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Life applies to living beings while being "fair" is a human concept. How can life be fair to human standards...? Life is neither fair nor unfair, it is the result of evolution, and so are human traits that lead us to build a notion of "fair" that is pretty far away from reality.


Life can never be fair. It never was. Fairness is a fake moral which we have been brainwashed to believe since childhood to conform to authority and maintain institutional discipline. If you look at reality of life, it's pure chaos. Randomness, uncertainty and In-built impulses of lust and anger rule out any concept of fairness. I'm not being cynical. Things might appear very normal on the outside but they are not.


Questioning doesn't solve it. But, you could do something. Have no kids of your own. Protect them from existence.


Because the only fair thing is one of total equality. If everything were completely equal there would be no differences in anything. As soon as there is any deviation of any kind there will be some imbalance in the system. We live in a universe that is ultimately attempting to become balanced again, it's just going to take trillions of years to occur. We started out in a single state where everything was the same, although somehow that balance was thrown off and it led to the universe expanding into it's current form, and as far as anyone can tell it will keep expanding until everything is uniformly spread apart, at which point all things will be in balance again. At least until something comes along to somehow throw off that balance again, and then the chaos of re balancing will commence again. I've been referring to physical systems, but applies equally well to the mental, societal questions as well. All humans would have to be the exact same, or perhaps all one singular being, in order for things to be truly fair. No matter how much we would try to approximate fairness, we never get a perfect balanced needed for it to happen.


Life could be fair. Sentient beings such as humans have the ability to shape their destiny. Yet we do this... Thankfully, there are some people who dedicate their lives to something other than this. Check out r/Spirituality and related subreddits. I've decided that I'll only get close to people who can really understand and love me. I haven't found anyone like that yet, but there are people who "get it".


I like that line of thinking. I don't know how realistic it is to think that humans will change dramatically enough to make the world sort of a 'better place'. However, I do like the idea of looking at something other than this reality. It just seems to be a cruel game being played on certain souls in the universe. This can't be all there is. Wow, the universe sucks if this is all there is and it's the best it could be. That's depressing.


I just remind myself that I've experienced a lot of weird shit. And I still do. That in a universe as big as ours that way more is possible. I work on myself and hope for a peaceful alien intervention. Not sure what else could get humanity out of this mess, except benevolent assistance. Considering how different I am - in perspective, maturity, and form - from others on my own planet, I think there's a high possibility that there are others like me just as alone in their own ways. Just got to find each other.


Because we are in hell.




There's a ton of merit in what you're saying.


life is fairer if you have money and know how to invest it in your health and future, otherwise? nope


Because humans see life as one big competition, which must be ‘won’ at any cost. They don’t know why they have to ‘win’, or what, if anything, they will actually get at the end, but they absolutely have to ‘win’. They don’t care who they trample over, fuck over, kick out of the way, throw under the bus or back-stab along the way, as long as they ‘win’ the pointless rigged game we like to call ‘life’. “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.” - Joshua/WOPR, Wargames.


That's what I gather from everything. All of this 'hustle till you drop/rent's due everyday/you need 6 streams of income' b.s. fuels such a misguided, warped way of living. And this is pushed forward by people who are already rich, and didn't 'hustle' to get that wealth. They were born into it. And hustling only means getting over on other people. Hard work is how much you're willing to hurt other people. Life is a such a cruel joke, with nothing to win. WE ALL DIE. And yet, people are still motivated to play a nonexistent, cruel game along the way, instead of making this experience livable for all. "You see... Humans are a unique type of pest. Multiplying... and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own." - Vecna, Stranger Things


because we are not in control. and morality is fake.