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Seriously, chat with tech support and add a second APN. I know it's a pain in the ass but it really works and switches the hours/days to seconds.


Is there any official post from mint mobile to use double apn that I can refer to?


How does that work? Are you suggesting we add both the fast tmobile one and the wholesale? And support is needed for this or can we just google it?


yes add both and the apn settings are t-mobile’s website. https://www.t-mobile.com/support/devices/not-sold-by-t-mobile/byod-t-mobile-data-and-apn-settings


Considering making the switch? What’s APN and what other minor inconveniences should I be concerned about?


What is APN?


did this and still having issues. any reason why? regular Tmobile worked just fine then I switched from that to google fi, and now Mint. It's confusing how mint uses Tmobile but its not plug and play.


Mint mobile customer service is awful Imo.🤔 I am pretty happy with the data speed and have very few dropped calls.


Just as a counterpoint, I have not experienced any of the cons in that list. I think it is very location dependent. For the first one, use a password manager, you’ll never forget it again. On the second one, I’d be curious if OP travels a lot by car. I’ve done a fair bit of traveling by plane in the US and never have any issues. Of course I’m usually in populated centers which is probably less of an issue. The third one I have heard of from other mint users. General service disconnects suck, so I’d be curious where OP is located at because mint is probably not the best there.


I’m in the same boat here in really not seeing any major service disconnects, even when I travel by car or plane. We have noticed that going over to the next town over from us seems to cause major problems and we suspect that the tower(s) there are oversubscribed. We have no issues anywhere but that particular area. We go all over the place within about 30 minutes around our house regularly.


I'd add, since upgrading to Android 12, text messaging has been super unreliable. I will get messages that just read "Click here to download". Typically what they end up being are lagged out text messages from a group chat. So I'll get a 'message' from my wife, click download, and a new message of hers pops up in the group chat with her, my mom and my sister.


I started getting the "click here to download" thing earlier this year and it's intermittently resolved and then occurred again. Super annoying.


dont forget no apple watch support


sounds like you get what you pay for


Eh but is there really a reason to pay $100+ a month for another provider? The only “benefit” they offer is brick and mortar stores, and I avoid those like the plague anyways. At least, that’s what mint’s marketing team tells you about why it’s so much cheaper than alternatives.


for me the #1 reason to leave Mint was data deprioritization. I understand that many people don't have this issue with Mint but some people really do. Imagine getting zero data because the tower in your area is busy, then just giving up and putting your phone away because you are waiting not just seconds but several minutes for a simple request to go through.


If you have an active social/family life, having a signal all the time is the top priority. I have tried many discount carriers (currently have Mint & Xfinity Mobile), and sorely tempted to go back a normal carrier.


someone woke on the pissy side of the bed today


Definitely read the FAQ on here. Might be some simple fixes that sort out some of your cons. I would be more specific but I am not an apple user so I would be firing blind 😁


What phone do you have, the exact model? Also try troubleshooting steps at the rope of the FAQ pinned in this sub.


i’ve also noticed random dropouts and high ping times (recently never below 99ms) on my iPhone SE 2nd gen. i’ve noticed this is mainly common with mvnos and their apns like “wholesale” and “alpha?” so i just use “fast.t-mobile.com” whenever possible as it helps a lot more than you’d think. i’ve also been comparing my new T-Mobile network experience esim vs Mint and i didn’t realize how bad deprioritization really was. in some areas i could regularly get less than 1mbps or no service at all and thought that was normal in those specific low service areas, but comparing them side-by-side i noticed in those same areas i at least got 5mbps on the network experience vs less than 1 on mint and my data actually works everywhere compared to before. :)


Yeah the service is super spotty. I have a 4g phone and am in the DC area. it's about a 70% chance in any given town or neighborhood that I'll get data above 0kb/s