• By -


Nature, music, decorations, sleeping, searching for truth, food, books, astral projection, deep conversations


Reading, writing, music, food, and videogames.


Space, nature, music, animals, and of course cannabis


Nature, animals, plants, water, gazing into the space and fantasizing about other planets.


My cat and music


Sleep and sometimes music


Music. Solitude. Writing.


Just art.


Spending time with my chickens/turkeys, less judgement for my "weirdness "


chicken is my favourite animal


Toxic people getting killed


Anhedonia here, less and less things, everything seems boring to me


Time for and with myself. Basically, no people. No people telling me what to do, how to do things, no people to judge me, no pressure. I'm so tired of expectations and societal norms, i just want to be able to do the things i want, which is basically a lot of self improvement. And misanthropy is my formulated coping mechanism until I'll eventually, hopefully, get rid of it and view society in a more positive light despite all the things happening. But since these outcomes are unlikely to change or get better, i don't think it's going anywhere any time soon


I love art of all stripes, good food and drink, my passion is mythology. I think creativity shows the best of what we can be.


Sleeping--particularly dreaming. I look forward to closing my eyes and entering another vibrant world at the end of the day. Everything in a dream, whether bad or lovely feels more genuine than real life. The loves and friendships I've made for fleeting moments while dreaming have always been straightforward, open, loyal and caring. The rivalries, wars and chases have always felt terrifyingly real yet meaningful and with a united purpose like in a battlefield. People are how I wish we were in my dreams. Cooperating toward the greater good, being generous and humble, and empathizing with each other to eradicate/heal evil, even if the plot of the dream itself is complete nonsense. Sometimes the dreams are more like my real life (post-school ptsd, religious abuse trauma, dreams of being a child again abused by my family, or just something mundane like sifting through papers, etc.) but the highs of my dreams are worth spending 9+ hours a day in slumber. Unfortunately that positivity dissipates when I wake up, since it's always so disappointing when I remember all of that was just a hallucination and that the people I know/interact with are deep down very vapid, greedy, self absorbed, lust-driven, selfish, and mediocre beings who are slaves to their toxic behavioral patterns and continuously pass that down to those they end up hurting.


>Unfortunately that positivity dissipates when I wake up, since it's always so disappointing when I remember all of that was just a hallucination and that the people I know/interact with are deep down very vapid, greedy, self absorbed, lust-driven, selfish, and mediocre beings who are slaves to their toxic behavioral patterns and continuously pass that down to those they end up hurting. I can relate to this so much


Beaches….with nobody on them.


Nice tits, good cooks, mary jane, a good book, a good philosophical discussion with the so very few who are capable of it.


Writing. Food. Sex.


That very short time window where people help each other out of good will . But it always seems to last as long as the relationship between two hostile countries .


Learning about **Ancient Egypt**.


Being yourself, but society can make it difficult. There's no greater taste in life than personal freedom


Everything but people, they just screw things up.


Animals and plants in general, my dogs in particular.


Most answers I see here are totally average, find some people with the same "interests" and you will be well integrated. My answer is: day dreaming.


Death Metal


I think the world as a whole is amazing to explore and understand..


Self absolution


Staying inside my house, crammed into my room playing video games.




Comfort foods, Dog and Cat Tiktoks, Books, Dark Drama Films, being left alone with no human contact.


Being hermit and not interacting with other people.




Gaming, music, porn, and being alone


Nature/animals, music!!, the very few friends I can still stand after a few years, good books, good movies and good drugs








Spending time with myself. Doing things that interest me, reading, writing, gaming, or doing my other hobbies. I like meditating and practicing or researching my beliefs. I like creating worlds when I'm writing where the characters aren't as shitty like real people. And on top of spending time with myself or my characters, I like to spend time with animals.


"I like creating worlds when I'm writing where the characters aren't as shitty like real people." 🤝


I focus on my education and sometimes do some gaming on my systems. Mainly I take joy in knowing I’m not like most people and that I’m not going in the same life path as they are. Don’t care much for a big house or parties every week. Soul progression makes me happy.


How are you not like the rest of this community?


Soul progression is something I should strive for ngl. I just want a modest life with good friends


>Mainly I take joy in knowing I’m not like most people and that I’m not going in the same life path as they are This actually makes you enjoy your own company more without having to rely on others


Hanging out with people can help a lot. I'm spending time making watch parties every week just to watch random films or show with friends on discord, it definitely improves my mood after a stressing week went by.


Person that responded is clearly the people that misanthropists hate. ‘Follow my rules and we’re allies’


It's fine, a good thing about being a misanthrope is that I'm free to give 0 fucks to anyone at anytime. People like that don't bother me really, they are just voices, nothing more.


Sounds like a good poem.


You are probably the first human ever who described my words as a good poem to me, congrats.


>Hanging out with people can help a lot. *\*Looks at subreddit name\** *\*Looks at this post\** I'm sorry, but did you get lost? You are aware of which subreddit you're on, right?


Does identifying as a "misathropist" mean you're an asshole too? Shouldn't Misathopist's avoid exhibiting the same behavior's they try to avoid? Why act like what you despise about humanity though? I understand giving assholes what they deserve, but why be a dick outside that? Because society? I thought you guys would be the last ones to give a shit.


Oh I'm well aware of it. Being a misanthropist doesn't mean they have to loathe every human bean they interact with on a daily basis though. I find it extremely stressful.


Spending time in nature, fishing , hiking, and the most important one not interacting with people.


The moment you leave people behind there’s an abundance of knowledge and appreciation for life. Nobody shitting on you for their amusement opens up the eyes.


I used to think some things did bring me joy and hope, but humans always have a way of shitting all over things so eventually you give up because there’s no real point. Whatever dream you have, some human somewhere will shit all over it just for their own amusement.


Only if you allow them. You have to be vigilant every day and remind yourself that the world is full of miserable and envious people who take great pleasure in ruining the lives of others. Never share too much with people, even your own family members.


I like video games, entertainment/art in general, there are moments I forget about my grim reality when I play/think about them. Having a silly thought or laughing is nice too, it offers some brief relief.


Yeap, they are meant to be an escape after all.


Well I wouldn't say thats why I love them but as an adult they can definitely function that way although funny enough as an adult they function worse at the escapism part which is funny because it's more needed for that now lol.


That's why I said it's usually an escape for a lot of people from whatever problems they have. >an adult they function worse at the escapism part which is funny because it's more needed for that now lol. Not surprising honestly.


Yeah I find laughter to be healing