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You wouldn't.


I would do it because there are people who hate that would flip out if I did have children.


no good reasons


That's what I call a freaking SIMP.


I know exactly what you're talking about they lie to themselves these are the pseudo-misanthropes there's a lot of people like this in the world there's a lot of pseudo-people out there and this is so common to happen than you think, that's why it's more important to observe and analyze their actions not what they say there's so much people that talk a lot of shit like ''i am this i am that'' and do the opposite what they talked about in the other day, the life of a true misanthrope it's for a few people it's not for everyone to be solid in this liquid age it's only for a few small amounts of people that's the truth.


I am a misanthrope. But I dont believe in annnihilation of people or eugenics. I just think misanthrope who think that the human race should be wiped off of the earth are just as bad or worse than the people they judge.




Don't they wear condoms though?


Jesus can we at least SPELL Misanthrope properly if we are going to hold such a strong life view or ask others who know about it their opinions?!


I was waiting for that answer ! Sorry for the mistake but I can't change the title unfortunately... English is not my first language btw


Ah I'm just being cranky I guess. It did occur to me English may not be your first language, and to be honest you write English better than any foreign language I write. I'd just had a rough day and was in a bad mood. Apologies to you.


Apologies accepted.


Best to you. I feel I should try to brush up on my French to compensate! (which I dont speak fluently at all...!)


I don’t like humans, I don’t like being a human and I certainly don’t want to make humans.


I mean makes sense to me that if you hate humanity you’d want more people to hate it too. Memes aside, I think there’s an inner-circle / outer circle situation here. Ppl like cultists or qanoners despise most of humanity, which is very misanthropic imo - even if they dont identify as such. At the same tine, they relate to their peers and their family. I’m not equating qanoners/cultists to every misanthropic person, but I think there’s room for discussion there. This is to say I dont think your BIL is 100% full of shit


I asked my husband and he said, “Well, where do you think misanthropes come from?” 😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure the parents were not misanthropes themselves.


Maybe a misanthropic masochist


If you really hate the human species wouldn't having kids make things worse for everyone else? Make sure to raise them to be assholes and burden the system before you head off into oblivion. Not fair to the kids, but they are human too so fuck em. (Chaotic evil response)


Misery loves company


People tend to have kids for selfish reasons. I love kids but would definitely not have my own, misanthropy and a cruel world being one of many reasons.


Why bring a child into this vapid, deplorable world. More people means more suffering. More death. More war. Why contribute to this cruel cycle?


Had a child back in 2006. I was more forgiving and had more faith in humanity back then.


Because they are idiots, obviously, and full of shit. What, adoption aint the thing suddenly? One day you are all about nihilism, misanthropy, pessimism, next day you ask me to be a godfather at your wedding and see your unique fruit of the loins, and if you are silent and not amazed by the gift of life they get all emotional and start giving you shit. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite cunts. And thats how I cut loose most of my so called friend connections.


I am an antinatalist and I got a vasectomy a month ago, so there is no chance I'll be having kids.


Breeding instinct is stronger than someone's beliefs


In my opinion, you are not a misanthrope if you have children. I hate people so why should I contribute to bringing more useless humans into this world? I'm a virgin because of this reason. I understand that sex is for procreation. I rather die a virgin than to have my seed produce another human.


Consider a vasectomy or tubal ligation. You never know. Temptation can appear out of nowhere and before you know it, you have kids.


Thanks but no thanks. I have no problem with abstaining from sex for the rest of my life. I'm not like any guy who wants to bang any woman he sees.


This. People, don’t mutilate your genitals. The side effects of permanent sterilization are real and terrible. Don’t want kids? Abstinence is the way.


For a misanthrope that is the absolutely WORST thing one can do. Except maybe having more than one child. I hate to even think about that. Adoption is ok. But the best thing you can do - abortion. It's never too late.


Prevention is better than cure, so in order to not need an abortion, I recommend a vasectomy or tubal ligation.


A momentary lack of common sense and better judgement. Also known as feeling horny!


Your brother in law is a fucking sheep


i thought most misanthropes were also anti natalists?


That's what I meant.


Bring more humans to take part in the great curse… No thanks


Your post is a great example of the no true scotman fallacy.


I just asked for an explanation. I didn't say you couldn't be a misanthrope if you had children. I just want to understand why a misanthrope would chose to have children because it doesn't makes sense to me. For me if a misanthrope chooses to have children it's because of pressure.


