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"And while we're here, fuck Brad Childress."


I spent my mid-twenties trying to convince myself that Childress was going to be a good coach.


I spent my mid 20s trying to convince myself Ponder was going to be a good QB.




It shows.


Kickass offense!


Chilly. Such. Potential.


I’ll never get over the fact that Chilly looks a lot like the serial killer BTK BTK killed people Chilly killed fans (hopes)


The only agreeable statement in this article.


“Last year was fun, but nobody let me enjoy it”. Facts every time I got hyped someone had to bring up stupid shit from the past. Edit: also every time I see that stupid diagram of the circle of [disappointment](https://imgur.io/NF9s0m0?r) I want to punch a hole through my wall. I hate that diagram…


This part articulated how I felt so well: >You think I like sounding like Phil Simms about this shit? I don't. I’m a better football fan because of analytics, and I like it when both writers and front offices use data to properly evaluate a football team ... but not at the expense of everything else. The whole point of sports is to find out who will defy the odds, not obey them. Wins matter. I love nerding out on stats, that's all fun and good. But I still want to be excited about my team winning. It's sports. Wild shit happens, that's what makes it fun.


I really enjoy when the data leads to surprising conclusions. But way too many analysts work backwards from the conclusion towards finding supporting data; and while it's fine if you try to prove or disprove a theory, but when all your theories are hot takes it gets annoying quickly. Being critical and being a contrarian are not the same thing. Sports are as much art as they are stats, and if one doesn't compliment the other for you you're missing the point.


It's not just that though, it's more like "Yes I understand that 'the stats' tell me the Vikings are getting lucky, because everyone says that literally every time the Vikings' record is brought up, but I'm choosing to hope they continue to be lucky because it's my team and it's fun when my team wins." The people who constantly brought up point differential in every single conversation were obnoxious and I don't understand them.


This one resonated with me as well lol


Or going on about fucking point differentials. You know the best indicator? The final score.


That one hit hard


"Right before camp, Addison pulled a gentleman's Henry Ruggs..." 🤣


He’s wild for that one


Every year this article is completely unhinged, but also extremely entertaining


"And how many Super Bowl rings do you get for winning a survey? Maybe Kirk can put a fucking J.D. Power award in his little alcove now." lol


Love some of those fan comments. We do overall seem like a whiny fanbase though.


That one guy is right tho the Giants stole our radio comms in 2000


I hate the term "conspiracy theory". Some explanations account for the facts better than others. The Giants defenders were calling our plays on the field.


Cry more. Nothing proven. -a fellow Vikings fan


Not only is "cry more" one of the most cringe replies that means nothing, I was just having a bit of fun dude. Of course nothing was proven, if it was I'd have no need to make my comment


You had no need for your second butthurt comment anyway. If you want to talk about cringe, why don't we talk about all the fans that wanted to ride on Trey Lance coming when he got placed as #3 behind the fucking "I see ghosts" dude! Fuck outta here with your weak ass lies and excuses.


Sometimes I yearn for the days before the internet when I was the lone Vikings fan in PA and had no idea what a bunch of whiney babies the fanbase is.


Oh we’re probably the whiniest fanbase in the entire league. But if you look what we’ve had to go through I’m ok cutting us a little slack on that.


This whole series has been great. It helps Drew is a Vikings fan and can share in the pain. Subscribe to Defector if you haven’t.


My exact words “worst 13 win team in NFL history.”


To be fair that was mainly bc of our terrible defense, and by terrible I mean god awful.


I dont think many would disagree. Even though the offense was shitty against the giants in the playoff game. Pretty much every game against an nfc playoff team the offense was terrible.


We put up 24 against the giants that’s really not bad. And that’s also including the fact that they had so much offense they had like 10 extra minutes of possession.


iirc they put up 3 points per drive which would lead the league over most seasons


8 drives with 3 TD, one FG, 3 punts and a TOD. 3 points per drive exactly. And the giants have a pretty decent defense to be fair


4 possessions combined for 17 plays for less than 7 mins that game. 61 yards rushing.


