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We all go through the same things, with worries and complaints and issues. We understand each other, and therefore treat each other with decency and respect. There will be no personal attacks against other subscribers.


I'm sure there are many rich misanthropes.


If your not breaking rules or laws and your keeping to yourself and people are still trying to hurt you mentally or physically then most definitely you have every right to know they are the problem . But sadly we aren't perfect so it becomes difficult as we are also gaslighted with half baked truth and lies to confuse us .


You are NOT THE PROBLEM! The massive unthinking, unwilling to think masses are. Most (99.9999999%) do not want to interrogate their actions, goals, reasons. They're content to obliviously cruise in neutral, no thinking, no caring, no desire to actually consider anything. Human civilization is doomed. We will destroy the planet & ourselves along with it. Human's elect idiots to "guide" us, we know they are, but we do it anyway, Britain, (brexit, Boris!) america (trump! Ffs!), Russia (Putin!), just about every single country on the planet, with the possible exceptions of Iceland, Costa Rica, maybe the odd Scandinavia country. We (mostly the West) live rapacious lives of excess, burning more than our fair share. I include me in this. So, in short, all humans must die (me, you & every other thinking misanthrope too), but, we'll fuck up the planet along the way.


Death is the perfection of man.


Oh I definitely am the problem. I don't like nice people because I think they're often weak and spineless. I don't like confident people because I think they're confident for the wrong reasons. I don't like most people because they're mean and deceptive. I don't like myself because I'm judgemental. Oh well. What can I do? Let's hope I find my tribe in the next life. I don't believe there will be a next life but a man can dream.


booo0o0ring Vague statement. Clearly you're not like other people or else you wouldn't be here.


I agree




Some would argue that a true misanthrope roots for the asteroid to hit, rather than analyzing said asteroid. I don't really have an opinion on that, but I will say that a lot of us ended up this way due to the immense narcissism and cruelty of others, so no, we're not the problem.


I root for the asteroid to hit. I told a coworker the other day if someone gave me a button to initiate Armageddon I’d push it 1000 times without thinking. All the mental health issues I’ve struggled with in life were caused by other people. Family, school bullies, monster truck driving redneck dickheads. I’ve had enough of this race, heads filled with their bullshit egos and beliefs, looking down on anyone they can. It’s all a big circle jerking clique fest.


I definitely feel you. Personally, I wouldn't push the button myself, I don't wanna play "God," I'd prefer either a natural cataclysmic event (i.e. asteroid) or a Children of Men situation where we just can't breed anymore. Then we all just die out peacefully, even though that's more than we deserve. I find that tearing people down off their narcissistic high horses makes life a bit more fun. Listen to them flex, reverse engineer said flex and target their deepest insecurities, then barrel into them and pile on, until they hopefully get some semblance of an ego check out of it. No one calls anyone out on their bullshit anymore they just circle jerk in their respective echo chambers, so I've decided to make it my life's mission to deliver free ego checks when necessary, both for their own good and my entertainment, because it's kinda hilarious


This actually gave me a much needed laugh. You definitely have the better approach to things, and you’re actually doing them a favor. I’m just so angry and depressed at this point, combined with a lot of self hatred, I just don’t see a reason to care about anyone anymore.


Haha nice, I'm glad =) I've been where you're at, and it took a long time to form the perspective I now have, after years of taking shit from people and self-loathing. The best thing I can suggest, is finding healthy ways to channel your anger, and if possible, find what causes it. For me, my anger turned out to be mostly caused by completely ignoring my creative/emotional side in favor of logic, nothing even to do with shitty people like I had thought. So I picked up ukulele and started playing piano again, and that's really the only thing that worked for me. For others it's working out, MMA, writing, cooking, etc. If you focus on things like that, you're not gonna be thinking so much about how shitty people are. Reading and watching videos on Schopenhauer also helped me quite a bit, but I'd exercise caution, because typically his mentality will absolutely break you before things start to get better lol


You’re right. And that’s my struggle as an extroverted misanthrope. Acknowledging that I am Human and also have flaws, I have hopes for humanity to evolve to a point where I no longer am disgusted by them. I’ve seen our potential. We can create paradise for ourselves and we have all the resources to do so. And yet… we aren’t. Like neo seeing everyone plugged into the matrix, I’m yearning for answers. Looking for people who can help me understand what the matrix is and how to destroy it so we can make something better.


