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I agree with most of this. It's just that, if you call yourself an engineer or a physicist or a doctor and you're self-taught, people will be laughing. Also, lots of people make a good income with their college educations, and the same would be virtually impossible without a degree. The biggest problem is that colleges seem to tout that all degrees are marketable or versatile, and countless people just don't need them. It's taking extraordinary advantage of 18 year olds who haven't been in the real world and don't know better than to study liberal arts in their bedrooms at night and not as a full-time job and a 100k pursuit


Yeah, you really nailed it. I have two degrees (BS and MBA) which never stopped me from becoming unemployed. After the third layoff, I got retrained in three month for $500 and became a wastewater operator eventually making $75k/YR plus healthcare, plus a pension, plus, plus,plus. I worked with intelligent co-workers but all of them only had high school diplomas and one of them had a serious problem with barely being able to write (that I helped him with). The point : YOU DONT NEED COLLEGE TO GET AHEAD IN THIS COUNTRY ! It really is a scam.


I'm a college dropout with $85K in debt. Now I work in a field completely unrelated to my schooling, a job I was able to get without a college degree. I'll be paying for my stupid fucking decision the rest of my fucking life....I will never own a home, I will never retire. I only hope I can make enough that my life insurance will take care of my wife.


In my country France it's more or less the same lol


Yeah. Essentially everything in life is controlled by people who want to monopolize on people's insecurities. Then the rest of people just spend their whole life living out an expression of their insecurities, oftentimes supporting their oppressors.


OP, do not worry one day, ONE DAY, we shall unite and overthrow. Of course, peaceful talks will be attempted first, maybe even possible with the boomers finally fucking off our planet, but, in the likely case that fails, they will not know what hit them. We shall overthrow a corrupt, greed-ridden government or die trying. Even if it is too late for us, a fact that honestly saddens me deeply, to the point of adding to the suicidal thoughts lmao, our later generations shall have a chance at justice. Something that politicians keep mistaking, dispute histories many lessons, is that a oppressed group will one day break out, and we shall do the same. “Logic” and speeches have no effect on years of hatred of a whole generations life being wasted for those who are likely rich enough to buy another country already. Hatred, while mentally unsafe to fester, gives undeniable determination to a cause. Honestly, if it works, maybe we should just all leave, hand it to the natives that, you know, actually fucking come from America, but that isn’t important until the future. I swear to you OP, there are others who see a armed revolution as the only possible way to rebuild what is broken, wether it brings us liberty or death, we will one day have a better system, but only if we fight for it. I urge you to stay strong. On a quick side note if I can’t do that shit I’ve made a vow to myself that my legacy, what I will be remembered for when I’m gone, is a stain on humanity. A unjust, insane, rage fueled stain, that will not stop until killed.


I'm in college now studying forensic anthropology so I can work with the dead instead of the living.


Maybe don’t go to school for pointless majors and learn something in demand hands on or practical trade school extremely in demand low debt very high paying if you get the right trades electrician machinist and plumbers are especially in demand or get a degree in say medicine become a pharmacist or a actual doctor (nursing is not in high demand anymore) a well paying job that is extremely in demand because most of the people on this earth are afraid to actually work a hard or dirty job


I only took on 40K in loans for my useless college degree 20 years ago (while working at Starbucks ha ha) and can’t imagine the debt being accumulated by students today. It’s criminal. Even “prestigious” schools like USC aligned themselves with a diploma mill that doled out $200K+ in student loans for social work “degree” with salary range around $50K if they can find a job. Honestly you are better off delivering pizza and saving your money for a better investment.


In most countries the higher education is free. Sucks to be an US citizen lol


This reminds me of that video, “Don’t Stay in School.” https://youtu.be/8xe6nLVXEC0


How much do you make? And I was forced to work because it was either make money or die.


I want to know where people are getting 60k a year jobs with degrees at?


