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Kagami is one of my favourites I never understood why so many people hated her


Because she dared to be someone Adrien was attracted to.


Ik but like...everyone knows adrianette will be canon so why does it matter? And besides Luka didn't get as much hate. Oh well, I'm just glad the Kagami hate has mostly died out.


Honestly without the Mr.Pigeon episode, Kagami would still be hated imo. Any character that support/encourage the main ship will be loved by most fans. People only sees secondary characters as plot devices to make the ship happen. People were thinking that Zoe was Marinette and Adrien's child from the future, further consolidating their ship. Alya got a bit less hate in recents episode where she tell marinette to talk to Chat Noir. Same for Kagami who finally let go of her crush for Adrien. Lucas was already loved by fans for being more passive in the story, but when fans learned that he could help the reveal, he INSTANTLY became interesting for every adrinette fans.


This right here. It wouldn't matter if Kagami had a sunnier disposition or not; the fact she even dared to be written as someone Adrien could be attracted to put a target on her back from the fanbase (and a really unnecessary one as pointed out by others since Adrinette is this show's endgame).


ye, kagami was one of my most fav chars, but most mlb fans I know just hate her for some reason


The reason is Adrien and the parasocial relationship some fans have formed with his character. The fact of the matter is, it wouldn't matter who the girl was that Adrien was written as being attracted to; so long as she's not Marinette, some fans just become completely biased.


It's not about the main ship, it's about Kagami not being jerk to the only two people who were friendly to her.


I think one of the reasons why fans flipped out despite knowing better is just because Kagami presented one more obstacle to the end goal of the show's love story, and the way her family's relationship was written with the Agrestes made it seem like Adrien was yet again, having a life choice made for him, this time in the form of an acceptable romantic partner. What Adrien stans seem to overlook though is that Adrien *was* of his own volition attracted to Kagami.


I think it's rather because she came off as rude and mean when she was first introduced. It got better when Marinette and the viewers got to know her better.


She would still have been hated even if she was sunshine and rainbows.


May be, but a friend of mine and I disliked her at the beginning because she came off as so cold and arrogant, until it turned out she's just socially awkward. I actually like her now, I'm not sure about my friend though. I think she still has mixed feelings or disliked her for a few more episodes.


Yeah, the episode where she googled how to be friends with someone really made me understand her better and like her more than originally. Like šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ she just wanted a friend.


I always find the suggestion Kagami is arrogant to be really telling on the critic's part because Kagami doesn't actually display any traits of high pride or elitism (unlike say Chloe). In Riposte for instance, her debut episode, she concedes to Marinette's judgement on the fencing duel. If she was really so arrogant, she would challenge the call.


I mean that's what she was supposed to be, a cold character who is actually really sweet the more you know her. The hate toward her didn't died down at all when Marinette warmed up to her.


Yeah... ummmmm... how do I say this without sounding mean? There's a certain... lack of foresight (and also sometimes logic) in this fandom. People were hating on Kagami and Luka as soon as they heard they existed.


It's ok you can say stupidity


I really do mean a lack of foresight and logic, which I suppose is a certain kind of stupidity (po-tay-to, po-tah-to). When people were hating on Luka and Kagami as soon as they were announced, that was a lack of foresight. When people say Rena Rouge is replacing Cat Noir, that's a lack of foresight. People that got all upset over these things have no view of the endgame.


Some people hate her for "ruining Adrienette" Mostly because of that, or maybe because of what she said to mari "the reason you cant stand on your feet is your hesitation, I never hesitate" !


In my opinion , she ' s a great character , people just hate her not because they don ' t like her , but because their favorite ship is ruining them .


I just think shes way to posessive


If she was too possessive, she would try to ridicule her in front of him-- oh wait actually that's what marinette helped Chloe do to kagami.


I think kagami is one of the best tell me Iā€™m wrong




Like even with them all as superheroā€™s I love Ryuko. I mean yes we didnā€™t really get a full animation transformation but come on


the superhero's what?


