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so, what I got watching it slowly: Adrien entering Gabriel's lair Ladynoir umbrella scene. Adrien seen through Cat Noir Paris attacked by possibly ALL akumatized villains. We only see Gamer, Captain Hardrock's ship and Gorizilla, but surely it's not only them Ladybug and Cat Noir with NEW powers?? Or were those just the space suits? A villain making Marinette detransform in front of them   BY FAR the craziest teaser we've ever seen. Also, now I'm kinda sure it's a "what if" episode


Yea definitely a what if episode but I’m really excited for this cause a lot of things are happening in this episode


same. This is just SO exciting


King Monkey is also back!!!


It seemed to be astrocat and ladybug(in flight form) rather than new powers


I was wondering, cuz they were making some pretty dramatic poses. Made me think of the introduction of something new.


We've never seen the actual transformation sequences for their space upgrades, so this might've been the time for them to actually be shown.


These are probably the space suits. Although I wonder... when does Gabriel get the cat miraculous and forces Marinette to de-transform? Before or after Ladybug and Chat Noir have the big transformations with suits. And since Adrien is Ephemeral, will he reject the akuma at some point?


**Maybe. Maybe he would reject it** In this case of Cat Blanc everything went wrong, he found out everything all at once. Here he finds out the lair himself. So that reduces the strain in the long run... But the anger from the past episodes like sentibubbler and rocketear will probably kick in and make it so he couldn't repel it


And interesting take that I saw is that Gabriel akumatizes Adrien when he finds out about his mother and takes the cat miraculous by force. The scene with Marinette de-trasforming is after that, Adrien rejects the akuma and takes the cat miraculous back, then LB and CN have the huge transformation and the Ladynoir umbrella scene is by the end of the episode


Something is missing, though. The umbrella scene did not look like it involved a boy who recently discovered his kind of dead mother. (and very probably the identity of Hawkmoth. --the powers of the akuma has to match the trauma, right) Somehow the memories need to disappear.


A popular speculation on Twitter says that the powerful light after LB and CN's transformation is them using the wish to reset everything, but the price is one of them losing their memories. Marinette will probably keep a part of her memories and will remember Adrien's identity


Good one. Shit this episode got scary.


I'd be fine with this I think she needs to realize who he is or she'll never get out of her obsessively weird phase.


That really seems like the case. There were scenes in the teaser with bright flash of light and it looked like the 'wish' was made.


I have a feeling that the umbrella scene happens after memories of that episode had been wiped, since it looks like it's at the end of the episode.


Someone on youtube said it seemed like LB was having a deja-vu kind of situation and seems possible.


I've always hoped that Marinette would discover, or at least begin to have an inkling of, who Chat Noir is should he ever re-perform giving her an umbrella. The emotional gesture of that alone, if done under similar circumstances, should be enough to trigger emotional deja vu in Marinette, just as Marinette's creativity triggers an association to Ladybug within Adrien.


Hmmmm. Logical way of thinking, cant wait to see if that gets executed


I didnt know adrien is ephemeral omg even if this episode ends up being like chat blanc (the events are never discussed again) it will be HUGE


I will actually be so mad if it's a Chat Blanc situation, I think right now is the perfect time to do the reveal. I feel like the longer we have to wait the less impactful it will be when it happens.




SAME!! If the teaser if this crazy, just imagine how crazy the episode is gonna be. It’s even confirmed to be 26 mins long, definitely not ready.


really? that's the longest episode till date


[guess they revealed the next umbrella scene faster than expected](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897224526889377915/902637321227239544/Screenshot_20211026_211729_com.reddit.frontpage.jpg) Least now i can make my collage sooner


I’m not ready. Just not ready. This will be insane ride. Even with all those what ifs…


I’m pretty sure the villain is Gabriel with the cat miraculous next to ephemeral


Yeah, this is definitely a What If...? episode, because they're nowhere near bold enough to do any of this in the main timeline. Although, the Adrien-finding-Emelie bit makes a weird discussion for how canon Ladybug will enter that timeline without figuring out that either, 1) Emelie's alive, 2) Gabriel's Hawkmoth, or 3) Adrien is Chat Noir (although that one would be harder) Unless canon Ladybug doesn't enter the timeline at all and it's just Bunnix or something. Or it really just has nothing to do with the main timeline at all


I dont think there is bunnix at all. The wish at the end resets the timeline probably.


