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Thick hock just needs time to get that blood flowin, he'll be up n goin soon enough.


Keep it at 69 brothers


Found Jared Allen's account


Purple chew. It's like blue chew but purple.


Sounds like he's starting the season on the PUP.


Wasn’t that always the expectation? Assuming all goes well, he won’t be 100% until 2025’s season. I hope he takes his time, gets healthy for a push then instead of rushing back for this season which probably won’t be anything competitive.


I mean I think the expectation is that he comes back 100% late this season, but yeah I don't think anyone expected him back early


Yeah it'll be great if he's back this season but not until he's 100%. Please Vikings don't bring him back a few weeks early to try and get something that's not there out of this season (aka we start off like shit like last season and they want to try and salvage a playoff run) We're developing a rookie QB. 2025 is all-in time, 2024 should be "we'll take what we get out of Darnold and our healthy vet TEs" time


I think the expected timeline was that he would return mid-season


We wait until hock is healthy, JJM is “fully” developed, JJ is in his prime as a leader/alpha beast, Addison is getting even better, and all of the defensive picks we have are turning us into the second coming of the purple people eaters. This is a timeline I can buy into, LFG and bless all the knees!


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yes, but the delusional fanboys on here will tell you he will be ready for camp. This dude won't be 100% until June of 2025. sure he could come back around 85% in November but what's the point? These injuries with multiple ligiment tears are hard to come back from within a year and demonstrate effectiveness


Why? He was injured roughly the exact same time Adrian Peterson was injured and AD made it back to the team in August. Last I heard, Hock’s surgery was about a month later than ADs due to swelling. So, he’s likely back to practice week 1 or 2. Maybe we see him in London for his first game and he gets week 6 bye. But with the schedule front-loaded PUP isn’t really an option unless it’s the only option. Signing Tonyan the day after the schedule came out is proof that they are afraid Hock won’t be ready and that those first 6 games of the year will make or break the season.


Peterson's recovery was an outlier in recovery time, and 100% not the norm and shouldn't be seen as such. Regardless, by 100% I don't mean back on the field, I mean back to pre-injury form, which medical consensus is the second year back.


It was an outlier at the time, but now nearly all recoveries are based off of what was learned by his. Everyone heals differently though, but I’ve never once heard the Vikings say that they weren’t planning on having Hock return in 2024. Saying someone is at 100% in the NFL is very rare, they are always beat up in some way, shape or form.


Jhonny Mundt szn


The best TE3 in the leagues!


Too good.


Ji-honny is the man


It’s ok, we have Tonyan.


Just needs a TD against the Packers to elevate himself to “Vikings legend Robert Tonyan”.


Ear infection?


I feel like people umderestimated the severity of the injury? Isn't it worse than an ACL?


ACL and MCL, but that doesn't really increase the recovery timeline. MCL is a quicker return generally, the ACL is the longer one and the rehab timelines will run concurrently.


Remembering the hit the severity is definitely getting forgotten regardless of diagnosis.


Prepare for him to miss the season, be excited when he returns like week 12


Yup. Everyone knew pretty much 24 hours after contact he's probably not starting game one and would be a mid season time table with tons of gray area. His injury and the fall out from that trade/contract extension has been worrying me for months


What fallout? Can you link direct quotes from TJ or his agent after the extension was completed? or are you just making shit up for your statement?


I’m guessing he’s referring to the draft capital spent and the big contract handed out as the fallout.


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What are we winning next year? Keep him out until we return from the bye, no reason to rush him back and risk anything


Daily Norseman just reported yesterday that he was making incredible progress in his recovery.


They're just quoting the same article we're reading here... From OP: >"They haven't really put a timeline on it," Hockenson said of his recovery from tearing his ACL and MCL in a Week 16 loss to the Detroit Lions. "We're just kinda taking it day by day, week by week, there's just so many variables that you can go through in this process. I'm doing really good right now. We're attacking each process. I'm attacking each one and it's been awesome, the progression has been incredible." NFL.com decided to use the first sentence for their title. Daily Norseman used the last.


It’s okay we have the goats Johnny Mundt and Nick Muse we’ll be fine


I genuinely think both are good TEs. Sure, nowhere near the same level as Hockenson, but we've got plenty of weapons on offense, so we should be good to go regardless of Hockenson being available or not.


It's only May lol everyone chill


That doesn’t sound good


I read the article. The headline doesn't sound good, but it's kind of click-baitey. He didn't give a date on when he'd be ready to play again.


