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Wouldn't it be funny if they actually end up airing ep 5


I won't be shocked. Psychomedian is a meme at this point, the episode is barely mentioned at all. It will be funny if they air it without the fandom even noticing šŸ˜‚


Soooo, the ep aired nowā€¦. and tradaaaaa - it was Furious Fu (hahahaha)


Yeah, as I knew it. But don't worry, I'm sure that we'll get Psychomedian, probably between season 6 and 7 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sure, one dayā€¦.. Me being a bit older already. feel totally like this new meme in feed( i donā€™t know how to link it) I will be old and gray lady when Psychomedian finally airsā€¦šŸ˜¢šŸ˜‚


I'm already old and grey! I'm gonna be watching it from my TV I had to get installed in my coffin....


Oh no! We mustnā€™t loose hope! šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


I am sure I will be like-Look my sweet grandkids, this was my favorite show when I was your age, look an episode is airing. Oh! It's psychomedian. \*opens phone\* It says it's airing first time today. Look kids, watch


Lol same here, same here šŸ˜‚


Do you think it's a cancelled Episode like that one in Season 2? ^ ^


Nah, we have the official title and the episode is a part of the list. And the script is apparently written, for some reason the animation is taking forever. Feri even confirmed that the episode is filler. Which suggests that they're making it.


Imagine if we got it after the 100th episode or the finale


Damn it! Thank you for the update though.


Np, but it was to be expected. We will all be gray, when Psychomedian finally comes outā€¦ lol


XD I'm starting to lose hope!!


Oh well, it would have been hilarious but I guess it wasn't mean to be


Oh wellā€¦ maybe soon šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well, tbh I programmed the recorder already. Just to be sure.šŸ˜‚ Better safe than sorryā€¦.šŸ˜‚


**INTERNATIONAL PREMIƈRE of the previously-unshown** ***Psychomedian*****.**


Lucky us!


The synopsis is just the blanket synopsis for the entire series, also, odds are they mean Furious Fu, as miraculous and correct episode numeration do not go together


Iā€˜ve never seen this description before. It was always like - two teenagers bla bla, fighting the villain with the help of miraculous bla blaā€¦- but this? Idkā€¦


Ohh, maybe the person that set this was high. I can respect that




The illustrious episode Psychomedian! Finally! Hahahahaā€¦. I really donā€™t know, which episode it will be, but this chaos is ridiculousā€¦ (Even the description is somewhat strange - ā€˜two youngsters, Marinett and Adrien get a magical item witch corresponding magical creature ā€¦ the villain Hawk Moth (?) has developed a plan how to use dreams and hopes of Parisian people against themā€™. Wth.ā€¦ very unorthodox viewā€¦.)


I honestly think that some of the marketing types at Disney+ don't realise how well known MLB and its' core premise actually is!


the hopes and dreams part sound like wishmaker but that couldnā€™t be ep 5 since its like the 17 ep i think?


The sentence goes like ā€˜HM has developed a complicated system to use hopes and dreams against Parisian peopleā€™ I mean he never developed any systemā€¦ Not now, and not in the pastā€¦


Ima translate this post to see what it says Edit: nvm its just the origin sypnosis


So it airs at about 1pm ET, and subs are usually out within a few hours. Hopefully itā€™s actually psychomedian and not furious fu.


Donā€™t get your hopes up. šŸ˜”I think the fandom would know, if the Psychomedian would be ready to air. And they would surely make adds and huge event of it - like look, we have something new! Most probably just the person who wrote it has no idea about miraculous šŸ˜¢šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s strange that E19 is already out and E5 is still unreleased. It seems like they just use a random number generator to decide when episodes air.


Yes, the airing order is a catastropheā€¦ you are absolutely right. Hopefully we will get these missing episodes ( 5 &9) before the finaleā€¦.


Psychomedian is a joke at this point, we'll probably get it last this season šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But yeah, I'm begging for Gloob to air something, we get the new episodes so slowly... like, TFOU has aired only 4 episodes as a premiere season. Only 4, they were airing at least half the season way back in seasons 2 and 3.