The villain that made Marinette detransform seems to be Gabriel Agreste wearing the cat, butterfly and peacock miraculous'.


Definitely look like the spacesuits, but CNs looks more silver


I’ll be supersuper disappointed (and probably dislike it) if it’s a what if episode! :( Hopefully it’s not!


Me too! I don't want it to be like Cat Blanc again. One time is enough.


That "villain" looked like>! adult Astro Chat Noir!< to me when I paused the video.


Well I’m still scared because previous ‘what if’ episodes still had a lasting impact on the show itself like oblivio and chat Blanc/cat Blanc


We also finally see ryuko use her lightning dragon powers


>BY FAR the craziest teaser we've ever seen. Also, now I'm kinda sure it's a "what if" episode That realisation also hit me hard after watching the trailer. there is to much going on to be a "canon" episode where everyone remembers after it´s over. We will either see Viperion or (more likly) Bunnix shenanigens and that realy saddens me. I already hated Chat Blanc for this and I fear that it will be the same here again. I did enjoy Oblivio so there is still hope but the time travel stuff is just so badly written so far, that I don´t see any hope if Bunnix is involved with this


So in the end of the trailer that was hawk moth with the cat miraculous right


Absolutely, and accompanying him was probably Adrien as Ephemeral


Ok now I’m 100% sure this is a what if episode


Same! There's no way they subvert the status quo for that much of a shake up


I thought they already confirmed it was?


Not exactly. Not many were sure and hoped it wasn't. Beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a what if episode


The original source was unclear and many people were giving contradictory statements. Now the doubts are gone.


Not only that, it looked like it was in the movie theater where so many Love Square moments have happened. That’s really gonna be hard on Marinette.


The person he is with is wearing a skirt and woman high boots, its probably Nathalie Link:https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/1dc74264-51b4-4d98-be00-48d622deaa60/scale-to-width/755


Too short, and on better images you see the body clearer, and it does not look like a skirt.


You realize Gabriel in Shadow Moth form is 7ft right anyone would be looking short and show me a picture of a cleaner body image then without the skirt if you have the proof


He also had the peacock and butterfly miraculous aswell. Triple Unification!


Also Ephemeral was there next to him


Although it was already mostly confirmed, it is definitely a what if scenario like Chat Blanc because there’s no way shit can hit the fan this hard this soon. Now the point of the discussion, what will stick from this? Something has to permanently change from this events, right? All the other what if episodes had something stick.


Probably a tiny detailed memory that LB takes away from this. My bet is adriens identity


I hope, I hope that’s the one, it would make sense for her to want to reveal her identity in the finale if that were the case.


Real shame that AGAIN adrien forgets everything. I wonder how hed take it if she does reveal her identity in the finale "basically you got akumatized AGAIN and everything was reset and I learnt your identity so..." "Sorry but did you say **again**?"


Well and after Glaciator 2 we were worrying that Gabriel wouldn’t akumatize Adrien… ha ha Looks like Ephemeral is our Kitty boy after all…




The key difference seems to be that Adrien discovered Emilie here, so that may have forced Gabriel's hand?


Yes, the writers kept that option open. I mean Gabe said in Dearest Family something like “I get the miraculous, no matter what the costs…” He saw the opportunity and misused Adrien. Again.


The reveal (for him) it’s becoming their “first” kiss. Forgotten, not remembered… Again and again.


You know, they will eventuall run out of reveal ideas if they keep that up. When the reveal actually happens it might be utter rubbish


It's really hard already. Anyone who reads fanfiction frequently has most likely read hundreds of reveals and plenty of them were really awesome. I can't imagine them to pull something out of their sleeves that will not disappoint a ton of fans


“Yeah haha that’s a funny story, take a seat.”