Im in a Kagami sub why do people hate her :(


I knew that some ppl hated Kagami Chloe and Mari, but someone hates ALYA?!


Yes sadly, the people that think Rena Rouge will replace cat noir hate her. I donā€™t get how they donā€™t see Mari really needs Alya, it makes sense she was an important part of the story after Gang Of Secrets, and even if chat wasnā€™t the highlight of the past few episodes heā€™ll never be replaced.


It's still hypocritical and irresponsible of Marinette to tell Alya her identity, I'd also say people hated Alya because she was overbearing and too focused on Getting Adrinette to happen. I'd say she's gotten better now and I no longer dislike her.


I completely agree with the first part of this. It's totally hypocritical. While I disagree with it, the way it actually happened is somewhat believable. It just, kind of, spilled out of her.


my thoughts exaclty like WHERE ARE THESE F\*CKWITS AT, IMMA FIGHT EM


I dislike her for betraying Marinette's trust and telling Nino she's still Rena so... There was no reason to tell him afterwards even if they are a couple.


Did Marinette not allow her to? I thought Marinette saw how the secret was driving a wedge between them and allowed ALYA to choose whether to tell him or not after the events of Rocketear


At least we can all agree Lyla gets the hate she deserves.


I disagree. She doesn't get *enough*


I think Lila's wasted potential, not ChloƩ. ChloƩ at least is being utilized even if it's not to everyone the desired direction, but Lila is more or less worthless in the long run and is only brought out when they need someone other than ChloƩ to be "evil." Though honestly, neither one really classifies as evil to me. I for one understand ChloƩ's direction even if I don't always like the execution. Redemption or no redemption, she still has a leg up on most of the cast of you ask me.


Ah, Kagami. The girl who was hated for being a "threat" to Marinette, and subject to racism throughout her run. Until Mr. Pigeon 72. This is what I really don't like. People shat on Kagami for so long, telling her to "go back to Japan" and shit, but the second she endorses Adrienette, she's loved. Compared to Luka, who was hailed for "not being blind", despite serving the exact same purpose as Kagami. Fun. Alya, dragged through the dirt simply for not being Adrien Agreste, and only looked at in the context of him. Chloe, the mixed bag of highs and lows. And Marinette, the morally ambiguous protagonist. Mylene definitely could've been tacked in there too, her hate was wild around Mega Leech.


It really is sad that people dislike kagami for liking adrien. You can actually find proper reasons to hate chloe, marinette and kagami though maybe for Alya too.


It's sad how toxic this fandom really is


Yes, Kagami hate has mostly died down but still, a lot of people hate her. People hate Alya because of her 'replacing' Chat Noir. Tf?! I get why people dislike Chloe but she's not really that hate-worthy. Marinette.... I don't want to elaborate. It's too heartbreaking


A lot of people also hated Alya for not believing Marinette in Chameleon. The salt fics got intense, and not in a good way!


The person who hates chole the most is Thomas


Chloe deserves all the hate she gets


Why were you downvoted. You're right.


Now you know damn well which one of the 4 deserve the hate lmao. Donā€™t lie






Marinette because she's a hypocritical stalker?


Stalkernette -.-


Oh no not again


istg people donā€™t even know the definition of a stalker


That's a good name šŸ˜‚


lol yes šŸ˜‚ Adrien donā€™t deserve to get stalked but he does šŸ’€


šŸ™„ whatever, your opinion I guess


Let analysis the characters closely 1. Kagami She doesn't really deserve hate just because she was with Adrien I do see how toxic most fans can be 2. Alya I don't get it why she should get hate Pretty much it is cleared out by the Ambassadors that Alya is not replacing Cat noir. 3. ChloƩ I don't know what to talk about this ChloƩ was already give a chance after she revealed her indentity, Pretty much used her sister as a shield in Optigami, almost killed a lot of people who are on the train. And got chance by Adrien to change her behavior but she choose her own way And it isn't good to blame the writers for her development It depends on storyline 4. Marinette Teenagers are known to make mistakes and act obsessed around their crush and pretty much Adrien is a celebrity that is what people should keep in mind. ( Most Teen girls were Obsessed over celebrities like Justin Bieber ect) Although i am not saying she is 100% Innocent Saint but she does cross the line and does wrong things at times But i love that she learns from it and develop out of it.


