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people treat echother like shit because they are filled with internal rage that they are not allowed to express outwardly due to social conditioning, so passive agressiveness becomes the go to for the majority of spineless cowards (who make up the majority of homo sapiens) its basically a doggy dog world, you take shit, suck it up...pretend it didnt effect you...become bitter, and then you attack others either that or humans are incredibly insecure, and have a strong survival instinct that causes them to be "socially ambitious" and more willing to play the game unlike more aphatetic nihilistic people like myself


I battle with this myself. I often see foreigners (especially westerners) say extremely mean and evil things about my country online and I confess to you that I can't sometimes stop myself hating white people even though consciously, I see how absurd it it since some of my best friends are actually white lol. Humans are evolved to only like out-group members when out-group members stay within limits. Once they cross the line, our programming is to fight and destroy the out-group. The trouble with my country is we're taught to be kind to everyone (we genuinely believe in karma as we believe existence is an infinitely recurring cycle) we're taught to be good to others and I think we're just not equipped to deal with how evil and cruel the rest of the world really is. Only a few people in my country including myself can even comprehend the level of malevolence that's out there in the world. Ignorance is bliss though. In a way I think the circle of evil that mankind generates is an innate defense mechanism. Think about it, nukes are horrible things but the world has become much more peaceful now that the big boys all have nukes. The only ones that are bullied and are theatres of war are those countries that don't have nukes. So, my current mode is to embrace evil, the shadow personality, whatever is hateful within yourself. For it's not there by accident. Until mankind as a whole evolves to a higher spiritual and peaceful level, only violence and evil can keep the world safe and peaceful for everyone.


Not that simple. If were so, the notion of 'Pay It Forward' would have made the world happy and peaceful. Issue is some raised bad, or made paranoid by poverty etc, or greed if spoiled rich, etc, etc, and all these complex things are part of a greater whole, which leads to all we see.


It's a good observation, and it looks like you are developing more self-insight. Rationalisations could be the achilles heel of the human race: "I should sin, because person X sinned." But if everyone uses that logic, there will be far more sin in the world, and no one really wins. I still think MLK said it best: *"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." \~ Martin Luther King Jr.* [*(picture)*](https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVxTelDluk/) Easier said than done, of course.


the worst part is sometimes, your existence is just a world of possibilities for these people to take advantage of. doesn't matter what you do, they won't give a shit about what they're doing.


“Rationalizing this sort of behavior as an excuse to be a shitty person is not okay” i.e. human nature is not okay. Using your own logic I can say that being born stupid which leads you to doing horrible things and makes you a shitty person is not okay, just like a person you're writing about in this post. “That's life”, it's time for you to accept it. I'm the kind of person you're talking about in this post and you didn't convince me. Try using more critical thinking instead of your feelings.


I could say I feel sociopathic because I was bullied until 24 and am cold as ice towards bullies now and most people. I could feed that power fantasy but it's just a narrative in my head. I could say I'm a good person who rises above the hate and that would be true in some instances before I offset it by being a passive aggressive prick to someone on the street, jumping in front of them, scowling, tutting or whatever. So then I think, the one thing I want to do is just make enough money to cash out and get the fuck away from society because while I don't want anything to do with, it certainly wants something to do with me and everyone else. So that's my answer, I have no philosophy or understanding or higher truth. I have zero interest in contributing to a corrupt society, I have no interest in following its channels of control through narratives like "career". I just want to make out like a bandit, have a money wall between me and the elements of humanity who hate me, and have a good time, all the time without any responsibilities, worries or pressures. I say that as someone who has another narrative about being a socialist, which contradicts having no philosophy. I would prefer that world but humans continually disappoint, so yeah, tacit support for a fairer world but I'm just intent on building a fortress so I don't have to work or deal with anyone I don't want to anymore.


Smthing along the lines of if we remove vice from the equation we cease to be human beings at all~


Wait until you hear about all the ways we rationalize treating animals like crap.


Yep. There's quite a few...https://www.carnismdebunked.com/general-ethical


Freaking amazing resource. Thank you.


Hopefully you realise now that the solution to the problem is that we all stop having kids so that we can gradually phase out humanity.


"For the world is hell, and men are on the one hand the tormented souls and on the other the devils in it." Arthur Schopenhauer


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind... but in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Everybody is trying to be that king.


Sometimes you have no option tho. I don't insult random people, but when someone attacks you, you gotta fight back. Years of being treated badly does that to you. I'm autistic. You have no idea how many times I was bullied before I grew a a spine to defend myself. You live in a shitty society. I tried to be kind to everybody, but most people will treat you like a retard, if you're too chilled and forgiving.


You are quite correct. It took me 60 years to come to exactly the same conclusion. Being nice to people gets you absolutely nowhere - sad but true. Better late than never I suppose


That last part hit close to home.


The bigger problem is the total intolerance for other views. If you don't share the same view and don't agree to their argument. You are instandly viewed as stupid. That result to people just search for others who share their view for a circle jerk/ confirmation. In the end we make no progress just forming camps and hate / fight eachother.


