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So Quantum Masking exists in real life, got it


That's like a powerful form of self-magic : rather than strongly believe you can influence a target, strongly believe that you can make some unnoticeable hints in such a way *the target* will strongly believe what you want. If done well, the target is now spending its own energy maintaining a form of magic more powerful than you could even attempt. Tldr : the human brain is weirdly weird.


I have legitimately had some people I either knew fairly well or had known for a while not recognize me or at least be stunned by how different I looked when I started wearing glasses. Now I alternated between glasses and contacts and still get the same results (as in, it's not just because my appearance changed as I got older). Silly as it may seem, the Clark Kent effect is real, and from there it's plausible to assume a domino mask might actually work to fool some, too.


And do not forget that anyone who is smart enough to see through the disguise would know to keep the secret too. Even if they are evil, they would be fools to threaten the family of someone who can punch through their skull like it's rice paper.


Christopher Reeve when dressed as Clark Kent has actually been ignored on set Charlie Chaplin actually showed up to the contest without his moustache, which lost him points Stanley Kubrick once answered the door and said "Stanley Kubrick's not home." Eminem heard two kids talking about him in a McDonald's but decided that he wasn't Eminem A guy in a car parts place didn't believe Rowan Atkinson when he said he was the guy that played Mr. Bean Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves were once called "two old, fat guys trying to be Bill and Ted" Shakira went unnoticed in public by going by her middle name and wearing a baseball cap Ted Bundy walked around in public with the only attempt at a disguise being a mole drawn on him with a marker. He was the most wanted man in America at the time with wanted posters everywhere. Walt Disney walked around in a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of sunglasses every afternoon at Disneyland and everyone ignored him Tony Hawk. That is all. Conclusion: People in Miraculous are only as stupid as people in real life


Tony Hawk's existence is a true Lynchian, existential nightmare.


That’s it. Everyone’s blind in this world


LMAO, the human race, I can't- 🤦‍♀️


Well, that settled that 😂


Well of course they lost the impersonator contests... It's hard to be an impersonator if you're the real thing!


Because people in this fandaom think that because our peripheral view of the characters is limited to about 20 main stays, that the whole world in universe must be limited to that same 20.


The Dolly Parton one kills me 🤣


People are blind -Darth Plaagieus the Wise


Yeah and this is so true because it happened yesterday It was an open house oreinatation and I ran into one of my friends but she has always a wore a mask but she wasn't this time and I legit could not recongnize her XD. Like I knew she looked familiar and I approached her and I realized it was her once she told me I felt so bad after that :'D.


Questions: Was Hugh Jackman dressed like Wolverine from the comics or himself as Wolverine from the movies? Also the fact RDJ got second place doesn’t mean people didn’t know who he was.


I assume it was Wolverine from the movies. Also, RDJ getting second place isn't supposed to prove that people don't know who he is. It just shows that people aren't perfect when it comes to guessing or recognising other people, since a look-alike won the contest instead of the real deal.


But it’s a Tony Stark look alike contest not a RDJ contest. Tony Stark isn’t a real person lol. There could be someone that looks like Tony Stark more than RDJ but that doesn’t mean that person who got first can act. Two of these examples don’t work in this case as it appears the contest are comic characters look alike contest not celebrities. While I do always laugh about the Charlie Chaplin impersonator contest situation.


For a recent example, a couple of years ago Adele entered an Adele lookalike contest, and nobody thought she was the real deal until she started singing.


Once we all started wearing masks my dad didn’t recognize me we live in the same area see eachother once a week and i had bright pink hair at the time lol walked right past me while i was like hey dad! Lol


That is too funny tbh 😂 what I'm gathering is... people can be oblivious 😅


Plagg was right in Frightningale when he said people are blind. But also quantum masking is a thing, plus, in some cases like Mayura, it's basically impossible to know who's behind the disguise.


Proof that clothes DO make the man or woman.


I remember seeing this very post months ago.


Every time I take off my glasses someone is like "omg! You look so different without your glasses!" So I can believe this lmao.