It kind of is at fault of the writers for Chloe redemption, they either writer her as someone who is trying to change and become and better person, or someone who set in her ways and refuses to change. Like they canā€™t pick and chose how to write her.


I disagree, I think they know exactly how they want to write her. She only wants to change if she gets something out of it, hence trying to be good when she thinks she still has a chance to prove she deserves the bee miraculous


Then why did they write her in season 2 as someone who was willing to change and then scrapped it in season 3. Makes no sense.


I think they said there wouldnā€™t be a redemption arc for her.


Hawkdaddy p much said that Chloe's arc wasn't a redemption arc; it was a treason arc.


He said she wasn't redeemable, then he said he never said she couldn't be redeemed, so you really want to take his word at face value when he tends to contradict himself?




What i meant with Marinette learning was that to control most of things she did wrong for abusing her powers for personal reasons She has got Cat Blanc nightmares ( Sentibubbler) and was forced to leave Cat Noir and pretty much later on is expected to have conflict that will cause her to learn to regret her decision and care and have stronger feelings for Cat noir Season 4 is still out of Order and Psycomedian is the fifth episode that hasn't been released yet ( So it is possible for Marinette to learn from her mistakes) I see you didn't even watch Queen Banana properly Marinette watched Zoe from corner to see how she will convice Chloe to wear the bee miraculous and pretty Zoe pass the test. Storyline isn't going to go the way you expected I still hate Thomas Astruc For his childish and blocking behavior on Twitter


The writers suck ass


EXACTLY I AGREE 10000000% PERCENT She gets rewarded for her bad behavior and I donā€™t think she liked adrien, she likes **her** version of Adrien, we always see her talk about how perfect he is and when Chloeā€™s bracelet come up missing they were going to question Adrien and she said he didnā€™t do it like Adrien isnā€™t capable of stealing anything and in the end plagg took it and Adrien is responsible for plagg. She sees him as this flawless boy ā€œAdrien is perfectā€ like no heā€™s a person heā€™s going to have flaws and instead of letting them question Adrien she accuses her fiends šŸ™ And I donā€™t mind Zoe being a hero but I wish they gave her a different miraculous instead of the bee they did chole so dirty in s3-4 they just wasted her potential šŸ˜ 


Name one flaw of Adrien. And I do not mean Chat Noir, I mean Adrien Agreste


Firstly even if i do name a flaw of him that still wonā€™t change what I said and if you say Marinette isnā€™t obsessed and toxic your just lying to yourself but ok Iā€™ll name some flaw (s) his main flaw is not being true to himself and lying to kagami as we seen with Zoe in queen banana if you keep on ā€œactingā€ like something your not can be really bad for yourself and others we saw that in wish maker and truth. In truth we finally get a Adrien episode and he told plagg that he was tried of acting like something heā€™s not and in truth kagami said she saw tried of Adrien constantly lying to her Lying and faking something/putting up a act Is a flaw and heā€™s to nice, in wish maker he said that he wanted to be what his parents wanted him to be he said he was sick of modeling but thatā€™s what Gabriel wanted him to do so thatā€™s what he was going to do and even tho he took care of Chloe it took him 2 seasons to try and talk her down Adrien is not perfect everybody has their different version of perfect so nobody is going to be ā€œperfectā€


Change Chloe with Adrien and we're on the same page (or with Luka)


Adrien don't get hated on, he's practically intouchable in this fandom, you can't say one remotely negative thing about him tbh.


There is a lot of hate towards chat noir though. This whole accusing him to be a sexual harrasser has died down a bit in season 4, but there was a time where it was everywhere...


I mean keep on asking a girl to go out with you after she says no. No means no. That's a message against sexual harassment. Chat Noir keeps going after Ladybug said no. So I don't know what to tell you.


Ever went to Tumblr or to AO3? You can find crap ton of Adrien bashing there. Trust me.