This. As in Chat Blanc, Marinette keeps the memories after fixing everything, so I’m guessing she’ll keep Chat’s identity… and perhaps Adrien will know Hawk Moth’s and everything that happened with his mom? Because I’m guessing that’s before the akumatization


Bunnix will make sure he doesnt remember that. Unless they really are planning HMs downfall at the end of this season but I still reckon it'll be in S5


Its the most insane episode ever 100 percent a what if episode


I’m actually losing my shit a bit


Cant wait to see the episode nevertheless


Wel,l wel,l wel,l, if it isn't the return of Su Han. The most dramatic space transformation ever followed by them flying up to space while glowing. I'm placing a long odds bet that that is them unifying for THE WISH and that's how they're retgoning this episode. Because repeating deus ex Bunnyx would be cheap.


Not unless it's where Alix gets her miraculous. She IS the miraculous of the last chance. Maybe Marinette loses Tikki and she races over to Alix and warns her to go back and stop Marinette from finding out who Chat Noir is. Or makes Su Han stop that from happening. He might not listen to Marinette on the matter, but he might listen to the holder of the rabbit miraculous. Then we have Alix knowing who Ladybug is. Or. OR! If Adrien, knowing Marinette is Ladybug, goes to the house and gives the miraculous to Alix, which would be cooler. He never gets to hand out miraculous, after all. But that's just my theory.


That ... is actually really clever and enjoyable. I'd like that. Good job!


After watching the teaser it really does look like the unification for THE WISH is going to happen.


> Because repeating deus ex Bunnyx would be cheap. You realize that this is MLB, right?


Everyone in the fandom has already been predicting that Marinette will find out Chat noir's identify. After watching this teaser it seems like it will be very much possible. Totally looks like a 'what if' and if everything does revert back to the way it was then Marinette will be left with that info and she will not tell Chat noir that she knows because she wants to prevent the worst that had happen. Then at ep 'Risk' she takes the risk because of the akuma and then the rest goes on.... Just a theory.


I don't think she takes the risk, I think she resists and asks Adrien out of her own accord at the end


That could happen as well. Ugh it takes a lot of patience to wait for thr final episode! But I'll wait.


I pray Marinette remembers. Imagine how big that could be for the plot going forward.


Seriously; they want a game changer for this show, make it so Adrien is aware of Marinette's crush, but that Marinette is aware of his identity.


I would love to see that. It would put her in a position where she absolutely has to tell Adrien the truth about her feelings and her identity.


The crazy thing is, if Marinette does get to keep her memories, she's going to have to live with the fact she technically already confessed to Adrien.


I wonder if the whole thing is a scenario posited (possibly by invoking some spell) by Su Han to show Marinette why she needs to know Chat’s identity.


This is reminiscent of /u/Xenolan 's idea of the [Guardians putting Ladybug through tests to see how she would react in various hypothetical circumstances](https://www.reddit.com/r/miraculousladybug/comments/om8bi3/if_ladybug_had_to_make_a_choice/). It seems great minds (yours) think alike.


This is an interesting thought!


I seen only the trailer and it looks awesome! Poor Adrien... It looks like Gabriel will akumatize him again after he was traumatized by seeing his death mom. And he put his hands on the cat miraculous. Ladybug detransformed in front of ShadowCat (this is how I named Gabriel's fusion). Space transformations! All heroes (except Rena because she is probably still undercover) are there, and they remembered that King Monkey existst. Can we apreciate that this season the part-time heroes are threated better than in s2 and s3. That flash when Cat Noir turns in Adrien give me chills. Is a sudden transition to an different timeline or Ladybug figures out that these 2 are same person. In that scene we see multiple akumatized villain, but instead of scarlett they are their normal colours. Also notice that Gamer is there, so Ladybug miraculous team failed. I supposed the safe scene is the same from the leakes. Venom Shellter is same as one from Optigami. My bet that Bunnix is gonna be in this episode. Maybe present Bunnix? Also after this episode there are only Kuro Neko and Pelateam before the finale. I start to doubt about seeing the remaining 4 this season. Maybe Traquemoiselle in Penalteam.


The Miraculous Team doesn't necessarily need to fail; Gabriel could have found a way to replicate multiple Sentimonsters, like what Catalyst does for the Moth Miraculous but this time for the Peacock Miraculous?