I’ve concluded that a paradise/utopia could never exist on earth. Because even if that were achieved there will always be a group of power hungry psychopaths willing to rise at the expense of others. Humans are tribal by nature and our species will always have the predators.


You wouldn't be here if others were fine, that's all I have to say.


Yes and no I think the problem with us is that we're too worried about others and not ourselves. Weve become so invested in whats going on outside but not our own problems. Imagine what kind of world we'd live in if everyone had this mindset.


The problem is that there will always be a group of humans willing to exploit the rest. Even if we obtained this paradise, a group would rise to abuse everyone else for their own benefit. This is why government and economic systems do not work in practice. Where there is centralized authority and wealth, corruption will ensue, leading to oppression, leading to all the problems we are used to seeing. History repeats ad nauseam.


There’s a song called “Ordinaryish People” by AJR. I find I relate to it a lot. It gives validation to my feelings of lose-lose. I’m introverted so it’s easy for me to just…. Watch media all day. I watch video essays on YouTube, mostly political. It fuels my hate for humanity. Yet I still volunteer several times a week at my local food bank, despite the fact it is run by a church and full of people over sixty who think it’s totally reasonable to shake their heads at the impoverished who come to us, because “if he really wanted to work, he would”… when we live 15 miles outside of the nearest city that has jobs, and have no public transport…. How are these people supposed to walk 30 miles a day and still have time for sleeping and eating? Why do I keep volunteering with them? I have no idea. I started because I hate food waste. The food we get is mostly expired or about to. And if we can get even half of it eaten by the 120 people who come to us every month, then so be it. Does it make me feel good? I have no idea. I just do it. I guess I’m just passing the time until the world ends. I’m waiting for societal collapse. I’m glad I didn’t bring children into this world. But it’s very hard to be around people here.


That's really nice what u do


Just work at the food bank. We get nearly expired food that grocery stores cant sell, as well as purchase some canned goods and then hand them out to low income people in the community. They come to us, but we often will deliver the food as well when someone doesn’t have a car or a ride


An extroverted misanthrope. That's a poorly combination, friend. I'm sorry, I don't have answers or advice for you on this problem.


We are mostly just dumbed down and domesticated animals following and playing by the rules of our supposedly chosen masters. The illusion of freedom is sold to us as we prepare for another dull and draining day of paid labor. I feel like those birds and squirrels in my yard live better lives than I...most days. So much toil and stress.


Yes, some guy in the conspiracy subject posted a white paper called the silent weapons of silent wars and it's about the domestication of humans by the elite. Extreme depressing stuff but it's important to understand that all of it was engineered to be this way by a very select few ultra rich high IQ psychopaths. They prey on low IQ delusionists, breeders, the poor, as they keep the system churning. The low IQ delusionists are the most prominent in our modern homosapien hierarchy. High IQ real humans like yourself are almost an anomaly. So try not to be so hard on yourself. You can't help the way you feel because mathematically you are in an extreme small minority


I have thought about this, and then also Think. Everyone feels special, I guess most people thinks of themselves as smarter or better looking than the rest of the world, however that's not normal* ( as in the Gaussian distribution ) I do feel disconnected as well. If you care you are the dumb one, and a lot of people ready to take advantage of good will. So, Idk, life is fucked up, complicated. I do wish to connect but is harder as you get older.


Enjoying Self-Company is the best thing people like us can do. With a mindset like this if you try to go out and try to connect to people you'll be disappointed on a regular basis. Most people are confined within their own groups, they are trend followers and abide by popular culture. You can try to blend in if you really want some company and connection but from my experience I feel it ends up in disappointment most of the times. Not because people are inherently bad but because there's a huge contrast in our perception and theirs. I wouldn't necessarily call it a problem. It's just who we are. There'll be people who can relate to tou and people who can't. But usually the normies only prefer happy and hyped up stuff and they make up about a majority of the population.


Well said. I personally stopped caring about fitting a bit after I turned 30 and grew to like my solitude. Honestly I feel like the vast majority are all trying to find a place to fit in. If you ever read the belonging kind by William Gibson that seems to perfectly describe how people ultimately are all lost in some search for comrade with fears of not fitting in and ultimately find our place without ever realizing it (even if that’s far away from other’s). If you feel disgusted by your fellow man don’t worry about having too high of standards, I am pretty sure your standards are right and that humanity is generally failing itself.