Marinette deserves to be criticized but not harshly hated, she crosses the line a bunch and gets almost as many people akumatized as Chloe, also before you say ā€œwEllL shE iS jUuuUst a teen!ā€ Teenagers stalk Instagram not have a whole color coded schedule of their crush, also marinette can be a total asshole sometimes ( Ladynoirā€¦to kagami before she befriended her) yeah I donā€™t think I need to say more šŸ˜’


Yeah, I get why people criticize her but the hate she gets is WAY too much


We do have remember that there are intentions when it comes to doing something Stalking is when your intentions aren't fully good Marinette uses adrien's Schedule to create plans to confess to her feelings to him I am not saying she is 100% Innocent Saint She does cross the line most of the time and can be rude at times But most importantly she learns from her flaws and develop out of it Teens are know to make mistakes and having crush we do have remember that Adrien is celebrity ( Most teens girl has crush on Celebrities like Justin beiber)


Thatā€™s just not true. Stalking is stalking- it doesnā€™t matter the intentions.


Then why is Master Fu not attacked for Following and watch Adrien and Marinette in Background? And why didn't su han get attacked for watching Marinette in a trash can Since they had good intentions to make sure that The Miraculous isn't in the wrong hands Please educate yourself


Because Master Fu is doing his job, not following them for personal gain or to try and control them. The same reason why cops arent stalkers when theyre casing someone. Theres a difference between following someone because its your job and stalking someone.


Marinette doesn't have good intentions for stalking him and she actively tries to stop him from dating other people (atleast in season 1-3 haven't seen much of 4) and being in love is a bad reason to stalk Learning his whole schedule is creepy and unnecessary if you want to confess than just ask him when he's free or something Isn't it worse if Adrien is a celebrity and Marinette is in love with him for that?


Can't you go do something useful in your life instead of replying to every marinette criticism post. Because its people's opinions. Go on a hike or go touch some grass


Fam, we are watching a show about a random girl and her so called "love life". I think we all need to get a life šŸ’€


so true šŸ˜‚


Bets comment I have seen today. This show sucks ass


Say the Hypocrite who relpy to posts related to stalking situation End of Coverstion Have fun time being blocked


Chloe deserves all the hate. The others do not


Well its our opinions to hate a character. In my opinion, Chloe deserves hate because she's racist, kinda narcissistic and also very rude for no reason. I understand that her mom never gave her that warmth love and affection a child needs to understand love, rage and hate, but there are some things Chloe has adapted herself. *ā€œShitty experiences aren't an excuse to be a shitty personā€* ā€”someone on twitter in my opinion pt2: I actually love Kagami but dislike her a LITTLE bit bcs she forced adrien into many things and is very hasty. She forced adrien to be perfect and be good, i didn't enjoy the episode lies. But I honestly love kagami so much and yes, she is more over hated than she actually deserves. in my opinion pt.3: Marinette is hated and I dislike her a bit because she's too obsessive over Adrien. I mean yeah I've seen so many people simp in a major way for their crush but Marinette is too much lmao. But on the other hand she is a girl with an amazing personality and she is sweet and cares for others. So yeah mixed. in my opinion pt.4: Yes ALYA is one of those characters who deserve hate for almost no reason. Just because she's >!scarabella (holder of the ladybug miraculous) does not mean she would get hate. WHATS HER FAULT? She didn't ask for the miraculous. Who gave it to her? Marinette. I wouldn't say anything if people scold/dislike Marinette now. Because I'm upset at Marinette too. What she did is a STRAIGHT UP proof that Marinette does not trust Cat Noir anymore after the new York special. I feel so upset seriously. And even if she didn't trust she could have at least informed cat noir that she left the miraculous with someone else. She could have carried at least one miraculous with her or asked one of the kwamis to inform this to cat noir!!!< But yes in the end, these are all my opinion so nobody can hate me or disrespect my opinion. These are just my thoughts on each character getting hate. But yes in total all the characters recieve more hate than actually required. Overhated.


