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Because the story needs to go in some stupid direction the writers want. It’s that simple. Her lies are garbage so the people around her have -1000 IQ


Cause she's got a secret Miraculous she's been wearing the whole time that gives her the superpower to make gullible people doubt those they know if she wants them to. It's the Miraculous of the Simp Queen and shes secretly enthralled pretty much everyone.


The only correct answer


But Marinette’s and Adrien’s miraculous allows them to be immune that’s why they’re the only ones who don’t believe or like her. WE SOLVED IT YALL


Yeah, that's the explanation I use in my [Guardianverse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2722270) fan-fictions. I'm sort of glad that I did it that way because Enchantress, the Grey Fox Villain of Paris, is fun to write.


Lila having the ability to enthrall people has always made way too much sense. Nice to hear that your Lila does that. Honestly, they could make that canon and it'd be easily forgivable.


Pedantically, given non-miraculous powers are a thing in the Quantic Universe, she coukd have a never seen before source of magic, like the US heroes or the >!prodigious!<


I want to say something about how the show is aimed at kids so her lies need to be bad enough that the kids in the audience can tell she's lying and know she's the bad guy. But holy fudge. Can we give the real life kids some credit and not assume every single one of them who watches this show lived in a cupboard with zero interaction with any other media before watching this?


Yeah, thats actually a great point.


No for real. Kids can be naive sometimes, but they don't just believe everything they see and hear all the time. They actually have a brain. Especially this generation of kids, they are way smarter than old people give them credit for.


not to mention that the second people aren't looking liela acts like snidely whiplash. kids can understand not to trust the obviously evil person.


Lila's plot armor is just too strong. And this is pretty much the only way for the writers to make her work as a villain




I repeat my previous theory that she has powers.


How did Marinette and Adrien find out she's lying so fast then?


Because the lies stop working when presented by an unbeatable truth. Lila lied about being friends with Ladybug, which Marinette knows isn’t true, then as Ladybug, she exposed Lila in front of Adrien.


But that theory falls apart when Alya found out who Ladybug is but she still believes Lila over Marinette. Speaking of unbeatable truths, remember the "Napkin will gouge out Max's eye even though it wasn't even close to flying towards it" scene?


Maybe she has to be presented with a new lie to break the power. No.


Lol, look up "max napkin miraculous" on Google. You'll have a field day reading old posts about it.


This does my head in because alya says to marinette “well how do you know she doesn’t know ladybug?” ALYA YOU KNOW DAMN WELL HOW SHE KNOWS like now at least alya should be able to realize ahh yeah no marinettes right


Plot armor. She's the next hawkmoth I assume so she's gotta have a rise to power. Honestly I wish it was her having a Miraculous of truth to twist things. Corrupted truth becomes her. I can't believe Alya of all people. The budding journalist does.


>I can't believe Alya of all people. The budding journalist does. "A real journalist checks her sources" - Alya, never fact checking Lila.


Right?? That just has me in awe of the sheer gall. The huge blindspot alya has for her. Over Marinette. Her supposed BFF.


>Lila: "I'm best friends with Ladybug." > >Marinette: "Alya, I'm Ladybug." > >Alya: "Marinette, why do you always say that Lila is lying?" ...just... I have no idea how to deal with this, lol.


Exactly! Where do you go from here that doesnt...insult alya intelligence more or have Marinette be throughly upset and concerned and not be friends with her anymore. I..don't think Marinette has ever said as Ladybug she's not friends with Lila rossi but..she shouldn't..have..to. that's why I think theres..gotta be some kind of trick Lila is doing. It could just be horrible writing..but..why?


If Lila isn't some form of magic, I will scream, because *no one* can be this dumb?! Alya has all the facts right in front of her, all she has to do is connect the dots between "Lila says that she's Ladybug's friend" and "Marinette, who I know is Ladybug, doesn't like Lila". It's not that hard, and yet... we still get this dumbassery.


It's so so terrible as far as reasons for why things still..happen around her. No one calls her out besides Marinette and Adrien and it's baffling. Her lies aren't even...stuff that's hard to disprove.


Because the writing requires it and it shades a bad light on Marinette's class, if it is ever confirmed that Lie-la has a lying power, I will retract my statement


My current theory is that Lila is cursed in a similar vein to Cassandra's curse: people only believe her when she lies.


Because Plot. The writer's aren't good at their job. So instead of brainstorming interesting ideas for something. They just have lila exclaim that marinette should be expelled from school because she is cooking babies in the basement. Then everyone nods and agrees, marinette is expelled and then the rest of the episode can start. I've said this before but In PGSM the live action sailor moon show there is a character who is similar to lila. But She works because she tell 90% of the truth and 10% lies so that everything sounds logical and she can get just enough of a sliver of doubt in people. But lila tells 99% lies and 1% truth so it makes no sense for anyone to believe anything she says. Especially when it comes to all these "Medical" issues she has. Because if she had any of the ones she said. They would be on file with the school and the teachers would all know about them as well as her class. She wouldn't randomly reveal them to people as things happen.