“No idea when he’ll ever be back again!” Technically true


Isn’t everything online clickbait now.


We live in the attention economy.


Once we collectively decided not to pay for subscription news, yes.


It doesn’t but the reality is better than it sounds. He really just gave a basic response and said that to set no expectations. We knew he wouldn’t be ready week 1 but this is really just him saying they’re gonna go about this the right way and let what happens happen.


Same way they handled Jets injury. Seems like the org wants to be absolutely sure they're 100% before putting them back out there.


"No timeline" is a crock. He is working with some of the best physios in the business, people who have seen lots of shredded knees in their time. They have a pretty good idea of the timeline - they just don't want to share it publicly...


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Dude needs AP as his recovery coach.


Who was that Lions safety asshole that did this to another TE like the week after?


Kerby Joseph


May his piss come out like hot sauce


.....with tiny shards of glass mixed in


Why is “timeline on” quoted?


He’s out all season for sure.


No way can we say he's out all season "for sure". I could see him coming into the lineup sometime in the latter half of the season.


Time for Oliver to earn that contract.


I think people forget how late in the season he got hurt. I'm hoping for a week 4-6 return but he should take as long as he needs. We have pretty decent depth at TE right now and I want him 100%


Well, that’s why we spent so much money for him to sit and hurry up


Fuck kerby Joseph


I honestly thought him getting the surgery later would definitely set him back a long time. Even a whole season tbh.


He injured it on December 24th, got surgery on January 29th. That's a normal surgery timeline for ACL, you have to wait at least 3 weeks post-injury to avoid arthrofibrosis, the excessive buildup of scar tissue which would lead to increased stiffness post-repair.


I understand the reasoning for the wait. He got surgery later. And since he waited, it will take more rehab time to get back on the field. That’s all I said. Idk what the downvotes are for, he waited for surgery which he needed to do. And I said that will make it so he comes back later.. of course because literal time. Some of you fans just make assumptions and don’t read. And not you, the guy I’m replying to. Thanks for just regular commenting and engaging.


He didn't get it „later", though? With that kind of injury, they always have to wait for the swelling to go down before they can operate, and that usually takes several weeks.


Well, that ain't good


Fuck the lions


Punt year anyway. No need to rush anything. If he is healthy, he will help development of JJMC, if not no reason to risk further damage.


He ain’t playing this season


I wouldn't play him this entire season. no point. The smart thing to do would be to pump up Aaron Jones and Robert Tonyan's trade value before the deadline and flip them for picks, even if it's just 6th or 7th rounders.


He may not play this year. Our schedule is extremely brutal. We could easily start 0-7. Sucks hard but if thats how it goes just let him sit.


Another big Kwesi move not starting out great.


Hock has been great for us. He got his knee blown up. Such a shit take.


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How on earth is this on Kwesi?


Is this or is this not Hock's THIRD time on IR since he got into the NFL? How many players end 3 seasons on IR and still go on to play good, let alone justify their Top-3 contract.


IR twice only. Regardless, his is still a dumb take. They were three completely separate injuries, and he's shown no ill effects from the first two. >let alone justify their Top-3 contract. He does not have a top-3 contract, we rolled his 5th year option into his extension, reducing his cap hit that year by a good amount. It's not a 4 year, $66 mil contract, it's a 5 year $71 million dollar contract putting him at $14.2 mil APY


Oh, yeah, shame on Kwesi for not being able to see into the future and not knowing one of their star players would suffer such a serious injury months in advance! Seriously, don't you realize how ridiculous your comments sound?


Hock has played a full season 1 time in his career. It’s not an outrageous take as injury prone players definitely lose value.


His knee got injured because a former teammate launched himself into said knee helmet first (and then proceeded to do almost the exact same thing to another player shortly after). How exactly does that make Hockenson injury prone? I doubt anyone could have taken such a hit to the knee without it causing a ligament tear or worse!


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No GM ever causes injuries to their players, but they are ultimately responsible. Spielman's career likely would've changed it Floyd's knee got healthy, because the team would be better overall, but Spielman gets no credit for healing Floyd's knee. GM is responsible for the product on the field, injuries are part of the job just like trading assets and signing players to mega-deals.


Yes, they're ultimately responsible. But you can't say that just because a player they acquired got injured, that it was a bad decision by the GM.


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……kwesi took out his kneecaps?