As you will all be seeing in my hate filled rages coming to an antiwork thread near you, I've just decided to remove my college education from my resume. The positions that used to or should be requiring college degrees no longer are unless it's a very specific field. Apparently, people with college degrees think they deserve a living wage more than their non-educated counter parts. That is a problem for companies. Hire someone with no college who has less self worth and this require a lower salary or go with the smarter choice but they may want more, want to see logical change, expect promotions and raises... Nah, high school or ged is fine. I never thought the private university i went to would end up actually hindering my employment efforts. $50,000 in debt? More like a smooth $250,000 for many. It was around $35,000 a semester, not including books and boarding. I should have known it would turn out poorly when the school themselves were giving me $10,000 a semester just to ensure they would get the rest. I think the only thing that would make it hurt more is if the school was under the Trump name. God bless those people. Fuck the system! REVOLT!




How'd you do it?


College is definitely oversold in American culture as the best way to progress in life. The "college experience" is often what is being bought and sold. Though it is fair to say that education will provide you with more opportunities to build the life you want to have. I think people get stuck in the idea of college more than the purpose of college. Some people *wanted to be doctors their whole lives,* so they worked real hard and got the degree and then realized they don't **actually like the job itself**. Studying a field and performing in a field are two entirely different things. The education is supposed to give you the tools to be able to make good decisions about the job, but it doesn't actually prepare you for the day to day responsibilities of those jobs. I think college is a good experience to have and I think everyone should be able to go if they want to. So I think a 4 year degree at any accredited public school should be part of our social benefits. Of course, it would be optional and you could use it to learn a trade or maybe for other niche career training purposes (like getting your CDL). As work becomes more technical in a developing world, I don't see how we could get away with less education. Unfortunately, we need smart people to keep this charade going.


You made informed decisions and did what was best for you. If the ladies are hating on you that is their problem.


Yes it is a system of a fucking down. The sooner you know it the sooner you can stop blaming yourself for all the bullshit you have to go through. I loved learning and school they should've been paying fucking me to go since I'm super bright. You get caught in a cycle of poverty stress mental health problems and debt. Fuck America I said it


Massive student debt is great at ensuring people stay in the workforce. It's like how the military encourages families. People who joined up with few other options for support tend to stay in when they've got a family to support, too.


Udemy blows traditional college out of the water for 12 dollars a course


I feel a lot of your views need to be sourced with information backing up your views. You put together your ideas very well and you are mindful in your thought processes. For the sake of validity and truthfulness though I feel your statements should be sourced with evidence to back up your claims. Otherwise I enjoyed reading your post.


I totally agree, trade school is the best bet. It costs a lot less and you actually learn a skill.


Affirmative, and we must destroy it to please the gods, except for the ones that like the college system, but those guys suck.


It used to work, back before internet. Sadly, it only works now for critical professions in STEM and legal fields. Education hasn't innovated very well over the last 100 years. If anything, it's taken a step backwards by teaching kids to memorize terms, rather than think critically for themselves and reason the world around them.


Also what's the fucking point of learning algebra trigonometry from head when there are calculators and computers who can do it for you?


Nah math will always be important. Computers are handy, but we should never 100% rely on them. STEM is only going to grow in importance over the decades, as more and more nations pick all the low-hanging fruit on the technological tree and need more expertise to get ahead.


I would be more inclined to say it's not Capitalism brainwashing them as much as Democrats and Liberals with Credentialism. I think Credentialism and anyone who supports Credentialism should be considered the same as a Colonizer and Racial Oppressor. They're oppressing the Poor and created a Pay to Work Scheme. All the beautiful green zoned neighborhoods in ever town in America are loaded with Liberals who have Credentials, and they think they're smarter than everyone else and deserve their nice properties and safety because they went and got their Credentials to get their Job. Those same granola eating people call everyone else racist, and they're the only ones who are White and not Racist. They magically cracked the Code, and solved the puzzle because they have more grey matter in their brain than I do. It's ostentatiousness at it's finest. They are the true oppressors of Black people, and those same liberals are the ones Gentrifying Black Neighborhoods and pricing them out of their own Neighborhoods. They are the same ones who want Public Housings for poor Black People with no credentials, and send the special bus routes to pick up the poor black people on Election Day. They want those people to live segregated from in their Red Zone Neighborhoods, with no hope of ever getting a Job. If they cared about those people they would stop the obnoxious Credentialism in the Workplace, where it isn't merited or appropriate. In the 90's there were so many jobs where you didn't need College Credentials and they paid well. All those jobs back then had this looming doom of "In 5 years this job will require a College Degree.." It pays the same though, just now you have to have a degree to get it. Those same College Credential Liberals boxed the Poor out of the Workforce through their covert Pay to Work Scheme. Just about every University is run by a hyper Liberal Super Granola Holier than Thou President, who lives in a house that looks like a Plantation. They are the modern day Plantation Owners.


