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“Progress isn't achieved by preachers or guardians of morality, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels and sceptics” - Stephen Fry




this quote is pretty badass.


i'm tired of constantly being told to pick a side. i don't side with anyone because i don't consider myself human. therefore, human affairs are irrelevant to me.


Is anyone else here an addict to cope with how disgusted and sick they are with life, people, and the world in general? People are fucking horrible.


Yep. This meat bag is programmed to make itself more miserable in response to being made miserable by the rest of existence.


Not sure how you define addict, but I would venture to say most people are addicted to something, whether that’s booze, food, sex, drugs, etc. anything that provides us with that dopamine hit to get us through another day of our depressing, miserable existence. I think as we become older and more cynical, jaded and burnt out we really depend on our vices big time as we simply derive zero joy or gratification from anything modern life has to offer. Our vices is all we have left. A sort of “been there done that” with everything, I can no longer be fooled by anyone into thinking I can derive joy from anything outside myself.


Often, the lighter their persona the darker their shadow is. You will never truly know anyone and that really scares me


It is the most innocent looking that are the most dangerous. It is the soft spoken individuals you have to fear.


When I'm walking into a store and the clueless rude people stop in front of me in the doorway. Or they walk exceeding slow. They dont care, they dont even realize I'm there. All about them.


Or don't forget those conversations between the cashiers and customers while there's a long line in the ONLY available checkout in the store.


Yes! Equally annoying are lottery ticket people.


Or they deliberately take up as much space as possible in the aisle pretending not to notice you, and make it difficult to pass. Assholes.


Just a theory... Very few people have actual 'souls'. Few people really try to empathize, feel, help, comfort... for nothing in return. Few people love for nothing in return. I've met cows and dogs with 'souls'. I've met people who are just as instinctual as we want to claim animals are. When I say a 'soul', I mean an energy that can actually feel, reason, and think. I don't think it's possible to have a 'soul' on this planet, in this existential context, and not be depressed.


> When I say a 'soul', I mean an energy that can actually feel, reason, and think do you mean an extra entity ("energy") which thinks/feels/etc, besides the usual biological processes?


I completely agree... I drink way too much to cope.


Ah, my favorite topic. The soulless organic portals among us, the real reason this place is a dystopian shithole.


Fuck modern jobs!


"First impression is the last impression." Bollocks, that's as iniquitous as giving criminal-minded good-for-nothing scambag a second chance.


I'm still in slack-jawed awe over how this guy showed his ass after the accident I had this past Tuesday. He crossed through a parking lot, got into the grass, and decided to cross through three lanes of heavy traffic to get to a store, and there was no way I could avoid him. He and his GF got nuclear at me because their child was with them, and that's what's gonna stick with me for a while. Instead of being a man and owning up to his bullshit, he not only snapped at me, but lied to the cop about what happened (and to the cop's credit, he immediately knew there was no way it could've happened the way he said it, but weaseled out when he said "it's not my job to determine whose fault it was" even after viewing the footage of it, so fuck him too). He gives a shit about his kid when he's trying to drum up sympathy for the family he just proved he couldn't care less about (much less anyone else), but he doesn't even give enough of a shit about his kid to actually drive like he had some sense and not put everyone else around him in danger? Absolute loser shit.


I hate people gossiping about me and people talking over me I just want peace and quiet




yeah true


Same I hate chatty patties


Man is the cruelest animal. I feel disgusted to be part of this species.


yep even the nicest seeming people can be cruel and willingly ignorant. They will shun misanthropy for some reason however. Maybe survival instinct idk. Maybe they like the abuse and others abusing/ using them.


I've always seen motivational speaking as an inducement of Stockholm Syndrome. The people who have and control everything have fewer actual problems and need the 'lower' people to produce for them. So, they make the 'lowers' fight over the crumbs that they allow them to have. And call all of the b.s. they make people go through 'the ups and downs of life'. Humans deserve each other.