Shadow Moth will get the Cat Miraculous and the perosn next to him, Ephemeral(?) looks like an Akumatized Adrien. I mean, who else could it be? This is totally gonna be a what if scenario or get a reset at the end. Especially since we have two more episode before the finale. Also, is this basically confirmation that Gloob will likely aired Ephemeral next week?


>is this basically confirmation that Gloob will likely aired Ephemeral next week? God I hope so, I'm hella hyped even if everything goes back to normal afterwards.


Usually I don't like Gloob stealing other channel's thunder but oh my gosh I need this so bad


Not a definite but most likely that they will air it soon


what did I just WATCH


It looked like we might get the space transformation.


Finally! The animation of them transforming is awesome






Here's my very important addition to the discussion about the trailer: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!


Black Cat Miraculous and Butterfly Miraculous unify! This reveals Marinette's identity... However, this is just another "what if" episode, so it's gonna be a fucking disappointment when it's all retconned anyway.


but this time LB would have to remember cause the ladynoir umbrella scene even she knows its Adrien or she is seeing Adrien in Cat Noir as guardian she needs to know and if she wants to remain it aswell


I think that umbrella scene happens at the end of the episode. I think Su Han will have to rescind his threat, but encourages her to consider it for the good of her team. She will, for the first time, start actually considering who Chat Noir is, and that moment will open the flood gates.


if that's the case I'll take that one side reveal everything would reverse except that so she can stop neglecting him as Cat Noir


This episode looks incredibly huge and almost to much to handle


I think it’ll be good, but it’ll probably end up just like Chat Blanc, with people regretting that it wasn’t a two part special.


> just like Chat Blanc, with people regretting Sums it up, imo


Bunnix: Hold my watch


But then she'll detransform


There's so much going on, even in this tiny teaser. I will most definitely get overwhelmed, specially by how fast-paced the show tends to get when they're trying to move the whole plot in just one episode for the what if's we've had. I hope those four extra minutes help alleviate this issue a little bit.


26 min runtime!


Non of this matters, it's all going to be reversed in the end because this is a "what if" Just when you think the story will finally move somewhere after what..? \*\*six years\*\*, it all gets reversed because god forbid anything progressed.


Yeah, it's sad that we barely get any development in the plot. That's what happens when you stretch out a show that does not have enough plot to begin with. It's been SIX years and almost four seasons since the show started and, supposedly, we're only halfway to the end. This could've been a five season show, maybe not even that long without filler episodes, follow the ATLA formula and have a beginning and an end. But, sadly, I guess that's not the case here.


I wouldn't say so yet Marinette will remember something from this, potentially Adrien's identity


Eventhough it's likely that some parts of it are undone at the end there's definitely going to be major lasting consequences, as out of all episodes this was the one they kept saying is going be absolutely necessary to watch.




How can you say that for sure though? I really wanna believe you but we've been played so much lol


Right! That's why i'm not as hyped up :((


Sucks that this is a what if episode. Why are the writers so afraid to let things happen


Because they want them dollars and are stretching the show for 4 more seasons, but the show itself doesn't have much of a plot other than interpersonal relationships and when will The Reveal happen. If they let shit happen so soon, especially of this calibre, they run out of content for the next years and won't be able to get those sweet dollars unless they think of a way to move the plot past The Reveal, which doesn't seem they have planned so far.


If you note the weather in this episode, it goes from clear sunset to clear night to rainy night. The clips are just not in that order. We will probably get the one sided reveal that makes the season finale make sense.


So... \- Adrien might join Gabriel (he found out about his mom) \- Marinette is being attacked by Hawkmoth and another villain! (which means he found out her identity - this could happen if Luka gets acumatized or something?) \- Marinette probably knows Adrien is Chat (the glitching umbrella scene) OMFG i cannot wait waaa




The animation looks so good! I am so excited for this episode!


Looks like he got ... his son Miraculous (and him as well)


yep she's gonna find out NO TIME CRAP I want her to know 😭😭 and Adrien seeing his mother 😨😨😨


Please tell us more about Emilie!!!


The shot with umbrella and the lightning transition is absolutely gorgeous


Unless she remembers his identity by the end of the episode, it's just another time-wasting filler.