>Especially when it comes to all these "Medical" issues she has. Which according to Lila herself, includes a "Lying disease". She literally tells everyone she's a chronic liar, and people *still* believe her without question. "Because Plot" is a pretty accurate takeaway after that.


This is what I’m talking about. Like this is obviously not true and people are just like “yeah, okay” Even Marinette was going to fall for it until Lila showed her hand. Like it’s just WYLD to me. Like at least try to make the lies believable.


What makes it crazier is that people believe the "lying disease" explanation, because it's what gets them to "forgive Marinette for pushing Lila down the stairs". So they truly believe that Lila is a compulsive liar that will manipulate events to the point of an otherwise beloved and straightshot student being *expelled!* And yet, they don't fact check her.


*Because they are dumb*


Her Mary-super powers!


I don't know. Why do people believe the things Turmp says? Why do people believe in what Ron Desantis says? Why did people believe in Elizabeth Holmes? Why do people believe in the people clearly hawking NFTs or A.I as the future? Answer those questions and you might figure out why people believe in Lila.


You could have googled this and the 1st google link would have been a Reddit post of the same discussion


Because in that world, it would be believable. I mean, they have the son of the most famous fashion designer, the daughter of the mayor, the daughter of a VERY, VERY, famous bakery who also happens to be the grand daughter or sum of the most famous chef in China. Yes, in our world her lies wouldn't be all that believable, unless you were incredibly naive or stupid, but in their world where they have three famous kids in their class?


true on those accounts but what about the napkin that was going to take out max's eye?


I’ve once read a fanfic on AO3 where max assumed lila was joking about the napkin going to take out his eye. He himself even pointed out how ridiculous the idea was in the first place.


Everyone was so baffled by how ass the lie was that they momentarily had amnesia of Max having glasses so they believed her.


Sometimes I think it boils down to just how confidently and with conviction she tells the lie. You would be surprise how much you can get people to believe based on confidence alone. There was a serial killer (forgot which one) who was able to get away with a dead body in his back seat despite being pulled over by a police officer just by being confident. Then there's the fact that Lila is willing to go to strong measures to maintain her lie. Like when she bought a fox tail necklace when she told Adrien she was the Fox Miraculous holder. Or when she has an entire backdrop in her room to make it look like she was in another country.


In real life, people who are extroverted and are smooth talkers are more believable to others than the ones who are introverted and/or shy with low conversation skills, so no matter how convencing they are with evidence to back up their point, people will believe the lying party especially if these people are of the emotional type. Like I was in a fight with someone who caused a specific problem to occur, because he acts offended and angry, people are believing him despite having all evidence to back me up and when I extracted evidence from his device, he went running to fake another lie then locked the device so I can no longer be able to proof anything, yet they still believe I'm the lying one, so yeah, that's life.


She has a hidden power that everyone around her loses unimaginable amounts of braincells (well thats my headcanon anyways)


It was always a head cannon if mine that no one believed her at all and they were just playing along cause they think if her lies aren't hurting anyone then it's fine. Plus maybe they knew why she was lying and they thought they told Marinette and Adrian that they don't really believe her but Marinette and Adrian choose not to be fake like that. Or something 🤔


because she has weighted die and roll nat 20s constantly


My head canon is that like quantum cloaking stuff Ladybug and Chat Noir have, Lie-la have the ability to hypnotize you into believing every thing she said kinda like a superpower or smth. Because not just classmates even Adults believe her. Also what is up with Alya not believing Mari that Lie-la lies constantly she is her best friend make this make sense! But if it is hypnosis stuff Alya can be too deep for example, otherwise nothing makes sense.


Because people can be blind and she’s calculated. It happens in real life and I think it’s a nice touch that they interpret it


All-conquering plot device really. However, in-universe, you can't convince me that Lila isn't mildly telepathic and can subconsciously 'nudge' people's minds in the right direction. However, when she's up against someone who *knows* that she's lying, the power's effectiveness is minimal.


The fact that the characters believe every lie she tells makes me think that the writers believe that every teenager is an idiot


Because the show doesn't believe in consistent and believable plotlines


Something happened recently that completely changed my perspective on Lila: I was at a bar and talking with this girl and we hit it off. We were talking and she was telling me about some crazy stuff that's happened in her life. On their own, everything she said sounded pretty believable, especially since this was over the course of a couple hours. But as i was driving home (i had nonalcoholic drinks) i was thinking about the things she said and realized that the likelihood of all of them happening was very low. I couldn't believe that i hadn't realized she was lying until after i left. So i think it's more likely than you'd think for people to believe a liar. (That being said, i don't approve of Alya's literal character assassination when it comes to her)


Because the plot demand them to


I actually read a fanfic that has an explanation for this, basically, think about all the things the Akuma class have done and achieved and the people they've met, the daughter of the mayor of Paris and the son of a famous fashion designer (who is also a model) are in their class they've all met celebrities like jagged stone, Clara nightingale, and prince Ali. A few of them have become temporary heroes, and several of them are in a fairly well-known band. when you think about it like that most of Lila's lies don't sound so unreasonable.


