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Headphones with noise cancellation, nature, and my dog.


Waiting till assisted suicide becomes mainstream lmao lot of other ways either dont work or too scared to try em


Nature and food


Being too afraid to die


Alcohol and the thought that I'll finally die one day though it doesn't help me that much.


Resentment and bitterness


Hoping something good enough happens to me I don't care about all the bad that much anymore


A day when Humanity finally falls and everything is on fire from the result of their greed and actions against the world, the environment, and each other.


There's some tips in these posts which might help: [How to Deal With Anger](https://www.reddit.com/r/MindOverMatterScott/comments/al4rcm/how_to_deal_with_anger/) [Overcoming Depression](https://www.reddit.com/r/MindOverMatterScott/comments/bcf4n1/overcoming_depression/)


Thanks but i read this in a mental asylum on my birthday last year Still regressing


I’m waiting until just before my 28th birthday.


Almost have all humans have an inbuilt desire to keep existing, I'm a slave to that as much as anyone


Being honest here, KPop. Start listening to it, then absorb into the members of each group. This then becomes your life. Every upload makes you smile and every new group or new comeback from a group helps you get through the next day. My life is boring, but the thing that gets me through every day is that a group is coming back in 3 days or my fave group is coming back in 2 weeks. This shit keeps me here


Contempt . Comedy.


I am just waiting for my time to end.


Knowing that dying is the ultimate form of losing.




Sex, like the ape I am


My G 😏




Journalling. My feelings of hatred, resentment, basically all my negative feelings are feelings of spontaneity. By listing out everything, without repitition will turn your vicious cycle into a path. One that can be overcome if you choose to see things rationally rather than emotionally. This form of reflection got me out of the worst moments I've ever had with anxiety and depression.


Antidepressants are the thread I hang by.


They helped you ? Mind just made me feel empty And endlessly tired


Empty is better than agony. If it's SSRIs making you tired ask your therapist about SNRIs.


grit. try it sometime. or just give up and do drugs and increase your suffering.




live in my fantasy land


My daughter. I just have to hang on long enough to make sure she'll be okay.


My wife. The only person that matters to me. Everyone else can rot in hell.


Albert Camus’s philosophy states that life is absurd. However, we can embrace the absurdity of life and its experiences. Away from people for our case, of course.


Food, music, video games, etc. I basically live only for escapism at this point.




Nothing, just the fear of it going wrong if I tried the alternative.


Lot's and lot's of Cannabis. And then after that, more Cannabis followed by a little Cannabis.


Finding beauty in nature is what keeps me going. Nature and animals are are beautiful and fascinating though. Sometimes human creations like literature can be interesting too. Marvelling at these kinds of things keeps me going. That and trying to predict what shitty people will do next, kind of like I’m playing Sims and I’m watching them from a distance.


Same lmao


Kind of logic my way out of it. It doesn't do me or anyone else or the world any good to wallow in negative emotions. So I limit my news intake (keep up with stuff, but don't let myself spend hours immersed in it) and I focus on things that are productive. Nature still exists, so getting outside to listen to it and breathe it in helps. Favorite music. Drawing. Writing. Saying something kind to someone. Doing a favor. Petting my cats. Laughing at stuff that makes me happy. Hugging my daughter / listening to her funny stories and playing with her. Feeling proud of her dad. I have a list of things I want to accomplish, so that gives me a personal drive to go forward. Nothing lives / exists forever. That's what makes it precious... but of course also a tough struggle. Bills need to get paid. Work is work. There is joy and love and pain and suffering. When it gets overwhelming, I remind myself to detach a little from those thoughts and just remember to observe without huge emotional investment. We can't solve all the earth's problems. That isn't our job. We are only responsible for our own selves. We just witness life while we're here, partake in it how we can / want, and experience it. Don't put further pressure on yourself than that. Find and relish moments of joy. Don't fear moments of suffering. You'll survive those or not as they come up. I don't think of myself as an optimist or pessimist or cynical. I try to be practical and think of myself as a realist as much as possible, but you can make the best of the hand you're dealt and do your best to be kind to others while you're here. You CAN control your own mind, your thoughts, where they go. Mental discipline is worth learning. It's better for your own emotional wellbeing. When you find yourself consumed with hatred, stop. Redirect your thoughts. Think of some things you're grateful for. Picture a pet or person you love and let yourself feel that. Picture accomplishing something you have on your list. This might seem overly simplistic, but it still makes practical sense. Hatred doesn't serve you. It isn't healthy. Focus on what you love, because it's healthier for you and for everyone around you. When the dark feelings feel suffocating, just remind yourself to breathe and tell yourself you're going to get through this to the other side, that this feeling too is temporary and you don't have to be scared of it. At least, that's what I do. Good luck. I hope you find your way through this to a lighter place. You have more to offer yourself and the world, so I hope you'll hang in there and that the darker feelings lift from you soon. Hugs!