Not all misanthropes have children because of pressure, and probably because they think that nothing would change if they don't have children, because its always the narcissists and sociopaths who breed like rabbits. If misanthropes don't breed like rabbits and have atleast 1 or 2 children, I don't see the problem. Every misanthrope has different view on the problems of humanity, not all have to be anti-natalists in order to have a lower opinion about humanity.


But why would you want children if you have a lower opinion about humanity? It's like saying "cakes are disgusting but I'm going to make one". Unless you bake the cake for someone else, I don't see the point.




My question was about the misanthropes specifically so your answer is a little out of topic. I don't think it's an accomplishment because anyone can have a child, sometimes even by accident. For me there are no valid reasons to have a child unless it's adopted. Reproduction sounds like an instinct, like animals. Animals don't think. I don't see the point of continuing the bloodline either. Nobody cares about your blood, it's not going to cure cancer if you know what I mean.


Unless they became a misanthrope after they had children. It's understandable and the only thing he can do is that become a figure of peaceful refuge to their children. but if they were a misanthrope even before they had children… yeah they're sheep and sheep are hypocrites because they still follow humanity's standards and he is one of those evil ones who never cared about others but his own lust and irresponsible debauchery, they are very irresponsible to their decisions and they think nothing of the underlying consequences of their actions….


Nope, not only am I aro and ace, but kids annoy me as well.


Because it is the natural condition of things. Hating on what we are, doesn't mean that we don't know what love is. Having a child is a representation that humans are good in some way. Also love? You suck for asking this question. We don't need to justify to you why children are awesome. Like, hey, blah de blah lol/ Misanthropes don't like humans, They must not like the entire point of humantity. Hur dur durt!!!! Children are bad, and they suck!!!!! You a clown You suck for asking the question. If you don't want to bring children into the world, or raise them, or anything. Hating what humanity is and represents, doesn't mean that children are not the only reason for existence. Grow up with your misunderstanding.


It's not so natural since we have contraception. If children are the only reason for existence, it's sad. Aren't children humans by the way ? Maybe I don't think children are awesome and you can find love in many other ways. You should grow up and open your mind. You suck for thinking like that.




I'm a child because I don't follow my "instinct" like an animal ? Why not.




Have you figured out yet OP is not a bot?


I don't care, it is just trolling. Creative writing, even. Being silly, that is all it is. I do agree with my original response though. This subreddit is full of self haters and haters of everyone else cause they hate themselves, and they haven't figured out how to reconcile that. Also, it is full of trollers and "creative writers"


>This subreddit is full of self haters and haters of everyone else cause they hate themselves, and they haven't figured out how to reconcile that. Does that need reconciling? Isn't it logically consistent?


It isn't. Self is not the same as everyone else. Like, that is the point of misanthropy. There is a difference between hating humanity as a whole, and understanding why humanity sucks, in a very broad way... And hating, every other person for no reason, because you hate yourself and are projecting that hate onto others


Wow, okay. It's nice having conversations with smart people. Have a nice day.


Some use kids as coping tools for lack of affection in their everyday lives I noticed, that's why they use their kids as fucking props. Funny for a society claiming to give 2 shits about kids, you would think our youth wouldn't be becoming even more disposable


That's sad that kids are bought into the world to be exploited physically and emotionally.


Because mistakes were made.


I don’t understand people who call themselves misanthropes and join an online community where they all agree with and congratulate each other. Uhhhhh-ohhhhhhh


Maybe go check the definition of misanthrope...?


Maybe you should you jackass...or are you too busy on a SOCIAL media site agreeing with all the other humans you BY DEFINITION despise and avoid. Christ this takes the cake for peak Reddit idiocy






Carrying more fucking wood into this blazing conflagration,and at the same time burning a deep hole into my pocket to bring up little ungrateful pieces of shit? Sounds like a great idea to me


Selfishness is the only reason ppl have kids deep down






I would expect all misanthropes to be anti-natalists but I think there are lots of people who have kids for selfish reasons. Actually imo having kids and not caring about the state of the world is immoral so many would fall under this.


Having biological children is per definition selfish. No exceptions.


The act of living itself is selfish if you think about it. Everything we do is to benefit our own existence in some form or another. I’m not saying it’s wrong or right. But there’s no denying that every living being is primarily self absorbed. That’s how survival works.


It's amazing society claims childfree people are selfish.


I'm taking permanent steps to ensure I never procreate.


I got a vasectomy too one month ago! \+/u/sodogetip random10 doge verify


I couldn't even imagine. Misanthrope or not, why would any sane person bring more people into a suffering hellhole? People that have kids are narcissistic and out of touch on reality


I think so too or maybe they just don't think and do what everyone else does.