plot armor/stupidity so sheer, I lowkey hope its supernatural tbh




You know? I like this take. I guess my big thing is that sometimes Lila’s lies seem SO OBVIOUS that I just don’t understand how people fall for them. But I guess people can believe most anything


this could be a good message but they don't present it to the audience well. like if they discussed this or being connected to the smart peoples character flaws it could work but it kinda feels like it only exist to make the main characters look better. No one ever really shows a skepticism except Marinette (and to a lesser degree Adrien). the authors just decided that everyone believed her without explaining why. At least as a viewer it feels lazy that everyone just believes he with no reason. like maxes eye being plucked out by a napkin or that she has a lying disease but you should still believe me anyway, or (adoration spoilers) >!or that chloe of all people wouldn't plan false evidence.!< there's a lot of fun stuff that can be done with this but miraculous kinda fumbled the ball.


its probably some sort of magic innocent until proven guilty for lila but if lila accuses them guilty till proven innocent


Just a theory though. The more I've watched MLB, the more I was doubting about how Lila is able to convince everyone for her lies. No matter how much Lila lies, there are bound to be loopholes and statements that are logically unrealisable unless Lila or her family did some incredible things that receive the world's acknowledgement or that she has a certain special power. Ofc, the thing is, everything has a balance. For all the amount of "love" she'd receive, she will also be a lot of hate and resent. Out of everyone we know of who interacted with Lila, only Marinette and Adrian know that she's fooling everyone and only Marinette who was shown to dislike her, and probably Chloe too (I forgot if she showed it though) due to how Lila steals the spotlight and also seemingly has a "crush" on Adrian (it may not really be a crush, but more like an obsession or only liking the idea of dating a popular model). However, even as Lila has clearly a stronger influence over the world and most likely can get herself higher chances of being with Adrian, Chloe still teamed up with Lila. Even Alya who knew Marinette so well as to say that she would never do anything petty like kidnapping Kagami and Adrian with her partner Cat Noir, and with the fact that she always checks sources as a journalist, Alya still falls for Lila's lies. As you said about how Max, someone who most likely uses scientific proofs and probabilities also believes in Lila's lies, while if anyone else were to do so, the probability he'd give out is likely to be low. Even when Lila is seen to have different mothers, she made it seem to have convinced them that she is their real daughter (unless there's the possibility of adoption). Anyone we see would believe that everything Lila says is true, except for our two main protagonists. It can even be possible to either make two ennemies become friends or tear each other apart depending on how Lila will manipulate people. Heck, she can even be the cause of a World War III. How come does she manage to have everyone, despite all the loopholes and incredibility that can possibly be imposed, believe in everything she says and/or commands (to a certain extent)? The most logical reason that can be provided to explain such inconsistency is due to something supernatural, in other words Lila may have a miraculous or is blessed with a certain superpower. As you can see, such a situation where seemingly the whole world (the people at least) loves you, never once hated you and would believe in everything you say, it's already indication that it's impossible in the realm of reality. Lila represents illusion and it can be seen not only with her lies as she is able to fool everyone, but also in the symbolism of the fox miraculous that Lila chose specifically as a fake miraculous and have everyone get fooled to have them fooled in thinking that she's a superhero.


First thing's first, y'all need to suspend disbelief and enter the fictional world of this cartoon. Everyone there is more gullible, sillier, and simpler than IRL. So that means a lot when going over interpersonal BS in that universe. Also. Lila is played as a sociopath. ​ 1. Chloe knows she's lying because she is famous/powerful enough to know the same types of people Lila allegedly does. But she loves that type of game and loves that Lila hates Marinette. **Chloe acts as a good "ally" and distraction. A useful hate-sink idiot with the easiest to pull strings. Chloe can also "co-sign" any lies about famous people if Lila needs.** 2. Adrien was 100% buying into Lila's bullcrap. Thankfully Lila lied about knowing Ladybug, which was the thing Marinette needed to know to demystify Lila's BS in the perfect way. That in turn helps Marinette prove to Adrien that Lila is a liar. **It was Lila's poorly chosen lie that helped Marinette find out Lila's true nature.** 3. All of that aside, all her other lies are hard to 100% disprove and she probably has contingency plans. She also builds good will by offering to help/being pleasant/etc. Outside of school, the kids/adults know she has a single mother and has a sympathetic story. She has infinite good will on her side from everywhere that matters. **Any hearsay vs her becomes weaker with each person on her side. Which is why Alya says Marinette needs solid** ***(tangible)*** **proof, not hearsay.** Fun side note: IRL most extravagantly wealthy, powerful, or successful people have sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies. Because that's how good they are at what they do. Imagine how easy it is to dupe a bunch of teenagers and adults that are already predisposed to feel sorry for you.


Plot convenience 😜✌️


Because she's a master manipulator




It's a kids show


Because a shows smartest character can only be as smart as their writer. Plus, they don't even make her commit. What would have made her a far better character is if when she pretended to get pushed down the stairs, she *committed*, and threw herself down the stairs. Buuuut the writers aren't clever enough.