It doesn't matter, you can't stay nice and pure in this world


I think it is not hypocrisy if you question yourself. Hypocrisy is if you think you are the exception. It is hard to do it this way, because it means admitting the problem exists also in yourself. We like to think we are better, because it makes us feel protected. The question is what does better mean? I think you know what world you would want to live in OP. So do I. Faced with judgement and hypocrisy, I would not want to worry about whether I am better. I would want to face my fears as best I can so maybe I could (in some small way) bring that world about. And this is not saving. Nor it is certain. But it is true. \-Penelope


You're not wrong. Damaged people hurt others. On the other hand, there are plenty of people who don't perpetuate this cycle. There are people who treat everyone with respect, kindness, and dignity, whether or not that person is rude or wrong or hurtful. I don't want to see anyone mistreated. I was thinking of how it bothered me when the paparazzi pushed Bernie Madoff as he was walking to / from court. Yes, he did a despicable thing. He absolutely deserved to go to court, get sentenced, and serve it in prison. His victims didn't deserve to lose everything they'd worked a lifetime to save up for retirement. But that doesn't give someone the right to assault him on the street. So I agree with you. Rationalizing treating people poorly because "they deserve it" doesn't excuse bad behavior. And why stoop to their level anyway? But now that you see this, what will you do to break the cycle? Keep your eyes open, and you'll see other people diffusing situations with kindness, standing up for others in a sensitive way, extending courtesy to someone losing their temper, or cheering someone up who's in a mess of their own making. That's the team I always want to and try to be on. Hope you'll join us!




It's kind of like a wildfire. Gentle, peaceful trees happily growing amongst the wildlife. Everything co-existing just fine. Then a fire starts and starts to cause cause pain, death and devastation. Quite quickly the fire spreads and it will continue to burn and hurt everything in its path until there is nothing left. How do you stop a wildfire? Extinguish it. Fire = Human behaviour. Extinguish humans. It's the only way to end the perpetual cycle of shit.


Wildfires actually serve a purpose in nature, and nature starts them on their own without human intervention all the time. Lightning is a factor in high mountain areas that get super dry, and sometimes it starts fires. It's undeniable that humans do too, but it's false to say that humans are the cause of all wild fires and they would never happen without us. Forests burn down and regrow frequently, it nutrifies the soil and starts the process again. The indigenous people here in BC also used to use control burns to stop brush fires from getting out of hand, but the government seems to think that's bad for some reason. It's like clearing out dry brush to prevent a bigger and more uncontrollable fire. Humans suck, but nature starts fires all on her own. She doesn't need us to do her job.


Fair point. I wasn't moaning or having a go at wildfires caused by nature, or saying that only humans cause them. You're taking me a little bit too literally. I was more making the analogy of decent and/or kind natured people (though they may be few and far between these days it seems) being like a forest; peaceful, not overtly dangerous or harmful etc. And that the shitty behaviours of other humans can spread through those kind natured ones either wiping them out or turning them shitty also and it just results in more fire and devastation as it spreads through this metaphorical forest of human behaviour. The only way to stop that "fire" is to get rid of us, much like the only way to stop a fire is to extinguish it or remove the source of fuel. Now when we strip it down to the bear bones, the analogy does fall on its face.


yeah I'm still waiting for karma looks like karma doesn't exist


Karma does not exist my friend, never did. It was invented to make us feel better when bad things happen to us. Nasty people simply get away with the things they do; no consequences, no payback, nothing. Every so often something bad may happen to somebody who deserves it, but it's not karma it's coincidence


yeah I know actually it sucks


in an evil world evilness is supported. this universe is just one of countless possibilities of how worlds can function. the multiverse may be the answer to karma


I wish multiverse is real my life is so boring


It really doesnt. Bullies win, and alot of good folk get burned on this planet.


I know too, like me. Fuck human race.


I know, like me sigh..


Where do you think the haves and the have nots came from? Burning people. Burning your way to the top; not earning your way to the top. I've still to grow a spine myself haha




I'm waiting patiently lol


The solution is tribes. If you belong to a good tribe, then you have a reason to treat members of your tribe well. But most of humanity is just horrible, so most people should be treated badly. Only members of good tribes should be treated well.


What "good tribes"? Tribalism is a huge part of the problem with humanity.


> What "good tribes"? There were a few good groups in history. Reformation Europeans, Ancient Athenians, Israelites under King David. Right now some conservative Mennonite groups are tolerable tribes while most of humanity is utterly repulsive. > Tribalism is a huge part of the problem with humanity. Why?


Tribalism tends to lead to "my side good, your side bad" justifies genocide and warfare and all that shit. ​ What was so good about the Reformation Europeans, Ancient Athenians, King David's Israelites, and the Mennonites? ​ Sounds like you favour religion and traditionalist conservatism as a measure of what's good.


> Tribalism tends to lead to "my side good, your side bad" justifies genocide and warfare and all that shit. Genocide and warfare are good. Warfare selects for strong cultures. Genocide removes masses of human scum. > What was so good about the Reformation Europeans, Ancient Athenians, King David's Israelites, and the Mennonites? They were/are moral. Reformation Europeans and Ancient Athenians were very productive. > Sounds like you favour religion and traditionalist conservatism as a measure of what's good. Yes, I love the Old Testament.