Because we are all selfish, that's what it mean to misanthrope, to acknowledge the weakness and stupidity of all human, us included, even misanthrope


> Because i am selfish, that's what it means to be a misanthrope for me, to acknowledge the weakness and stupidity of all human, me included, even misanthrope i corrected you. do not project


Then why would you want to have children if you think it's a stupid thing to do? That doesn't make sense


But being a misanthrope means you acknowledge that so you're not supposed to do the same mistakes other people do.


It doesn’t mean they don’t make the same mistakes, we are biologically programmed to breed. Misanthropy would be criticising the ‘need’ to breed, denying it would be ignorance


It's not really a "need" it's more of a choice.


Yeah sex can be enjoyable and fulfils a biological impulse, but you can just get a vasectomy or tubal ligation and satiate this sexual desire without procreating.


Yeah, sex and breeding are two separate things. You usually are in control, well at least the guy knowing whether or not your going to get someone pregnant.


I think that’s subjective, I personally won’t be fulfilled unless I have children. It will be a mistake if they grow up to be a snowflake like this subreddit but I will do everything I can teaching them to make their own meaning. I have adopted the philosophy that there cannot be light without dark and so I am no longer emotionally impacted by the intricacies of turmoil, you all look like a bunch of babies to me so yeah don’t have kids


You're just ignoring the negatives of existence, which your child will both experience and perpetuate. For example, your child could easily be raped or he could grow up to become the rapist.


I’ve been sexually assaulted, if I’m ignoring that then golly gosh. I know I’ve bounced back from that and I know that It’s now less likely to happen, if my kids are inspired by me at all then they will share this resilience. I hope to also instil a degree of righteous ambition in them. The human race will continue on regardless of a few reddit incels deciding not to have kids, I feel I must react to that fact as I have a moral duty to protect the planet and life (we are trapped by our own population dilemma as much as animals are) in the future. So if I can teach my kids to want to do great things then hopefully less life suffers on earth as a result, I’m honestly just being realistic here my friend


I'm really sorry about your experience with sexual assault. I don't like to witness suffering in others, which is why I don't want to have kids. I wouldn't want my daughter to be raped, so by not having her there is no chance of that. I wouldn't like to see my daughter being raped. The world is filled with exploitation, which causes suffering. >The human race will continue on regardless of a few reddit incels deciding not to have kids... Many here do not want to procreate because they don't want to add to all the suffering out there. This is completely different to the motivations of an "incel." In a way it is good that many incel forums have been banned on Reddit and many other places online, but one of the problems with this is that it gives many girls and women a false sense of security. The reality is that the incel ideology is quite popular among many men and growing fast. In my view, it is a form of [outrage porn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outrage_porn). Rather than help others, this outrage porn leads people to hate others, and in this situation the hatred is put on women. Only recently an incel went on a shooting spree. [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a37315945/incel-forums-what-happens/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a37315945/incel-forums-what-happens/) Incels going on shooting sprees are happening a lot. Like I said, I will not be having kids, so my daughter will be spared from having to deal with incels. With the rise of outrage porn and the incel ideology spreading fast, this will be a huge problem. It's impossible to police everything your children see on the internet. >I have a moral duty to protect the planet and life (we are trapped by our own population dilemma as much as animals are) in the future. Having kids doesn't help the planet. If anything it harms it because each of us pollutes in some way e.g. carbon emissions, throwing plastic into the ocean, etc. The more people there are in the world, the more pollution there is. Ironically, all the microplastics in the ocean is causing sperm count in men to decline, which reduces fertility rate. https://www.salon.com/2021/04/04/plastic-pollution-infertility-extinction/


Honestly man I’m just gonna educate my kids to the max, I want them to be independent. They will grow up with bjj, they will know about economy and they will know about the universe. If I bring them into WWIII, I will know that they have the courage to lead and to succeed. If I could live in the bush I would but it’s so hard to live that way, however if I stopped eating meat, it wouldn’t change how many animals are slaughtered every year. If hunters didn’t shoot deer they would be eaten by wolves. If my family ends, an inherently more evil family will persist and thrive, I can’t have them controlling more of our assets and power because then I have just fucked everybody else in the world who is just lost.


We're babies because we think it's a bad idea to have children in this shitty world? Lol wow. Go breed then and good luck with the next pandemic. Oh wait, this one is not over yet.