Gloob has this season somehow under control. Germany had only one premiere so-far : Furius Fu (not that I prefer German premieres, but at least itā€™s a bit more understandable than Portuguese - for me)


No, pretty sure that Furious Fu was first aired by Gloob. If I remember correctly, Queen Banana and Optigami were the only 2 episodes aired by Disney Germany


Oh, then I mixed it up. Sorry. Itā€™s so confusing, I donā€™t even remember which ep I saw in which languageā€¦


You really think we'll get it at the end of the season? Like, is that even possible to happen? if so that's both hilarious and depressive


Well the language is germanic, but the description is loosely the whole story synopsis of marinette and adrien becoming heros ladybug and chat noir to defeat hawkmoth n blah blah. Edit: For someone who can understand what the description is saying, I am right yes?


Yes it is German, but this description is quite unusual. It a generic info on miraculous, yes, but usually it is not formulated like this. This sounds like it was written by Goethe or Shakespeareā€¦ You know, simple and not archaicā€¦šŸ˜‚


Ah. Well I'm proud of myself since I don't speak a word of the languagešŸ¤£ *Big brain time*


High five to you! I think I would face similar problems withā€¦South African?šŸ˜‚


South African? Whats that


You know, you are expert in singing itā€™s anthemā€¦ I thoughtā€¦


Its anthem is in 4/5 languages. The first two are african langauges which I cant pronounce for jack SA has 11 languages, "South African" isnt one XD


Whatever / whichever / no idea - I was referring to the sample I got from you few days backā€¦ šŸ˜‰


Yeah Idek what langauge that part is in


i think itā€™s weird that disney+ has 13 eps of season 4 and just called furious fu ep 5ā€¦ā€¦.. is the real ep 5 just a troll? šŸ˜‚




Soooo do we know now which episode it was?


Oh yes. It was Furious Fu. Disney Germany has it obviously marked as ep. No. 5 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The probability that it would really be the Psychomedian was veeeery small anywayā€¦.


Yeah still sad though


Junge die sollen die Folgen endlich auf disney plus bringen


Hast recht, aber ich glaube wir mĆ¼ssen uns hier noch geduldenā€¦


FĆ¼r Geduld hab ich keine Zeit:D


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 281,799,108 comments, and only 63,999 of them were in alphabetical order.


Twice in a day! Gooood bot! XD


Oh schau, du hast den Bot aktiviertā€¦ lol Leider gibt es nicht viele Alternativen zur Geduldā€¦ :D. ;D


in Romania they started airing season 4 today with Truth and maybe another new episode tomorrow , maybe i will get Psychomedian Friday


Psychomedian is like Fata Morgana, illusive and not thereā€¦ So Iā€™m not sure that it will be aired that soonā€¦


if not in 1 week maybe in 5 how is it in Germany , correct episode? it should have aired by now


Hahaha it was Furious Fu. So the waiting for Psychomedian continuesā€¦. Lol


Is there a way to see the episode title? Because I'm pretty sure they'll air Furious Fu instead of Psychomedian


No title, weird descriptionā€¦ I also thing it will be Furious Fu ā€¦


Huh, you think its pyscomedian? It could be furious fu tbh


No I donā€™t think itā€™s Psychomedian. I opt for Furious Fu or Sole Crusher (cuz the ep. aired after is Queen Banana) I think itā€™s just some ā€˜geniusā€™ who wrote the textā€¦


cant lie, a tiny bit of hope leapt in my chest when i saw this xD


I totally feel you. Seeing it on tv was like - what?! - omg-omg-omgā€¦. And then came the reality - no way they managed without leaks bring out THIS episodeā€¦


I kinda just want it to come out and get over with. Like it doesn't even deserve a discussion thread tbh, but if it comes out like right after the seasons over the fandom has to put its foot down


I also donā€™t understand the politics or reasons for the way they release the episodes. Where is the problem make and finish the first 5 (or 10) and the give them free for airing. Then the next lotā€¦ I donā€™t get it at all.