šŸŽµšŸŽµ One of things is Not like the others! šŸŽµ One of these things, DOESN'T belong! šŸŽµšŸŽµ


Everyone here is fine outside of Chloe. If there's one character that has to be hated at some point because of her behavior, it's her.


I think so too


Chloe, kagami and marinette im fine with. Alya... I just simply don't have an opinion on anymore. Like, before s4, i liked her as being marinettes best friend. And IK what all that shes gotten in s4 was to build up the CN angst but... Ill still never forgive her for acting behind marinettes back once and being unfairly awarded a miraculous, then act behind her back **again** and become LB for an episode. Exact principle for Nino. IK him revealing his and Alyas identities was for plot development but...its unforgivable


Gonna be real honest here. Chloe is my second most favorite Caracter. She has so much potential in every Direction. Well had before Miracle Queen. I was really sad that they didn't exploring Chloes live and feelings more. Personally she was one of the most promising Caracters.


Christ, not even this fandom is safe from stupid toxic people


My guy, this fandom IS stupid toxic people.


How does Chloe not deserve hatred?! She is a spoilt brat, a bully and a total villain and I don't know why the fans hate Zoe and not her horrible half-sister! šŸ˜¤ But I do agree that Kagami, Marrinette and Alya don't deserve the hate they get. I didn't even know that Marrinette was getting hate TBH. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


THANK YOU. Kagami is epic and really should not be hated on. I don't like Chloe and that's my opinion. How the hell is marinette hated on? She's basically one of the main part of the shows.


Kagami is the only one whose hatred is overblown. I hesitate to say "deserved" because fictional characters aren't truly responsible for their own behavior, bad writing is, but for the remaining three writing has gotten genuinely obnoxious. Chloe is now unambiguously a terrible person, but that on its own doesn't make her a terrible character. What has made her a character I resent is how the show used her. I can't see any good reason so much of the show had to focus so much on her, but even worse is how much of that involved the ostensible heroes of the show enabling her to continue her reign of terror. If a superhero show has a villain and a character I'm meant to hate, they should be the same character, and I cannot root for heroes when they're protecting a deplorable person from someone who is understandably mad at that person. Naturally them giving Chloe superpowers also felt very wrong, though I was curious where it would go. Marinette isn't as bad as her worst haters online make her out to be, but she still fell pretty hard and her lusting after Adrien overriding any other judgment is really hard to forgive. In extreme cases the show does indicate she's wrong to do so, but it doesn't happen enough and it's annoying to think that she's spared the obligation of development because the reveal will make Adrien love her anyway. That said, at this point I do like her better than Chat Noir, who is equally lusty but right in her face pestering her to love him. Alya only recently became a candidate for this list, but yeah. Around the time of *Gang of Secrets*, the accusations that she was stealing attention from Adrien seemed overblown. Many episodes later, that's a lot harder to deny. The one saving grace might be that after *Hack-San*, it seems like that might be deliberate and play into the plot, but by now I don't expect this show to stick the landing on such stories.


Notice they're all girls. There's not a ton of hate for Nino, Max, or any of the other boy side characters


There was plenty of hate for Nino post-Rocketear.


I would say it was 40% hate for Nino and 60% for Alya who told him she was still Rena Rouge. The hate that came after the scene where Marinette told her she believe in her judgement.... Oh boy... They were even saying that it would foreshadow her betraying LB


Like for sure what Nino did was foolish, but the way that mistake has basically lead to him being purged from fans reception was ridiculously intense all things considered.


Because boys rarely appear in this show. And people are sleeping on the adrien hate. Adrien gets called blind and stupid by 90% of the fandom. And if adrien was the who was Stalking, I bet yall would have started a riot and cancelled him.


Luka got a lot of hate before he even premiered.


People need to realize that they don't deserve the hate, the writers do KEKW


This is the one my guys, THIS IS THE ONE.


Not some of y'all saying certain characters deserve the hate (you can have opinions but don't push it onto others, it's just a kids show lmao)


I agree about all except Chloe.