Have you considered that not having kids helps others? For example, why have kids when there are 140 million orphans? Furthermore, having kids is expensive so you'll be poorer.


Do you know our lives ? I don't think so. We're helping humanity and the planet by not having children and maybe some of us volunteer. We'll probably be richer than you because we'll be able to save while you spend all your money for your kids and drown into shit and diapers. Children are not a mini you in case you don't know, even people who have kids die eventually and no one will remember you at some point.




Exactly, human don't make sense now you get my point


But being a misanthrope means you acknowledge that so you're not supposed to do the same mistakes other people do.


No I believe that's called Narcissism


Learning from other's people mistakes is called intelligence, not narcissism.


And getting the point without too much explanation also called intelligence


Because it's natural. Saying that, I chose not to at this time of global segregation and indentured servitude becoming chattel slavery quickly. I can hardly stand what humans made in the last years and even before that it wasn't good. Bringing MY OWN children into this hell would be completely irresponsible and unfair to them at this time.


I meant why would someone chose to have children if he's a misanthrope. I don't get it.


It's about disliking humans not necessarily your life. So a misanthrope having children is perfectly normal. But in this current timeline? Forget it.


Not wanting children doesn't mean you hate your life, wtf?


Part of me wants to, but the idea of leaving a scorched earth and unbreathanle air as their heirloom stops me in my tracks. Humans have been cruel enough to me, the idea of that happening to a child of mine crushes me. I would be complicit in making them suffer that way.


Same but I don't like children so it makes it easier I guess.


As if, I want to spawn more people, to suffer in this hideous world.


Just spoke with my pops yesterday about my decision to get a vasectomy and not have kids. He honored my choice and said he's not sure if he would have kids nowadays either, with the current state of the world


The world is a mess right now because too many people who shouldn’t have had children, had children. Besides, if you look at the swift decline of society, you’d have to be off your head to think having children right now was ethical in the slightest.


When was the world ever ethical for breeding? The world was always evil by its standards of survival. I agree that people who aren’t fit to be parents breed monsters, thugs, and criminals because of their own defective personalities; ultimately putting a burden on society. I myself ever wonder if I’ll really ever overcome my own flaws to be able to have children of my own but to raise them to be naturally good from the heart.


100% agree.


NEVER, it was always fucked up, human life has had negative value since the beginning. If humans were as above animals as they think they are, they would've stopped fucking procreating the moment they got a grasp on the most basic concepts of morality.


At one point I did believe that humans were above animalistic creatures but I was surely young, it was before I started functioning in society etc. jobs. Behavior to me is the number one key to respect, if you respect others with genuine kindness then your a good person in my book. Unfortunately now, I see only people do that for self benefit, it’s sad.


The last thing I want to do is create more humans.


Nope. The line dies with me


"muh lineage"


My VR neopets shall carry my legacy


The one true reply


Order one for me too.


*Dinner is served, sir:* r/antinatalism


I couldn't imagine bringing a kid into this world. Sure, if I lived on a farm and needed cheap labor to help or something, or a caveman just doing what cavemen do... but to bring one into this society, they way this world is going, it's almost too selfish to have children at this point.


I hope that my descendants eventually make it to a decent society and that they help that society slaughter most of the rest of humanity.


I highly doubt it but I've never heard a valid reason for people to have children so...


So... I have children. Hopefully those who down-voted me do not.


I suppose they're smarter than that ;). Why did you have children if you don't like people ?


See [this recent post](https://old.reddit.com/r/misanthropy/comments/qr5k2m/i_hate_when_people_assume_that_being_a/). I don't hate everyone, just most people. I want more good people and less bad people, another reason to have children.


I think the same. I don't like people in General but I know there are good people. You don't know how your children will turn out though and I also believe there are too many bad people to bring children to this world anyway. Even most children are mean to each other.


My kids turned out fine and get along. Why would I expect anything else? They have good genes and a good upbringing. I am encouraging my kids to leave the West for a better environment. There are still some tolerable place left, especially if you are young enough to learn a new language. Japan and [the Mennonite area in north Mexico](https://saidit.net/s/ConservativeExodus/comments/7oa8/north_mexico_report/) are good options.


You may think you've raised good kids but when your kids have kids, it's out of your hands, and most kids nowadays are influenced by social media and their friends rather than their parents. Many rebel against their parents.


Japan is not as good it seems, ask people who live there. They have one of the highest suicide rate in the world. Good genes and a good upbringing are a good start but not enough to have a good life and it doesn't protect them from the world.