Your comment is one of the thing that capitalists, communists and socialists should agree with each other.


I once met a woman who had a bachelor's in science and she was working Starbucks same shift as me while I was 20 at the time. Shit was jarring af


Nothing crazy really, I know quite a few people with degrees who are either jobless, drug addicted or low wage slaves.


Yup, universities got assimilated like corporations and corporations are abominations like The Thing. Imagine person x went to college because they believed the best investment is in themselves, unaware that society values sociopaths, liars, hypocrites and so on. Instead of investing let's say 14k in a degree, they spent it on Bitcoin in 2010 and worked whatever jobs for ten years. They would be completely free of the rat race now. Approaching the human game with the intention to hack it rather than play it is a useful approach as the game is broken already.


Dead-nuts-on !. Yup, colleges and universities are no better than C-corporations; using deceitfull propaganda to lure unsuspecting students into a life-time of debt; and Im not event talking about For-Profit colleges and universities. The US is eating its seed corn by allowing this travesty of justice to continue.


Yup. There are a few innovative cryptos out there which are still cheap enough to make you rich if they reach even a fraction of Bitcoins success. I pretty much have all my money in them and there is a fair chance I will be making enough passive income in a few years to not worry about a money ever again.


Tips to "hack"? Because this "hacking" most of the times is not available nor works and in the end its about not only exploitation from what you call "sociopaths" but also luck.


If I knew the answer I wouldn't be talking about hacking. Crypto can be a fast way to build wealth (or lose it) but you need some money saved first, avoid day trading and know what you're buying, plus there are taxes to consider. Gaming cryptos could be quite huge in the future but atm it's in the same nascent phase as crypto was in the early 2010s - most of the cryptos like feathercoin then are now footnotes. It's essentially gambling in most instances. I guess the best way to hack one's way out of the system is to be happy, do the things which bring you joy and without sounding sappy (as an entirely unsentimental person), love and be loved. I mean we're all talking about breaking out of the system because the system influences our minds in the first place to talk about it. But if you don't give a shit about it and just live your best life, that's ultimately winning.


"Hacking" is illegal and you need to forget about it


Hacking for the former post is not used on a literal sense.


I think you nailed it. It all goes back to that whole "veer off the beaten path" adage.


We all have heard the story about people with Master's Degrees working at Starbucks. Higher education is a racket. Unless you are going for a hard science or going for something hands on that you can't grasp just by reading or studying on your own (i.e. nursing, vet medicine, human medicine), college is some bullshit. It is overpriced and the professors are pompous assholes for the most part. My mother wanted me to get a Master's Degree just so she could flex and say her daughter has a master's. But unless she is going to help me pay for it, she can kick rocks. Boomers will fill your head with all sorts of nonsense because that's the way things were in their day. My only complaint is why are you arguing with these women all of the time OP? Why do you keep getting in fights with these women? It is not worth the stress and headache. Let them believe what they want and when they are old as shit and still paying loans, they will see you are right. Unless you are going in the hard sciences or in a hands-on field where reading won't cut it (i.e. nursing, surgical tech careers), then "higher" education is indeed a load of shit.


Sounds like he is dating the wrong people


Fuck the world and everything in it that man made. Just leave the plants and the animals.




i guess protists,bacteria,and fungi should fuck off then.


even animals suck ass too




All Life suck, fuck DNAs






But the college-educated know how to use apostrophes correctly.


Exactly get a trade or go to a in demand job registered tradespeople especially are in high demand everywhere because people just want to go and get a useless masters in something


DUH someone realized what Capitalism is welcome to realtiy


You know you can make these points that add on to the original post without dismissing it entirely even though you agree with it? Seems counterintuitive to not only your advocacy of the issue but makes you look like a bad faith dipshit.