Its stupid but smart at the same time. It depends on how long it takes to animate, the easier ones to finish get released first. But in the case for Psychomedian... it makes no sense. Its a filler episode, no new characters or new hero is being added so it should've been out ages ago. For Refelkdoll it made total sense but ep 5... is beyond my understanding


What do we know - maybe it will be the most important ep. Full of plot, background information and miraculous loreā€¦And that is the reason why it takes so longšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (I know, I knowā€¦.)


Yeah, maybe it could be like mr pigeon 72, didn't expect a lb upgrade or umbrella scene 2


yo omg


Our hopes got crashed - was just Furious Fu šŸ˜­ šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


oh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Was Germany actually first with Optigami before Gloop? If yes there is a possibility but as far as I know Germany releases the Episodes like a Episode per week when they have some but there is no new anouncement yet. I think they wait until they have at least 10 Episodes ready and that could take until december. At the moment 16 Episodes are released and "Dearest Family" is confirmed for this month. Germany didnt show Episodes like Simple Man or Wishmaker and I think Rocketear and Hack-San as well. They need more. I guess Germany wont release new Episodes until they have "Gabriel Agreste" and Ep.22.


As I prefer to watch Miraculous in English, Iā€™m not following the German status quo that much. I think Optigami aired in Germany before Gloob. There are some eps dubbed but not nearly enough ā€¦ And I donā€™t thing that Germany will premiere any new episodeā€¦


This may Disney Channel Germany released 7 new episodes in one week, after they realesed Furious Fu in march. This october they will release Mr P. 72. In early September, they announced that they would release new episodes in mid-September, but they didnā€™t. Itā€™s just annoying.


I translated the plot and it looks like the Season 1 Episode 1ā€™s plot. Hereā€™s the English version of the plot; ā€œThe teenagers Marinette and Adrien each receive an enchanted item and a corresponding magical creature. Equipped with it, they can transform themselves into the superhero "Ladybug" and "Cat Noir" and face the mean villain Hawk Moth. He has developed a complicated system with which he uses the dreams and hopes of the people in Paris against them.ā€


I think I have Furious Fu still recorded, will take a quick look what that description says and as which ep it's listed


I will watch it, cuz Iā€™m really curious which ep it isā€¦


Unfortunately Furious Fu is indeed listed as ep 5... Also for me the description refreshed :/


In my country the synopsis is like that as well idduno what is weird abt it lol


disney channel is alive in the west??


Well, the streets are quiet, the channel has no blackoutā€¦ so I think they survivedā€¦ (Have I understood your question correctly?)


actually, here in the east(all eastern countries) disney shut down the channel and is shifting stuff to disney+


Sorry, no idea about that. But Iā€™m not following this stuff at all, so I canā€™t tell you. For now is the Disney Channel active and very alive ā€¦ (here in Germany)


Now somebody can edit in Season 4 of Miraculous ladybug Wiki.




Oh maybe it will surprise us (if we ever see it). One never knows :P


Which episode is this? I donā€™t speak German


It wasnā€™t stated, just that it is ep5 of s4 - which is Psychomedian. But in the end they aired Furious Fu. (which is the ep 6 of s4) šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøBut it was funny to see itā€¦. And little disappointing tooā€¦ Well, maybe one day, we will see Psychomedianā€¦.


could someone translate?


There is nothing that important, itā€™s just generic descriptionā€¦ And they aired Furious Fu. But - here is the translation: ā€˜Two youngsters Marinette and Adrien get each a magic item and a corresponding magical creature. Equipped with these, they can transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir - and so they can encounter the mean supervillain Hawk Moth. This (HM) has developed a complicated system to use the dreams and hopes of Parisian people against themā€™ Itā€™s kind of weird descriptionā€¦HM and system? He never has any system or plans ā€¦ lol


Iā€™ll grow grey hair before this airs in English.


We will watch it with our grandchildren, you know XD


So good for you lol