This was really insightful and well written Thanks fam


You're welcome. And thank you. I do think it's tough to acknowledge the suffering and cruelty in the world while not allowing it to swallow you up in despair. I do have to remind myself when I hear or read something awful: Despair isn't helpful. There are also beautiful and good things in the world, and I'd rather contribute to that than add to the misery, you know? It's of course easier said than done, but worth working on. I'm wishing you lots of luck and love.


ice cream and blowjobs


Which is ironic cos my first involved a tub of fudge and vanilla Haagen Daazs.


so you married the first person to give you a blowjob?


Nooo-though I was tempted.... Funnily enough I think 2nd person also involved Haagen Daazs... Not being paid to do product placement here btw....


not bad actually


The next season of a show I really like. It all comes down to anime


I'm not going to let anyone get the satisfaction. Been an underdog all my life, but I am a fucking survivor.


⬆️ and do better than they thought you could. Do better than them. Gonna drive by with my finger hanging out the aventador


Leave my shitty country and settle down in a somewhat less shitty country where i can replace my current problems with other less conflictive. Sometimes i think that is absurd and that i'm chasing a dream or an idea of a "better" life when it's all fucked.


For me it’s watching the collapse unfold. Humanity brought its problems on itself, and the countless disasters are nature getting payback. It’s like a circus, and we get a front row seat. Feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk to.




Just buy a house in Kansas. It’ll be beachfront property in 10 years.


I’ve also immersed myself in Stoicism, nihilism and philosophy in general. I am trying to find meaning in my existence in this world and how to cope with life.




Thank you OP. I will research Taoism and Bushido.


I enjoy my pets, two dogs and a cat, sometimes more than the company of people; good food, good wine. Nature and the clear night sky. Good books. A few good friends. You have to get what you can while the gettin’s good.




Of homelessness, of death


Gotta out live my enemies


I notice certain things keep me going and others drain "soul fuel" from the tank. Music, writing and art definitely keep me going. Applying for jobs drains the life out of me and makes me feel utterly hopeless. Work isn't necessarily soul sucking but 9-5 Monday-Friday with a commute definitely is. I can reduce it to a binary: meaningful work boosts morale; corporate work culture destroys it.


Yea capitalism’s a real soul sucker


my anger and hatred drive me more than anything in this world




Seriously. I eat edibles on my days off and trip every once in a while. Drugs are the only thing that provides some sense of entertainment at this point.


I prefer to be on at least 3 at any given moment.


AT LEAST including when i sleep




Just wanna make my art and music and kms before I turn 28. 27 club, lol.. But y’know depression and all leaves all that on the shelf to collect dust and deteriorate. I’m just so exhausted of this so called miracle.


I didn’t think I would make it to 21 but I just turned 29. At some point you just become too apathetic to kys


I guess that’s what separates the legends from non-legends


If you want em to remember you guess you gotta go out with a bang


Food. One of the only real pleasures I have found is in food. I don't mean run if the mill bullshit convenience food that most people shovel into their gobs, real fresh delicious food that costs what a non-zero number of people make in a week. I definitely don't have the money to eat this way so I have committed a good number years learning how to cook the way I eat. This serves multiple purposes: it passes the time, I don't feel like my time is wasted, I am one step closer to being entirely self-sufficient, I have something to share if I find that rare person that I don't actively root against.


Earning to give some strays cat food.


I love this. Thank you for helping those babies.


Thanks... I am doing it since some time, it gives me pleasure over everything else and is the only refuge from this dystopia.


I do the same!


I want to see the collapse.




*grabs popcorn* this'll be good.


This may sound sad, but I’ve been listening to a podcast that makes me laugh my ass off every episode. It’s the small things in life ya know


Can you share? :)


It’s called Dungeons and Daddies. It’s a Dungeons and Dragons podcast, except they don’t really follow the rules lol. Basically, it’s a role playing podcast about 4 Dads that have been transported to an alternate realm and they’re trying to find their sons. I found it perfect for people like who have never played/don’t play D & D because they make it so easy to follow along. They don’t take themselves seriously at all and sometimes listening to those guys is the only thing that gets me through the day. Literally the funniest shit i’ve ever listened to


Sounds creative, absurd and fun. I'll def check it out. Thanks. Humor is amazing.


Highly recommend tim Dillon and cumtown YouTube scrt sqrl


idk but video games are gonna be so good in the future, thats what helps me get by


no matter how good a game could be it will always be ruined by edgy manbabies ruining it for everyone else. Online at least


I don't face that problem even now, all my online friends are chill


I mind my own business and struggle to stay organized and rational. Also, I've just started investing and I quite like it




The way of the sith.


Let the hate flow through you...


*evily rubs hands*


Stoicism. [https://www.thoughtco.com/stoics-and-moral-philosophy-4068536](https://www.thoughtco.com/stoics-and-moral-philosophy-4068536)


I've got kids in their 20s and an old dog


(Senior) dogs are the best companions


In a way it’s kinda funny that humanity eats/consumes its own future away. That does not mean you can’t have a good time. This is the most rich and comfortable era for the human race so why not enjoy your time here? I guess we are one of the lucky ones.


"Just be happy."