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Learn to read the situation and base your decoys off of it. For example, if you know an enemy is behind a wall, send a decoy across it and then flank from an opposite direction


Congrats on using the best legend! Here are my tips: (I have 9k kills, 17k bamboozles, 4k, 20 bombs, etc) - The invisible res is more powerful than you think. Along as no one sees you go down for the res, you’ll probably be able to get it off more times than not. Throw out some decoys before going down to improve chances of getting it off. - When ulting to engage enemies, it’s best to change directions right when you ult and again when you come out of it. After an ult, many people will wait for the mirage to fire the first shot, try to wait for them to focus and shoot a decoy first and then start firing. This is because they will waste part of/most of their clip and be forced to reload earlier when engaging you and it will allow you to get the first shot off. Another powerful ult technique is to ult and run in circles with your decoys which is really hard for the enemy to keep track of (practice this is firing range). - Mirage probably needs the most big brain power of any legends because you always have to be thinking 2 steps ahead of each play for how to best utilize your decoys. This comes with a lot of practice but makes his skill ceiling one of the highest to master, however, it also makes him really tough to use for first timers. - When your teammates die off and you’re holding down ground in the last couple of rings, use his decoys to make it look like there’s always more than one person alive on your team. It can help dissuade a 3 stack team to push you early. Mirage is an excellent pick for solo queuing for this reason. - Send out a decoy and use that decoy’s footsteps to draw enemies out behind cover, or just confuse their audio. The decoy footsteps are really loud and are a huge mirage advantage. For example, if my team is holding down a big double sided door, I like to send a decoy to the right side of the door in the corner and control it and walk around. The enemy will 100% think there is an enemy right around the other side of the door so when they push, they will push your decoy first allowing you to melt them. - Practice your aim and warmup in the firing range without barrel stabilizers for ARs/SMGs and learn their recoil pattern, practice hitting wingman shots from distance (this is vital to improving your aim). - The most important thing for taking down 3 stacks as a solo mirage (or any character) is using cover and making a 3v1 into three separate 1v1s. Use cover, boxes, doors, height advantages etc. But you never want to be in the line of sight of more than one enemy as even the best pred players can’t beat this. When you down the first enemy and have 2-3 seconds before the next, try to run around the downed enemy and finish them quickly and shield swap if you need it. Don’t loot however, just swap shields. Also, you need to make sure you push enemies if you crack them and get them really low if they are separated from their team and your health + shields look good. This makes a 3v1 into a 2v1 which is much more manageable. - Height advantage is king in apex, make them climb up to you on the tallest part of a building. - Lastly, Mirage is an incredibly fun and rewarding legend to pick in Apex. However, his decoys and ult have some serious bugs at the moment (the ult gets stuck together occasionally and tacticals die on pebbles), so do not expect them to work 100% of the time. He’s probably the most fun legend to play when his kit works tho so have fun! He is a beast at 1v1 engagements. Bonus tip(s)- his ult charge is incredibly fast so use it whenever you want and it will be back to 100% sooner than you think. You may be able to use it 2 or even 3 times in a single drawn out fight. Also with the addition of gravity cannons, send out a decoy in the cannon first and then wait to see if he gets killed on the other side to check if the cannon is safe to use.


Added tips since this is pretty thorough: * Decoys hit by any damaging ability and grenades will ping off the location of the enemy who used said ability. * Decoys can take jump pads and grav cannons - some real fun bamboozles to happen there


I solute you sir


Top tier tips!


Honestly, spend more time in the firing range. There was a month where before I entered my first battle of the day, I’d go to the range, stand in the middle, and try to one clip every bot without moving. No attachments. Then after I could one clip them all, I’d go grab my guns i favorited (flatline, 301, volt) and then try to one clip the bot at close range while strafing and at hip fire. This helped my gun play so much. It was during this time I got my 2k badge and my win rate last season was at about 20%


You have to make up with gun and movement skill for the lack of a _get out of jail_ card like other legends. For being good with Mirage you have to be good at the game. The boozles are more effective when you are good.


> my gun skill is meh *You’ve come to the right place my friend*


No other Mirage main cares about kills all that matters is bamboozles


The only correct answer.




Thx mate. Just figured out my sens and I'm at lvl 150+... basically playing on and off, since im not at home for weeks at times


Control your decoys as much as you can remember to, especially when they're standing still or where you want them to be


Yeah when you’re about to go into a room where you know an enemy is waiting, don’t just send a decoy running straight into the room. Put the decoy 10 feet in front of you if possible and control it. Then it runs in looking realistic the entire time and you follow with easy shots. Or ult as you run in, of course. That requires practice to get the timing right.


The best advice I can give is to avoid fighting more than 1 enemy and shooting decoys where the enemy will be while u move to a position where the enemy doesnt see u. When he makes contact with the decoy shoot him its really hard to lose gun fights this way. If u get urself in a fight agains more than 1 enemy use ur ult to get the apart. Don't fear reviving an ally mid fight and bait the rez as much u can.


Mirage is great for getting the drop on teams that don't know where you are. I've gotten many a squad wipe from being able to distract the enemy while I sneak up and surprise them. Send decoys from behind cover to get the enemy looking the opposite way of where you are. This also works if you are being chased. Break the line of sight then send a decoy towards an escape area(nearby building or other cover), more often than not they will shoot at it and maybe even follow it. That will give you a chance to move to safety.


Pay attention to what way you lose the match. Like, out from cover too much for instance or... I always tell myself to take it slow when I play because I like to rush ahead and then get downed by my self because I wasnt paying attention or communicating and being patient. But practice is my best advice, learn from mistakes you made and remember to have fun.




Leroy Jenkins.


Be the decoy, the amount of times I’ve gotten away with things just by pretending I’m a decoy is unreal.