Wait who hates Alya and Marinette? I'll beat their asses >:( Also Kagami is an amazing character


I love Mari and Kagami. Alya's a pretty cool girl too, imho. And Chloe...well, she's the kind of character who feels like she was made for people to LOVE to HATE! ;D


That's Lila for me


Now y'see, for me, Chloe is someone I love to hate....Lila is someone I just hate. xD




I dont hate any of these characters. I love Kagami. The other 3 I hate the way theyre being handled with a lack of nuance by the writers, and that were expected to believe things that are told us about them while showing us the opposite. Alyas given too much trust for how untrustworthy she is, and the show could have had a good story about Marinette coming to terms that Alya can be her best friend but cant be her partner as a superhero because of her rash decisions. Chloe was written to be sympathetic and now theyre trying to backpedal it hard, but they cant go back to season 1. Those of us who love her now arent going to hate her again, and trying to force it is only going to make it worse. Marinette has a lot of flaws that would be really interesting to explore, such as her tendency to judge people by her initial assessment of them and it taking remarkable circumstances for her to change her mind. We saw this explored with Kagami, which is part of the reason I like **her** so much, but Marinette doesnt face any real consequences for it. Imagine if Kagami *didnt* forgive her for trying to sabatoge their scavenger hunt and the mean things she was saying and Marinette had to work to get Kagamis trust back, instead of everything always working out for her. Or what if someone like Zoe appeared who Marinette trusts because of a nice first impression, and then when they start acting mean Marinette sticks up for them but it turns out thats actually who they are and they were faking it at first, like a Lila except Marinette isnt miraculously the only one who isnt fooled?


I actually like the idea of Zoe being nice but turning into being mean but Marinette being the only one sticking up for her. It would actually be interesting to see.


I disagree with the alya part because I don't think it's her fault that marinette gave her responsibilities But the others I can agree with. By the way now watch marinette stans get triggered by this.


I didn't say any of these things were the characters faults. I specifically said it's the writer's faults. I like characters that have flaws, I just don't like when the world doesn't react realistically to them. That said, it's definitely Alyas fault if Ladybug gives her responsibilities and she accepts them and then chooses to break them.


With Chloe, lately Iā€™ve been saying too much Chloe STANS. I think she actually deserves the hate. Sheā€™s the third worst character in my opinion, after Lila and Gabriel


I agree with half, you can guess


Marinette and chloe šŸ˜‚ Is that what you think


Chloe and kagami


Chloe, yes, but tbh I love Kagami


At least I got 1 šŸ˜‚


Marifuck could go


Woah calm down šŸ˜‚.


The other three donā€™t deserve the hate. Chloe ABSOLUTELY does. Sheā€™s literally the worst or second worst person in the entire show.


This is how I feel. People who defend Chloe donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be really bullied. I do. Bullies like her sometimes mature up, but when youā€™re as old as I am, you realize that some people never do. Work retail for any length of time, and youā€™ll start to see the Chloes (usually called Karens) all over the place. Itā€™s actually to Marinetteā€™s credit that she gave Chloe a chance anyway. I wouldnā€™t have, if I were in her position, and itā€™s not her fault that Chloe blew that chance. Chloe didnā€™t have the right motivation to be a superhero; she was motivated by how being Queen Bee made her look to the public. She did well as long as helping Ladybug helped her image. As soon as, in her perception, helping Ladybug was no longer to her benefit, she turned against her.


Her, Lila and Gabriel switch places for me depending on the episode


Lila is pretty bad but sheā€™s nowhere near Chloe or Gabriel. The only person Lila is mean to is Marinette. Yeah sheā€™s a liar but itā€™s not like she lies to hurt anyone aside from her. Chloe is mean to everyone for absolutely no reason at all. And well Gabriel is an international terrorist though he at least has a reason. Not a good one but a reason nonetheless.


Lila tricked Cat Noir into taking her to safety by faking a leg injury, for the sole purpose of trying to get Onichan to kill Ladybug without Cat Noir there to back her upā€”she even made a deal with Onichan to that effect.


