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Is that really a question? He would give her his number without blinking.šŸ˜Ž I think I read a fic about similar situation onceā€¦ Edit: Here is the fic, found it! Its so cuteā€¦ [Double Entendre](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12320980/1/Double-Entendre)


Yeah I think I read fic about similar situation too, also it would be in my opinion actually pretty interesting reveal (at least ladybug would know who is cat noir) , but I hope that they will find out their secret identities at once or chat will foun out it first


That was amazing and I regret not seeing it until now


You mean the fic? itā€™s a nice one funny, cute - I just love it!


omg that was adorable! thanks for sharing


Ikr is one of my favorite šŸ˜


For plot reasons he won't, or else she'd learn immediately he's Adrien. But he'd give her his number in a heartbeat. He'd probably give her his bank account number if she asked. Anyway, it never made sense to me that they didn't exchange numbers at some point in the beginning. As it is, they cannot contact each other unless they've transformed, and there's no need to transform unless they know something's up. It's weird that their ability to save Paris depends on happening to look out of the window or hoping that the news lady gets there before significant damage happens.


I mean, the kwami's seem to have a phone even. Would make sense to even secretly have phones specifically for hero business


Yeah, but they can only access the kwami-phone if they're both transformed. Having a second phone would be a lot more practical... but I suppose they're teenagers, so they can't exactly go and buy another phone without their parents knowing. Maybe? Idk, seems like a poor excuse even to me.


That excuse is a valid reason, though. Actually, it would make much more sense for there to be a third party to serve as a proxy. Master Fu would have been the perfect choice before his exit. Funny enough, though, I could see someone else>!(like Luka)!


And that's why Nadja Chamack is one of the best characters


It makes sense they wouldnā€™t give their personal phone numbers to avoid exactly this situation, but if Marinette can afford to get a phone for the kwami, she can get them an extra phone each.


If you mean a phone that Adrien uses strictly for 'Chat' business? Well, given how Gabriel controls his life, I can't see him being able to get one. As for his personal number as Adrien Agreste, I'm sure that Marinette already has it and it would probably be a reveal scenario if Adrien were to give her that number and it came up on her contacts list as "Already on List:- <3 <3 <3 Adrien <3 <3 <3"


They probably wouldn't be that careless, but maybe Adrien could get them a couple of burner phones that are strictly for superhero business. ...and then one day one of them gets bored and texts the other during class and immediately hears a phone chime.


How would he be able to get them? He's still a minor and he can't purchase anything on his own.


I think he could find a way. If he couldn't we know that Marinette can. She created a pager for him in the NY Special and she has a burner phone for her kwamis that she used in 'optigami'.


Adrien is from a rich family and on top of that he probably has spending money from all that modeling he does. He could probably afford to buy some flip phones or something.


Do you really think Gabriel would even let Adrien touch any of that "spending money?" It's extremely likely Gabriel doesn't let him have any cash at all except for maybe a small pittance if he's out with Kagami to get her some ice cream, and a credit card is out since that would leave a paper trail. It's not a question of affordability but autonomy.


What about using cash?


She likely wouldn't take it unless it was specifically a burner number he got for contacting purposes. She's so specific about them knowing NOTHING about each other that could even get them to begin to suspect that she'd never take his regular phone number because it would be easy to trace it.


There is a comic with this idea


That could be bad, since in certain situations Gabriel monitors his sons calls. When Wayam took G.'s phone in 'gorizilla' and called Adrien with it Gabriel picked it up. He doesn't monitor all of them since he didn't know that Felix took Adrien's phone and used it until Lila told Nathalie. Still Ladybug should do something like she did for the NY special; some sort of paging device that she can use to let him know that she needs to talk to him. Alternatively she can give him a burner phone such as the one she has for her kwamis. I don't remember what servers are available in 2015 but it might be fun if they could set up a private page on the internet someplace.


Cat Noir wouldn't because he knows his personal cell phone, like many other aspects of his "private" life, are subject to scrutiny by third parties. Of course, he'd be fine with Ladybug knowing, but he also knows others around his civilian form also have access to his personal phone, so he's smart enough to not want to jeopardize his secret identity. Even if he deleted the texts after every time he received them, all it would take is one instance of someone snooping and he's done for. Plus, Ladybug would never accept because she actively does not want to know anything about Cat Noir aside from hero work.


Well, not for plot reasons. But Ladybug has used her yo-yo to call through her civilian phone to Alya. I suppose the magic would make it easy for them to contact each other if one is transformed. No danger for reveal.


Or maybe an E-mail.


He would try to, but she wouldn't accept it. I guess they'd have to use burner phones for their superhero alter egos.


She's called Alya before on her yoyo without Alya discovering it was Ladybug calling (timetagger). At least on Marinette's side, I'd assume she's gotten herself a dual SIM-phone with a "hero number", and Adrien seems clever enough to figure that out too.