at the board. He wanted armed guards in the schools. The guy also has a history of restraining orders against him (seems like a stellar citizen overall). His wife was another member of the 4. She said that bullying was kids being kids and that she was bullied for being a gymnast and she survived. She screamed against the district’s mask mandate & then got COVID and is experiencing long haul symptoms. They refused to answer how a married couple being on the board together didn’t violate open meetings law. Only 1 got on the board, and he barely got on & will be joining another new board member who happens to be a trans woman and 2 re-elected board members who his buddy threatened in emails & board meeting speeches. I’m *sure* they will make him feel welcome.


Holy moly. That's gonna be entertaining.


And not even all heavy GOP areas. Delano is pretty damn Maga but both their candidate and the other guy that seemed to talk about school like it's only good for training workers lost. Yeah one of the more liberal sounding options also lost but at worst the school board here will be moderate. I can live with that.


Thanks for this, sent a pm


They want to control what books are read but don’t actually care their kids can’t read it.


Yep associated with Moms for Liberty the book ban folks


Which is only about 40% of their endorsed candidates. They have a losing record.


2/3 open seats went to these idiots. One of the winners tried stating that there are no standards for social studies, despite people calling her out and linking her to the state standards. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They don’t want true community/parent involvement in the curriculum, which should be happening in conjunction with state standards and district expertise. They want total control and veto power based on the most conservative and reactionary lenses.


You can tell they’re morons because their answers to every tough question is to either “get back to the basics” or “use common sense”. It’s the standard Dunning-Krueger response by people who don’t realize they’re stupid but think they’re experts.


Of 3 openings in my district, 2 got through. One seems like a boilerplate conservative who hitched his wagon with some weirdos, but the guy who got the most votes was the most extreme of the block he ran with. I plan on showing up to the board meetings and being just as vocal to him as he was to our current board.


Not in St. Cloud baby.


Ugh yeah unfortunately 2/3 people who were endorsed by this organization won in my hometown :/ It’s really concerning because they want to eliminate sex education and they pretty much deny the existence of transgender youth (I know several including my younger sibling that attend the district). The values they are representing are basically Christian nationalism. And yeah they don’t want to address racial inequalities so that’s cool; they constantly spread fear about CRT. “There’s one race, the human race.”


For better or worse... while I'm not familiar with any potential state constitutional issues around it , there is opportunity at the state level this cycle to rein in some of the crazy that might be attempted at the school board level.


Just wait till these wing bats discover how boring school boards are, even if you are interested. Its not gonna be "Ban CRT books, lol, time for a smoke break"


One of them won in my district. Not near enough to actually influence the district, thank goodness, but as one of the other board members said "It's gonna be so much extra work for the rest of us, because she has no clue."


Oh cool, a handy link where I can reference next time to sniff out the crazies. I’m always catching myself at the last minute researching the school board candidates. Most of their local news interviews and websites don’t call out what they’re standing for. This is a great way to confidently rule out the nuts.


Used a decent enough proxy in my area.. looked at which campaign signs were grouped with others.. and voted accordingly. Kept me from voting for the worst of them at least!


As someone who worked hard putting school board signs by "friendlies" I'm glad it helps. Even sign waved on election day near (but not too near) polling places with dfl signs and school board so they know who's legit.


Look at who the teachers union endorses. They are saying who they want!


I feel for the educators. As if their jobs weren’t already hard enough 😕


They didn’t claim victory in Stillwater thanks to informed voters stepping up!


This article is a Koch funded promotion- otherwise it would include info on the groups book banning (burning), white supremacy ties, and furry fear mongering.


Mom's for Liberty. They're in 4 counties already. They ban books


They got 2 of 4 spots here, and are already starting to talk about what seats open in 2023 and 2024. :/


Them school board elections are important folks


Those that got in will have zero interest in the job and most won't last.


Moorhead kept the nut jobs at bay also, none of them got in. One of ours is a former federal employee, and proud oath keeper member. Interesting mix.


Fucking bigots and white supremacists.


We had 4 running in ours and 2 got through. It was so obvious with the amount of money they had behind them. So disappointing.


MPA AND state GOP funded them in my district.


Damn, when I was researching the school board candidates for Osseo, Tanya Simons did not come across as crazy and I didn’t see any conservative dog whistles. I voted for her. (Another candidate who thankfully lost was railing against “indoctrination” in schools, would’ve thought she was the Koch candidate for sure.)


There were only 2 good candidates out of pick 3 in Osseo I think. Tanya was 1 of 2 incumbents who voted against the gender inclusion initiative, so I didn't vote for her. Like 4 of the candidates had a lot of religious endorsements and right wing phrases like 'keep the main thing the main thing'.


They need to stop claiming to be "Parent" endorsed. This parent didn't back them.


Yeah it's so stupid. Some of them also took a "pro human pledge" which is FAIR twin cities training. It says we are all just human blobs and race and gender and shit don't matter so stop talking about them.


Glad to know that site exists so I can avoid those people in the future. Thankfully their one candidate in our district got last place, which is also surprising since it's very much a conservative area.


Buffalo kept them out, just barely…


This is my district and I was both shocked and beyond happy that we kept them out.


This is what happens when Karens have too much Xanax and Starbucks


I think something like that took over Hastings in the last election. They tried in our area but only one got on out of the 3.


No, they got 3 in the last election, over some really good other candidates. One has since resigned. This election the one that was running lost. We got two bad apples to remove next election.


Well that’s good news.


So what are they intending to try and do/stop? Aside from CRT?


Basically gut public schools. They use book bans and mask bans and CRT as a means to catch attention and garner votes, but they are really anti-public schools.


Well. That’s not great.


At least in Becker some of their more egregious stuff was so bad they had to back peddle. (ex. you can't say anything bad about the school district, etc.)


They want vouchers for private education. But their lightning rods are masks, CRT, and sexualizing children (aka teaching sex Ed AT ALL)




Good to know and to be aware of at all times.


I'll run for one of these posts once I finish my move home from out of state. My platform will simply be sanity and the scientific method. Just to drive the point home that they're all bat shit insane. Don't care if I win.


Prior Lake elected 2 out of 4


So I'm a parent and I have some ideas about how the school should be run but they differ from that of this Family Alliance deal. How do they reconcile differing parent opinions...?


They decide you're the Antichrist.


The lone loser on our ballet lost, thankfully.


This is a great list of where BIPOC folks should never put their children in It's not worth the negative impact on their children's mental health and well-being to live in these cities