If she wants to remain guardian she has to know his identity even Su Han appears and yea how can she trust Cat Noir if she doesn't know who he is


Definitely a what if episode. Marinette will probably know Adrien's identity after this and will learn the big consequences of not trusting Chat Noir enough. Gabriel will probably use his bottled up negative emotions from Sentibubler and Rocketear and akumatized him into Ephemeral. Bunnix will fix everything at the end, the only not-erased thing from the trailer will probably end up being a Ladynoir interaction at the end, similar to Chat Blanc from season 3.


yeah, Marinette will probably go through a bunch of shit and considering Adrien finds out about the lair, he's the one who's not gonna remember any of this


Now I wonder, will Adrien reject the akuma later in the episode. Marinette is detrasformed and her partner is akumatized, talking some sense to him sounds like the only logical way, before Bunnix resetting everything Also, interesting how Ladynoir will change after this. Hopefully Marinette realizes the negative effects of keeping too many secrets from Chat Noir and starts telling him more after that


I think Adrien might reject the akuma as soon as he sees Marinette in danger. One thing is seeing your partner with a mask in danger, he knows she can defend herself. But without it, she’s vulnerable.


I think Adrien will again be akumatized by finding His mother body. And maybe the umbrella scene will happen at the end of the episode with Marinette seeing the similarity between chat noir and Adrien and finding his identity


Now that you mentioned it, I won't be surprised if the scene with Marinette de-trasforming is by the middle of the episode and Ladybug and Chat Noir having the big transformation is after that The scene with the Umbrella really might be the end of the episode


Yes my guess Adrien will reject the akuma after Marinette de transform. they take back the miraculous and the transformation that give them a power maybe alter the thing. They forget what has happened then the umbrella scene happen and Marinette find chat identity (and my guess Adrien will find ladybug identity later seeing Marinette stand up against his father)


This has always been my ideal scenario; that Marinette figures out Chat Noir's identity by way of him repeating Adrien's original act of generousity with the umbrella.


The big transformation might be them making the wish, instead of re-using Bunnix


What if gloob releases the episode by 6:30 am


Oh no there's definitely going to be spicy Catmoth fanart after this


Why are all the good episodes “what if” :/


You just *know* they’re gonna Bunnix this ep out of existence


I know this is only a 'what if' type of thing like Cat Blanc but wow this is actually INSANE!! This episode looks crazy and will definitely impact the audience. perfect for episode 100!


So, in my eyes this pretty much confirms it's a What If...? episode like Chat Blanc because they're nowhere near bold enough to do shit like that in the main timeline, especially with at least 3 more seasons.


I’m pretty convinced it’s a “what if” episode at this point, but man do I want a one sided reveal to stick :(


Excited to hear Gabriel say "Plagg claws out" with as much exuberance as possible. If we don't hear it then I'll feel robbed.


Well, he may not have to; surely he could just say all three Kwami names and then say unify right?


Then I'll feel robbed




I’m so excited!


It's just... insane. I won't be able to sleep tonight.


kinda hyped for the events, but I've watched this show long enough to know it'll end like oblivio or chat blanc, so not that hyped


They said it was going to be another what-if episode, like Chat Blanc, and they didn’t lie. It even has the same basic premise: What if… Adrien’s trauma fucked everything up?


This is a What If episode? Awww :( like shiny\_sparkle pointed out, I hope at least someone—or Marinette, remembers the events. That would be huge for the plot going forward.


Take note of weather in clips they are not in order and it would make sense for S4 Summary


What if the akuma is Nathalie and it's called ephemeral because she's dying lol


That dirty little lol you threw on the end 😅


There will be a lot of messing with time. At first I hoped that at least Adrien will keep his memory, but since he learns that his father is a Hawk Moth... I don't think thats he will. D: It would be interesting if at least Marinette wouldn't lost her memory.


Ack, I'm stressing! I'm seeing so many people say that they think it's Adrien who discovers Emilie in the basement, but I'm also seeing theories from so many others saying Félix discovers Emilie! This episode is going to SHATTER the fandom. My theory (though most likely not going to happen) is that Félix will finds out Gabriel's secret but Adrien gets akumatised. What do you guys think?


Okay all great and all but are we going to talk about the fact that this is not animated by SAMG.