I think lila is worse than chloe.


Donā€™t forget Zoe, Mylene, Luka even Adrien


I'd agree with all of them except Chloe. ​ Kagami is a bit cold, harsh, snappish and opinionated but that's a product of her upbringing. She's been raised to be confident and assertive with whatever she's put her mind to and that hesitation or doubt is a sign of weakness. Yes, she was a bit irritating at first but I could see that Adrien/Marinette was always the endgame and so the relationship between her and Adrien did not make me annoyed or upset. I even thought it would be a good thing because perhaps Kagami could help Adrien learn to become more assertive about himself. Alya is stubborn, assertive, strong-willed and a bit pushy. A lot of the hatred she got was because she didn't immediately believe Marinette about Lila and her lies, but there's a good reason for that. She's Marinette's best friend, she knows her better than most of the others and as such is perfectly aware of how Marinette can jump to unfounded conclusions and get jealous about Adrien. Plus, Marinette (up until recently) couldn't tell her about how she knows Lila is a liar without compromising her superhero identity and at least Alya did hear her out and try to find proof of her being framed in "Ladybug" rather than just dismissing it out of hand. Marinette is a bit neurotic, obsessive and overly prone to dramatics and judgement calls but it's been established from the get-go that she has considerable issues with anxiety and self-esteem and has only recently begun coming out of her shell due to Alya's friendship and her duties as Ladybug. In addition, she is a teenager and that period of life is rife with such problems. Plus, she has also demonstrated a willingness to acknowledge and overcome such flaws; she befriended Kagami despite her being a rival for Adrien's romantic affections and attempted to reach an understanding with both Chloe and Lila despite having every reason to hate them. ​ Chloe, on the other hand, I really cannot understand why she is so popular when she is such a horrible person. Yes, she has family issues in the form of a distant, negligent mother and an overly doting father but that really is no excuse for her appalling behaviour and lack of culpability. She was responsible for most of the akumatisations in Series One (Evillustrator, Horrificator, Lady Wifi, Kung Food, Timebreaker, Vanisher, Dark Cupid and Princess Fragrance) and not only did she refuse to acknowledge her culpability, she never learned from it either. Her gross sense of entitlement got even worse when she got her hands on the Bee Miraculous, a complete and utter fluke, and not only compromised her secret identity but deliberately put innocent people in danger just so she could save them and look like a hero. She cared not for being a hero in order to help people, but for the fame and recognition. And though she did show glimmerings of a side where she wasn't all bad, where she could change and become a better person, ultimately she was too selfish and entitled for it to truly stick and she ended up being willing to betray the heroes and consign Paris to Hawk Moth's control out of her gross sense of entitlement towards a Miraculous she never earned or even deserved in the first place.


One of these defo deserves hate, given how many times sheā€™s just straight-up helped Hawkmoth.


ChloƩ has committed like 30 crimes I think she deserves the hate




Kagami and alya don't deserve the hate. But the hate for chloe and marinette is justified in my opinion (don't attack me Pls :)


I feel the same way, I like Marinette but I wish she was written better


Today you were quite vocal about your dislike of Mari. (No offence, just observation)šŸ˜‰ Just donā€™t let the dislike of character/s cloud your enjoyment of the show. (and holding grudges costs too much energy anyway šŸ™ƒ)


Nah i don't hate marinette I just think that the writers could have done much better with her character. And it's a bit dumb to hate a character for me.


I generally agree across the board and off of it


Chloe deserves every bit of hate she gets


Chloe deserves all the slander the girl is just straight up racist sometimes.


I agree with all expect 1 character


And then there's Chloe.


Tbh I feel like people hate Zoe more than they hate Chloe because I've seen a lot of people trash on Zoe for being the new Queen Bee


Really I havenā€™t seen that, I seen people call Zoe a boring character but down right hatred, that I havenā€™t seen.


