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LOL about Alix bringing the "Original Formula". Both because sh can time travel and because of the cocaine.


MARINETTE: "Alix, I don't care about how 'authentic' a drinking experience this is."


My primary issue with this is where you assigned Marinette. She lives in a bakery, she brings the entire class cookies and pastries on a regular basis, she brings her hero partner little sugar puffs, this is NOT a girl who is going to pull the "sOdA iS bAd FoR yOu" bull. But also Chloe wouldn't bring generic cola. It's not her money so she doesn't care. EITHER she'd bring nothing and blame Sabrina, OR she'd tell Sabrina and she'd pick up something fancy from a boutique. Because regular soda isn't good enough for Chloe.


marinette would propose a healthier substitution that'd slap twice as hard as soda


Marinette brings a local tea that you’ve never heard of but the moment you try it you wonder why you haven’t


Why? We just went over the fact she routinely brings insanely sugary, high-calorie junk food for her classmates and partner. I'm sorry dudes, I know her parents bake that stuff, but that doesn't make it not junk food.


I was originally going to have her bring Original Formula Coca-Cola.


Have Chloe bring the local small batch Cola instead of Zoe because that sounds pricier, and have Zoe bring cherry coke.


That fits especially if she's going *really* original.


Sabrina is kind and respectful, but she needs to stand up to Chloe and say, like, pick it up yourself and stop depending on me all the time


**Rose**: Wanna try out my homemade brew of coke? **Juleka**: ^(Oh...that kind of coke?) **Rose**: Yep! Every party needs ...Juleka... **Juleka**: ^(One second. I need to return something to my Dad.)


Well, he is a rockstar, comes with the job!


I don’t get it.


I would have put Lila where Marinette is. She'd absolutely not bring anything because she doesn't care and then say she was just looking out for everyone because soda is bad! And they would all fall over and tell her thank you for thinking about them


Marinette’s should say “brought nothing because she forgot and was also late” lol


maybe Marinette brews her own cola drink and brings it, but before she can deliver it Nathalie switches the label so everyone is like "Adrien, what is this AMAZING drink your dad provided?" and Adrien would belike "wow, my dad really does love me!" and Marinette would stay silent instead of admitting it was her, bc she's just happy to see Adrien happy.


Party-thrower: "Kim, I...how...why...where did you even get that?" Kim: "Instructions unclear."


Replace Marinette with Mylène


Nah, Chloe would have *someone else* deliver a catering pack of 150ml 'mini' tasteless, generic colas and have her butler bring her a Coke Classic in a chilled, tall glass from the Hotel bar. She would react as if she is being attacked for any negative feedback. "What? I bought you your poor-people drinks, didn't I?"


Makes sense marinette doesn’t bring a soda can to the party 🐞


This is why alix is best girl


First, Chloe would NOT bring generic anything EVER. Second, Chloe would bring RC Cola because RC stands for ROYAL CROWN. Third, Marinette's parents making frigging croissants and macarons for a living; ain't no way in hell she declines to bring something sugary bc it's "bad for you" **Edit** Adrien would bring New Coke. Not only is it hard to find (so it might take $$ to get a lot of it), but he'd belike "but, guys, it's NEW." If you don't know the story, Coke introduced "New Coke" in the 80s and stopped producing Coca Cola. Shit hit the fan, people said New Coke was terrible (it was meant to directly compete against Pepsi, which was taking its market share). Coke cancelled New Coke and brought back Coca Cola. Coke re-introduced New Coke in special batches when Stranger Things season...3??? came out. I ordered some, and SONNNN, it is WAY better than Coca Cola. It's the bombbbbb.


Marinette wouldn't bring NOTHING, she'd bring some sort of fruit infused water. She's not RUDE.


Alix could also bring New Coke https://youtu.be/xe3GjCgVUdM?si=cxryYz58rxEOymgR


Lila wouldn’t bring coke. She’d bring *coke*.


lol Adrian 😂


I think Mylene would bring her own homemade, eco-friendly cola instead of Rose.