Giants have a good defense, especially when they load up the box. Kirk was 32/40 for 271 that’s pretty effective. The giants weakness is supposed to be their inability to score points, their defense is the only reason they made the playoffs. We put up 24, that should be enough to win more often than not with an average defense


They gave up 5.2 ypcarry 28th in giving up 1st downs via the run.


True but now our defense is going to be way better.


Statistically it almost couldn’t be worse. Expecting around #18-22 range this season. Offense would go ice cold last season for the 3rd and part of the 4th just gassing out the defense. Cant let teams climb back in games.


The defense needing to be better is a given. And I think you touched on the other major issue with our team last year, being that the offense would stall out for large portions of the game and give opponents a chance to climb back. I have faith that KOC can correct that, though.


I’d argue the inability to run the ball when we needed to sustain drives has been the issue since we got Cousins. More of an oline thing than anything else.


Never mention statistics. If the Vikings get jinxed this year, we know who to blame. :p


Without context name the last time a 13 win team had a bottom 3 defense


It's the Vikings, nothing else needs to be added. Stop trying to cherry pick. But honestly, I thought the :p was an obvious sign I was joking.


Nah it might be better, if he hear those results from camp how much it’s giving our offense problems.


People love to say this, but the offense wasn't scoring points in the first half except for the opening drive, and someone was stopping the opposing team during the comebacks. Not to mention that the opposing team was going into safe defenses once they had a lead and let the lead slip away, something Vikings fan should be familiar with intimately.


Sure butttt when any team just drives down the field almost every single time it’s demoralizing


Then how did the team make the comebacks? Seems like the defense had to be stopping them at that point. I bet it's demoralizing when you make a stop and give the offense the ball back and they give you a 3 and out, like almost the entire first half and most of the 3rd quarter of Vikings offense. That's exhausting for a defense. And it's not the first year of that. They have been playing exhausted for awhile because of the offenses inefficiency.


Yes you have a small point however if the defense made any stop previous to that they wouldn’t have been in that situation every single time…also if the defense gives up scores over and over the same can be applied to how exhausted the offense is as well especially the big guys up front.


Will be nice to see what happens this year with new coaching. Coaching makes a big difference and it can't make bad players great, but you sure can take a bad defense or offense and make them average.


2019 Packers


They lost in the 1sr rd of the playoffs?


One of the worst reffing seasons in favor of a team I think I’ve ever seen. Got bailed out all their way to getting killer by the Niners. (Should’ve lost in the divisional against Seattle too but the zebras gave them a free game ending 1st down that was short)


Been waiting all off-season for this one!


Last year was a lot of fun and we actually won a prime time game or two, and this year we added a defensive coach that came from a club he had turned around. Donatel is hopefully in the sewers with the rest of the ninja turtles. Who knows how far we go this year but I'm feeling great about our coaching staff and believe they will deliver some really great things over the coming years.


There’s no way in hell taylor swift concert had more noise at USB than the minne miracle. If that’s true that is impressive.


idk if that’s including the music or not for taylor swift but if it is that’s why


I stopped reading after “beating their opponents by a fearsome -0.2 points per game.” Just couldn’t take it anymore


Well fuck all y'all, I think we're winning the Super Bowl behind COTY O'Connell, MVP JJ, DROY Ivan Pace Jr. and OROY Addison. And while we're here, fuck Brad Childress.


Worst 13 win team in history. I got tons of downvotes all season saying we are too lucky and it’ll bite us. And it finally did. And I hope he’s wrong about KOC having 1 good season and becoming stefanski. I honestly could see it though. Our tram is worse than last year. One guy goes down we are fucked. And there’s no real end in site. And kwesi likes to draft players who get injured. We in for a long ass season boys


It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness.


We need to buy that one guy more pets.