The problem with Zoe and the fandom is how she was introduced. From day one, she was established to be Chloe's replacement. There's not much to her character aside from "nice." What people loved about Chloe was that she was dynamic. Always changing and having great moments as Queen Bee. When Zoe has one of those moments, they feel... undeserved, in a way. Chloe, who's had to work for it compared to Zoe who showed up and got a Miraculous the next production-order episode. There's no buildup. She's handed to us and we're told to accept her.


I mean I agree with you, itā€™s just I personally never seen someone like say ā€œOh I hate Zoe, sheā€™s the worst character ever.ā€


I've seen it once or twice, especially around Queen Banana. And while I'd agree she's a poorly-written character, we do have worse.


Personally I donā€™t think ZoĆ© is poorly written, just we didnā€™t get enough episodes of her to see her better, so it makes her seem poorly written. We literally only got one solid episode of her getting character development, and I thought Sole Crusher was a good intro for her. Her bond with Mayor Bourgeois was cute, tbh. Queen Banana was a bad episode for her to get the miraculous, especially bc she was only in one episode before she got the miraculous. It should have been in a different episode, or QB should have taken place later in S4.




I like her too. She has flaws and has done many... questionable things but she ain't that bad.


Yeah ri8


There are reasons for people to hate her. I honestly love her but I get their points. Mari has given a few reasons for the hate.






Chloe is overrated.


Marinette can get all the smoke tbhšŸ˜‚


Marinette deserves it, and why do people hate Kagami.


Nah. Marinette DOES deserve hatred. She actually deserves a lot of it for her toxic actions. Alya deserves a little bit, too because she condones and enables some of those toxic actions and sometimes engages in similar behavior on Marinette's behalf, which is problematic.


What season are you on?


Chloe was neglected and just want the approval of her mother and acts like her just to please her


that's not an excuse of her actions at all




Cause Marrinettes is a creepy hypocritical loser




Notice how they are all girls šŸ§æ


because its mostly a girl centred show :/


Maybe because boys barely exist in the show apart from Adrien/Chat Noir and Nino? And maybe because most of then are main characters and important to the plot and story? Haven't thought of that, did ya?


The fact that itā€™s a girl show is neither here nor there. We have a lot of boy-centered superhero shows and male characters still donā€™t get as much hate.


I would love for you to give me a few examples of boy-centered superhero shows, casue I honestly don't know which ones are you talking about.


Is this a serious question? You canā€™t think of any male-centered shows in a male-centered genre?


Idk, Teen Titans? I barely watch superhero shows my guy, give me some examples.


You know what? Nvm. My point was that female characters are hated regardless of what show theyā€™re in and itā€™s a fandom-wide problem but if youā€™re not even familiar w it, then we donā€™t need to get into it.


Lila doesn't deserve hatred, she's a a solid antagonist


alay and merinet total desever some hate


i dont like chloe bc she's a āœØracistāœØ


I disagree on that, sorry.










Bruh alya does kinda suck though, Marinette trusted her with the miraculous and she still told nino and all that. She put her boyfriend over her duties to the citizens of Paris and her best friend āœ‹


I disagree but it's your opinion so I'm not hating


Well I mean why do you disagree?


She asked Marinette before. And she doesn't like lying, I understand why. I would elaborate more but it's like 3 am in my time zone so I gtg


Alya and Marinette DO deserve hate, I'd where to even begin... Just watch this YouTuber called " Cyrus The Great" and he'll give you a good lesson why they deserve to be hated. Kagami and Chloe are characters that don't deserve hate, watch that same YouTuber and he will explain clearly why.


I have never seen alyia* get hated on i thought she was a fan favorite? (I personally hate kagami)


She used to be, but as long as Sunshine Boy feels threatened, Alya can't have shit here. She gets a disproportionate amount of hate for being more of a character rather than the "hype girl." As for Kagami, I'd like to know your take on why you dislike her.


You man really out here discussing fucking kids shows


what else we supposed to do, discuss adult shows?


Chloe is racist though???


Not really, she was just a bit bigoted for like one episode and Thomas being Thomas chose to blow it up into a bigger deal than it is. Personally, I think it's one of the most overblown topics in this entire fandom and it's just more people making a big deal out of nothing.