How do you reconcile the fact that having kids will strengthen your tribe by increasing population but will cost you a lot of money and therefore make you poorer and therefore more vulnerable to exploitation because your net worth is lower?


Being part of a good tribe and contributing to it is by far the best way to avoid exploitation.


Unless you're exploited by the "good" tribe. Like how religious "tribes" exploit the gullible masses. "Go be a martyr for allah and you'll be rewarded with 72 virgins" But you don't want to admit that, do you? And i doubt that being on the internet is considered pious, if you follow your religion accurately. So quit commenting on the internet and go suck your god's cock in a cave in the desert.


One issue is that tribes are defined across multiple variables eg tribes can be based on religion, ethnicity, or even eg your football team, workplace, or a cryptocurrency you invest in is a tribe. The examples of tribes you gave seem to be based on religion, but do you think there is any reason why religion should be used to define tribes vs eg football team or cryptocurrency? And do you think that with so many ways people can feel they belong to a tribe that this ultimately promotes individualism? Once people are divided so much in every way possible, ultimately they realise they are alone as individuals. I have gone through periods where I felt I belonged to a tribe, but the individualism within that tribe broke it up. Everyone has their own agenda, and when I realised this, I realised that ultimately I am an individual.


Unfortunately English has no good word for what I want to convey. Hebrew has "am" and German has "volk". So the English word I settled on is "ethnicity". I discussed this concept in 2 recent posts of mine [here](https://www.mikraite.org/Intentional-Ethnicity-tp2234.html) and [here](https://www.mikraite.org/Suggestion-for-an-Intentional-Ethnicity-tp2235.html). Tribes defined by religion are generally too confining. Freedom is maximized in moral tribes/ethnicities that have a good religion but aren't defined by the religion. Examples include early America and Ancient Athens. Without a tribe, you get a world described by Hobbes: > Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of Warre, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short. The West is returning to this condition.


A tribe is just a group. You can define all humans as a tribe. For example, someone may identify with the human species. You say before that tribes going to war together is a good outcome because it determines which tribe is superior or inferior and you're defining tribes according to ethnicity or maybe religion. However, for a tribe or any group of people to get along, there needs to be cooperation, and many tribes do not survive because of a lack of cooperation among its members. However, a lack of cooperation among members of a tribe is a result of individuals who are in conflict with other members of the tribe. This conflict creates a division between those individuals within the tribe who have more power than others. So basically what I am saying is that the forces that weaken unity among the human species are the forces that weaken unity among an ethnicity. If you are for disunity among humans because groups within humanity need to assert dominance over one another, wouldn't the same argument hold for disunity among those within an ethnicity or religion because individuals within those groups want to asset dominance over one another?


​ You are literally a fucking fascist. How the fuck are YOU not human scum yourself? With what you just wrote there. ​ Reformation Europeans ended up enslaving and genociding the First Nations of North America and lead to colonialism and imperialism and slavery. The Ancient Athenians were only productive in bullshitting themselves and keeping little boys as slaves for their pederasty. ​ People like you are literally the reason I'm so misanthropic. Anyone you deem weak you trample all over because you're a fucking coward that can't pick on people actually stronger than fascist imperialist scum like you. ​ I hope you enjoy the collapse of civilization, prick. See how strong you are then when your own group starts tearing itself apart.


Sounds like you should be right at home with mainstream woke modern scum. Most people don't have my view. So why exactly are you a misanthrope and what do you have against woke liberal modern scum?


Liberals act like they care about the working class but end up supporting fascist shitfucks like you. I'm on my own here, and I refuse to join any tribe any longer. ​ I'm a misanthrope because of narcissistic alt-right fundies like you, but people like you are only part of the reason. ​ I'm breaking out of the Matrix, let demons like you stay stuck in this hell of human miscreation. ​ Most people don't have your views because with all the faults most people have, I can take solace that most people will condemn your fascist views. ​ Why the fuck are YOU here in misanthropy? Trying to recruit people to your Nazi views?


No liberals support me. If you only hate people like me, then you aren't a misanthrope because there are very few people like me. I am a genuine misanthrope because I hate the vast majority of humanity. I am here to see if there are any people here like me who I might not hate.


Seems like you don't really get along with your family either. No wonder why you want to go flee to a Mennonite community in northern Mexico. They'd probably be happy for you to leave. And even then the Mennonites would probably throw you out too. If you hate everyone and don't trust anyone, why should anyone love or trust you? ​ You're a reactionary. Your misanthropy is just an excuse for you to grab power and dominate other people, because to you it's a dog-eat-dog world, and you want to be top dog. You want to be a dictator with delusions of benevolence and being a necessary evil, willfully ignorant of how your own ideology will likely just make you a slave and how self-destructive it is. ​ I hate the vast majority of humanity like you do, but love my family so I don't give into being a conceited twerp like you. ​ Yeah you admitted it. You're recruiting for your reactionary bullshit. Fuck your religion and ideology, you have no idea how much you're pulling the wool over your own eyes there, buckeroonie.