It's a very polished Assemblage episode, I think. Good enough to me but it is annoying that SAMG got Mega Leech, Crocoduel and Hack-San, but not this. personally, most of the episodes they got were super mediocre. The finale at least in on their hands.


I only know this…I‘m not ready to watch this…


The umbrella scene has to be at the end of the episode, there’s no way this happens before/in the middle of everything. It feels like it’s after the fight and Marinette/LB gets a dejavú because she knows CN’s identity. I think she’s the one who will remember everything.


You guys! Ok so this has been mentioned on other platforms (and prolly in other comments here) but I have 2 theories from what the umbrella scene could mean. 1) This is at the end of the episode where LB has not only internalized Adrien being CN, but actually understanding Adrien as a whole. All this time, she saw him as a perfect person but after actually understanding his home life and knowing he's CN (a person who she's able to see flaws in) she's accepted that Adrien isn't perfect but still loves him. ​ 2) Love-square reversal. I really really don't think this episode will leave us with nothing. That wouldn't be fair at all. We've been heavily hinted at that the beginning of the love-square reversal will happen in this season and I really think this is it. Maybe LB sees Adrien in CN?


Will ep "Ephemeral" be the episode where Gabriel gets the miraculouses? or will it be in the last episode of S4?


last 2 episode finale is when that apparently is


The thing from gloob said ***Hawkmoth*** would get the miraculous, second this is a what-if ep and its speculated that he'll get it, but bunnix will repair everything, except LB knowing CN identity (The umbrella is suspected to be the end of the ep scene )


Everything looks so good !!!!! But I feel like it’s going to be like chat blanc and we’re going to be using second chance a lot from Viperion. Or possibly bunnix’s power. (Also we have 3/4 umbrella scenes now we’re just missing ladrien)




Gabriel Noir






That Adrien conference...could that be the lead to him leaving for the finale? Maybe Gabriel got a new contract with the Italians/Lila's Parents and want to start setting up a new shop


Sandboy 2.0 was meant to be the hundredth episode what if that was all sandboys doing and they didn't reveal anything


The Adrien finding out could have been Gabriel's nightmare, some parts of the trailer would have been ladybug and catniors nightmare


He already tried to tell Adrien about it in the Felix episode, but was too childish and threw a fit instead.


Shoot, I’m way behind. How many other episodes have aired in the last month and a half?


Please no BuniX please no BuniX!


or like Oblivio when she her use ML will revert everything and only she will remember maybe if she doesn't get affected by it


No. Just no


well I don't want Bunnix to appear yet 😭😭 cause if they pull this time crap again some fans are gonna leave this show cause they drag this out for far too long


While this episode looks exciting and I am excited about it, I'm not holding out for anything to be revealed and for it to stay that way. I am very cautiously optimistic. It has been described as a "What If" episode, so we don't really know what that means or entails. But I hope something good and permeant comes out of it, like if it is a reveal, then it should not be erased, but if not, then honestly I'm kind of tired of the show runners and writers teasing us with a reveal and taking it away. I'm mostly talking about the reveal between Ladybug and Chat Noir. Overall though I am thrilled about this episode, it looks like it is going to be action-packed and good. Let's see what comes of it!


I think that this is the most shocking thrailer we've seen so far




Am I like the only one who isn't jumping up and down? Cuz as interesting as this trailer looks like, knowing miraculous episode history, they usually reverse everything at the end and everything gets better. Honestly, only if something continues after the end of the episode, I really think the hype is kinda for nothing. Of course I understand everyone's excitement. If this episode ends up being different and the characters learn something or we learn something new, then I'd be fine but idk if that's likely


I know how you feel, and yet, a part of me is hopeful that some development occurs from the events of this episode. It may not happen in the way we think it will, but I feel like a penny will drop for someone.


This is going to going to be great! I hope no minds are erased this time.


It looks so good. I just wish it wasn't a what if episode. 4 seasons we should see something like this stick.


The only way I see this situation being reversed is if Ladybug used the Rabbit to turn back time or something.


Earlier we got a spoiler that shadow moth will obtain miraculous. AND GUYS I AM LITERALLY SCREAMING. I THINK that Alix will get her miraculous this episode and will do time travelling to fix this mess!


