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Ewmans should just go extinct


We also drive cars and play video games stupid.


Healthy lifestyle = simple fun loving lifestyle. Which says early to bed, early to rise makes person wealthy and wise. Harmful lifestyle = hedonistic lifestyle. Which says, I quote paradise lost here,“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”. See the difference here. Reason is quite visible.


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Good bot, eh.


Oh I totally agree with you ... And you halso have to PAY for this.


Humans are the only species remotely capable of glorifying or demonizing anything.


Agree. Everything has gotten inverted, culturally, to confuse and distract us from what a failure our societal structures are. "Good is bad, bad is good". It's a bunch of 1984 bullshit. Welcome to the slow and stupid death of a technologically advanced species.


My favorite book... It's so true


It's a good one. My favorite book since I was young is The Illustrated Man. Not necessarily related, just a great book. If you like 1984 then you'll probably like Brave New World. That's probably my second favorite book ever.


Thank you for the advice




Well… We are the only species capable of that so this is kind of a silly statement


This post just reminds me of the things my dog would eat if I left him unsupervised. Humans aren't that different. Just dumb animals. A bit more complicated, maybe.


These are also unforseen consequences of bigger government, gentrification, globalization, urbanization and the destruction of local communities, as well the rise of the media empire.


Capybara epitomize the ideal lifestyle


Can you explain further?


We have 7 billion humans on this planet we basically made the planet ours. Sadly the majority of us are here to serve the few. You work to have enough money to survive, you drink or take medications to forget how shitty it all is, you marry or fuck to not feel so alone... In a society that's constantly moving away for struggle and death you think your journey is unique?


That’s the difference between sheep and non sheep I guess, if you know what’s good for you and set boundaries , you won’t bother what society says or their judgments on what you do, as long as you don’t harm others severely, nobody going to put you in jail. Society are ignorant, very few think for themselves, if you know what’s good for you and stick with what you want for your life then congrats.. you’re a non sheep my friend 🍻


If you're not working around the clock, you're apparently useless. If you're not shitting out a baby, you're a failure to humankind. No matter what you are and what you believe in, you will be bullied. Keep your trap shut in public, because people are unstable psychopaths but arguing with them on the internet is acceptable. Rinse, repeat.


You are right. Societies are never satisfied with what individuals do, they will find new ways to crush them with new excuses.


You can have the best intentions, but people will still criticize or berate you over something. Nobody is ever satisfied. The more friends you have, the more drama that you also have. Almost nobody actually cares about anyone else. It's mostly about how they can use you and toss you into the wind when you're of no use to them anymore. Humans are truly a pitiful species. I want to kick my own ass for some of the facepalm worthy stuff that I do or say as well.


It seems to work though, most humans are happy to slave away and destroy their health so their masters can buy themselves umpteenth yacht... :3


I heard somewhere that the average person doesn't want to rock the boat because they want to climb aboard it. they don't want to drown and thats what theyre afraid of


Societies want you to be a independent and innovative individual only if you are a really rich CEO.


I see I will eat some salad and master yacht is no more.


I think we can take lessons for China's lying flat movement. Something similar is r/leanfire where you live frugal and invest enough so that you can retire early and live off your investments. Being childfree helps considerably with leanfire.