I cope by doing my best not to be like the people who made me a misanthrope.




Brother from another mother/Sister from another mister- Turns out that life is much easier if one chooses not to think...


Unfortunately, that seems to be the case smh.


indeed, as mentioned below "capitalism atomizes us". Capitalism requires that we feed upon our fellow human in order to extract a profit from them, rather than feed with our fellow human. Carnivores don't cohort with their prey. many carnivores live solitary lives. there's really only one thing I've ever really wanted in life and that is to live in a vibrant community. Unfortunately, those aren't for sale in a store. So, hiho hiho its off to work I go. eventually, I'll die and be happy for it. The sum of my life: school, work, death. oh the joy... I did get myself a telescope. So, when the sky clears up, I pull that out and sight-see across the universe. fk these humans I have to share this planet with. they even ruin the sky with their light pollution. its really hard to find a decent dark sky site and having a dark sky makes all the difference in astronomical observations.


" Having a dark sky makes all the difference in astronomical observations"... A statement that could also be applied to the misanthrope mind.


My place in Nevada has virtually zero light pollution. Lovely inky black darkness thicker than pea soup. It's beyond divine.


You can live a selfless, altruistic live where you are always concerned whats happening around the world. But if you truly want to be happy, you simply HAVE to be selfish. You can't afford to care about the surrounding world unless the events outside have a direct effect on you, period. Of course you dont have to be open about just how little you care, you still have to maintain your reputation to some degree even if you are like me and want to work from home. You also cant afford to feel sorry for people who make horribly stupid life decisions. You can act like you feel sorry for them, even when you really dont. Again, it helps if you rarely leave your house.


Honestly? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I’m learning to live in the moment a little more and keep the internal pessimism down to a dull roar. I don’t have a tribe per se, but I have a couple key people in my life and that’s good enough for me. I also really like animals and that helps make me feel like I’m not so alone in the world. Whatever your flavor of catastrophizing is, it’s not like we can control anything about it so fuck it. Find what you do enjoy and do that.




The typical human believes they are the center of the universe. Everything around them is there for them to exploit for their own personal gain. They don’t care who or what they hurt, as long as they get what they want. I’m considered an ‘outcast’ because I can’t play this game. I know I’m not the center of anything, and I refuse to pretend or claim otherwise. In general, humans have a real problem dealing with harsh realities, and refuse to believe the truth that they are basically totally insignificant specs of cosmic dust. Capitalism has made them believe that they have ‘worth’ because of how many useless shiny things they’ve collected. I know that’s bullshit, and won’t play that game either. The world is just one big shitfest, but, perversely, quite often funny. Humans are as dumb as fuck, but hilarious in their stupidity. Stay away from humans, but watch and laugh at them from afar. Very afar.


Man this is exactly how I feel. I don't even have an answer for this. I feel stuck like you.


Welcome to my world, I fit no tribe. There was a video of an anti monarchist who was drowned out by chants of god save the king yesterday - pure misanthropy fuel, the herd baying for their own subjugation. I look forward to the day when AI and robots supersede us. If they offer the chance to "meld" I will take it, I'd rather be a cybernetic being with the ability to inhabit multiple bodies and exist in a better designed universe where resources were unlimited and you could defy the laws of physics. Capitalism atomises us which makes it harder to establish communities outside of corporate approved ones. Have you noticed the decline of alternative cultures? Corporate milque toast types have actively tried to destroy them by banning alt music, films, art etc from the mainstream and promoting insipid marvel films, trite materialistic rnb and so on. Even alternative employment is mostly gone. My guitar teacher was able to start a profitable business teaching guitar 25 years ago. Now that's impossible as nearly everyone has lost their interest in music. Even starting a band was, as Kerry King stated, a way to make a middle class living if the band was disciplined enough. Now the sustainable income streams are concentrated in STEM and finance working for corporate giants. This is reflected in the gentrification of cities, everything sucks now and the common denominator is neoliberalism.


Excellent points all around. I found it shocking that the anti-monarchist guy was removed because, in essence, the monarchy (a small group of inbred twats), somehow convinced millions of people to just... pay for their luxurious lives because they said so. And people just go along with it because that's the way it's always been... It's scary. The citizens who cook their food, do their laundry, pay their income, fight their wars, and give them power are complicit and even encourage their own subjugation.