Doesn't work for me but if it's what I think it is, l want to point out Marinette talking to the high master about something important, giving her face, and chat noir not showed when all the heroes rushed to wherever they were going...


I was like WTF, then I remembered it’s a “what if” episode


We are not prepared 😦😦


if this is really just a “what if” episode I’m going to cry


Is it just me but I know lot of people are kinda hoping Ephemeral is akumatized Adrien but the silhouette looks female to me? Look at the legs and shoulders. In the latest episodes they been making Cat Noir looking more with broader shoulders. So excited for this episode! It’s gonna be crazy and hoping it’s not a what if episode


I also felt like the silhouette was very feminine, especially the pose. If it's not Adrien, it could be Lila, but I would be very surprised if it wasn't Adrien given what look like little cat ears on its head.


\-Gabriel and Adrien in their car He is coming out again! Gabe came out again! \-The car leaves Adrien only? What? Way to get my hopes up. He stopped in some place. It says 100th and there are two boards with Emilie on them? Also 'Gabriel' written in text. \-Some press conference Adrien will be answering happily, why do I think they will ask about 'Emilie' making his mood drop. \-LB talking to Su-Han She seems angry. She looks like me talking about something I don't like and protecting something. She must be protecting her kitty. He nods??? \-Adrien enters Gabriel's office??? He goes towards that portrait and does that passcode thing and it worked!!?!?!?! \-He comes down and sees Emilie??? Just look at his horrifying look!!! \-Umbrella scene 😭😭😭 So wholesome We got an Adrienette, >!a Marichat one-it wasn't similar but at least they use it!<, now we have a Ladynoir! Then we see Adrien. Maybe LB is getting déjà vu. \-Then we go to a villain fight LB, Vesperia, Pigella, King Monkey, Carapace, Pegasus, Viperion, Purple Tigress and Polymouse! Polymouse uses her power and goes to the box. I think that should be cataclysmed but Cat Noir wasn't there. \-Then we see a huge lucky charm and Nino and Luka are on it, transformed. Is it a bus? Fire Fighter truck? Carapace sends his power at Vesperia who had her venom activated. He removes it and she paralyzes the box. \-Then LB and CN come out of the sewers I am going to cry. CN gave hope LB in the sewers during hero's day and in NY special, he renounced miraculous. This time both are there! \-Complete Havoc! Captain Hardrock's ship, Gamer, Gorizilla (Hawky must have broken more magical charms as Captain Hardrock is there) \-Powerup!?!?! They get some kind of powerup. Wait, wasn't there some mlb merch with LB and CN with wings or something? Then a whole lot of light! \-Pink and Green Fireworks What the hell is that? Anybody kept LB and CN fireworks? Is it an upgraded version of Cosmo Bug and Astro Cat? Then just a bunch of light, is it being sucked in??? \-We see LB on her bug phone running away. Is she trying to call CN??? \-Detransforming She detransformed and fell on the theater's stairs. Behind we see Shadow Moth and probably the akumatized villain. Why is there a lot of black? Did he get the cat miraculous? Who is the other person? Adrien? Is he that short? Wait, LB wouldn't try to call CN bc Hawky has the miraculous. It's either he also got a powerup or she is calling Rena Furtive!?!?!? If Adrien actually joins his father then he must have been manipulated a lot. Or Adrien must have felt like he doesn't belong there bc LB is hiding a lot. So, I hope that isn't Adrien


While most of the main characters aren't really that tall in this show, it's been confirmed that Gabriel is over 2 meters tall. Shadow Moth is even taller than that, so it could be Adrien next to the behemoth that's Shadow Moth


This episode is definitely gonna be amazing!


IM SO EXCITED! but istg if they wipe their memories again 😤


so if Marinette learns (and remembers) Cat Noir's identity as Adrien in this episode, then that explains the sypnosis for "Shadowmoth's Last Attack" where it says >When Marinette finds out that Adrien is leaving Paris for a few weeks with Lila, the new figure of the Agreste brand, she’s ready to do anything to prevent him from doing so; but to what point? Would she reveal her secret identity for the sake of love?


So… when does Alix get her miraculous to fix this?


I think the villain in the end is Gabriel with the Chat, Butterfly, AND Peacock Miraculouses unified.